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Furries with large tails and/or harder to 'anthro' anatomies, how do you do it?

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Jun 2015 - 09:07

I've had a shark character for awhile, but could never figure out how to make him not look awkward. I've been looking at other sharks to get an idea-the head was a big problem, and finally after several years, I think I've got it.

But then there's the issue with his tail. Sharks have big thick tails, and its not like you can leave it out. He wears pants, but it feels like a shark tail would take up most of the seat of his pants. Most furries can just get away with a relatively small hole.

Any advice/stories about your hard to anthro characters/how you 'fixed' it?

Also, as there are scalies, avians, etc, what are sharks?

submitted by LeatherHog
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Jun 2015 - 08:22

I have just been added to a sub, made just for redditors With fox in there name... pretty freakin' awesome

submitted by FlufferFox
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Categories: News

Member Spotlight: Slip-Wolf

Furry Writers' Guild - Thu 25 Jun 2015 - 07:09

1. Tell us about your most recent project (written or published). What inspired it?

I just finished final edits on “Unfading”, which will be in Heat issue 12 coming out at Anthrocon in early July. It’s about a wolf who discovers she’s a different creature on the inside, and begins an arduous physical and mental transition to becoming who she feels — or rather knows — she really is.

While imagining we’re something or someone else is part of every furry’s life in a way, the idea first grew out a private joke I had with myself in which I’d mulled over changing my fursona. I figured rather than just pick another species and twiddle with my name I’d actually get pretend plastic surgery, do an in-between icon that was just a head wrapped in bandages, and tweet in mumbles for a week. While that never happened, I did wonder about the kind of calamity one would have to go through changing species, the surgical stuff, the hormones, the diet. This then elevated to matters of the heart and mind, how one would evolve in the process of adapting to their new selves, how their family would react and how the outer world would see them in their struggle.

The story just evolved from there into a metaphorical look at the plight of transgendered individuals, dealing with obstacles most of us will never face, namely a world that actively resists the person who they know they are. In exploring some of these questions, I found “Unfading” a very satisfying story to write.

2. What’s your writing process like? Are you a “pantser,” an outliner, or something in between?

Something in between. I do like general outlines to give me a sense of direction, but halfway through writing I’ll break away from them as often as I’ll stay the course. Whatever keeps me going without stopping.

3. What’s your favorite kind of story to write?

I try switching it up as often as I can because I get bored of trying the same things. I really love sci-fi and horror as genres, but have messed around with fantasy, mystery and a little bit of satire. The last one is the hardest to do I think.

4. Which character from your work do you most identify with, and why?

I’d have trouble picking just one character, as I try to identify in some way with everybody who gets a voice, the villainous jerks no less than the heroes or every-furs. I find right now it’s a tie between Amar from the story above, who represents the need in all of us to be the person we know we can be and a character from an upcoming tale named Earlan, an eager, enthusiastic explorer in a novella-length piece set to come out in an anthology later this year. He’s seeking to understand his place in the universe and test the boundaries he feels foisted upon him. Can’t say much about that story yet.

5. Which authors or books have most influenced your work?

There are too many to count, really. When I was younger I devoured Stephen King as a horror buff, fantasies and sci-fi’s by Larry Niven, David Gerrold, Arthur C. Clarke, Allan Dean Foster (who introduced to me literary furry with Spellsinger), read classic fantasy from the Narnia novels of C.S. Lewis to the Homeric myths, snacked on Hardy boys, Sherlock Holmes, Phillip Marlowe mysteries and Star Trek novels. Lately I’ve been going to the well of classic twentieth-century authors to learn their tricks and get the feel for different eras. I try really hard to learn little bits reading everything, fiction or fact, in and out of this fandom.

6. What’s the last book you read that you really loved?

I just finished a non-furry classic book with an unintentionally furry name, Rabbit Run by John Updike, another famous author whose work I have just gotten around to. It’s a testament to his prowess as a writer that he can thoroughly engage you with a main character who is an insufferable bastard on so many levels. I wish I could write with such skill, compelling readers to take interest in characters and situations who we can barely stand or see ourselves identifying with, but stick with because their experiences are made so compelling.

7. Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time?

I love writing as a form of recreation itself, but I also collect records and movies, watching films at the drive-in where I grew up and visiting the gym often for runs or weightlifting. More than anything though, I love reading. I shrivel and die if I go too long without a good book.

8. Advice for other writers?

Don’t be afraid to fail. Be terrified to discover you never tried. Also, listen to your beta readers. The worst thing they can give you is exactly what you want — cold hard honesty. Criticism from betas and your editors will toughen you up for when people are paying for your work and have every obligation to point out where a story is weak, so cherish that.

9. Where can readers find your work?

I’ve got stories in Heat issues 11 and 12, Trick or Treat Volume 2, Roar Volume 6 and Fang Volume 6 (all of which should be out by Anthrocon in July). There are several more anthologies coming out in the next year or so that I will also be featured in but dates aren’t set.

