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Jars? Is that what we're doing now?

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jun 2015 - 03:22
Categories: News

Kirari is also in a jar :<

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jun 2015 - 03:22
Categories: News

What are you doing in there?

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jun 2015 - 02:09
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jun 2015 - 02:02

Okay soooo... 1.COMPLETELY NEW TO REDDIT 2.Hi my names Sylar yes I'm a furry (duh cause I'm posting here) 3.Fursona is a Husky/Australian Sherp dog (Totally original cough cough) 4. I'm 22 by the way and finally 5. Pet peeve (only pet peeve) I AM HAWAIIAN AND JAPANESE NOT SAMOAN!! (not that you care lol just something that always gets me) any whoooot Nice to meet you all!

submitted by SylarAkiko
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When Otter Met Husky

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 23 Jun 2015 - 01:59

We got this from author Tempe O’Kun regarding the new novel Windfall: “Tempe O’Kun (, author of the award-winning furry fantasy-western Sixes Wild, returns! His new novel centers around Kylie and Max, an otter and a husky, who are best friends grappling with falling in love with each other…and with the fact that the supernatural cable TV show they starred in was actually real. Featuring 22 illustrations from acclaimed furry artist Slate (, this new M/F furry romance is a mystery you’ll find irresistible. Available at the FurPlanet booth for $15 at Anthrocon and online afterward. Windfall is a sweet love story between a cute otter and a hunky husky. It’s also about alien horrors beyond the imagination. Want to read a book that would blow Lovecraft’s mind? This is your chance.” Check it out and pre-order over at FurPlanet.

image c. 2015 FurPlanet

image c. 2015 FurPlanet

Categories: News

Finally decided to join this subreddit after five months on Reddit and five years as a furry who's left the partial denial behind. Overly long story inside about how this subreddit made me happy today.

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jun 2015 - 00:48

I'm terrible at introductions, but I felt the need to post this because of how much finding this subreddit has changed my mind about things, and somehow the idea of telling my story with the furry fandom seemed like a good idea. I honestly never thought I'd join a community like this, because every time I've tried I end up with fake friends and a cringe-fest on my hands, but then I found this place. What makes this special? Onto the story, skip to the TL;DR if you're not interested.

I've always been big into roleplaying and other creative and imaginative interests. I remember getting into Dungeons and Dragons but never having anyone to play it with, so I'd be stuck playing games on an old laptop. For reference, I'm 17 (and a half) now, and this was about 9 years ago that I got my hands on some D&D books.

Since I never had anyone to play the tabletop games with, it wasn't for another two years when I joined a MMO that had some forums with a roleplay section that I got to actually do any. My first ever roleplay was a dragon thing that was quite stupid thinking back on it, but I didn't think so at the time. I always identified more with non-human characters in movies or other media, probably just because there was more variety. I even fit into the cliche with the Robin Hood movie being one of my favorite childhood movies.

I never knew anything about a furry fandom until early 2010, two years after I started roleplaying, and when I heard about it, I didn't really think it was that strange. I was introduced to it by a few furries who seemed like pretty ordinary people and they showed me some SFW art and suggested we could roleplay it. We were on some forum run by some of these peoples' friends, so I felt safe. I was getting into gaming around this time and knew about Star Fox and Sonic the Hedgehog and those sort of things, so I didn't think it would be any different.

Well, then a little 'N' creeped in front of that SFW they were giving me, and things went south pretty quickly. I didn't really mind until their fetishes started coming up, then I started protesting. We sort of made some compromises and continued, and eventually moved to a site that I made, around June 2010.

They invited some of their other friends and we would all roleplay together, but they seemed to constantly want to push for more and more sexual things while I wanted to go for more story focused things, and this led to a lot of fighting. Since I was never introduced to any furry sites or anything, I just assumed that this was normal for furries and I just got used to it. I was definitely interested in the furry art style and in the variety it brings to character design, but I wasn't into the fetish art they kept trying to show me.

July 2012, everything ended when they decided to 'punish' me for not doing what they wanted. I had gotten into My Little Pony around this time, so I basically decided furries were evil and 'converted' to being a brony. I never lost my interest in furry stuff, I just decided to stay away from it. I joined a brony site, where I met someone there who was interested in roleplaying. We were good friends for a while, and about eight months into the friendship, furries were brought up in a conversation and I mentioned I had interest in them. Turns out he liked them too, so we started roleplaying that.

Now, we had always done NSFW roleplaying, but without as much forcing on fetishes onto me. He still tried to bring in things I didn't like, but I got used to it. The problems didn't turn up until November 2013 when he starts acting weird and outright putting things into the roleplays that I told him I didn't like beforehand. Just a couple days before Christmas I cut all communication with him after an argument, and nearly had a nervous breakdown.

With my parents starting to file for divorce not even a month later, and faced with the pressure of anxiety that had just been getting worse over the years, I needed the escapism of roleplay more than ever. I went around places like Tumblr and Livejournal and other forums, even going to SoFurry at one point, looking for people to roleplay with. To talk to. Anything. I couldn't cope with things without roleplay.

