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Kaiju-Sona Bash 2!

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Aug 2015 - 19:24

So RMFC is done and now I have a huge need to draw things.

Monster things.

KAIJUSONA BASH 2. If y'all remember the last one, it's gonna go something like that. Comment with your sona/other relevant character (I need image references only for this one) for a free entry to the bash. Yes everything is free. Notes to keep in mind:

-I cannot promise a finish date on these. The last ones took a while, and I wanna play with some new things this time around. (They will not be done in the first one's fight scene style)

-These are heavy artistic liberty. I'm making monster designs out of your sona, not necessarily making your sona exactly as is.

-If you participated in the last one, I will be skipping you

-Picking process goes "random group of 30" > "chosen group of ~16". The more interesting your design, the more likely you'll be picked. I feel like I need to make this disclaimer after seeing these comments last time. Its not fun to make monsters out of a dozen similar looking foxes/wolves.

-I'll be taking comments until 24 hours after this post is made. Probably wont even start the sketches until later this week.


submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

Hi there /r/furry, I'm giving away free 3D badges

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Aug 2015 - 17:25

Hi, /u/slyka here. You may know me from such reddit posts as Summers, Made myself a badge, Summer Dress and all time classic 3D badge commission for /u/espurra.

Since I've had so much fun making the badge for /u/espurra and I'd love to get some more practice and exposure I've decided to make a 3D lowpoly badge giveaway. Quite a lot of people have asked me if they can get one of those badges too, so here is your chance.

I will give away 4 free* 3D lowpoly lenticular printed badges like this, this or this. The badges are 10cm by 15cm (4x6 inches) in size and come with a badge holder and lanyard. The back of the badges looks like this and has a QR code and a URL on it. (Only if you want that of course.) I can also add an NFC tag that's programmed with up 137 bytes of links and text and can be read with an NFC enabled smartphone if you touch it against the badge.

Since this is a physical item it will need to be shipped to you somehow, so I will need some sort of address. If you're uncomfortable with that (which I can totally understand) this might not be for you.
(If you happen to come to Eurofurence and I finish your badge by then I might be able to give it to you in person.)

If you want to get a badge post in the comments below or on the Journal on FA. I'm gonna need a good reference of your character and a description of how you want to appear on the badge. These badges will be SFW only.

Please understand that 3D work takes a lot of time, so I won't be able to model any super complicated backgrounds or props. They will most likely look like the ones on the badges above.

Also please keep the limitations of the medium in mind. The maximum "depth" achievable using this technique is around 5cm. Everything more than that will just be a blurry mess. This means none of the parts of the model or background can extend more than 5cm "in" or "out" of the badge. The badges are meant to be viewed straight on and have a viewing angle of around 35 degrees. Outside of that viewing angle the image will flip over to the other side and look slightly distorted. Also, since they are hand made there may be slight variations in the viewing angle and you might not get the full 35 degrees.

The better your ref and description the better your chance of getting picked. This is not a "who comments first" competition. I'm gonna allow a few days for replies to accumulate and pick the best ones. I will announce the "winners" sometimes this week on my FA and also send them a message.

If you didn't get chosen and still want one you need to have some patience. Once these badges are done and I have worked out how to get paid for doing this I will open for commissions. The starting price for a badge will probably be around 250€.

How long will it take to finish these badges? No idea. but I'll try to cram as much in my day as I can, but my paid work needs to come first.

The FA journal is here:
I'll also post updates on my Twitter: @KrisSlyka

* Yup, it's free. But if it turns out that shipping it to you costs five million Euros because you live on the south pole or something we're gonna have to work something out. Also I'll gladly accept donations if you want to cover the material costs.

EDIT: The badges ship from Germany. Shipping to the US is only a few euros, so that's no problem. ^.^

EDIT 2: Ohhh, so many replies. And so many awesome refs. I'm gonna have a hard time deciding...

submitted by Slyka
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Categories: News

Lunch Break!

