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Soooo, what do you guys think of my stuff?

Furry Reddit - Sat 4 Jul 2015 - 02:15

Sooo, i know these kind of posts belong to /furryartschool, i have already posted this there , but with no response. There's just not enough people on that sub atm so though i could also find some art peeps if i just ask it here, sorry about that. Anyways, heres my post:

I want to know where should i improve or what so i do with my art, im kind of scared to ask for a full-on critique since i know that im a wuss when it comes to that, but just feel free to point out flaws and such. so here are some stuff i did i guess:
Sketches from my last request tread:
Sketch i did to my friend:
Character design thing/lineart:
colored character stuff (it's pretty old but i don't really wanna post other fully colored images, since they are a bit more "personal" idk lol.) : .
i would be glad if i can get a sort of a general analysis.

Thank you guys in advice.

submitted by retardcookie
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Categories: News

How has being a furry helped you in your everyday life?

Furry Reddit - Sat 4 Jul 2015 - 02:06

Just curious on how our fandom has helped us in our daily life.

submitted by Verok_the_Dragon
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Categories: News

Animals Along for the Ride

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 4 Jul 2015 - 01:35

When anthropomorphic characters aren’t the star of the show, the most common place to find them is as a human character’s sidekick. Such is the case with two more pre-school animated TV series on their way to Netflix in the near future. First up there’s Kazoops (from Cheeky Little studio) in 2016, which “…follows the inquisitive young boy Monty and his best friend, a pig named Jimmy Jones, as they seek answers to the questions children routinely ask about everyday life.” There’s a teaser trailer over at Cartoon Brew. Then in 2017 look for True & the Rainbow Kingdom from Guru Studio: It stars a young girl who “…with the help of her best friend Bartleby the cat navigates the magical Rainbow Kingdom using her creativity and ingenuity in search of harmony and love for all.”

image c. Cheeky Little

image c. Cheeky Little

Categories: News

Hostile City

Furry Reddit - Sat 4 Jul 2015 - 00:29
Categories: News

I had a really, REALLY shitty day...

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 22:49

Had to deal with an asshole, got rejected, nearly passed out at the store, got called a whore and was blamed for something I was wrongly accused of... I'm very drained. I need cuddles, guys.. :c send care packages.

submitted by KaynoDragon
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Categories: News

Saw this firework in a store tonight

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 22:30
Categories: News

The Telephone (Art by eternal.knot)

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 22:16
Categories: News

Let's forget about the drama! What's going good in your life?

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 21:42

Me: seeing family, and they're talking about a new puppy!

And a cheesy one: Only been here a little over a month, and I have so many friends here! I was always so scared to join reddit, but you guys made me have no regrets about joining.

How about you guys?

submitted by LeatherHog
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Categories: News

Suiting in front of my parents.

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 21:13

They loved it so did my aunt and my little cousin's they hugged me immediately and loved the character. Cept one he cried when I reached out and wouldn't hug me. we sang happy birthday to my aunt and then till I got down really low and everyone had a hug and got pictures he got pushed close I acted shy till he finally he came an hugged me and kissed my nose and then it was all fine.

submitted by IronFox1288
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Categories: News

Art advice is trending, so I thought I'd share a few art tipz that helped me get started!

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 18:37

Asurium’s Art Tutorial 101!

Welcome! If you’re looking to pick up drawing as a hobby or something more, these are a few tips that can get you started!

So to begin, the way I learned was to draw characters from the pictures that I saw and comic strips that I read (Mostly housepets). This way of learning is called mimicry. We’ve all done it, whether it was with pokemon or you’re favourite video game/tv show character. This is a very efficient way to learn quickly. However, when you attempt to draw characters from other people’s work, you tend to pick up their style as well. So I recommend that if you learn this way, try drawing characters from a variety of others as well as your own original characters so that you develop your own unique style. In addition to that, you should only mimic until you have a good foundation going. Once that’s established, experimenting by yourself is the next step.

Next tip! DRAW ALL YOUR STUFF IN PENCIL CRAYON OR PEN SO YOU CAN’T ERASE WHAT YOU DRAW! If you make a mistake, leave it, then you won’t make it again after more practice. If you keep erasing lines until they're perfect, you'll never learn anything new (hence you should draw with pencil crayons or pen until you resist the urge to erase). Alright! The meant and potatoes: Drawing anthro heads (feline and canid) Here's a tutorial I found extremely helpful to me: I think this tutorial helped me the most. :D

As for facial expression, it’s very useful to look at yourself in the mirror and closely look at the details of your expressions. (Don’t worry, there’s no judgement if no one see’s you xD). Another way: look at other people, closely! Like, all up in their grill! (Jk). But it is beneficial! Here’s a link:

As for the body, I don’t really have any tips other than to study proportions and anatomy (Though I never really have). Closely observe the form of your body makes in different positions. Be observant, and record (draw :3)! It’s also beneficial to draw from photographs. Mimicry helps in this case too.

