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To Succeed, You Need Optimism
I wanted to ask you if there is a way to handle feelings of emptiness.
Since the last months of 2021, I ended up hitting my lowest point because things haven't gone the way I planned. I came back to Vancouver to finish a diploma and settled there to start a life, but unfortunately, being unable to find a job in a whole new country has led to feeling empty and without a purpose. I'm starting to think it is no use trying anymore now that my current situation has led to personal issues with my family.
It seems like I'm getting embittered each day. And I'm afraid of shutting myself to people I love, along with any possibility of enjoying the good things that life might bring.
* * *
Dear Furiend,
Where are you from originally? Did you get your diploma? Why haven't you been able to find a job? What have you done to obtain a job?
There are always options. Don't give up. Just because you haven't found work yet doesn't mean you won't.
Please send me more info on what type of job you are seeking and what you have done so far to find work.
* * *
Hi, Papabear,
I'm surprised you wanted to get in touch with me directly and even ask questions about myself.
I'll proceed to answer your questions.
I'm from a little state in Mexico and I managed to get my degree as a Digital Artist in 2017 after struggling with college in many aspects, then I came to Vancouver in 2018 to improve my skills/demo reel to enter an animation studio there. The first diploma/course worked out for me, but it didn't help me out to get a permit, so I had to take another course in that area to get a PGWP and I succeeded in doing so last year.
After finishing the second course I tried to apply as a Teaching Assistant at the 3D Arts school where I got the diploma that qualified for a PGWP (Post Graduate Working Permit), or a part-time job while the permit was in process. I focused on refining the animation pieces of the demo reel, while getting any documentation for the paperwork process back then, but I couldn't nail anything on animation areas since the requirements for entry levels are asking for a year of experience in similar roles.
Right now, the landlady's relative helped me out to find a temporary job and I'm waiting for receiving a call to let me know when I do start capacitation.
I'm trying to find a job as a 3D Animator and so far I'm simply working on other 3D animation exercises to improve the reel, while trying to send a general application for different studios. But the demand for higher level roles has led me to get discouraged from working on my reel further and now I'm trying to get over that feeling.
This temporary job could help me out for a bit, since it would be the very first time I get in the working force and to build experience. But I would prefer if it was related to my area to keep honing my skills, now that I have a work permit.
That's pretty much what I have been doing so far.
Last thing to bring is that I even ended up befriending people from the Vancoufur community and volunteered to help the VR Chat artists to see if I can make contacts that lead me closer to my goal. There's a reason why I'm doing this, but I'll bring this out in a follow up message.
Thanks so much for coming around.
* * *
Hello, Furiend,
It sounds to me as if you are doing all the right things. You are working to improve your skills, searching for work in your field, and, in the meantime, finding employment elsewhere to get some income while you pursue your dream.
It can be easy to get discouraged when things don't go your way as soon as you would like, but that is how the world can be. Let me tell you a story from my life. When I wrote my novel, The Steel of Enadia, I mailed it out to one hundred publishers before I got an acceptance letter (that's 99 rejections, 1 acceptance). And even that publisher didn't work out, so I ended up going with a small press in Canada that was running a competition judged by author Piers Anthony. I won, and got my book published. As happy as that sounds, the book sold poorly, which was also discouraging to me. What happened next was I started writing nonfiction books and found I had a real gift for that, which is what I am now doing in my life: writing nonfiction.
There are two lessons here: 1) Never give up trying, and 2) Be flexible and keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities. In the business world, no one is going to give you a free ride and hand you your dream job. You have to work and sweat for it. Before I got my first job as an editor, I worked in a burger joint, as a cashier, and in a factory. Sometimes you have to sweat over a fat fryer before an opportunity strikes. Don't let yourself get down and don't give in to pessimism.
Optimism is key. The person who succeeds in life is the one who is optimistic about the future. Optimism inspires you to work hard and to keep going no matter what. How do you become more optimistic? Here are a few tips:
- Don't blame yourself if things don't go your way immediately
- On the other paw, give yourself credit when things DO go your way
- Learn from your mistakes, but also from your successes, no matter how small, and build on those
- If you have a setback, remember it is only temporary. "This, too, shall pass."
- Believe in yourself and that you can make good things happen
- Learn self-confidence. Don't put yourself down. When you interview for a job, always say to yourself, "Yes! I can do this!"
- Don't develop tunnel vision; don't be so focused on one goal that you don't see opportunities outside that goal.
- And, no matter what, always remember this: Be a good person. In the end, nothing else really matters but who you are as a human being
Hope this helps.
Bear Hugs,
Bearly Furcasting S3E2 - Biblically Accurate Bonfires, Storytime, Stats, Jokes
MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!
Moobarkfluff! Bearly and Taebyn take another trip to Lux's Transfurmation Station for a hot time! We chat about events, and things going on. Jokes run rampant, and even fall dead. Bearly points out some more stupid things. We give you some obscure movie quotes to figure out, and generally we have a sooooper time! Don't scurryfunge, just sit back and enjoy the show Moobarkfluff!
The Rudy Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZhV8o_o0o4
Brode Electrolyte Vitamins; Get 25% off your entire purchase:
Proud sponsor of the Good Furry Awards
Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.
You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at: bearlyfurcasting@gmail.com
More Equal Than The Others?
Over the years there have been many adaptations of satirist George Orwell’s famous work Animal Farm, both on stage and on screen. Most often, each of them have deviated in some way from the author’s original story, an allegory for the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of centralized power under Joseph Stalin. Now we’ve been informed by Animation World Network that Andy Serkis (Lord of the Rings, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle) and his company The Imaginarium have joined up with Aniventure (Riverdance) to create a new CGI version of the story that Mr. Serkis will direct. It’s currently in production at Cinesite. No word on a release date — yet!

image c. 2022 The Imaginarium
Friends with Fur
At WonderCon we met Ralph Lee Miranda, one of the minds behind Oh, Bubba — a series of animated shorts. Here’s what the makers say: “Oh, Bubba is an animated series on YouTube. It stars our titular character Bubba Lu [the gorilla], Grumpy, and their hooman friends as they navigate this modern world together, often with hilarious results and commentary… Think of it as The Muppets meets Friends.” You can also find out more about the series at IMDB.

image c. 2022 Drawn of Time
Some Facts about Pedophilia
It's not so much a question but a hope that you may be able to help change some very wrong opinions about a certain topic. Society as a whole and furries especially hear this condition and immediately fly into a rage storm. I live with this psychological condition and wish people would take the time to try and understand it more. I have discussed my tools for managing this condition with psychological professionals and they see no harm in it so long as it remains strictly fictional and between consenting adults in roleplay settings. Anyway, due to a childhood trauma, I suffer from pedophilia and have never harmed a child in my life; in fact, I am asexual.