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Aug 2015 - 15:25
Categories: News

Episode 289 - Moist Places

Southpaws - Sun 9 Aug 2015 - 14:41
We're all back from our various adventures this week. Savrin has tales of San Japan, Shiva has tales of Furry Siesta, and we geek out a little about the next WoW expansion. We hit up as many emails as we could, given we started late, but we'll have them handy for next episode. Thanks to our patrons, we've finally started to replace our old gear. We've replaced our sketchy old mic preamp and our headphone setup. We'll be getting new headphones soon and maybe a couple chairs so the 3rd person in doesn't have to sit on a metal folding chair.. :D Support us on Patreon for as little as $4 a month! Episode 289 - Moist Places
Categories: Podcasts

What's your favourite style of furry art? And least favourite?

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Aug 2015 - 14:10

Although I'm sure this has been done a few times before, I'm interested to see what everyone is going for at the moment. I'd also like to see what people don't like, because, that's always interesting :3

submitted by TehWhitehart
[link] [23 comments]
Categories: News

Meet the furries: People who identify with an animal so much they dress up as one

Furries In The Media - Sun 9 Aug 2015 - 14:02

Dated August 8, here is an article in The Florida Times-Union:

It looks at Florida's furry community, and the recent Megaplex convention.

The guys hit it off with 22-year-old Lonnie Weets, a communications and advertising major at the University of North Florida.

They invited him to hang out at their Monday night game nights, but they sent him a text to make sure he knew what he was getting into.

Of course, there would be fun, drinks and games.

But there would also be furries.

“I didn’t know what it was,” said Weets, who lives on the Southside.

He did some research and was fascinated.

Furries? People dressed as animals, but a lot more.

Weets wanted to see for himself.

And he’s glad he did.

Though Weets doesn’t identify himself as a furry, he enjoys their company.

“They are open-minded out-of-the-box thinkers and unique,” Weets said.


David Kanaszka, who lives on Jacksonville’s Southside, hosts the game nights. He recently returned from the Megaplex, Florida’s furry convention in Orlando held from July 31-Aug. 2. It’s been happening since 2002; this year, Megaplex attracted 1,472 attendees.

Yes, there are enough furries to have a convention. In fact, conventions are held across the United States and the world. More than 6,000 people from 34 countries attended the 2015 Anthrocon, the largest furry convention in the world. The name for Anthrocon, held in Pittsburgh since 2006, is derived from anthropomorphism, or giving human characteristics to nonhumans.

This year’s Anthrocon will have a $5.7 million economic impact on Pittsburgh, Tom Loftus of the city’s convention and visitors bureau told NPR Pittsburgh.

Kanaszka said the furry community is centered on the idea of walking and talking animals. Megaplex’s mission, according to its website, is to “provide for our membership a celebration of interactive arts and performance, with a primary focus on anthropomorphics and fantasy.”

In other words, furries identify with animals that have human qualities. Many furries have created their own animal characters, complete with a name and a backstory.

Kanaszka created Vitai Slade (in Latin, Vita means life, so his character’s name is inspired by that). Vitai Slade is a white tiger.

Kanaszka had a costume made to fit his image of Vitai. And costumes can be expensive, usually ranging from $1,000 to $3,000, but sometimes reaching $5,000.

And they can be stifling.

“It is very hot in the costumes. It’s kind of like wrapping yourself up in a giant carpet,” Kanaszka said. “It’s hot, not very comfortable, you have limited ‘tunnel vision’ and it’s harder to hear, talk and even move around.”

He doesn’t necessarily suit up, the term used to describe putting on an animal costume, during the game nights, but he will wear his fur suit whenever he feels like it. With the help of a handler to guide him, the 6-foot-6, 25-year-old wore it in St. Augustine while hanging out on St. George Street.

“If I’m in the mood to jump around and be a giant tiger, then I’ll do it,” Kanaszka said.


Bonomec (real name Jimmie Pixler) is the name another character, an Australian shepherd, wanted to use for this article. The self-described introvert, who is in the Navy, said, “Furry for me … it’s kind of a way to meet people.”