You'd think I'd just scratched the dandruff out of a yeti, because everywhere I'd look there were nothing but flakes. People I'd talk to would just disappear after a few days, or block me on Skype, or do anything to stay away from me. I felt useless, and I felt like an outsider. I didn't want normal roleplay, but I didn't want to be around furries, because all the people who hurt me were furries. And furries were the emotionally unstable freaks who make people eat diapers.

Fast forward to the next December, and I'm even more desperate. I hadn't made any friends who lasted over a few weeks, and all my time was spent feeling sorry for myself or playing video games alone. At one point, I briefly consider suicide, just for a moment. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. The exact next moment, I told myself that that's the last time I'll ever think something like that. I told myself there's too much potential in me to waste like that, and that if I don't believe it, then I'll just have to prove it to myself.

It's been half a year since then, and I've been doing better progressively each month. I've figured out a lot of things about what I want to do in the future and how I can make that stuff a reality. I want to use my creativity to design video games hopefully in the future, and I want to make a Youtube channel as something that I can start right now. I have zero artistic talent other than photo manipulation and basic sound design, but that's not going to stop me.

Due to my interest in furries never having left me, and just being intensified due to my loneliness and absence from roleplaying, I decided that my video games would be have a cast entirely made of furry characters, and my Youtube channel would star myself in furry form. That's what initially led me to search this subreddit, because ordinarily, I never would have.

I was expecting a cringe-train, due to my previous experiences. I was also expecting to have to make an alternate account just to join here and talk about my channel and anything else furry related, but the first thing I saw when I searched 'furry' in Reddit was an unpopular opinions thread from six months ago, and I agreed with a lot of the points raised there. I was blown away by the fact there was rational discussions taking place.

I've been looking at this subreddit since earlier today, and I'm just amazed by the fact that there's people here who actually seem pleasant to be around. I decided that I wouldn't need to make an alternate account, because I'm not ashamed to be a part of this community.

TL;DR: I've always liked roleplaying. Got introduced into the fandom that way. Creepy furries gave me a bad impression of the fandom by forcing me to do creepy sex roleplaying. Later, found this subreddit, found out the creepy people don't represent the whole fandom. Yay.

End of story-time.

So, now for a bit about me... My fursona's a black raven named Zach, which is also my real name, since my fursona is exactly the same as myself just in furry form, and for that same reason he's bisexual.

I never really had a fursona before I came up with the idea for a Youtube channel, because I was never interested in roleplaying with them (I like making new characters for everything, because making characters is more fun than sticking with the same ones) and that was the only way I used to think of the fandom.

I know this is a huge post and it's my first post out here, and I'm not very familiar with the fandom outside browsing artwork of all types and talking with some of the less desirables of the fandom, but I hope it was maybe something positive for someone who needed to hear a story with a positive ending.

As I mentioned in my story, I don't have any friends, so if anybody out there is willing to put up with somebody who is an expert at making Reddit posts so long no one will read them, then I'd love to make some new friends. The best place to talk to me is on Skype, either just text or anything. I'll give out my username if you just PM me.

submitted by AdvancedAzrielAngel
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Categories: News

Am I doing this bandwagon thing right?

Furry Reddit - Tue 23 Jun 2015 - 00:19
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 22:43
Categories: News

Yep it's a thing

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 22:29
Categories: News

Quick vent art

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 21:17
Categories: News

We did it, Reddit!

Furry Reddit - Mon 22 Jun 2015 - 20:22

And by we, I mean my buddy /u/MonoDragon and I! Today, we both graduated High school. Its been a long, tough ride, with all its ups and downs, but I wouldn't trade my experience with it for the world. I've done a lot of fantastic things during High school, built robots, made High-honors, changed my view on life and my personal beliefs about it, and received a ton of praise from my instructors for my work.

That's all well and good, but I think one thing worth mentioning is becoming a part of this community. While I've only been here for about 8 months now, I think I owe it to a lot of you for the support, and widened social spectrum I've gained just by being here. There are a lot of people I'd like to thank, my parents and instructors especially, but I couldn't call it a proper thank you without mentioning you. So, thank you, friends and acquaintances ;3!

I'm free now. Free, just like Ringgar always was is at heart. I'll be attending the University of Hartford in the fall and spring for the next four years to work on an Electrical Engineering degree. But what I also hope to do, is continue to make people around me smile, online, and in real life. They really deserve it. I look forward to an exciting and fulfilling lifetime, one that I would love to experience more than once if I could. I'm sure Mono would feel the same way.

So, here's to you, friends, friends yet to be, and fellow graduates of 2015. May our futures be bright, and may each and every one of us reach the happiness and serenity we all seek.

TL;DR Congrats Class of 2015!!

P.S: Found out there was a furry undercover at my school this whole time. What do ya' know!

submitted by Infamous0823
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Categories: News