* * *
Dear Anonymous,
To say you are asexual and a pedophile is to be self-contradictory. An asexual person has absolutely no interest in sex and, therefore, cannot have a sexual attraction for children. What you mean to say is that you are a pedophile who does not act out sexually with children. This is an important distinction. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, pedophilia means you have "recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children." Therefore, one can still be a pedophile even though one never acts on those desires.
It is entirely possible not to act on our sexual proclivities. It is wrong when people think that all pedophiles abuse children. In fact, the large majority never act out on their desires. It is also possible for people who are not pedophiles to sexually abuse children, using them as a surrogate for the true object of their desires.
Research is showing that pedophiles who grew up in abusive households are more likely to act out on their attraction for children. Childhood traumas of various sorts can make this more likely. Therapy with a trained mental health professional is the best way to treat pedophilia.
There is also growing evidence that pedophilia tendencies are genetic, just as homosexual ones are. So, it may be that people are born to be pedophiles. Now, there is a movement to destigmatize pedophilia by calling pedophiles "minor-attracted people." This should not, however, be seen as saying it's okay to molest children sexually. This is never okay because children are minors, are not sexually mature, and do not have the social position to say "No." It is always wrong to force oneself on a child who is powerless to prevent such assaults. This is what makes pedophilia different from homosexuality: the latter involves consenting adults while the former does not. Also, pedophilia is classified as a psychological disorder, but homosexuality is not (yes, it was once, but is no longer). Here is a good article all about pedophilia.
Thank you for bringing up an important topic. Hopefully, this will clear up some misunderstandings about pedophilia.
Episode 517 - The Splash Zone
This week: Cum parties, con headaches, minding your business, too many gays, twitter gets worse, and cheese caves.
Boozy's thread on the party - https://twitter.com/BoozyBadger/status/1519365777849212929
Too many gays! https://twitter.com/TylerAlbertario/status/1519341275975143425
The Origin Story Of Government Cheese And Unintended Economic Consequences : Planet Money : NPR
Telegram fan chat - https://t.me/+6pbv_U1AY95jOWU5
Southpaws is creating and promoting The Queer Agenda | Patreon
Episode 517 - The Splash ZoneFWG Monthly Newsletter: May 2022
We’re a little bit late this month as I’m just getting back from FurDU, but we’re back now with another monthly update of guild news! As I have been at a convention all weekend, things will be fairly light, but there are a few important details to cover!
Firstly, we have the Coyotl Awards. These were presented by myself at FurDU, and were livestreamed on the official FurDU Twitch channel. At this stage, I am unsure if the video of this stream will be made available, but we have all the winners below.
Best Novel
Aces High, by J. Daniel Phillips
Bringing Down Upworld, by Kandrel
God of Fire, by Ryan Campbell
Freedom Ring, by Frances Pauli – Winner
Best Novella
The Bee’s Waltz: A Labyrinth of Souls Novel, by Mary E. Lowd
Carnage, by Weasel – Winner
The Lengthy Farewell, by P.C. Hatter
Dark Lane, by P.C. Hatter
Best Short Story
I’m Just Your Stud, by Dirt Coyote. Featured in Voice of Dog
The Squirrelherd and the Sound, by Emmie Christie. Featured in Zooscape 12
Colored In Sepia, by S. Park. Featured in Shark Week: An Ocean Anthology – Winner
Familiar Encounter, by Darius Davis. Featured in Voice of Dog
Best Anthology
Sam Digger: Beaver Detective, by Ian Madison Keller
Shark Week: An Ocean Anthology, Edited by Ian Madison Keller – Winner
A Swordmaster’s Tale, Edited by Tarl “Voice” Hoch
Difursity: Volume 2, Edited by Weasel
Best Other Work
Puplift: A Dog’s Guide to Space, by Tempe O’Kun
Furry Fiction Is Everywhere, by Ian Madison Keller and Mary E. Lowd – Winner
Thank you to all members of the Furry Writers Guild who nominated and voted for the finalists. And, of course, congratulations to the winners. The quality of furry writing is immense right now, so all the finalists should feel proud of their achievements in reaching this list.
The winners for the Leo Awards and the Ursa Majors should be coming in the next month. We will highlight those winners when they are known.
We are also approaching the last few days to announce candidacy for the upcoming guild presidential elections. If you are a guild member and would like to step up to president, or any of the other office positions, then please announce your candidacy on the forums: here. Please get any candidacy posts in before midnight Sunday 8th May. At the moment, I am standing unopposed. Should there be a second candidate, a date will be announced for a vote.
There are a few ongoing submission calls for short stories, though we have not seen many themed anthology calls at this stage. If you see something that you think can be highlighted by the FWG, then please contact us with information about it!
Isekai Me! – Deadline When Full
Children Of The Night – Deadline When Full
#ohmurr! – Deadline: Ongoing
Zooscape – Temporarily closed for submissions. Reoccurring submission windows.
Please also consider checking out some of the new and upcoming releases from our members.
Winter Without End, by Casimir Laski. Available for pre-order. Released Late May 2022.
Red Pandamonium, by Roan Rosser. Available for pre-order. Released June 13th 2022.
Jiao Tu’s Endeavour, by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt. Available for pre-order. Released June 16th 2022.
Unfinished Business, by Tim Susman. Available for pre-order. Released July 5th 2022.
A Furry Faux Paw, by Jessica Kara. Available for pre-order. Released July 12th (Date changed from May 24th 2022.)
Pirating Pups, edited by Rhonda Parrish. Featuring a short story from FWG member Alice Dryden. Available for pre-order. Released August 9th.
As always, any guild members who want to see their upcoming books included in the newsletter, please let us know! We try to keep up to date with everything, but there will always be some things we miss.
Depending on election results, this might be my last monthly newsletter. If it is, it has been an honour being president of the Furry Writers Guild for the last twelve months.
Whether it is me again next month, or a new incoming president, stay safe and keep writing.
Please check out the finalists of the Coyotl Awards.
J.F.R. Coates
Beauty in Complexity
Another art crew we met at WonderCon goes by the name of Star Salts — interesting, hmm? Jackie (artist!) and Ian (manager!) specialize in densely complex tapestries featuring pokemon, anime creatures, and other popular cartoon subjects. Then those designs become part of their line of Hawaiian-style shirts, lanyards, pillow cases, and even (how timely!) face-masks. They’ve also branched out into enamel pins and such. Visit their web site to see the latest.

