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[discussion, kinda] Possibly leaving the fandom? My experiences with almost getting a fursuit...

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 12:43

Hi! Very new to reddit!! Anyway, here goes: So, I'm here to talk about my experiences with coming very close to getting a fursuit, and maybe leaving the fandom after doing so... I'm not writing this to get attention, I'm curious if you guys have had any similar experiences , advice, or whatevers. This is gonna get kinda long but I appreciate anyone who reads through the full thing!! Hopefully this will help someone out!

So, I should start by saying I'm still 17, am in school, and live at home. About 2 months back, I had been wanting a fursuit, like, pretty badly. I had a lot saved up in my savings, slightly over $700, from a part-time job I had worked for a few months. I don't work there any more, but have had the money in my account for a long time. This was a lot of money for me, and my parents had never really mentioned how I should spend my money. I mean, I earned it, I'm a pretty finally responsible person, plus I had never been told what I was or was not allowed to spend this money on. Now, I hadn't saved up specifically for the purposes of a fursuit, but it had been on my mind a little bit. I've always been quite a fan of costuming and cosplay, and I'd seen fursuits online and whatnot, and was absolutely amazed and intrigued. Those of you who enjoy fursuiting may understand my feelings here. I've been to a few comic-con style conventions (including Comic-con) but have never been to a furry convention. At said comic convetions, I'd cosplay as characters from movies and video games, etc. and absolutely loved it! So, naturally, I figured a fursuit would be a seriously fun way to cosplay, right? I had also wanted to attend furry conventions with it, do some furmeets, etc.

Now, initially, I was seriously turned off to the idea of suits being so ridiculously expensive, (I mean, there are people who are spending like, north of $5,000, that's seriously a large inventment). I knew that if I did spend money, I'd want to get something nice for pretty cheap, which is next to impossible. I told myself I wouldn't ever go higher than $300 because I needed to have fun, yet still make financially responsible decisions with the rest of my money. So, after about 3 weeks of scanning all kind of furry selling sites and ebay, I had finally found one. At about $250, this was a partial suit that looked damn good for the price. Everything seemed to be super nice! I had discussed it with a few friends (who aren't furry) and had been sorta neutral about the whole thing, but didn't really care. One night, I had actually accidentally left the ebay link open on my computer, and my parents came downstairs and saw it. The next morning, I could tell they were a little bit weird-ed out, but not extremely opposed in any way. My dad had made a little remark like "so, that's what you're gonna get with your money huh? Alright, I mean, whatever man". Not directly opposing but sort of an, "Eh, I mean, I find that weird, but I mean it's your interests" kind of thing. My parents had never stated that I shouldn't in any way. Neither of them seemed to be to opposed, which is what really struck me odd about what happened next. Let me continue by saying my parents are really great people, and are almost always on-board and supportive with my interests and hobbies. They're really supportive people and actually sheltered me a tad too much in my really early years, and now they've kinda let me more independent. They themselves are fairly nerdy and know that I've been a furry for a little while, to which they've shown no opposition whatsoever. They actually said it was kind of cool. (I'm telling you this so you can get a little perspective as to what happens next, not to boast or brag...)

So, after that, I had actually placed an ebay bid for the fursuit around midday. I mean, it's my own personal money, I had worked hard and given it my all to obtain this money, I felt that I could use a portion of it to buy a fun eccentric costume. I mean, I earned it, and had already saved and purchased any necessities, I had a really good plan for college and my future, so I figured, why not? But that's when all hell broke loose.

