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Say whats on your mind!
It can be anything! Good or bad! It doesn't even have to make sense!
submitted by swankysandals[link] [78 comments]
Encouragement: Spread it around!
Hello, everyone! How are ya today?
Today I saw a post, this one right here, and the art made me tear up a little. It reminded me of how I felt not to long ago and I just thought that it'd be nice if everyone could get a positive nudge. Some encouraging words and understanding, ya know? Some come, speak your mind and speak to others and remember this.
"Nobody is born into this world is to be alone!" -Jaguar D. Saul
submitted by SamuraiDDD[link] [8 comments]
Furries whose kids turned furry, how did it go?
Well they're soon adults. They don't know I am a furry, though, yet but it's just a matter of time when someone tells them
How did you handle the problem with them wanting to go to the same happenings, cons, parties and so on. I don't want them to hang out at same place I'm hanging out at for obvious reasons. Especially the ones where people get drunk and things happen.
submitted by liskoturri[link] [11 comments]