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Grovel Reports May 18th 2022 - New Convention Dates + Announcements

Grovel Reports - Wed 18 May 2022 - 15:23

Hi everyone! If you missed any recent furry news from conventions recently, I've highlighted several ones in this video. Bayou Furry Bash FangCon Furpocalypse Furality IndyFurCon BLFC Ticket System Get Out The Float FWA Texas Furry Siesta Hotel Post Ursa Major Awards If you like the work I do please like/follow/share to support the channel I'm on multiple platforms Subscribe to show support Grovel Reports Studio made by Kydek Banners used in the channel were made by Slushi Music created for Grovel Husky by Whooshagg Grovel Reports May 18th 2022 - New Convention Dates + Announcements #FWA #Furry #BLFC
Categories: Podcasts

The Wonderful Critters of Oz

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 17 May 2022 - 01:58

More interesting discoveries for young readers. Kirkus Reviews described The Hedgehog of Oz by Cory Leonardo as “The Wizard of Oz meets The Wind in the Willows“. The publisher describes it like this: “Marcel the hedgehog used to live with his beloved owner Dorothy, but since getting hopelessly lost, he’s tried to forget the happy home he left behind. Now, Marcel lives a quiet life in the abandoned balcony of The Emerald City Theater where he subsists on dropped popcorn and the Saturday showings of The Wizard of Oz. But when he’s discovered, Marcel is taken far away from everything he knows and ends up lost once more. His quest to return to The Emerald City Theater leads him to Mousekinland, where he meets Scamp, a tiny mouse armed with enormous spirit (and a trusty sling-shooter). Before long, they’re joined by an old gray squirrel, Ingot, who suffers from bad memories and a broken heart, and Tuffy, a baby raccoon lost and afraid in the forest. And the travelers attract the attention of an owl named Wickedwing, who stalks them as they search for the old theater. From field to forest, glittering theater to the gutter, the animals’ road home is a dark and winding journey. But sometimes you need to get a little lost before you can be found.” The book is available now in hardcover from Simon & Schuster.

image c. 2022 Simon & Schuster

Categories: News

Best Furry Reddit Communities

Fursonafy - Sun 15 May 2022 - 20:25
The 10 Best Furry Reddit Communities Xege Kheiru, Writer, Furry 17 May 2022 What Is A Reddit Community?  If you don’t already know what Reddit is, it’s like any social media platform, people make posts, other people either upvote or downvote said posts and posts get ranked on the number of upvotes they get in a certain window of time. Here’s the catch though, posts can only be made to sub-communities within reddit known as subreddits so that you can organise content by relevant material. As well as making it really easy to find the content you’re looking for on Reddit, this also breeds Reddit communities, and in this case, furry reddit communities. However, because of the sheer number of furry subreddits on reddit, there are several different communities that you can join today which we’re going to guide you through today.
    What’s The Point Of A Furry Subreddit?    The purpose of a furry subreddit, just like any other subreddit, is so that users can find and post specific furry content all in one place, whether it be for art, fursuits, animations, writing etc. Now you may be asking yourself, “isn’t it just the wild west of furry content? like what’s stopping people from posting whatever they want?” and the answer is pretty simple: mods. Moderators of the subreddits make sure that all posts made to the subreddit abide by the guidelines of the it which can usually be found at the top of the page.

