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A Feline Detective. In Space.

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 15 Jul 2015 - 01:58

Leon is the creation of author Pati Nagle, first appearing in her science fiction novel Pet Noir from Book View Cafe (check it out over at Amazon). Now Kymera Press have adapted Pet Noir as a full-color comic book series with art by by Anna G, Laurie Foster, and Liezl Buenaventura. “Feline investigator Leon has opposable thumbs, the ability to talk, and is possibly the most dangerous cat in the galaxy. Indentured to the Security department of Gamma Station until he’s worked off the cost of his ‘creation’, Leon alternates between harassing his human partner and roommate Devin and fighting sleazy criminals, yet he still finds time to flirt with the lovely Leila, an exotic Burmese. Will he win her heart, and more importantly, will he win his freedom?” The first issue is available now.

image c. 2015 Book View Cafe

image c. 2015 Book View Cafe

Categories: News

A new drug comes out that if taken, will turn you into your fursona. The only catch: Once taken, you can't change back. Do you accept it?

Furry Reddit - Wed 15 Jul 2015 - 00:06

So basically, what I want to know is, if you had the opportunity to become an anthro in real life but be unable to change back if you regret the decision, would you take it? What would your friends and family think? What would happen to your SO? What would be the first thing you do in your new form?

submitted by Metallicoon
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Categories: News

Reflections of the Day: On Contentedness.

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 23:46

So today I went to work at Annie's, a cookie factory in Joplin MO and was placed on flour-duty with two other gentlemen. The first gentleman was a middle-aged man who looked like Moe, from the Three Stooges. The second had red hair, a shortness of 5'5", and was balding. He was 25 years old.

Flour duty meant that we would work in a sealed and refrigerated room behind white plastic tarps, throwing sacks of flour onto a table, cutting it, and dumping it into a sifting machine. We'd do this from 1:00PM to 9:00PM. It was easy money, mildly easy labor, and if we spoke over the roar of the sifting machine, we would talk as well.

Old Moe put on industrial ear protection, nor we he a talkative man, so it was just me and Little Red. It didn't take long for him to decide to spill out his life's grumps at me.

Apparently this man's a real meathead; he likes the contact sports that put people in hospitals. MMA and football are his favorite, but football's #1 above all.

He played football in highschool and was darn good at it - apparently so good that professional scouts were watching him the whole time, talking about him going pro. He could've gone pro, he tells me, if it were for getting his knee totally fractured during a game. He swore to the coach that even though his leg was swelling like a beach ball he could still play, and more-so, he'd kill the man who broke his leg. The coach called his mom and Little Red was taken to the hospital instead.

So his dreams of going pro were crushed and now he's working in the basement of a cookie plant, tossing around flour from sunrise to sunset, all day, every day.

Between the factory and highschool, he claims he smuggled drugs for a while. And that's where he made the big money. But he quit after almost getting caught.

Then we got onto the topic of success.

He's get a big bruise against the rich - the ones who might have inherited their cash, or did dirty deeds to keep their wealth. He says that if you're going to be successful like the rich, then you gotta be a greedy. You gotta be willing to hurt others every now and again.

I responded that riches didn't mean success. Those people who got their money for one reason or another hadn't succeeded at all.

He agreed, success is working your butt off to get where you are.

And this man, as I said, worked all day for so much cash and he didn't have time to spend hardly any of it.

I asked him if he was successful. He said no, he wasn't.

I said success was contentedness. He said he wasn't content with what he had at all.

Now, I was happy to getting $12 an hour when for my last two jobs I'd only gotten $8. I was a happy turnip. Now I know $12 surely isn't enough, and perhaps not even 3 million a month smuggling drugs. And recalled to my better moments of having money, they were about spending it on and for the ones I loved. My teeth would rot if I spent all my money on myself - I just don't usually work like that. And this guy's just working nonstop 'till retirement, years and years and years away...

So here are my thoughts for tonight. Be content in your wealth, and find your success in surrounding yourself with ones who love you and you love back.

Money has brought me dread, but bringing joy to my friends has brought me much joy indeed. Even if we're not spending money, at least we have our fun times on the weekends roleplaying, or watching things on Youtube. Just being together. I'm a rich turnip indeed.

I hope that all of you can look around and think of the ones on here and beyond the keyboard who love you. May you love them back and be a very successful fur.

submitted by IWishIWasATurnip
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Categories: News

Anthrocon 2015 Fursuit Parade Group Photo

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 22:02
Categories: News

Im new and kinda nervous

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 21:36

im actually quite new in this community and dont know much about what my fursona is etc.

im also kinda nervous my town is not great (close minded, lots of junkies etc) so i think ill stick to the Internet until i get a car and full license before i go to any cons or meets. im kinda nervous about telling my parents because i don't want to be stuck at home with them if they believe the stereotype furies have. at least its only a a year until i get my full license and am off to college and can do what i want.

anyway im not artistic at all is that a problem (paper drawing sketching etc however i do stuff on my lathe and play games.)

you don't need to be artistic to be in right... i know its a strong part of the fandom but sadly hen i draw it always looks like a 6 year old scribbled on paper.

im kinda in this for the accepting (open minded) nice community more than anything because it is better then some groups ive seen. im kinda in to anthro but not 100 percent though

submitted by SamZ0rp
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 21:17
Categories: News

Talk to me.

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 21:06

I can't sleep so... tell me just a little more.

submitted by errorlypse
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Categories: News

I had the best day ever!!

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 20:45


On that note: THANK YOU TO THE PERSON THAT MADE A BIRTHDAY POST FOR ME! It made me so happy you wouldn't believe it. ;u; Message me who you are though u/xX_furriesaredank_Xx! I really want to know who did it. ^^;

I woke up to a lot of birthday wishes on skype and they brightened my day right up! But that isn't all! I got the chance to tour NASA today, for 10 hours! It was really fun for me because I'm in love with all things space! :D I saw the space shuttle Atlantis and the Saturn V rocket; IT'S FRICKIN' HUGE. Oh and there's a GPS satellite rocket launch tomorrow!

I also got some really cool pixel art from my good friend Kaleb!!

IT DOESN'T END THERE. I'm in Florida right now, and I'm seeing animals I've never seen before. /u/IntoIntroduction I saw a ton of crocodiles today!! :D And dolphins too!

Lastly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY /u/supahvaporeon! You have the best birthday ever. :3

I couldn't have asked for a better day. Thank you to all you furs who made it so amazing; I LOVE YOU GUYS!! ;u;

I'll be making more drawings soon too! :D

submitted by Asurium
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Categories: News

Something funny(mild nsfw)

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 19:51
Categories: News

Gentleman Gnar by Silverfox5213

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 19:40
Categories: News

Facebook seems confused...

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 19:32
Categories: News

Lizard puff

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 18:15
Categories: News

Made a new video on my Youtube channel inspired by a topic recently posted here

Furry Reddit - Tue 14 Jul 2015 - 18:10

I couldn't help but share my view on the issue of criticism when I saw the topic come up earlier today.

Here's the video I made. I tried my best to sum everything I had to say up. This is my attempt at calming the not-really-drama-but-people-keep-calling-it-that down, basically.

Also, even though my channel's mildly furry themed, this is the first time I've outright mentioned furries, so, yeah.

Let me know what you think. I just hope nobody takes the video the wrong way, I meant it in a positive way to help work towards fixing the issue.

submitted by AdvancedAzrielAngel
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Categories: News