image c. 2022 by Star Salts
“The Bad Guys”: Mr Wolf comes alive; film scores 1st in US box office

Bearly Furcasting S3E1 - Welcome to our Third Season or our Second Anniversary!
MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!
Moobarkfluff! Welcome to Season Three of BFFT. Taebyn and Bearly have a super time with things this week. We have two new segments: Movie Reviews with Miles Opossum, and Your Home Town. We also hear about stupid things happening around the world this week. We wish some furs a happy birthday, and statistically, we are doing well this week. We even string a bunch of words together to make sentences to teach new ideas and concepts! So join us for this wonderful journey into the minds of Bearly and Taebyn. Moobarkfluff!
Brode Electrolyte Vitamins; Get 25% off your entire purchase:
Proud sponsor of the Good Furry Awards
Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.
You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at: bearlyfurcasting@gmail.com
What, We Worry?
We met Janie Stapleton at WonderCon this year. On her web site, she describes her art like this: “I find inspiration in nature and people watching, and I like my work to strike an awkward balance of gallows humor and bright colors. My work explores emotional intelligence, neurodivergence, and interpersonal connection through lighthearted drawings and comics.” And so she’s created various funny-animal-themed online comics like Animal Logic and The Adventures of Anxiety & Mouse. More recently, she’s run some successful Kickstarter campaigns to release her comics in paperback book form. See if they can help you relax.

image c. 2022 by Janie Stapleton
Grovel Reports April 28th 2022 - New Furry Conventions + 3rd party provider?

Hi everyone! Incase you missed any news recently from the furry community, here are some highlights: DogPatch Press Article https://dogpatch.press/2022/04/25/repeat-scammer-traceponies-scandal/ Furality/FWA Announcement https://twitter.com/FurryWeekend/status/1514710091487924246?s=20&t=eGkkatoXIsQ80F7pN9GeKw Furry Writers Guild https://forums.furrywritersguild.com/t/guild-elections-2022-2023/2388 https://furrywritersguild.com/ FurEh 10th anniversary form https://forms.gle/HpwDmLcGjDThqmiD9 Furcationland https://twitter.com/furcationland/status/1516115065858138112?s=20&t=fqZW2-Y7KF9vX2h5CZLi3Q Soda City Fur Con https://sodacityfurcon.com/ Social Media: https://twitter.com/SodaCityFurCon PAWCon https://twitter.com/FurFest/status/1518606300749479937?t=KaTNDO5Dz9p6Cy9IGzEttQ&s=19 HFF5 https://twitter.com/HexFurryFest/status/1517218740319899648?s=20&t=aHqswgsBNcQnA6zr0_lHzw If you like the work I do please like/follow/share to support the channel I'm on multiple platforms https://twitter.com/GrovelHusky https://www.twitch.tv/grovelhusky https://t.me/grovelreports Subscribe to show support https://www.youtube.com/c/GrovelHusky/?sub_confirmation=1 Grovel Reports Studio made by Kydek https://twitter.com/FluffyKydek Banners used in the channel were made by Slushi https://twitter.com/Slushi3Brushi3?s=09 Music created for Grovel Husky by Whooshagg https://whooshagg.com/ Grovel Reports April 28th 2022 - New Furry Conventions + 3rd party provider? #furryfandom #furryconvention
1980’s furry fandom was on Star Trek: The Next Generation and spun off Netflix’s Usagi Yojimbo
There have been many fan-made furry/Star Trek crossovers. Some early editions of Dana Simpson’s Ozy and Millie comic were republished in Klingon language. Ever hear about Furries Vs. Klingons, a bowling tournament between Atlanta fursuiters and a Klingon cosplay group?
Astonishingly, there was OFFICIAL show crossover that’s not yet included on Wikifur’s Star Trek list, and it came before most of them. It was a complete surprise to me, so here’s a headline story for you, even if it’s a few dilithium crystals short of warp speed.
Sprinkles being a Star Trek pupcake for #FursuitFriday Maybe Data likes cupcakes too? pic.twitter.com/7NlwAdEfiX
— Derp Dawwg (@WoleverWuff) October 23, 2015
Star Trek: The Next Generation made sneaky references to early furry fandom! A tip came in from Alex:
“Hello! As I was looking at various Star Trek trivia, some of the names suddenly seemed very familiar. Apparently in one episode of Season One of ST:TNG, all the way back in 1988, someone working on the show decided to sneak in references to the Albedo Anthropomorphics furry comics! Here are some links to the furry references on the show:
- Erma Felna (name of a Starfleet Tactical Command admiral)
- Steve Gallaci (name of a Starfleet officer of the USS Robert Louis Stevenson.)
- Captain Itzak Arrat (name of a Starfleet officer of the USS Ticonderoga)
- Commodore Toki (name of a Starfleet officer of the Advanced Technologies Division)
It might be a stretch, but perhaps the USS Omaha Nebraska that “Admiral Erma Felna” ordered miiight be a reference to Omaha the Cat Dancer?
I thought that maybe you could try to do some investigation and perhaps figure out who this possible early furry working on Star Trek might be, and maybe shed some light on these interesting references.”
I see these character names appeared in the ST:TNG episode “Conspiracy”, which aired May 9, 1988 and later won an Emmy award. The episode link’s script and story notes credit writer Tracy Tormé — (son of Mel Tormé and later creator of TV show Sliders) — adapting a story by Robert Sabaroff, with input from Robert Justman, Rick Berman, Rob Lewin, and Maurice Hurley. Their storied careers don’t tell me obvious furry clues.
The names were in background screens on a computer that showed text memos, and weren’t played by actors — those are obscure easter eggs!

Search result for “Star Trek furries.”
Military theme a natural crossover.
The names are referencing characters in the Albedo Anthropomorphics comics universe, except for Steve Gallacci, the comic founder and a technical illustrator for the U.S. Air Force. He calls himself a “milfur” (military-theme furry fan.)
Gallacci’s comic is “often credited with starting the furry comic book subgenre that featured sophisticated stories with funny animals primarily intended for an adult audience. It was first published in 1983.” – Wikipedia
Does anyone have more info about how furry references appeared in Star Trek? I wrote to Steve and hope to hear back.
Gallacci and early furry comic characters are alive and kicking in 2022!
Steve Gallacci is active in the fandom; a month ago, he posted to Furaffinity to ask for fan feedback about “diving deep into the sketchbooks and such for ‘unpublished’ work.” He only recently got Paypal and will do commissions, and has a Patreon too.