Later that evening, I had casually mentioned the bid to my parents, and they were completely freaked out and shocked. I mean, that's the best word I can use to describe it, they just looked at me like I had told them I was joining a cult. They told me to go upstairs, and I heard them talking to each other, "I'm not okay with that...what the hell?" and "Should we freeze his account?" They had then walked upstairs, and proceeded to ask me why I would do this. I told them the reasons, and they just looked at me in the same way they had before. Like I said, they're usually super supportive, which is why this came off as such a shock. I could tell my dad really was upset. "Look, that was so disrespectful to us you'd do something like that. We don't work this hard for you to spend your money on dumb sh-- like this!" He then proceeded, "YOU ARE NOT A F---ING FOX!! You are a young man! You're taking this furry thing way to freaking far! You need to get out of those dumb drawings and grow up!" My mom also nodded her head in agreement. I was visibly upset but held back tears. After this, they had then given the "you're-not-being-responsible/grow-up" parent lecture (I'm sure at least some of you guys have heard this before), and went to bed. Now, there was no physical violence or abuse in this situation, just a lot of shouting (I don't want you guys to get the wrong idea here). Regardless, that last statement really hit me emotionally in my core for some reason. I'm not a therian, and don't truly believe I'm a fox, that's not why I'm a furry (not disrespect to anyone who is a therian or otherkin, I love all of you). The fact that my dad said to "grow up" and that "My art was dumb" led me to respond how being furry, and fursuiting is really popular, lots of people own one, it's a fun outlet for freedom of expression, and so on. He didn't care whatsoever, and kinda scoffed it off. In the end, some else ended up bidding on the suit, and I didn't win, which I told them. We haven't talked about it ever since. I was partially glad and partially upset about not winning, however.

From a parental perspective, I can sort-of understand where they were coming from. I mean, I can understand that it can come off as quite strange when your son comes up and shows you a big floofy fox head he ordered. They understand that as a teen I can go through phases and didn't want me to spend money on what they felt was dumb stuff. Regardless though, I had saved up this money in my own account, with my own hard work. I was never told how, where, or on what to spend this money, and felt that I had the right to spend it, yet not excessively, on what I pleased. I mean, it would be different if I had taken money from my college account or from my parents' savings, but I didn't.

So, I just felt that they turned this genuine concern for me into blatant disrespect and anger. Screaming "YOU ARE NOT A F--KING FOX" and essentially criticizing and calling my art dumb really upset me, as both an artist and a furry. I was pretty much forced out of the fandom by my parents, and now whenever I want to draw furry art (or wear the tail I own) I have to do it in secret. This had led me to be much less active within the fandom, and overall I feel kind of ashamed or that I have to hide this part of myself around others. I don't want that, ya know? This fandom is all about being oneself and freedom of expression, not hiding away in some room trying to draw while my parents aren't home. And, I still occasionally do stuff online, but it again feels like I truly have to hide being furry, even though I'm on my phone/laptop. I mean, I love this fandom! We're all about having fun, creating, freedom to express ourselves, having fun, and sharing our creations with others! It's awesome, I don't want to leave! I don't think it's just for children, or that it's some dumb, juvenile obsession like my parents believe. Yes it's odd, and I totally respect other's opinion to think that, but at the same time, this whole event really broke this fluffy, fun part of me down...I just, don't know if I can continue being a furry with such disapproval constantly shining down upon me, ya know?

So, yeah. That's my story + thoughts. Sorry to end it on such a negative note, but yeah...What do you all think? Do you think my parents were totally justified in their response, or am I totally justified in owning a fursuit, and spending the money how I felt? I'd love to hear all your thoughts or similar stories, and how you dealt with it all. :3

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, I know it's ridiculously long!

[EDIT: Please understand I'm not trying to ask if the decision was financially smart or not. In the end, there's probably a lot of other stuffs out there to buy, I recognize that it was a large investment. Regardless, I'm trying to raise a discussion more about the reaction, not about the initial purchase :3 Thanks!]

submitted by Ga1axy_Wo1f
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Categories: News

Don't you just love skype? [Part 2]

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 12:10

Part 1

So I was added by someone with a Snivy for a pic. The next morning, it changed to a stock pic of a female lawyer. Dis Gon B Gud.

And yes, I know it's a troll.

[6/21/2015 8:36:04 PM] *** Pascal The Otter has shared contact details with Meredith Grey. ***

[6/21/2015 8:36:13 PM] Pascal The Otter: Who this?

[6:19:46 AM] Mere_: Greetings. I am Meredith Grey, the lawyer appointed to you by the Kentucky Law Administration. I've heard you've been having some copyright problems? Well don't worry. I'll take care of everything in exchange for a small fee.

Kentucky Law Administration? That doesn't exist.