Bonomec lives on Jacksonville’s Westside and has connected with furries through game nights, conventions and online.

He said they’re all accepting and free of judgment.

Weets agrees. Though his furry friends call him by his middle name, Dakota, and gave him an animal personality of a jackal, he has no desire to get a costume. He just enjoys hanging out with the furry community.

“I enjoy meeting interesting people with interesting stories and unique perspectives on life,” Weets said.

Bonomec said he knows some people think his involvement in furry fandom is weird.

“When I first got my suit, I posted it online. All of my co-workers saw it. They said, ‘what the heck is this?’ ”

Bonomec explained that he had made a character and wanted to act it out.

His boss would jokingly bark at him from time to time.

“I’ve had significantly more good reaction than bad reaction,” he said.

Bonomec said that when he suits up, he does it with the general public in mind. He knows he’s going to cheer someone up. And seeing the smiles and the laughter makes him feel good.

Kanaszka feels the same way.

He’s a performer, he said, and this gives him a chance to do what he loves.

He said his character, Vitai, is playful and proud, giving hugs and making people smile.

When he’s in costume he said, “one of my favorite things to do is find the grumpiest people and start jumping up and down in front of them.”

He said he always knew he was different and didn’t see the world the same way as everyone else. As a teenager, he went online to figure out if there was a community that interested him.

That’s how he learned about furries.

What some people also learn when they research furries is the idea that furry fandom is a sexual fetish. Furries are a diverse group, mostly men but with an increasing female participation, from all professions, cultures, religions, races, political affiliations, etc. Some might be from a subculture, just as in the average general population, but mostly furries are just people who like to have good clean fun and make people smile.

“I could probably go on all day,” Anthrocon chairman Samuel Conway told NPR Pittsburgh. “ ‘I heard the furries this, I heard the furries that!’ The only real statement is, ‘I heard that furries are some of the most creative people on the face of the planet’ ”

Added Kanaszka: “Here’s the thing: You’re talking about a group of individuals who are mostly between the ages of 18 and 28. I’m not going to say that sex doesn’t happen, but that is not what the community is about.”

Kanaszka said doing the furry thing is no different than “Star Trek’s” Trekkies.

In his case, and for many of his friends, he loves cartoon animals.

“[I’m] basically a kid who never grew up,” Kanaszka said.


Kanaszka attends several conventions throughout the year. Programming focuses on a variety of arts and performances, from fursuiting, costuming and puppetry, to improvisational art and music. Furries also learn how to care for their costumes and dance in costume. There aren’t only “fursuit” games; at this year’s convention, Kanaszka gave a panel discussion on finances.

And his furry life has also inspired him to start a business, Tiger Brand Clothing Co., which makes T-shirts.

Each year, Megaplex raises money to benefit The CARE Foundation of Apopka. This year’s convention raised more than $7,000 to benefit the nonprofit animal sanctuary. The foundation sends speakers to Megaplex to talk about the local wildlife and abused pets it helps rescue, and staff members usually bring along a few of their animal friends — the real ones.

Kanaszka said that being a furry is a big part of his life.

“It’s really fun,” he said. “I’ve made a lot of friends that I wouldn’t have otherwise.”

As for Weets, he’s still getting into the fur scene. He said he’s had to learn some of the jargon when he’s hanging out with his furry friends on game nights, which usually attracts between 20 to 30 people.

“Everyone has their escape from reality,” he said. “For them, [being a furry] is it. I respect that.”
Categories: News

8/9/15 Furfunding Highlights

FurStarter - Sun 9 Aug 2015 - 13:48


Illustration from “CatTube Famous,” card game now on Kickstarter.

Warning, this ramble is focused on adult content, so consider avoiding the links depending on your context.