I found Albedo Anthropomorphics #1 original printings for sale between $1-2000 depending on condition; one Ebay seller has a less-than-mint copy for $2200. Some other early issues are going for hundreds. There’s high value for the first Albedo appearances of Usagi Yojimbo, artist Stan Sakai’s samurai rabbit who went on to his own fame and pop crossover:
“a highly successful comic book series drawing influence from the movies of Akira Kurosawa as well as the exploits of the legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi. It is perhaps best known in the West for its close connection to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles series.” (- Polygon)
Usagi Yojimbo will get major mainstream notice TODAY, April 28, 2022 with the new release of Netflix’s animated series Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles.
Comic market watchers are wondering if prices for the original furry comics might see a crazy jump to “remarkable records”.
Will Usagi Yojimbo's 1st Appearance in Albedo #2 Take the TMNT Leap? https://t.co/hfASDRfmCY via @bleedingcool
— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) April 28, 2022
UPDATE for Star Trek furry references:
On the Facebook Graymuzzles group (for furry fans from the early days), Earl Bacon claimed that the cover photo of one issue of Albedo Anthropomorphics was taken on the set of ST:TNG, and it showed a copy of Albedo on Captain Picard’s desk in his ready room.
Earl’s source: “Steve Gallacci himself said that the photo was taken there after filming was done for the day on one of the first episodes of Season 1 of TNG.”
I looked up the issue he named, and Albedo #14 was published in Spring 1989, around the same time. So that means the show references a furry comic… and the comic returns the reference. What’s the deeper story to how this happened?
Here’s a PDF of the Albedo comic where it talks about it being photographed on the Star Trek set. It says that a person named Rick Sternbach was responsible for taking the cover photo. Sternbach is a super accomplished pro illustrator with a long history of working on Star Trek. His tie to an early furry comic is several decades old, so what would he say about it now? A private message to his Facebook account went unanswered.
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)
Zoosadist arrest in Australia shows successful internet investigation.
A police raid and arrest in Australia is being added to the Dogpatch Press tag for zoosadism (which investigates animal cruelty, and the black market of animal “crush” and shock media.) The raid found “a significant number of videos depicting animal cruelty and bestiality”. Details of the abuse are so bad, that lawyers representing the suspect asked a court to suppress them, to limit publicity and avoid tainting a jury. Having read details, I would call them among the worst seen in years of covering the news. Evidence of deadly violence that surfaced on the net was judged extreme even to fringe shock groups.
- NT Independent: ‘The depravity is deeply disturbing’: NT Police horrified as bestiality charges laid against rural area man
- ABC News Australia: Darwin man charged with bestiality and animal cruelty faces court for the first time
The raid was in McMinns Lagoon, a rural area of about 800 residents outside Darwin in the Northern Territory, near Yarrawonga, Girraween, Zuccoli, Wak Wak, Bees Creek, and Humpty Doo.
Fandom connections and investigators.
This isn’t an isolated crime; it’s part of a trend backed by data. In recent years, zoosadists have been able to network like never before with technology for stealthy media trading. The trend has led to outlawing bestiality state by state in the USA, and making animal crush federally illegal with the 2019 PACT act. But far too often, they get away with it…
Putting a spotlight on this trend can show that abusers can be tracked, and complicit people can be held responsible. Their accomplices include a fandom underworld where zoophiles harbored zoosadists for decades, which only came out when a crime ring leaked in 2018. They meet in shady crossover groups with hundreds of zoophile furries, and use fandom for cover or even staff furry cons to walk among us while investigation gets backlash. Even if opposed by many furries, they have high-level apologists who promote “zoosexuality” and call opposition “cancel culture”. It’s like a Catholic Church abuse crisis, except with decentralized compartmentalizing behind denials about it. “Not our job” denials make a Catch-22 for seeking outside help, when police rarely pay attention. Even criminals who hide behind popularity like the now-disgraced Kero the Wolf get away with it.
For the Australian crime, it’s unclear how directly it ties to known rings, although it used similar methods. However, it can make a deeper look at internet investigators who gather some of the only visible info about secret zoosadist networks.
Tracking the suspect — Beyond the mainstream news.
The search process included screenshots of evidence that showed a victim dog to identify the breed. This comes from an investigator in Estonia (with minor corrections for clarity):
“How I managed to track his nasty ass is I did lots of research on the internet, posted this everywhere on the internet, until I saw one guy who seemed to know something about it. I contacted him and asked what does he know about this video or the person behind it.”
Following the trail led to a network with familiar methods:
“He said, oh I’m in a Telegram group chat with him and he posts lots of zoosadistic material there and talks to other zoosadists. I thought this is some BS, but he proved it and sent me screenshots of it.”
Abuse media traders can use what law enforcement calls a “baseball card trading system“:
“I even tried to get into the group myself but I couldn’t. It was like a share-to-join group, so I had to share zoosadistic material in order to join. But of course I don’t have any of this stuff, so I just let this other drug addict who was in the group and who I had access to talk with.”
If there was no media — there’d be no networks — but zoophiles excuse the consumer demand they make while their sources hide their ID’s:
“I asked questions from the man himself, like why is he doing this, etc. He said he hates dogs a lot and loves rape. Very f*cked up individual, I guess he didn’t even reveal much information to other zoosadists.”
The hiding takes high effort to overcome:
“So that led me nowhere until I started really look around for every detail in [evidence video] and noticed the orange collar with color changing pattern/chip. It had “Great Pets Start with you” logo on it. I did more research and found that these collars have a chip and they’re given out by council in Northern Territory, Australia. So I sent pictures of the dog to numerous shelters in Northern Territory but no one could identify the dog. I sent the pics to city council, and asked is it possible these kinds of collars are given out elsewhere? They said “No,” only we give out such chipped collars to dogs.”
Persistence had results:
“The city council asked me why do I need to know it. I told them all the information about the man, what he does to dogs, etc. The council told me they’re gonna pass it to criminal investigators, and few days later the police contact me to ask information. Like, describe what he does in the videos. They wanted me to describe everything he does to these poor dogs, like does he record his acts and post them somewhere, etc. So I did and the police said we have one 51 year old suspect who fits your description… we’re gonna raid him soon etc… a few days later the police contact me again saying they have caught the man, and all the material I sent them, they found on his devices. The police thanked me and told me I can now rest easy and breathe freely.”
The investigator emphasized that the suspect ID can’t be public yet, but told me:
“He gets extreme sexual pleasure out of animal cruelty, the videos were posted to his telegram chat. It’s quite odd why did he risk sharing these videos, as he’s not some junkie, but quite successful and highly educated and famous in his hometown.”
I verified this claim in private, and this case is very noteworthy and sure to get more news. Action is pending in court.
Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)
Plushies with Purpose
At a recent convention we came across the Creep Cat Toy Company — by their own description, “…founded by two independent LGBTQ+ artists with a passion for funky little creatures and a knack for design! We are a pair of artists who work mainly in craft and concept design and are trying our hand at turning our work into something larger.” Which is mainly a collection of interesting plush animal toys, often featuring species you don’t see very often — like hyenas long-legged maned wolves. The collection also includes their line of Pride Gators, designed to showcase the owner’s personality. “With each purchase from Creep Cat you are directly supporting small artists and helping us live out our dream!”.

image c. 2022 Creep Cat Toy Company
Statement regarding GFTV’s ties with Neil Wacaster and AwooNews

Finding a Fursuit Maker
I’m new to the furry fandom. I joined when Covid started to get my mind off the pandemic. So I did not know how to get a fursuit, so I bought one from eBay. I was just starting. I did not know what to do. Is that bad? What are the best places to find a real fursuit maker? It is 2 years since I joined the fandom and I love it. I found you out by Cassidy Civet. I’m going to my very 1st fur con soon, and I will be wearing my fursuit I got, but I will be getting a real one soon. I hope, from Thunderhowl Studios. Is that a good place to start?
* * *
Dear Stitch,
Sorry for the delay in my reply, and thank you for your excellent question. You are correct that there are good sources and bad to contact when it comes to commissioning a new (or purchasing a used or premade) fursuit. You need to be careful on sites such as eBay because there are a lot of disreputable companies out there. There are a few--especially coming out of Asia--that show photos of beautiful fursuits, but when you order it and receive it, it's actually a piece of garbage you wouldn't wear at a cheesy Halloween party. You can learn about all the fursuit scams out there by going to YouTube and typing "fursuit scammers." You will see various vlogs there from good furries like Ash Coyote, who, by the way, made a vlog, especially about eBay scams. You should also be wary of other online merchant sites such as Etsy.
If you want a new fursuit, the best thing to do is research research research. Find a legit maker with a track record whose style you like and contact them to see if they are open for commissions. You can also ask any fursuiting friends you have about who made their fursuits and if they had a good experience with the maker. I hired Beastcub to make Grubbs because I had seen a lot of her work, so I contacted her directly.
Sounds like you have already picked Thunderhowl Studios. Yes, that's a good maker from what I've heard. I'm going to add some more information below for the benefit of my other readers.
If you don't know where to begin, there are a couple of database sites you might find useful. The Fursuit Database is great because you can search on species and types of fursuits, see real-life examples, and contact the maker of the suit. (Here's the listing for Grubbs, for example). There is also the Fursuit Makers Database, which lists the works of nearly 500 makers.
Commissioning a full fursuit new is a long, arduous, and expensive process. Don't be surprised if it takes up to 2 years to complete the purchase. Top-notch designers are in high demand and will cost you a mint ($3,000 and up, easily). The easiest way to cut expenses is to get a partial suit. These are also good because you can wear regular clothes and stay a lot cooler than a full suit. You can also look for makers who start their work using head bases (pre-molded heads of various species that you can customize). And, of course, the best way to save money is to make a fursuit yourself, but that takes a lot of skill and dedication on your part. Finally, you can buy a used fursuit. The best place to find those is The Dealer's Den. There used to be other sites such as FurBuy, but they appear to have closed their doors.
Happy Fursuiting!
Conventions warn furries of repeat scammer from 2015 “Traceponies” scandal
Updated with new info (5/9/22)
A scam is targeting furry convention goers and vendors. It’s named Furry Swap Meet. Cons and fandom lawyers like Boozy Badger and Buddy Goodboy are putting out Bewares. The scam is advertising “partner” events to coincide with official events, but there’s no real partnership. It’s trying to use false impressions to rent dealer tables, compete with cons for attendance, exploit their hard work and ride their coat tails.
This isn’t a single-source complaint; it’s a united warning from many official channels. But after you read them, there’s way more to tell you. They don’t connect the history of greedy line-pushing by a practiced serial scammer behind it. You can connect the dots from this furry news story. Even if you don’t need bewares, it’s a fascinating case for how much manipulation a fandom can harbor.
*clicks through link sent to me for someone's new furry business idea*
Oh god no.
No no no no no.
— Col. Boozy Badger (@BoozyBadger) April 20, 2022
We have been notified of another organization claiming to provide vender spaces near our event.
BLFC is NOT affiliated or in ANY way connected with any other organizations offering vendor spaces.
— Biggest Little Fur Con (@BiggestLittleFC) April 20, 2022
NOTICE: We are in no way affiliated with any 3rd party ticket providers or "partner events.” All charity operations, registration, and vendor activities are managed in house. We urge you to think critically about 3rd parties claiming to be collecting donations or registrations
— AnthrOhio 2022: Tech Noir (@anthrohio) April 20, 2022
There's the boom. https://t.co/Jwp1b0Sv5I
— Col. Boozy Badger (@BoozyBadger) April 20, 2022
Okay, here’s the deal as far as I can tell: https://t.co/11CQBAu78G is an organization setting up events parallel to and unconnected to major furry cons. They work with Neil Wacaster, formerly of Artworktee, who’s been embroiled in controversy. I would not give them money. pic.twitter.com/0MhCw81CQW
— Buddy Goodboy (@BuddyGoodboyEsq) April 20, 2022
Updated with thread — A gracious thank-you to Buddy Goodboy for research and alerting the public too.
Jeffery Neil Wacaster is the person behind Furry Swap Meet, AKA Hot Fudge Husky / Neil Fox.
Jeffery Neil Wacaster — previously known as “Drawponies” — was rejected out of the My Little Pony fandom in 2015 for his “Traceponies” scandal (more on that soon). He then pivoted to furry fandom, bringing the same old tricks under a new brand. It worked, because furries haven’t reacted or documented things like bronies did. Then came problem after problem after problem…
Check out how Wacaster introduces himself on his Linkedin page:
It says expertise in guerrilla marketing… that’s a far too nice term for how shady this gets!
The million dollar sales claim also touts charity fundraising, which sounds nice. Charity isn’t always altruistic, of course; think of a robber baron building a library in his name to look good with money from plundering and exploiting people. Buying goodwill can be as effective as advertising for sales, or doing PR for damage control… but what about doing fair business in the first place?
Wacaster’s 2012 college thesis was about venture capitalism and entrepreneurship. It has a line that sums up the Machiavellian behavior in this story:
To get ahead any way he can, Wacaster now uses business brand accounts and personal account Hot Fudge Husky on Twitter, Youtube, Furaffinity, F-List, etc. It’s hard to even count how many other scam accounts he uses, as you’ll see. (Update: He changed the personal account to Neil Fox after this story came out.)
