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Mystic by SnowFox_AtHeart (Holiday)

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 14:44
Categories: News

Stop! Criminal scum!

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 14:42
Categories: News

I found a fellow Blue Panda! Who is it?

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 14:28
Categories: News

D&D Crew and their Characters

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 14:25
Categories: News

Taking 5 art requests (Canines and felines only please)

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 13:39

I'm once again digging out my sketchbook to see what I can do. I want to get back to drawing digital art, but I figured that it would be better to start with good 'ol pencil and paper. I can draw my own character reasonably well, but that's not good practice, so I'm opening 5 slots for requests.

Post: A link to a reference and a scenario. I'm trying to do this as a commission style, so I want to follow guidelines, and I don't want to create the same awkward standing character with no context or background that I've been doing.

You will recieve: A picture of the picture. It'll be used as an example in the next round of open slots.

Rules: First 5 to post will get their character drawn, however since I work and I'm not receiving payment for this, it might take a couple days. For now, I'm only looking for canines and felines, but I'll be doing this a couple times, so other races will be allowed once I'm more comfortable with my abilities again.

Edit: I'll try to do at least 1 inked and 1 in full color, but it'll depend on the complexity and how much I like how the sketch looks

submitted by Life_Wolf
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Categories: News

Rotten Relatives Jilt Teen Out of His Father's Will

Ask Papabear - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 11:21

Back in 2011, my father died on Christmas morning. After saying my last good bye, some people took him away in a body bag. The rest of my Family came over my house that day, and they took all of the stuff that my Dad said that he would give to me and my sister when he died (a MAC, a flat screen TV, Money, and other valuable things). A week later, I found out that my aunt made my dad drink in order to sign a contract saying that she would get all of his money when he died, and my dad didn’t know what he was doing because of course, he was drunk. 

Many years have passed now, I’m a teenager, I’m going to get a job in 3 months, and I’m growing up in general. But the question is, how do I move on, and forget about all the bad stuff in my life. I’ve been taking anti-depression pills, but I’m still depressed, and I don’t like being sad. I’ve seen a counselor, but that didn’t help either... 

What do I do about my depression?

Excalibur (age 13)

* * *

Dear Excalibur,

Apologies for my delayed reply, and I'm very sorry for your loss. Interesting story you relate here, and it has parallels with some that I have come across in my life. For example, when my ex-wife’s grandmother had died, her relatives swooped into the house, destroyed or hid the original will, and took what they wanted. All my ex wanted was a set of dishes that her grandmother had promised her (she wasn’t looking for money), but her relatives took those, as well. In another story, a friend of mine was very close to a man named Butch for years and years. Well, a gold-digging jerk came into Butch’s life and, as Butch was weak and dying from AIDS, got Butch to change his will at the last minute so that everything went to him, even though they had only been lovers for a couple years. None of Butch’s other family and friends got a thing. Another story: when my mate Yogi’s first husband died of heart failure his mother burned all of his photos because she hated her own son for being gay. Yogi thus lost all of those precious photos.

Your story is, sadly, not unique. People can be extremely petty and greedy, and relatives who should be loving and caring often turn out to be materialistic dirt bags. The thing is, hon, if you allow your relatives’ bad behavior to depress you, then they will have defeated you not only in grabbing material goods but also by emotionally manipulating you.

The way out of your depression is to realize that you are a better person than that. Let them have the Mac and the money, or whatever. It won’t fill their empty souls or turn their charcoal hearts into diamonds.

Focus, instead, on the love you had—and still have—for your dad. No one can take memories away. Do you have photos? Videos? Cherish those, too. 

You can defeat your depression by acknowledging what is important in life. Your relatives think what is important is stuff and money. You must realize that the only thing in life that is truly important is love—genuine, unselfish love—and the kindness that it brings.

You can’t change people who are determined to be petty and small and hateful. But you can change your reaction to them, and the best way to do that is to let it be. Let them have their stuff. He will always be your father, and they can never take that away from you.

I find, when my soul is troubled, that the best cure is to go out into the world and love. Love other people, love animals, be kind to nature, do something spontaneously nice for someone else with no desire for reciprocation and your soul will be filled to overflowing and your depression will become a distant memory.

Blessed Be,


Wanna go for a bike ride? (:

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 10:58
Categories: News

I don't believe I've introduced myself yet, so...

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 10:54

Hiya! I'm sorta new around here and I never really introduced myself properly so I guess it's high time I did that. First of all, I'm a guy. I say that because two furries that commissioned me thought I was a girl at first, heh. I'm a 20-year-old animation student from Europe and I'm a freelance artist, illustrator, designer and animator. I studied acting a few years ago and I'm a singer. All in all - I'm an artist. I can't imagine not doing what I love... Drawing is the main thing I'm doing right now, tho. Anywho, I found the fandom two years ago and I loved it. Everyone's so nice. Oh! And the art is amazing. Some of you people are soooooo talented it's not even funny... I love it here! Here's my FA, in case you're interested.

submitted by dreamingwanderer
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Categories: News

In the Alley ~Aki_de-Volfs.Ar

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 10:52
Categories: News

Furry internet history, tragic accident takes RedSavage and Milofox. NEWSDUMP (7/29/15)

Dogpatch Press - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 10:46
Tips:  Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Guest posts welcome. “Local correspondents” wanted to talk about your local networks.  ____________________________ Media and Fandom news. _____________________________ New from “Culturally F’d”: how the 1990’s internet made a Furry phenomenon. I highly endorse this Youtube series, which investigates everything this blog is for!  Host blackbird, Arrkay, sent this. (Arrkay:) […]
Categories: News

What is your favorite fandom-made species?

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 10:33

After getting on the topic of creative creatures in the fandom, it made me wonder what everyone's favorites were. If it's a fringe species, not furry but still kinda relevant (like fumi dragons or ren faire monsters), that's cool. Basically, no movie/book species, looking for content created by average peeps.

I'm expecting two dozen angel dragon responses, but I'm hoping to learn of some new ones today :o

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

Favorite thing about the fandom/fave artist?

Furry Reddit - Wed 29 Jul 2015 - 09:22

We've seen a lot of posts lately about things you dislike in the fandom, what are things you like?

And going off the artists you don't like post, who are some you do and/or feel need more attention?

submitted by LeatherHog
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Categories: News