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Really Feelin' It!

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 18:36
Categories: News

Be funny/happy please! [Not an introduction! :o]

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 18:13

[I have a habit of textwalls, plus sobby/hopeful hybrid warning!]
I'm a bit loose on the English language right now, so I'll get right to it.

Now I want to block the stupid emotion-venting by first stating I want you to be cheerful and just chat with each other in the comments. Use them for any purpose, even for keeping online notes if you like! :P
I've had a REALLY bad time lately. Everything was (and still is) lined up to beat me... I was doing badly in college even before my mum died, the only family member I could really relate to and be honest with.

I'm on-and-off poor, I'm confused in every way, I feel like my life has no potential or meaning.
I've lost a lot of my friends, online and off, for a silly cacophony of reasons.

First time I'm telling anyone... I wanted to... 'Not be here any more' a few days ago, but changed my mind because of my boyfriend... I went to tell him how thankful I am tonight (via Skype) but he spoke first; Leaving me (as in dumping; making single) on the grounds of us not doing enough in the real world, relying on online stuff too much.
And even he was there in the first place because I knew the guy before him simply wasn't coming back one day.

What I'm trying to say is - All I have left is the fandom and whatever music I make/download as time passes.
Maybe I have other things too, but on top of all my problems there's this... Other thing. It's some unseen force that saps all my drive, most days I don't know if I'm sleepy or genuinely don't want to wake up.

[TL;DR people are safe from here on]
It just sucks... I'm really sorry for doing a sob story, and I think this is the only subreddit that won't downvote me to like -200...
Could you guys just be happy, jokey and nice below? Not to me, but to yourselves and each other. I don't so much need support, I just want to know that some people socialised and were merry due to my request.
God I go on so much xD

Also special thanks to RathWolf, TheHealingFur and maybe CarbonDouble.
I won't invoke your user names, but you guys have been special helps to my sanity. Each in your own way. Thank you three especially, but thank you to all good furs, who read this or not. I mean it. <3

submitted by JP193
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Categories: News

I'm thinking of making a flair

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 16:56

Thanks to /u/Ravenclaw101 I now have a good idea of what my 'sona looks like, rather than just sketches and descriptions. The problem is, I don't know how to make one, let alone how to actually use it.

submitted by DarkSkylark
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Categories: News

Here's what you missed last year if you didn't go to Anthrocon ... or see furries around town

Furries In The Media - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 16:01
About 6,000 fans of humanized animals are descending on Pittsburgh for the four-day Anthrocon 2015 convention that starts Thursday at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center.

Many Pittsburghers take part in furry watching during the event, bringing even more people downtown. The event is a boon to Pittsburgh businesses, especially along Penn and Liberty near the convention center.

e is a reminder of what you'll see downtown this weekend, a slideshow of photographs from Anthrocon 2014 taken by attendees.

This year's fursuit parade, which takes place at 1 p.m. Saturday, will leave the convention center for the first time so the public can watch.

Categories: News

<insert good title>

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 15:37

so hey y'all, I've been working on what /u/CeresSergal and /u/WriterOfAlicrow have suggested to me in this post.

This was the end result based on their suggestions.

It's currently an modified version of the KiwiIRC, my idea was to just give convenient access to chat with other members of /r/furry by using the excising IRC and making it more accessible.

Here's what it can currently do:

  • login to the #redditfurs channel on
  • chat

And that's roughly it. The only real modifications is the theme. I was thinking of adding Reddit integration. But since this currently only runs on my local machine an therefore not accessible to anyone outside my LAN it didn't make much sense to do at this moment.

And there comes the current problem, I have no means of hosting this web app.


The thing is that KiwiIRC uses node.js which means I can't just upload it to some free webhosting provider and be done with it.


Anyways, let me know what ya think of it :P

Edit: I'd like some further feedback if I didn't clarify that.

submitted by LaserAwsome
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Categories: News

Part of Your Con.

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 15:32
Categories: News

I present the Furrito! (By PheoWoof)

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 15:08
Categories: News

Furry mural page three! *purrs*

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 14:36

It's finally done! Sorry I took forever. About 32 furs in this! I might make a page four, right now I don't have enough requests for it, so feel free to comment your ref.:3 here comes the annoying part, typing all the usernames cx thanks everyone for your patience and participation!

/u/monodragon A

/u/frankwest21 B + C

/u/truechaosSxTcs D

/u/neonthewolf E

/u/likonium F

/u/copperbadger G

/u/treeroo H

/u/scratch741 I

/u/leothaturtle J

/u/mysfit_ K

/u/samfiller L

/u/badumtsshh M

/u/toona666 N

/u/bjorn0411582 O

/u/dominoko P

/u/shadowwolf67 Q

/u/nitram_hu R

/u/kaunodragon S

/u/surokoida T

/u/thehumili8er U

/u/moonlit-soul V

/u/bilgewat3r W

/u/fr0sty_cl34r X

/u/noahgoldfox Y

/u/thecoltonfactor Z

/u/celliver A1

/u/stariteone A2

/u/Ima_tiger_ama A3

/u/wolfguardian72 A4

/u/wahots A5

/u/lightspeed7000 A6

submitted by Ravenclaw101
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Categories: News

Stressed Furry Looking for Online Role-playing Suggestions

Ask Papabear - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 14:23
Dear Papa Bear (Great Name)

I really want to keep this short.