The blueprint: Methods of the original Traceponies scandal
Last decade, Wacaster’s Drawponies brand was everywhere at My Little Pony fan cons. His dealer operation reaped profits from large-scale competition against small artists. Then Wacaster was caught tracing frames of the official MLP show to crank out and sell falsely advertised “original” art.
As angry fans saw it, Wacaster had cheated to compete and took dealer space that crowded out better talents, rode on top of labor that built the events, and took advantage of volunteer mods for his own groups. Fans do this work for love… but Wacaster’s Linkedin calls their cons “Trade shows.” (Hasbro might have something to say about trade from THEIR property.)
Brony news site Horse News reported about Wacaster’s fall from grace and con bans after the scandal. It’s crazy how the news is needed again 7 years later… will he ever learn?
- DRAWPONIES SCANDAL! Popular artist caught tracing the show… by his own fanclub!
- DrawPonies Scandal Day 2: Damage Report
- Drawponies Scandal Day 3 – The final word on #traceponies
The pivot: Artworktee (no longer owned by Wacaster)
With Drawponies done, founding a new merchandise business could have been a clean slate for clean methods. Serving the fandom from within is desirable to many artists. Artworktee had that demand, and, because a new person owns it in 2022, it’s worth being careful not to hurt the brand and its users.
Wacaster is no longer there, but his former management can still get put on record. It used shady methods like systematically spamming “popufurs” with generic marketing (targeting them by follower count, like cogs in the influencer industry), and underpaying artists. Some criticism was temporarily soothed by team PR. Some was reported here with focus on cut-throat “growth hacking” like mainstream startups do (is fandom just for grabbing customers?)
Wacaster’s marketing reached people who must have had little idea about what was under the hood. “Popufurs” joined to have their merch represented. Many put their faces on a “<Fursona> Fan Club” line of shirts. But then it gained criticism for allowing merch of the racist, pro-fascist 2 Gryphon. Artworktee added a “we don’t support him” label (while it stayed for sale on the site) — until the label was pointed out as quietly removed (while it stayed for sale on the site) — and then 2 Gryphon was dropped. Read between the lines to see only caring if it looked good.
Apart from that stumble, an animal charity crowdfund was launched and supported by popular furries, reaping goodwill for Artworktee with $66,156 in donations in June 2019. But greed doesn’t stay satisfied…
Kickstarter trouble and the LGBT “Furry and Proud” campaign
The charity success coincided with a separate huge crowdfund that Wacaster undoubtedly envied. Fursona Pins had a record six-figure Kickstarter fund for LGBT Pride-themed pins, shooting up to $249,610 on July 1, 2019. 3 months later, Artworktee imitated this with a Pride-themed shirt line on Kickstarter, resembling something for charity. It was actually for profit, and used careless methods that Fursona Pins took care not to do.
Some supporters complained about being misled, with receipts on the Know Your Meme page for the Furry and Proud line.

I didn’t follow the Furry and Proud campaign after it ended at $35,511 in support, but a year later, comments piled up about failure to deliver shirts and shirts being sold on the store before being delivered to backers. In the next year, Artworktee went bankrupt, and Wacaster is out. The new owners mentioned a “Kickstarter Debacle.” Perhaps bankruptcy could be counted against Wacaster, but it also was the year of Covid-19, and Artworktee serves a real demand (wouldn’t it be nice to build small fandom business to do service, not grab power?) It has a clean slate to reorganize now.
Furrymemes: Systematic art theft for clout
Wacaster’s methods for boosting sales and crowdfunds were more shady than most people knew. Here’s a great scam you can repeat forever:
- Scrape industrial quantities of “memes” from the most popular furry Reddit posts. (Read: stealing art from the original makers.)
- Use a bot to repost memes to Twitter as insincere fan love, but only offer to take down stolen art if noticed. (Read: clout arbitrage.)
- Pump Furrymemes account over 10k followers, because people follow and share without thinking.
- Switch the account to a store or other front, then take the old name with a new small account. Pump it up again.
- Repeat forever using the same name, profile pic, and scraped content. Sharers won’t notice the switching.
- Shill merchandise with the deceptively pumped up accounts, sometimes selling extremely problematic products…
This scam was also behind switching Furrymemes to a furry news site (Awoonews) with attached Patreon. It sputtered and died from exploiting volunteers to write for free, reposting more stolen art, taking Patron money for it, and shilling merchandise until that backfired. Awoo News is now a suspended account.

Accounts like these, despite linking to the artist, basically divert traffic away from them in a "this account posts art almost daily with credit so there's no need to follow the actual artists" kinda way.
An example being in them having 13k+ followers and you only having 5k.
— Jennah Saburashii (@JENNAAAAAAAAHHH) February 10, 2020
Bot-powered industrial clout-chasing and aggressive “growth hacking” is the opposite of what personal fandom is for. (Furries are born when they think: “I can have my own unique fursona with my own art…”)
This led to incidents like posting scraped “memes” that were hateful chan posts — which tells you the quality of clout-chasing content — and a mini-scandal when a Furrymemes account switched to a sex toy store.
Furrysexshop tries to cash in clout, gets backlash up the butt
Stolen art could transform to profit, Wacaster hoped, if a switched account could shill drop-shipped buttplug tails. Drop-shipping is a business method where an outside business fulfills products by mail. The seller never touches them, so quality control is nonexistent. The seller collects money and maybe the buyer has no idea, except it’s hard to get refunds.
For Wacaster’s Furrysexshop, cheap chinese sources were meant to provide “faux fur” tailplugs, but the products held a surprise…
Answers about what the next one would be rebranded to — a drop ship operation https://t.co/3cxwpsub32
— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) December 29, 2019
to someone for having made 3 clics and have no guarantee about the product
I call this a scam
Plus their communication is made through a transfomed twitter account + @furry__memes
— Silou SnowCat (@Silou_Atien) December 18, 2019
The “faux fur” sold through markets like Alibaba was believed to be real animal parts from shady chinese fur-farms. Animal welfare laws? Who needs those when your art theft/clout scam can make a buck? The backlash made Wacaster delete the store.
Advanced clout chasing: Awoo News and Global Furry TV
Think of how shady it would be to run scams on the fandom, AND run one of the few news sites that could report on them… what a conflict of interest and treacherous control of the narrative!
(For example, see the Washington Post owned by billionaire Amazon owner Jeff Bezos… Dogpatch Press is proudly independent of any other fandom business.)