One of my focuses for the last year has been crowdfunding for projects that fall outside the Terms of Service. To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing “real” written about crowdfunding for the vague spaces containing suggestive content, artistic nudes, non-adult with nudity, pornography depicting imaginary characters in imaginary acts, pornography depicting real individuals and real acts, and content that claims it’s more ethically sustainable than Big Porn (I believe this is POSSIBLE, but 1) the concept contains a world of moral judgments about pornography and exploitation that I don’t want to unpack, and 2) crowdfunding platforms contain and support user-created projects, and you can’t control that kind of material.) Instead, there are vague Terms of Service, or TOS that are never enforced, or are suddenly enforced halfway through a campaign.

So, one has to rely on precedent—see what’s been acceptable before, and what kind of light that sheds on the practice behind the policies at Kickstarter and Indiegogo. About six months ago I wrote an article on crowdfunding for adult projects, and while I’ve been updating it regularly, these are, like I said, recent and useful examples, worth pointing out.

  • softpawsthumb3/2015: Soft Paws AB/DL Adult Diaper 
    A babyfur-themed adult diaper for ageplay. This one’s funding was cut two or three weeks into the campaign, but from what I’ve heard, the project manager did go through the steps of asking Kickstarter to review the project. It was still pulled. More than anything else, this underlines the fact that “offensive” is purely in the eyes of the audience, as this project has no actual sexual content and does not break kickstarter’s rules ( – except, possibly, in that broad category of “offensive material”—which Kickstarter only realized after three weeks of fundraising.
  • nakedpixelthumb(Ongoing and currently funding) The Naked Pixel series 
    Gender discrimination creates so many subtle double standards. Take the concept of “art nude.” Personally, I feel that many of the pieces in the “Naked Pixel” collection cross the line from artistic nudity to soft core porn (particularly the artist’s “Jordanlehn” and “Mewes” collections. But in general, female nudity tends to be more safe, more likely to be classified as “artistic,” than male nudity (partly this is because the Patriarchy likes a good excuse to look at naked girls, partly because the difference between male artistic nudity and pornography has something of a binary component. If it points down, it’s probably artistic.) Which is why I think the next project is something of a game-changer, but Naked Pixel does show the generous space that artistic nude can occupy for the female form in Crowdfundingland.
  • mizerestatethumb(Currently funding) 700,000 windows into History: The Bob Mizer Estate
    Bob Mizer’s name turns up in many discussions on censorship and obscenity. And discussions of male photography. He pioneered the field of posing-pouch photography, and sometimes even got rid of the pouch. His is a proud name in the evolution of beefcake, and to the best of my knowledge, 700,000 Windows is the first Kickstarter project that displays full frontal male nudity and still seems to be within what Kickstarter deems “artistic nudes.” The work has historical context, and it’s playful instead of erotic, although “erotic” is in the eye of the beholder. In the history of gay culture, a lot of homo-friendly imagery rests uneasily on the marble pillar of sports photography or hides itself in camp—when photographing or looking at nekked guys was deemed inappropriate by culture, the trick was to find ways of creating and consuming imagery that were appropriately cultural. It’s an interesting line, and Daniel Harris’s “Rise and Fall of Gay Culture”  informs a lot of my opinions here.
  • snapshotthumb6/2015: SNAPSHOT
    This queer erotic thriller is unambiguously pornographic, at least in places, though it has a lot of plot inspired by Hitchcock. Waffling a bit on the terminology, director/creator Shine Louise Houston alternately calls this piece sex-positive pornography and “a love story that doesn’t shy away from portraying explicit sexuality.” In marketing, messaging is all about trying to have your cake and sell it too, so more power to her. In a recent long dialog with sex-positive maker and roboticist (!) Dr Kit Stubbs, Kit points out that the Indiegogo Terms of Use do actually have a restriction that I missed: “Do not post images or videos that are sexually explicit or post links to sites that contain sexually explicit material or show people or animals being hurt or degraded.” With almost 400 donors, SNAPSHOT might have been high enough in terms of publicity to get the kind of attention that would cause Indiegogo to need to enforce—or even read—its TOS, and the project creator communicated with Indiegogo—they live in the same town—to make sure the project fit within their framework, and didn’t link directly to explicit content. So, we have a clarification here to our understanding of Indiegogo’s rules: Make sure that you don’t link directly to sexually explicit imagery. Got it! Keep those splash pages…uh…landing pages…clean.