[6:21:06 AM] Meredith Grey: But in all honesty, you know this could have all been avoided by simply not naming your imaginary character a name that is obviously copyrighted, right?

I did. Oh, And she changed her name.

[6:50:10 AM] Meredith Grey: I also want to note that my current service rate is 49.99 per half an hour and you've wasted 50 bucks already bub

[7:23:36 AM] Meredith Grey: Up to 100 bucks now bub. I would suggest you change your sona's name already but it's too late for that. You've already accepted a life of crime and there's no going back! Fear the law.

[7:44:22 AM] Meredith Grey: it's... yawn been another 30 minutes... 150 you owe now bub... fear the law and stuff

I didn't even sign a contract.

[9:41:48 AM] Pascal The Otter: 10/10 troll

[9:47:18 AM] Pascal The Otter: It even says your male in your profile

[11:33:56 AM] Meredith Grey: I'm trans you genderist bastard

[11:34:07 AM] Meredith Grey: and I'm not a troll >:c

Yeah, cause layers use Skype to contact clients. And use emoticons.

[11:34:26 AM] Meredith Grey: I just want to protect Pascal from creepos trying to steal his name

[11:34:45 AM] Pascal The Otter: I'm not trying to impersonate him.

[11:35:22 AM] Meredith Grey: tell that to the judge bub

[11:35:31 AM] Meredith Grey: let's see how much money you owe me now

[11:35:57 AM | Edited 11:36:05 AM] Pascal The Otter: The Kentucky Law Administration isn't even a thing

[11:36:09 AM] Meredith Grey: 7:19... 12:35.... 5 hours... 10 x 50... 5000 bucks?

[11:36:23 AM] Meredith Grey: yes it Is and I'm part of it >:c

[11:36:30 AM] Pascal The Otter: Show me proof of you being a lawyer

[11:36:34 AM] Meredith Grey: why does no one take us seriously anymore D,:

[11:36:44 AM] Pascal The Otter: BECAUSE YOUR NOT REAL

[11:37:04 AM] Meredith Grey: ok

[11:37:09 AM] Meredith Grey: here is another picture of me

[11:37:16 AM] Meredith Grey: aren't I a sexy beast?

[11:37:39 AM] Pascal The Otter: THATS A FUCKING STOCK PHOTO

[11:37:52 AM | Edited 11:38:01 AM] Pascal The Otter: LAWERS DONT EVEN TALK LIKE THAT

[11:38:52 AM] Meredith Grey: you should know that because of all the lawyers you've talked to after all that copyright infringement, huh? You know otters have copyright too you sick fuck >:c

[11:39:05 AM] Pascal The Otter: oh ffs

[11:39:18 AM] Meredith Grey: and yes I'm just that beautiful, people want to use pictures of me as stock photos

[11:39:26 AM] Pascal The Otter: If you were a lawyer you would contact me via email

[11:40:19 AM] Meredith Grey: I couldn't find your email through Skype, mmk? I'm not a tech savvy person

[11:40:29 AM] Meredith Grey: stop making fun of me for my disabilities!

[11:40:36 AM] Meredith Grey: you can get sued for that you know.

I have a feeling she has a tumblr.

[11:41:30 AM] Pascal The Otter: Will you stop the bullshit? I'm not changing my fursona's name

[11:42:41 AM] Pascal The Otter: That's final

[11:42:46 AM] Meredith Grey: all right, that's what I hoped for ^^ Now can we get down to business and discuss the tactics you are looking for me to impose as a lawyer?

[11:42:52 AM] Meredith Grey: Pascal is a very aggressive man

[11:43:20 AM] Meredith Grey: I know him, we used to work together! anyway he's not going to take your stubbornness very well.

[11:43:30 AM] Pascal The Otter: You said he has a copyright, Can I see the document?

[11:43:40 AM] Pascal The Otter: Proof of his copyright?

[11:44:21 AM] Meredith Grey: yeah ok

[11:44:26 AM] Meredith Grey: it's here in my system files

[11:44:34 AM] Meredith Grey: hold on for a moment please sir?