Filling Awoo News with fan-made news lacked a crucial ingredient: having volunteers naive enough to work for free for Wacaster implies lack of insight for news. It’s like hiring the blind to draw your art. It led to getting a teenage editor with his own hobby channel called Global Furry TV, who announced their partnership (with no transparency about editing Awoo News too, Wacaster’s for-profit business or how it was pumped by clout scams.) The former Awoo News editor/partner carries on the quality with both-sidesing to defend shady figures, partnering with other shady figures, and even spreading defenses for groups like the Furry Raiders while accusing the fandom of “politics” or division in “controversies”. (There’s no controversy in rejecting malice and scams, of course.)
@.Artworktee & @.Awoonews are made by a notorious scam artist, w/ this being their newest endeavor
If you see content from any other "furry meme" sites in their RTs, assume they're all part of the same scandal.
STOP supporting them!! https://t.co/Z0oTHGBDtd
— Zahzu-Lemur & a Zebra
(@Zahzu) December 30, 2019
Hazbin Hotel Fanworks: Youtube channel that uses fan art to pump crypto investing, but the channel was ironically stolen.
Wacaster’s move after bankruptcy with shirts was to build a 185K follower video channel: “Comic Dubs for the Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss Universes.” The fandubs takes fan-made comics from an indie property (so, probably lacking lawyers to defend the property) and applies new voices. There’s a sneaky way to upload/recycle a bunch of content you didn’t create, say you’re adding something original (or call it fair use), and ride the coat tails up to 185K followers. Maybe a lot of them are kids.
Did you think this is about enjoying fandom with them? Ha ha!! Wacaster’s co-admins had their marks lined up. With 43 million views for comics, it doesn’t matter what they’re for; that can drive a lot of traffic for crypto investing scams the channel also pumps.
Wacaster’s access to 185K followers was cut off when his crypto scam partner (Crowley) stole it from him and locked him out on Youtube, leaving him a small 3K Twitter for the channel. It led to dueling accusations about theft and legal battle. The Youtube now just posts game streams with cratered views.

If Wacaster knew Crowley was a criminal during their partnership, is it only told now to get back at him? How many kids followed the channel…
More about Furry Swap Meet and Hot Fudge Husky / Neil Fox
Here we are back at the latest scam. It changed after bad notice; it might have some kind of too-late spin about being nonprofit.
Wacaster did have a nonprofit set up, Fandom Fund. That nonprofit was supposedly based in Arkansas. No nonprofits by that name are registered in Arkansas. Fandom Fund Inc is dissolved in Indiana as of March 2022. I don’t know if there is reorganizing going on, but cons weren’t even asked first, and the launch debacle was spammed at people who should now read this story and think hard before supporting any such thing.
UPDATE: The Furry Swap Meet site is taken down. Wacaster’s Twitter for Hot Fudge Husky deleted all activity for the scam, and replaced it with a message that Crowley hacked it (despite coordinated marketing from Wacaster’s other accounts.) REPEAT: MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS.
Here's the "partner event" email and the commission cold call email from a few days ago.
Different emails, both signed by Hot Fudge Husky. pic.twitter.com/s5niwAWwaW
— Ash! (@ashenwhiskers) April 20, 2022
When you know how the Furrymemes scam works, isn’t it funny how the Hot Fudge Husky twitter has 11.5K followers but almost no content? — UPDATE: Hot Fudge Husky is rebranded to Neil Fox. Neil Fox is the result when you search the original account name @furry__memes.
Some previous coverage here about Wacaster erred on the side of being lenient and forgiving. It’s great that cons coordinated official responses this time, making it not just my opinion that this guy needs to stop.
He obviously has impressive skills, along with astonishing lack of limits or respect. Why not build a small business to deliver joy and satisfaction to people instead of trampling them in a rush to dominate a market?
Maybe he’ll read this and dismiss it as an unfair hit piece (or just call it “drama”.) Well… a good time for getting his side and letting him explain could have been after the first disaster. After 10 times, why should we get both sides about an UNCHECKED RAMPAGE OF GREED?
It’s not the job of unpaid volunteers and fans to be the conscience, when someone keeps doing aggressive schemes until they fail and make an ass out of everyone who trusted them.
Meanwhile, Wacaster claims a million dollars in sales and had an ENTIRE PR TEAM response for disasters before. That’s unfair to everyone else in the same market, like little artists competing for notice. It isn’t equal, and I don’t have time to waste on wishy-washy both-sidesing like a nice, polite fence-sitter. Polite and kind aren’t the same thing, and it would be UNKIND to the public to hold back news of all this nonsense and deception.
Anyone who calls this drama or unfair is on the hook to give real answers for why this keeps happening, and when will it stop?
UPDATES: Wacaster’s response connects more background of the Hazbin Hotel Fanworks scams.
Buddy Goodboy’s thread is added (it was overlooked during parallel research), give him a follow. And we have new insight on Neil Wacaster’s response after the scam emerged — Wacaster is backpedaling with claims about “lies” and being “hacked”:
(Personally, I think this is just a backpedaling attempt, but I suppose we shall see)
— Trick | Badge comms open! (@TrickTheHyena) April 22, 2022
To unravel these claims, more info is in a video posted by the Hazbin Hotel Fanworks replacement Youtube channel. If you recall the background above, Hazbin Hotel Fanworks was a partnership between Neil Wacaster and a crypto scammer named Crowley, who took their first channel of 185K followers. The replacement has 6K, and its spin about this requires reading between the lines. UPDATE: The replacement channel, still under Wacaster’s control, took down the team’s explanation. The below summary of the contents was posted when the video was still live and comparable. If anyone claims it isn’t true, ask why the evidence was deleted.
The hour long video reveals about Crowley and Wacaster’s partnership:
- Wacaster was living with Crowley, a sex offender on parole.
- The restrictions of living on parole show WACASTER KNEW HIS PARTNER WAS A CONVICT.
- (5:20) In November 2020, Wacaster started Hazbin Hotel Fanworks out of a “meme furry channel.”
- They were 50/50 partners in the Hazbin “company” (how is this connected to the real property owners? What???)
- They did panels at furry cons together, and hosted house parties that brought some staffers.
How staff were mismanaged:
- Crowley, the sex offender, was head of staff.
- Wacaster promised to pay staff if they started out with free volunteer work.
- Pay promises depended on investing that never came (for a fan channel using other peoples art? What???)
- (9:00) The team treats it as overpromising, rather than a history of scamming by Wacaster.
- As a Plan B, Wacaster hired cheap overseas editors for “cost saving”, who badly communicated with the team.
Things get bad:
- Crowley started his Cryptogod crypto-investing channel that was pushed on their channel.
- Meanwhile, free volunteers were overworked for roles they were never trained for.