Most of this long ramble was inspired by my conversation with Kit, who is theirselves working on an exciting concept: a non-profit crowdfunding enterprise with a sex-positive philosophy. This concept is linked to her Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity, and you can read more about it on Kit’s Tumblr. I was very flattered that my own work on adult crowdfunding became a part of their presentation materials, and it sounds like I’ll be able to collaborate more with Kit on their project.

At any rate, “meeting” Dr Stubbs was a treat, and if you’re interested in this intersection, check out their work!

Reviews this week: “Furries in Space” tabletop RPG HC SVNT DRACONES expands their universe with their first supplement, and a gentle point-and-click game of exploration and foxes, “Foxtail.”

Draconisthumbfoxtail2thumb For a “complete” list of furry/fur-friendly crowdfunding projects, check out the Project Page New Projects Art

Gamera Vs Zine-Ra (Ends: 8/26/2015)
For the Kaiju fans, a 50th anniversary celebration of fan art and indie comic weirdness from the world of Gamera.

catariathumbChildren’s Product

Mission to Cataria (Ends: 9/3/2015)
Strange and almost collage-like sci-fi cat journey into space children’s book. If nothing else, skim the project page for the illustrations.

Comics/Graphic Novels

Rescue Cats #1 (Ends: 8/28/2015)
An action/superhero comic, but instead of crime-fighting costumed humans, the heros are empowered, non-anthro, cats. Hmm.

The Samurnauts: Curse of the Dreadnuts (Ends: 8/31/2015)
Quirky sci-fi fantasy martial arts monkey comic. You know, I can’t do this one justice, but you can get an idea of the plot on their web store.
“Monkey King” inspired comics are weirdly common on Kickstarter. Is this a Thing or just a thing?

redfoxthumbRed Fox #2: Destiny’s Chewtoy (Ends: 8/31/2015)
This is *almost* a comic book version of UK furry puppet hit Mongrels. Grunge fox, offensive humor, yep :)

Nip and Tuck Redux (Ends: 9/1/2015)
Colorizing the Nip and Tuck webcomic.
This one falls into the “If you want to do this, just do it, don’t Kickstart it” bin for me.

The Pelted Universe (Ends: 9/18/2015)
Fundraising for MCA Hogarth‘s Pelted Alliance universe. This Kickstarter was almost entirely a low-goal “your character here” project and the goodies are mostly snapped up. Good product though!
Met the artist at Anthrocon and fell in love. She ran the “Business for Artists” panel and owns the furry/biz intersection. #bizcrush


Buddy: The Dog Collar Reimagined (Ends: 9/2/2015)
I know it’s for dogs, but I WANT this collar! It’s black and sleek with an awesome color-shifting glowing rim.
Also my mate can track me on GoogleMaps and figure out where I am and how much exercise I’m getting during Furry Fiesta. So I’m not sure if that’s a good thing.


Weston Super Sonic 2016 (Ends: 8/29/2015)
A United Kingdom Sonic the Hedgehog convention in its third year, January 2016.
Past its somewhat low goal.


Zipped and Pelted (Ends: 8/23/2015)
The Wulfden Theatre‘s absurdist take on the chlorine gas attack at Midwest Furfest and its aftermath, a play exploring identity, our relationship to animals, and other concepts the furry community does a good job of unpacking.
I have a lot of questions about this one and would like to unpack it in an article, but I don’t have a lot to go on yet. Digging for more information!

pokemonthumbPokémon: The Movie (Ends: 8/31/2015)
A gently tongue-in-cheek live-action British short film about Ash Ketchum, all grown up.
Is this the Sean of the Dead of the Pokémon world? THEY didn’t say it, but…Check out one of their videos.