[11:46:21 AM] Meredith Grey: okay I have it

[11:46:29 AM] Meredith Grey: I will fax it over to you shortly


[11:47:29 AM] Meredith Grey: I hope I have proven my point.

[11:47:48 AM] Pascal The Otter: Oh ffs, i'm done talking to you

[11:47:51 AM] Meredith Grey: Are you willing to work with me now sir? Our tactic is of great importance.

[11:48:00 AM] *** Pascal The Otter blocked Meredith Grey ***

submitted by RocketJumpingOtter
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Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 10:45
Categories: News

Looking to make some furriends... =)

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 10:34

I said my introduction post and made to feel very welcome. One thing I'd love to do is get chatting and make some new furriends. So if you wanna then please feel free to PM me! =)

I'm 21, m, bi, black lab. I wish I had a ref pic but currently don't =3

submitted by FurryMyke
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Categories: News

Pride in Furry Mecca – Viral views for Zootopia – Crushing on foxes – Newsdump (6/22/15)

Dogpatch Press - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 10:27
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Tips are always welcome.  ____________________________ Media and Fandom News _____________________________ On June 28, San Francisco Pride is going to be awesome for furries! The Bay Area Furries are all ready to march in the parade.  Pride is the height of street fair season in “Furry Mecca”.  It’s […]
Categories: News

Tsarin's Monastery Animated

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 10:02
Categories: News

Draw this again. Style change.

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 10:00
Categories: News

Let's spread some ink!

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 09:36
Categories: News

The Joys Of Being Furry

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 07:25
Categories: News

. . . .

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 07:03

.... .. -·-·-- .. -- -.-- -. .- -- . .. ... ... -.-. .-. ..- ..-. ..-. -.-- ·-·-·- .... --- .-- .- .-. . -.-- --- ..- ··--··

-. --- - . > . -. .--- --- -.-- .- -. -.. .--. .-.. . .- ... . .-- .-. .. - . .. -. -- --- .-. ... .

submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun
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Categories: News

I'm so sorry...

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 06:12

...for adding you guys on skype and never ever speaking to you. I do like to talk but when the moment actually comes I tend to drift off.

submitted by pussyperv
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Categories: News

Due to the recent dramatic event on this subreddit, what are some other dramatic events that have happened here?

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 05:07

I know people just want to ignore it and have it go away and usually I do, but due to that recent event I'm in the mood to find out what other dark or shady stuff has happened on this sub...

submitted by Eddyoshi
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Categories: News

Pretend you're Xyzzy card packs are NOT gone

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 04:14

OK, so I saw quite a few people thinking that the site Pretend you're Xyzzy had taken down the card packs, including the furry one "Sodomy Dog's Furry Pack" They not only didn't get rid of it, but you can easily add that pack and more. Here is a walkthrough and since I dont want anyone to be lost I'm making my own for dumbies guide

  1. Create a room in Xyzzy
  2. In the chat to add a pack type without the parentheses "/addcardcast" and then the number
  3. If you just want the Sodomy Dog's Furry Pack the number is PQSA2
  4. In the chat type without the parentheses "/addcardcast PQSA2" and there you go.

With the new update and allowing card cast there are more furry sets then ever. You can now even play a game without any regular cards and only furry ones.

Just find a card pack you like in the link above, its already set to search furry packs but you can search whatever you want, and take the 5 digit pin and type out the command in chat and poof, you can customize your own game. I hope this was helpful and you guys can have a lot of fun with Xyzzy.

PS the game is an adult humor game and while not always a lot of the cards are NSFW, I dont recommend playing it at work :3

Later fluffy butts!

submitted by FurryWolves
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Categories: News

Just wanted to say thank you to all of the Artists in our community.

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 02:59

I am very proud to be a part of the /r/furry community, and felt like expressing my gratitude and admiration for the many artists we have here. I enjoy seeing all of your work, and you all inspire me to get better. It's very nice to have a community where not only are you praised for improving, but you're given constructive criticism on the things you could do better. Whether it's a story, a drawing, or any other form of artistic expression. Keep doing what you love, and be proud of it. Thank you for your contributions, and I look forward to seeing many more.

submitted by Grimhallow
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Categories: News