- Crowley failed to pay them for weeks and weeks, excusing it because crypto prices fell.
- Volunteers spent all their savings to live while working full-time.
- Wacaster blamed Crowley for failing to pay, like he had no idea at all. (Sure…)
It turns into a crisis:
- Wacaster and Crowley split up, and 40 volunteers had to reorganize into 2 teams.
- (16:25) The 40 volunteers had been pitted against each other to work with “tribal”, “cut-throat competition”.
- Volunteers had been forced to stay up extra late by exhausting motivation meetings to hype up the team.
- Most of the volunteers left with Crowley, while Wacaster made new plans with his Furrymemes channels.
- (20:30) Crowley’s team locked out Wacaster’s, breaking their agreement to share channels.
Fallout from the crisis:
- They discovered employee wage funds had been dishonestly invested in crypto instead.
- This halted video production for Crowley’s channel, and it’s unclear what happened to the team.
- There is talk of legal proceedings and “it’s like a Looney Tune skit.”
- Wacaster is still leading these volunteers while Crowley is blamed.
- (45:45) Crowley is claimed to be Noah E. Akins; his parole meant he wasn’t supposed to talk to minors on social media. Yet Wacaster had him managing!
This shows the volunteers as victims too, but sorry friends… the bottom line is: don’t ever do free work for a “fan” project using someone else’s property, and if the people behind it are both scammers or criminals, do your due diligence first. Hopefully this story can help other people for the future.
EVEN MORE UPDATES, 5/9/22: New scams and insight from Indiana
Claims emerged about Wacaster offering art commissioning as a middleman scheme — Charging full price, while advertising art created at a discounted price by an outsourced artist in a cheaper place — then pocketing the difference without crediting someone else’s art.
I hope this makes sense. This person set up a fancy site I filled out for a commission, then did not pay their artist and ran. I will find a way to pay their artist but please don’t work with this person. pic.twitter.com/bd3xAsnduq
— Splat @FWA+MEGAPLEX (@SplatFennec) April 26, 2022
Not only HotFudgeHusky has been taking art that it's fully mine without my permission, but he is making money getting fake commissions using my work as an example
— Kaya (@KayaUnderTheSun) April 26, 2022
Wacaster’s Neil Fox account is now taking the title “journalist” to retaliate at a group called Italian Furposting for flagging his content. He is threatening them with a misinformation campaign that would use targeted ads to pose him as a victim of anti-journalist censorship. Is anti-spam action now censorship?
Remember the use of threats, it comes up again…
Indiana fans reached out with feedback on this story.
“Extra context: Neil has a disability so he’s unable to work ‘typical’ jobs. He does have legitimate skill as a businessperson. He is good at managing books and finances, and knows a lot about SEO and marketing, and when he’s not fixated on a money making scheme, he’s nice to be around. He hosts local fur meets at his house (“The Fox Den”). People seem to have positive experiences at his meets, and he genuinely seemed to make the meets safe — strict alcohol rules, a clearly denoted time for when NSFW content would be allowed, etc.
The @hotfudgehusky account, @awoo_news, and @furry__memes — these are the same account carried over. At one point, the account did make half-hearted attempts to credit the original post and direct users there for an artist source, but would fail more than half the time. Neil shrugged it off. He also ran a Tiktok account that clipped and edited furry dance videos for reposting. He wouldn’t ask permission before using someone’s content, but believed that was ok because “message me to remove it.” He is rebranding that account. The new tiktok name is @thefurryfandom.co and the new profile pic is his face… not sure what the angle is, but the account has 107k followers and 2.3M likes to leverage the algorithm for whatever it is.
Regarding the “Furry and Proud” crowdfund — He had walls filled in his garage with boxes of t-shirts from this. He couldn’t sell them because the shirts were the property of someone else and involved in an active legal battle (Artworktee), but Artworktee didn’t collect the property from him (?) The full run of shirts were actually produced, just… never shipped for some reason, and Artworktee may not be collecting them or lacks the funds.
Regarding Hazbin Hotel Fanworks — This was the biggest source of ongoing drama in his house and social circles. Crowley’s parole required him to inform people he is living with that he is a convict… unfortunately, Crowley violated his parole by not doing that. No one in the home, Neil included, was aware of his sex offender status until after he had already been living in the house for several months. Prior to this, he was known to have been in prison but refused to talk about why.
Was this Neil’s story? Scammers can play very sympathetic and persuasive, and always play the victim while blaming someone else. Claiming lack of knowledge about Crowley is hard to believe because:
(1) Probation can mean ankle bracelets and the PO knocking at any time to come in.
(2) They can check for devices with someone not allowed around certain devices.
(3) Crowley’s crime was openly published in the news, and that’s hard to hide.
(4) The news reported he “cannot drink any alcohol while on probation, or he will finish the sentence in prison.”
(5) Did Neil act like Crowley moved in without a real name or basic googling to screen a roommate?
It’s all hard to buy, but the source continued…
Around the same time as when news broke about Crowley’s sex offender status, is when the business partnership broke. Neil evicted Crowley from the house over his sex offender status, and his deciding to dump channel funds into an “investment” (crypto scam that he lost out on), and failure to pay bills in the house — according to Neil. He received several not-so-veiled death threats from Crowley, and so Neil kept quiet about everything until Crowley was completely out.
Once Crowley was gone, Neil was happy to leave well enough alone, but it seems Crowley had maintained access and hijacked the channel. The Youtube channel was Neil’s only source of income, so he got a lawyer to get the channel back. Crowley was served legal paperwork, with the deal being that Neil would keep quiet about Crowley’s sex offender status and not notify his parole officer of his violations, as long as the channel was returned to Neil. Crowley decided to take everything to court, and that’s when posts about Crowley’s status as a sex offender started going public. Maybe Neil hoped that social backlash would solve the situation, but it did not, and that legal battle is still ongoing.
This story about threats and staying afraid and quiet because of them is convenient… then Neil using a threat to spread info about Crowley is very shady when you look at other threats to run a targeted ad campaign against Italian Furposting for flagging his content. So he’s afraid, but making threats himself?
The source claimed Neil may start:
- Trying to attach ads to captcha systems (because you can make the internet worse by requiring people to look at an ad to prove they’re human).
- Buying land outside of the city to grow and sell CBD products, and selling camp sites on the land. Neil also wanted to go further and have “Furry” recognized as a religion in the state so he could get a religious exemption to produce THC products also, and sell “religious experiences” to people. Basically, a roundabout way to sell THC in a state where it’s not legal, and leverage the furry fandom to legitimize it.
- Crypto scams. One of Neil’s other partners is shilling dogecoin endlessly to Neil and his social circle.
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