I do a lot of volunteering in my life when I'm not suited up and sadly over the last few years I've had devastation after devastation hit me.

My mom has a terminal illness, my dad left and is constantly smoking, I suffer from autism and I feel sad and depressed all the time.

I do a lot for people but don't feel nowadays that I can go on continuing to volunteer because I'm not having getting any "ME" time (time to myself) I also feel I've become more of a burden onto people, I have felt like not caring anymore because of how I've been treated.

One thing I would like to know is to try and make me happy, are there any role-play chatroom websites where anything can happen? (I just want to forget about the real world because of all the crap I put up with it).

Xoda Fox (age 25)

* * *

Dear Xoda,

Bear hugs to you, dear furry. You sound like a very giving soul, and that’s a wonderful thing. I can definitely see why you would feel burned out, and I’m sorry to hear about your parents, especially your mom. Sounds like dad is coping by not coping :(.

You are wise to recognize that some “me” time is a thing that everyone needs and it is not a selfish pursuit, either. When one is burned out, tired, unhealthy, one is of no use to anyone. You have to take care of yourself first, and then do what you can for others.

When taking care of yourself, please balance this pursuit by addressing your Four Aspects:

  1. Your physical health
  2. Your mental health
  3. Your emotional health
  4. Your spiritual health

If any one of these aspects is suffering, it will affect the other three. You ask about role-play rooms. Indulging in a bit of escapism might help your mental and emotional health some by easing stress ... or not. Papabear doesn’t spend time in such chat rooms (I’m too busy, frankly), but I do know you have to be careful in them. I have heard complaints that people actually get in nasty, hurtful fights online, and that won’t help your stress at all. A lot of these rooms—especially when it comes to furry ones—involve sexual role-play, and I’m not sure you want to go there, either, or if you should. You might try, instead, an MMOG such as World of Warcraft, which I understand is very popular and you can spend many hours in such a virtual world. The danger there, too, is that you might become addicted to it and not spend time in the real world.

Instead, I would suggest you pursue a course of balancing your Four Aspects: 1) begin a regular exercise routine, which not only makes you healthier but also reduces stress, making sure to eat healthy, too; 2) exercise your mind by learning something new (e.g. take a class, learn a language, learn a new skill) or by playing games that make you think (e.g. online Jeopardy, crossword puzzles, math puzzles etc.); 3) emotional health—let’s get back to that one in a little bit; and 4) spiritual health: if you are a religious person, it’s time to readdress that part of your life (attend church or temple or mosque), or you might learn about other spiritual traditions, from Eastern faiths to shamanism to Wicca.

Back to emotional health. Normally, I would tell people that volunteer work would be a great way to uplift your spirits, but it seems you’re having some trouble there. Someone has been treating you poorly at one of the places you volunteer? What a shame :-( I can’t comment on that too deeply because I don’t know the circumstances, but perhaps your solution could be something as simple as finding a new cause for which to give your time? Some nonprofit organizations, sadly, are troubled by cliquish behavior or administrators with huge chips on their shoulders, and that can diminish the volunteer experience (boy, have I been there!). You can try something else, or even try something where you don’t interact as much with people (such as fostering a pet or service dog—you raise a dog for the first year to 16 months until they are ready to be trained as guide dogs). 

Besides volunteer work, when it comes to emotional health, play and travel are helpful. And by play, you should really try something outdoors. Learn to fly a kite or go rollerblading or play basketball at a local gym. If you can travel, that is an excellent pursuit that can really help you emotionally, even if it is just going to an amusement park or miniature golf. You’re on the right track with your idea of adding some play time to your life, but, again, I’m not sure that immersing yourself in online role-play would be the wisest choice.

And, before I forget, how about reading a novel? People seem to forget these days that getting lost in a good book is a wonderful way to escape the troubles of mundane life. Pick up a book!

As a corollary to that, maybe try writing your own stories. That’s a way to escape, too. Or try art or music or textile arts. Another avocation that's very popular is gardening. There can be a lot of personal satisfaction in raising a beautiful flower garden or growing your own vegetables.

I’m sorry I can’t help you more with online RP chat rooms. Perhaps some of my readers could suggest safe and sane and fun places to explore in the virtual world. Hopefully, some will comment on your letter, but I hope some of my suggestions may help, as well. Too often these days it seems--to this old bear--that people turn to their electronic devices for comfort, but there's so much more to life than a glowing screen populated by digitized characters....



What subtle pieces of furry flair do you wear?

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 13:22

Inspired by /u/LucianShadowpaw 's post. (Yes, I asked permission. :P )

What subtle pieces of furry flair do you wear or carry around? Something that you know is furry, or hints at your furriness, but that other people wouldn't recognize as so.

For example: I have my wolf necklace

submitted by TinyPotatoAttack
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Categories: News

My introduction ?? ? ??

Furry Reddit - Thu 9 Jul 2015 - 13:17

Hi, I draw a lot. I've recently started to draw furries since maybe 3 months ago. I've been lurking on this subreddit for awhile, and a few days ago I worked up the courage to post one of my doodles. It was generally well received, which made me really happy. I have really bad confidence in my art, which really sucks. The doodle I'm talking about was the tiger dressing for work. I also draw anime stuff because I'm weeaboo trash as well as furry trash.

I used to be in the furry community a few years ago, but then I drifted towards other stuff. But drawing furries has made me come back to this community, which is a really great one.

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submitted by Solaire__
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Categories: News