    Reddit Logo, but a dog

    Illustration by /u/HarmonyHeartstrings via WikiFur

    Why Join A Furry Subreddit?  The reasons for joining a furry subreddit are just like the reasons for joining any other furry community, like we mentioned in our post about the best furry discord servers, it’s an opportunity to speak to and interact with other furries, possibly even make new friends, but most importantly, find content and possibly even share your own content whether it be art or an animation, there’s likely a subreddit for you to share it.  What Makes Reddit So Great For Posting Content? For one, content creators can post their content to multiple relevant subreddits for a greater chance of exposure and more upvotes from users who may have not seen it on another subreddit.  Reddit also has an awarding system which means users can buy awards (like Gold, Diamond, Wholesome) to put on posts which act like flares that make the post pop and also improves the posts’ ranking on the subreddit, making it more likely that other people see it.        Let’s Get Into The List! 1)  r/furry    Let’s get the big one out of the way first. r/furry is the biggest furry subreddit with a whopping 286,000 members mostly because it doesn’t really have a niche. This is a subreddit for any and all furry content. From fursuits to furry art to Q&As to contests, r/furry is a subreddit that has everything furry. Their tagline is literally “for all stuff fluff”. This is likely the best subreddit to go to if you have any queries about the furry community that you can’t already find online or want a second opinion on as it is literally the most active furry community on the platform. It clocks in at about 223 posts a day and is ranked 740 out of all subreddits for its daily comment volume. Also, this is a completely SFW subreddit, meaning nudity, gore or general inappropriate content is a bannable offense and will not be tolerated. Other housekeeping rules include attributing credit to artists if you are posting their artwork, conducting yourself in a civil manner i.e don’t abuse or threaten other users and no spamming.    If you’re looking for inspiration on one of your own pieces or are just looking for furry art, this subreddit is definitely worth a look. Fursona sketch. Illustration by medibang via ArtStreet 2) r/furry_irl This one is a little less broad than r/furry, as this is a meme subreddit. Likely based on the subreddit r/me_irl, r/furry_irl is a subreddit dedicated to sharing furry memes, clocking in at almost 200,000 members. If you’re familiar with most meme subreddits like r/dankmemes or even r/memes, then you’ll know that most of these subreddits only allow you to post images. You aren’t able to tell stories, ask questions, share art, this subreddit is explicitly for sharing memes, and any posts that deviate from this format will be removed in order to maintain the subreddit’s integrity.    3) r/yiff This entry is a bit more devious than the last two as this is an exclusively NSFW subreddit. If you don’t know what yiff is, yiff is a term used to describe furry porn or any sexual content entailing furries. So, as you could imagine, this is a place for furries to share their not so safe for work art that they wouldn’t be able to share on other subreddits like r/furry. Funnily enough, r/yiff is probably one of the biggest furry communities with over 300,000 members; the content on there is practically endless. However, just because it is a NSFW subreddit, does not mean inappropriate discussion is allowed. Discussion that is either offensive or makes other users uncomfortable will result in a ban.   Autumn Furry Wallpaper Illustration by Caveman via Wallpaper Cave 4) r/FurryCommissions It’s no secret that finding customers isn’t easy, sometimes your art skills just aren’t as good as the competition and art commissions are saturated enough as it is. So, although the membership of this subreddit is not so impressive, this is a great place to get your furry art career off the ground. If you’re looking for people to commission art you should be posting on all social media and that includes reddit. r/FurryCommissions is a subreddit for furry artists to advertise their art and therefore, for people looking to commission a drawing, a subreddit to also browse. It’s nowhere near the size of r/furry or r/yiff with only 2719 members, but this is even better for artists as it makes the subreddit less saturated with art than most.   5) r/RealFurryHours r/RealFurryHours is a discussion subreddit for all things furry. Literally any question you could have about the furry community from comic recommendations to advice on making a fursuit, this is a hub of knowledge that likely has an answer. Be warned however, this subreddit tends to also have more controversial posts as it doesn’t stray away from any conversation topic concerning furries, even encouraging anti-furries to post as well as general criticisms of furries just as much as furries to engage with everyone. Regardless, for the most part the community is non-toxic as even though they encourage anti-furry posts, unprovoked rudeness or, or intentionally hurtful posts are bannable. 6) r/babyfurs This is a subreddit that is a little similar to r/furry but with a bit more specificity. In other words, you can post pretty much anything, whether it be a question, discussion, art, meme, as long as it’s to do with babyfurs, it will fly on the subreddit. If you don’t know what a babyfur is, it is a term used for furries who like to roleplay as babies thus the name babyfurs. There is some crossover with babyfurs and infantilism as both allegedly get gratification from behaving like infants. This yet another one of the smaller subreddits with around 5800 members but it’s relatively active given its numbers. This subreddit also strictly prohibits NSFW content as… you know… the characters depicts what are essentially children, so, any sexually comprimising positions or situations are bannable.  7) r/furryartschool r/furryartschool, in my opinion, is one of the most useful subreddits on this list. It’s a subreddit for beginner and experienced artists alike to come together and help each other with their art. Also, because there’s over 64,000 members on this subreddit, you can almost guarantee that there will be someone to help you with your art. All you have to do is post a piece that you think needs work or even a piece that you think you’re happy with and just ask for any tips on what you could do better. The community is typically super helpful, so you shouldn’t have an issue with a lack of interactivity. They also allow NSFW art including nudity and gore, however, if you are to post something like that, you must tag it so that users are warned that they are about to see a post containing gore and/or nudity.

