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[Art Prompt] This took so LONGG

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 12:30
Categories: News

I'm a polar bear, Fear me.

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 12:25
Categories: News

Weekly /r/furry Art Prompt #7

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 11:53

Hey again everyone, welcome back to the seventh art prompt thread! This week's theme is going to be your fursona as a feral! I'm super excited to see the pictures for this one.

As usual, check out the Companion Thread over at /r/furryartschool! This week the thread will focus on anatomy, among other things: This is super important when it comes to drawing ferals as you're drawing real animals!

Week 6

submitted by CeresSergal
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Wink ~Sketchart

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 11:19
Categories: News

Colonel Sanders is a Furry, more Bojack Horseman for 2016. NEWSDUMP (8/3/15)

Dogpatch Press - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 10:57
Tips:  Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Guest posts welcome. “Local correspondents” wanted to talk about your local networks.  Injured furry fan who faced 90% odds against him is recovering. Here’s a good fan item to start… Alex is a Furry fan who was severely injured in an explosion in Taiwan last month.  He […]
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War owl ;by Lethal_Doors

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 10:39
Categories: News

My new sweetie

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 10:13
Categories: News

Furfag CS:GO tournament [DAY 2]

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 09:13

So, as some of you know a furry CS:GO tournament is taking place right now.

We had a but of a problematic and late start but it eventually got rollin'. Today; we plan things to start a bit smoother.

So, I'm going to ask for members of every team except

  • Concrete

  • Sillicon

  • Team Yiff.exe

to join the Discord group before 6:30 PM GMT(British time) so that we can organise and manage both the tournament and teams a bit better.

Team members

Results so far

Discord group for contacting team-mates (use steam name)

Steam group

Telegram chat


submitted by Furfag_eSports
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Categories: News

Who posted "waiting for love" by Avicii on /r/furry?

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 08:18

Whoever it was, thank you for showing me my new favorite song! I just had a shitty week, being sick LOTS. And that song cheered me up so much. So thank you!

submitted by TheKillerJester
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 05:44

You are broken. Those words clouded my every thought. I was damaged. I couldn’t even tell who I was at this point. I had called myself sky and that was all I knew anymore. But let’s tell the story from the beginning, close to the start. Being a cheetah at school was always a problem. The names, no-one every hung around with me because the always assumed I cheated at those silly playground games everyone used to play. So I never got to play any. The teachers never liked me ether, because I was special. I had this condition with my bladder which meant that if something didn't have enough calcium in it then my body would reject it. Which to a nine year old is the funniest thing ever, people used to try and trick me into drinking other things. The teachers used to do it on several occasions as well. So I just stopped asking for milk and brought my own. But then people used to try and take mine. I got beat up on several occasions, even breaking my rib. I was left sobbing on the playground as people carried on playing. I managed to drag myself home that day and I explained everything to my mum. My mum being drunk as always dragged me up to the local medical centre, who then recommended us to the hospital. 5 hours I had to wait in excruciating pain before anyone gave the littlest bit of concern. That’s when I stopped connecting with the world, I stopped contact with people. I created this world in my head which appealed to me.

Then secondary school came. I thought “yes, this is a new start of me”. I was so wrong. The bulling still happened. I rejected those who tried to help. I was going through a stage in my life where I was finding myself; people always say to ignore the people who are mean to you. But you can’t. People used to use the word stop a lot around me, stop being so gay, stop being so weird. This carried on to college. The torment never stops. I had the opportunity to go university but I rejected it. My fear of people out-weighed my love for science. I moved into a small apartment but the voices lived on in my head. Constantly tormenting me. I had met these nice people online but the voices told me that it was wrong and weird, so I went through rejecting it. I was alone to create my world. That was when the voices stopped.

I was 19 when I met Lucario. We met in a coffee shop. He was quite like me. We said that we had the same interests as one another. He was quite strange but he understood me. He told me that he was quite weak and very fearful of things. He moved into my apartment later that week. We had a mutual friendship, we would help each other out and chatted but the problems started when I let him into my world. He was fine with it we had fun. Role-playing as different people, it wasn’t sexual but that didn't stop my brain from calling it weird. The voices had started to bleed into my world. That was when I couldn’t tell what was real. He knew I was unstable all along; he just needed someone to talk to. Someone to vent his fears onto. I just wish I knew I was unstable. I never told him why I had lots of milk and milkshakes but he didn't seem to care. He just wanted them. I stopped eating, drinking and sleeping, it was damaging me. I just wish I knew that.

I’d stared seeing things. I couldn’t go outside anymore, I didn't want to. At this point I had totally forgotten who I was; I was picking up smashed glass that wasn’t mine. I couldn’t escape my world; it was the only thing that made sense. The voices. All they seemed to do was insult me. But they were the only truth in my life. You are ruining his life. They repeated that sentence. I knew that. That was when the only sane part of my brain left decided to lock me in a room and await the inevitable. I scratched at the door. Memories of the pain I felt in childhood came back to me. I laid on the floor sobbing. Lucario knew that I wasn’t right and he knew what to do. He put me out of my misery and everything came back. You are broken. Nothing can fix you.

submitted by scamer38
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Categories: News

'Ritual' by BJPentecost

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 05:01
Categories: News

Not sure where to post this so I'll default to you guys, since I'm at least partially sure you won't yell at me.

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 04:59

I want to start making YouTube videos. You know people do really well for themselves in terms of popularity just playing a game and rambling into a mic, I can do that, hell I'd probably enjoy it, my mic is garbage and I barely know how to use my recording software but I'd like to give it a shot anyways.

So I guess the part where I ask something of you guys, what do I do to drag my channel out of that trench of having no watchers or viewers?

submitted by Yetanotherfurry
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Categories: News

Any furs here struggling with Anxiety?

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 03:30

I'm currently going through a really bad episode of anxiety, which has recently left me quite depressed. I'm not usually open about this, but because the fandom has been so welcoming and accepting, I just want to say that I'm going through a terrible mixture of anxiety and depression.

EDIT: Thanks guys for all the support and love you've given me. Currently, I'm feeling a lot better now thanks to all of you fuzzbutts :)

submitted by Verok_the_Dragon
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Categories: News

Furs of reddit, how much have you put into this fandom?

Furry Reddit - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 02:25

I'm currently waiting for my first commission to be completed. How much chaching have you spent in this wonderful fandom?

submitted by feneclipse
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Categories: News

Fuzzy Things from the UK

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 3 Aug 2015 - 01:59

Clangers was a much-loved children’s TV series from the United Kingdom that originally ran from 1969 to 1974. It starred a set of little pink fuzzy creatures who most resemble elephants crossed with mice. They live on an alien world and speak only in swooping whistles — which were usually translated for the young audience by the narrator. Well now the BBC have brought back The Clangers for a much newer generation as part of Sprout, their programming line-up for children. Just like the old version, the new Clangers is created through stop-motion animation of actual fuzzy figures, and now the new episodes are narrated by Michael Palin (of Monty Python) in the UK and none other than William Shatner (!) for release in North America. Sprout has a special web site just for The Clangers so take a look to find out more.

image c. 2015 Sprout

image c. 2015 Sprout

Categories: News