Tabletop Games

Hc Svnt Dracones Extended (Ends: 8/26/2015)
More from the heavily-illustrated and intricate furry sci-fi game HC SVNT DRACONES, an expansion to the universe and core rules.
Way past goal! If you want to learn more about HSD check my article on their last successful kickstarter.

Kittens Mafia (Ends: 8/28/2015)
If you like Werewolf but don’t like slobbery canines, maybe this cats-only party game is for you!

CatTube Famous (Ends: 9/3/2015)
A card game about blasting out the most popular cat videos on CatTube. Great illustrations!

Ponyfinder: Forgotten Path (Ends: 9/4/2015)
Arcane lore and adventure from the dusty past of Everglow, the My Little Pony-inspired Pathfinder RPG setting.
Over goal! You know, I would never have guessed that the intersection of Dungeons and Dragons and Ponies would be this robust. This is probably why I’ve never been able to win the stock market.

Werewolf Tokens (Ends: 9/8/2015)
High quality, carved wooden tokens for your next game of Werewolf.

ROAN: Pony pulp adventure (Ends: 9/8/2015)
A tabletop rpg set in the pulp 40s, with ponies going to war and exploring strange mayan ruins.
If there isn’t an opportunity to fight against blond, blue-eyed ponies wearing Nightmare Moon’s cutiemark on a black armband, this product is seriously missing a beat. More info at

Daemon (Ends: 9/14/2015)
Tabletop RPG v-e-r-y inspired by the “humans with externalized animal souls” ideas of Golden Compass. But with a dark and artistic Euro-Steampunk aesthetic.
I’m torn. This is a good idea and the pages look wonderful, but the language of the project page is quite strange.


Big Game Cat Toys (Ends: 8/26/2015)
Horrifying but cute toys for cats and cat owners. Antelope, but after the lion got to them.
Is there any point to seperating pet toys and human toys in this fandom?


Beasts, Wings and Warriors (Ends: 9/13/2015)
Male nude photography with a generous serving of costuming and make-up effects, including a faun and griffin.
Dings against this project: It’s quite pricy, with a calendar at $90 and book at $260. And I can’t tell where it is on the vague continuum of cosplay/art-nude/smut, it seems to trend towards cosplay more than the other two categories, but it’d be good to know.

…Just for fun

Star-Crossed (Ends: 8/25/2015): A sweet animated film about two strange and abstract alien scientists who look for the stars and find love. Pretty stuff.
Oni: A Card Game (Ends: 8/27/2015): A light, chaotic game about Japanese trickster spirits. Fun and cute.
Sparking Unicorn Poop (Ends: 8/31/2015): As a community, I think a glittering rainbow unicorn poop is very much in line with our sense of humor.


Arthur Abridged (Ends: 8/30/2015): A trimmed and revoiced, adult humor version of the PBS children’s show Arthur. What surprises me is that “copyright law coming down on us like a ton of bricks” isn’t listed as a risk. I know Fair Use and this really isn’t it.
The Space Safarians (Ends: 9/2/2015): Sci-fi furry comic series not likely coming to a comic convention near you. If there was a furry kickstarter drinking game, I would be so drunk after the video.
Bucky O’Hare Reboot (Ends: 9/6/2015): This is very on-topic, so I couldn’t NOT mention it, but this reboot of the Bucky O’Hare sci-fi rabbit series and world is a $50K project with no reference to intellectual property, and possibly the worst project video in the history of project videos.

Icon from picture, "Poetic Muse" by Luthien Nightwolf What’s Corbeau Backing This Week?
While I’m really tempted to back the rainbow “Buddy” dog collar, I don’t think I’d get around to using it as a rave accessory at the next furry dance. Super-cute though. I did back the DRACONES supplement—I missed the first campaign, so glad I could support this one on their next go-around!

Categories: News

L33T by Blacky-moon

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Aug 2015 - 12:58
Categories: News

Just a dandy guy in space.

Furry Reddit - Sun 9 Aug 2015 - 11:37
Categories: News