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Step Into The Cartoon

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 1 Aug 2015 - 01:26

The world of Virtual Reality entertainment keeps moving ahead. (By leaps and bounds, or by steps and stumbles? Depends on who you talk to.) Recently Cartoon Brew put up an article about Henry, “an Immersive Virtual Reality short”. “On the surface, Oculus Story Studio’s new 12-minute short film Henry is a sweet story about a lovable hedgehog who just want to make friends, but can’t stop spiking whatever he hugs. ” But actually, it’s one of the first animated films ever created for the environment of the Oculus Rift head-set. Once “inside”, viewers can either watch Henry’s story — as he attempts to hug flying balloon-puppies with disastrous results — or explore the levels and rooms of Henry’s tiny home. Or both. There’s a non-Oculus “making-of” video that explains it more.

image c. 2015 Oculus Story Studio

image c. 2015 Oculus Story Studio

Categories: News

Fursuit Facial (SFW)

Furry Reddit - Sat 1 Aug 2015 - 01:05
Categories: News

Need cuddle

Furry Reddit - Sat 1 Aug 2015 - 01:01

I'm drunk, depressed and hate my life. Can I cuddles with you furs?

submitted by primordialbeing
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Categories: News

FizzyFox Kaiju

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jul 2015 - 23:21
Categories: News

Becoming lethargic.

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jul 2015 - 22:08

So, I started to draw, then my mind wanders over to: "I just don't care anymore." Video games have also lost their luster. When I go to the store, I end up buying stuff to just buy stuff. "Why did I want this again?" I have pretty much given up on personal programming projects.

I feel like a zoo animal that has given up and is just laying there.

I'm not the kind of person to just relax and watch TV or something.

It's that point. Do I even care about posting about my problems? Do I even care about dealing with it? Positive thinking, they say.

submitted by electricfoxx
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Categories: News

My little puppy dog doodle

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jul 2015 - 21:21
Categories: News

All of the cuteness?

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jul 2015 - 21:04
Categories: News

I want to get to know you guys!

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jul 2015 - 20:12

So I'm new here and trying to make some friends and I thought that a good way would be to try and start a conversation with you guys. Maybe ask me a question or tell me about yourself, something like that. Thanks for taking the time to do this and hopefully we become friends!

submitted by ThisNameWasStolen
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Categories: News

Not even sure how to broach this

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jul 2015 - 20:00

Hello to all of the many and sundry members of /r/furry

How do I put this? I'm kind of falling in love with you guys. Sure no community is perfect but whenever I glimpse into places like this and certain parts of fet it seems a wondrous world. I admit I have actually enjoyed, well let's be honest, the porn for a long while but that was just my seemingly inexhaustible supply of kinks and some damn fine art combining. Now though, well I've caught myself ascribing anthropomorphic animal characteristics to individuals I am chatting with. And on occasion myself. And it feels strangely liberating, as though some portion of myself is more free under such circumstances. And while fursuits once confused me (and still do to some extent) I increasingly find myself viewing them as art and the people wearing them as all the more impressive for being able and willing to indulge their identities like that.

Listen this is all getting terribly melodramatic and maudlin, my brain is working at angles. In an attempt to be more direct: the furry fandom seems awesome and I think I might secretly be a furry on some level. May I join you? How can I join you? Anyone have any tales of similar piqued interest or discovery or am I just being completely mad? Advice, castigation, correction, consolation or any manner of discussion on this would be welcomed. Thank you for your time.


submitted by Sparky29252
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Categories: News

Need a test subject or two! (free art)

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jul 2015 - 19:33

This isn't first come, first served. I'm going to pick the character that interests me the most! I need to use someone's character as an example for my digital pin-ups. I mostly work in traditional media, but I want to break into the digital market and need examples!

So link your character (pictures, not text, please!), tell me their personality in a word or two, and let me know a rating (up to PG-13). It will most likely be naked, but Disney style naked, and not at all risque if you aren't down with that. No backgrounds, just your character, and flat colored. I'll even send you the full file when I'm done!

Unfortunately, I'm only going to draw one or two people from here since I just need a few examples, but I really would prefer something interesting to draw than my characters again so I'm asking you all!
For reference, here is the work I already do

Thanks all!

submitted by TheEmpiresBeer
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Categories: News

Damnit y'all!

Furry Reddit - Fri 31 Jul 2015 - 17:41

You made an dent in my heterosexuality.

(I could have a long story here, but it's late and I'm tired.)

I now regard myself as heteroflexible.

That's all folk.

submitted by LaserAwsome
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Categories: News