10. What’s your favorite thing about the furry fandom?

It’s a hub of pure creativity with no discernible limits or end game, a place for really friendly people who I keep getting to meet and a great way to get in touch with the ‘other’ inside one’s self. There’s something about being furry that can make us warmer, more open, accepting human beings, and I love that about it.


Check out Slip-Wolf’s member bio here!

Categories: News

The Social Gaming Experience - Ever want to meet people in a low-risk way? Go play games! At least, that's how some of the podcast crew recommend meeting folks. Let us know if you agree in the comments.

WagzTail - Thu 25 Jun 2015 - 06:00

Ever want to meet people in a low-risk way? Go play games! At least, that’s how some of the podcast crew recommend meeting folks. Let us know if you agree in the comments.

Metadata and Credits WagzTail Season 3 Episode 76

Runtime: 30m

Cast: Eli, Levi, Path, Wolfin

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2015 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. If distributed with a facility that has an existing agreement in place with a Professional Rights Organisation (PRO), file a cue sheet for 30:00 to Fabien Renoult (BMI) 1.67%, Josquin des Pres (BMI) 1.67%, 96.67%. Rights have been acquired to all content for national and international broadcast and web release with no royalties due.

The Social Gaming Experience - Ever want to meet people in a low-risk way? Go play games! At least, that's how some of the podcast crew recommend meeting folks. Let us know if you agree in the comments.
Categories: Podcasts

What are ya fuzzbutts doing?

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Jun 2015 - 05:13

I'm sitting here playing Overlord 2 and listening to Mulan songs in different languages.

submitted by toona666
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Categories: News

The Nordguard Expanding

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 25 Jun 2015 - 01:55

And more from Tempe O’Kun: The author and designer has been hard at work on a new expansion set for the card game based on Nordguard — the award-winning graphic novel created by the artist collective known as Blotch. “Developed directly with Blotch, Nordguard: Tribes of the White Land is an all-new fully-canon expansion for Nordguard: The Card Game. The entire original ThinkTank Games development team came back to work on this set. Includes exclusive new Blotch and Chromamancer art, as well as art from the upcoming Nordguard: Under Dark Skies. This 36-card set will be for sale at Sofawolf Press’s table at Anthrocon and later on their site for $12. With Nordguard: Tribes, we throw players into a new side of the Nordguard setting. Caught between savage strays and strange settlers, the wolf, lynx, and caribou tribes have a thousand-year head start on both. Friend or foe, they’re the unequaled masters of that lethal environment. We brought in an archaeologist specializing in the real-life equivalents of these cultures—advising our artists on everything from the carvings on their Items to the structures on the Locations. If you’re looking to spice up your Nordguard game, don’t miss this expansion.”

image c. 2015 ThinkTank Games

image c. 2015 ThinkTank Games

Categories: News

How my friends see furries.

Furry Reddit - Thu 25 Jun 2015 - 00:19
Categories: News

Please share your ref sheets! I'd like to draw some headshots

Furry Reddit - Wed 24 Jun 2015 - 23:58

Hi all! I want to gradually step into the commission pool again and...wait, where are you going? No, I'm offering something for FREE! Keep reading!

Ok, like I was saying. I'd like to get into doing commissions again. I have a few odds and ends to sort out, but in the interim before I dive full in, but I'd like to set up selling at least 2 headshots a week. But I'm not sure what the demand is or what people are willing to pay, so I'm hoping some of you fine folks may allow me to experiment with your characters first. I want to see what I can get done in certain amounts of time, and if different levels (sketch, ink, full color, shipped to you, etc.) would be popular.

If you want to see what my art is like, I have a mini gallery set up on Imgur here.

So, if you don't mind a random artist potentially doodling your character, please comment with your ref sheets! Please flag if your ref sheet is NSFW or not - ideally please only submit SFW ref sheets. At the very least, it'll be fun to see everyone's characters!

I make no promises about which ones I will or will not draw, so please do not get upset if yours isn't picked. It's nothing personal! If I do draw anything, it will most likely just be a headshot or bust.

Some may only be sketches, some may be inks, some may be full color.

These will all be real media. Anything I choose to draw, I will do so for free and provide a picture (unfortunately I don't have access to a scanner yet...) for free. If you'd like the original shipped to you, I will charge for shipping from New Zealand to your location.

PayPal donations are welcome but not required. :) PM me for email if you like.

If you think you may be interested in more than a headshot, send me a PM! My availability is super limited at the moment, but I can potentially accept a project or two. At the least, I can give you a quote that's good for a year.

ALSO! I encourage other artists seeing all the refs to give drawing them a try, if they feel like it. Obviously artistic talent isn't to be undervalued and everyone deserves compensation for their work, but it may be cool seeing different interpretations on similar characters. :)

Finally, shameless unrelated plug: I run a twitter account and a tumblr as well as a Facebook page (which I can't link here, but PM me for it) about animal-themed artwork, sculpture, plushies, clothing, and more. If that's a topic that interests you, please give them a follow!

Thanks everyone!

submitted by Zelaphas
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Categories: News

The hardships of dating a furry

Furry Reddit - Wed 24 Jun 2015 - 22:51
Categories: News