AND FINALLY: THE KEY TO LEARNING HOW TO DRAW IS PRACTICE. (When I say practice, I did about 17 quick housepets character sketches a day to get better, and found I had improved dramatically after 40 ish drawings). Oh, another good point: Don’t spend hours on one drawing; do a LOT of quick sketches instead! Practice is the most effective way you can learn.

Edit: Before, and after a tonne of practice. (Time span of 4 months)

I REALLY hope this tutorial helped you out, good luck guys! :3


submitted by Asurium
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Categories: News

It's going to be a... uh... Halloween costume, yeah!

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 17:15

So what's the general consensus on honesty regarding one's intent for an as-of-yet unconstructed fursuit? I suppose a bit of backgroud is in order.

Back while my wife and I were just dating, the furry fandom came up in our conversations. She had some very negative ideas about "those kinds of people," so I let it be... but she loves Halloween (the irony of one group wearing costumes while bashing another group that does the same is not lost on me, I assure you), and I may have found my path to a new (well, my first ever) fursuit.


submitted by athramir78
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Categories: News

My new custom mousepad came in!

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 16:49
Categories: News

MFW I bought a 144hz monitor

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 16:44
Categories: News

Starting your Artistic Journey! Some tips!

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 16:00

Hey! So it's summer, lots of new people are coming on board and lots of people are thinking about becoming "creatives"! I thought I'd share some tips that I'd like to have heard early on. Don't get me wrong though... I don't think I'm qualified to give advice because I'm a good artist. I think I'm qualified to give advice because I'm not a good artist, and because I'm still struggling with these things that are holding me back. I still need to apply these tips to myself... lol. Anyway, here it is.

  1. Anxiety, and self esteem issues. This is one of the biggest barriers to success in any creative journey. It manifests in many ways. Some people are scared to start, for fear of being terrible [been there] and some people start but have difficulty asking for or accepting criticism [still there]. Some people do ask for criticism, but then try to save face when they receive it by giving excuses. The best thing you can do for yourself, is be [or at least act] fearless. Post your stuff, even if you think it is terrible. Accept criticism gracefully, and don't make excuses. If you want to start on this journey, you can't look for gratification now. You won't find it. There is no real instant gratification. This, I feel, is why tutorials are such a huge phenomenon. You can see a bite sized little thing, consume it, and then feel better because you made a step forward. But you haven't. Tutorials aren't a shortcut. You need to do the boring, repetitive stuff if you want to get anywhere. Above all else, you have to accept that you won't be gratified today, or tomorrow, or in a month. You will only ever find gratification looking back, at how far you've come... not looking at where you are right now.

  2. The tools and the know-how. There are two parts to any creative journey. The tools [technical skill] and the know-how [knowledge]. Artists, when starting out, generally focus far too much on the know-how. This goes back to tutorials. People are more comfortable learning than doing. You need to give equal attention to the development of your technical skill [the fundamentals of drawing] as you do to the know-how. A lot of people "know" how to draw a person, or a muzzle or whatever... but they can't. They've internalized a million tutorials and little pieces of information, but when they put pencil to paper they find that they can't do it. They can't draw smooth, confident lines and archs and ellipses. They can't get the proportions right, or two sides of a face symmetrical. They know how it is supposed to look, but they can't put it on paper. That is because the technical skill is not there. The actual mechanics of the thing are lacking. The interface of brain, to hand, to pencil to paper is underdeveloped.

So the summary is this. It's okay that you're bad. Look forward, to the time when you'll be looking back at yourself. If that makes any sense. You will almost certainly never be truly satisfied with where you are unless you keep in sight where you've come from. And don't put too much weight on knowledge. You need to practice drawing. Putting marks on paper. Don't waste time with tutorials when you can't even apply them. Your time is better spent filling a notebook with lines and planes and ellipses and sketches than reading tutorials. Tutorials are best used when you have a sound foundation in the fundamentals of drawing. You will move much quicker if you invest time in the fundamentals early on instead of just doodling whatever it is you're interested in.

submitted by crush-n-mush
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Categories: News

Woo Fursuit Friday!

Furry Reddit - Fri 3 Jul 2015 - 15:47
Categories: News