    Something you may see on r/fursuit

    Illustration by Nouga via

    8) r/fursuit This entry is for all things fursuiting. Whether you’re looking to get involved in fursuiting, want to share fursuits you’re working on or have finished, or want some inspiration for your own fursuit, this is the subreddit for you. Although it’s one of the smaller subreddits with around 22,000 members, there are constantly active members who will be willing to answer any questions you have or discuss any topics you like to do with fursuiting. This is likely one of the biggest online fursuiting communities and are therefore very hospitable when it comes to any issues you are having with your suit or a creative block you’ve reached etc.  9) r/yiffgif Similar to r/yiff, r/yiffgif is another devious NSFW subreddit exclusively for furry porn. However, this time the porn is only in GIF format, short animated clips. This subreddit is great for animators or just furry artists in general as the community is fairly active with over 80,000 members as of 2022. Take from that what you will. It had its biggest spike in users in the past 3 years shooting up from 10,000 to where it is now despite existing since 2013. They pretty much have the same rules as r/yiff, but the main rule here being that you are only allowed to post GIFs. 10) r/woof_irl Okay, this one is kinda cheating but I recently discovered this one and don’t want to let it slide. r/woof_irl is a subreddit for users to post pictures of their dogs in relatable scenarios. While I did just take all the fun out of this subreddit with that one sentence, the subreddit itself does a better job of describing it as “for the puppy in u. | a subreddit for posting pictures of dogs that people can look at and go “oh same, dog, same””. So it kinda counts I guess? This is also inspired by the subreddit me_irl and it does not disappoint. It has over 617,000 members and receives about 14 posts per day making it a pretty active community, and a fun one at that. Posts are restricted to images and GIFs only as it’s not a community for discussion and like most subreddits, any hostility or hate speech,  inappropriate posts etc. will not be tolerated and will result in a ban. Can I Build My Own Reddit Community?  The beauty of Reddit is that literally anyone can create a subreddit with little to no difficulty. You simply log in, click “create community” and name it and voila, you have your very own subreddit. Now, whether or not you can grow this subreddit is the question.    So How Do I Grow My Subreddit?  For an in-depth guide on growing a subreddit, you might be better off looking here, but if you want a brief rundown of the basics of getting people involved with your community, here’s a few tips.    Make It Blindingly Obvious What Your Subreddit Is For This rule applies to every aspect of your subreddit, from its name, to its description. Nobody wants to use a subreddit where even its own users are unsure of what they are supposed to be posting. If you make it clear what people are supposed to be posting, people will feel more inclined to post on it.    Post Consistently Make the newcomers of your subreddit feel welcome. If someone comes across your subreddit and just see a barren wasteland with nothing to gauge what the community is all about they probably aren’t going to stick. Give them something to consistently interact with.    Engage With Other Relevant Subreddits Nobody wants to join a subreddit whose user is some fresh account who just lurks on other subreddits, so get involved with other communities that you think are relevant to yours. Whatever you’re posting to your own subreddit, post to others as well and engage with other users’ posts on said subreddits.    Promote Yourself There are actually several subreddits on reddit that are explicitly for users to promote their subreddits like r/newreddits or r/promoteareddit. Use these to your advantage and tell the people what you’re all about.

    The post Best Furry Reddit Communities appeared first on Fursonafy.

    Categories: News

    Many Girls Like Ponies, But…

    In-Fur-Nation - Sun 15 May 2022 - 01:58

    More interesting reads we came across at this year’s L.A. Time Festival of Books. The Glitter Dragons — Dragon Girls is a new fantasy series for young readers, written by Maddy Mara. The first book is Azima the Gold Glitter Dragon.  “Azmina, Willa, and Naomi are thrilled to learn they’re Glitter Dragon Girls. Summoned to the Magic Forest by its magnificent ruler, the Tree Queen, the girls quickly find out their dragon-selves have unbelievable abilities. They can soar above the treetops, breathe glitter-y bursts of fire, and roar loud enough to shake the ground.With this newfound magic comes a big responsibility, however. As Dragon Girls, they are sworn protectors of the forest and must help keep it safe from the troublesome Shadow Sprites, who are determined to take the forest’s magic for their own.” All this and more are available now in trade paperback from Scholastic. Roar!

    image c. 2022 Scholastic

    Categories: News

    Bearly Furcasting S3E3 - Mandelbrot, Ska Bands, This or That, Math

    Bearly Furcasting - Sat 14 May 2022 - 05:00

    MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

    Moobarkfluff! We learn about mathy things in two separate sections this week.  Taebyn is so disappointed in Bearly because he can't remember Mandlebrot. The past today takes a long look at Shrodingers evil pillow. Are hydrogen atoms sentient? Taebyn tells us about Ska. Does Taebyn have any exes? We pay tribute to LGBTIA+ S.T.E.M. folks. Moobarkfluff!

    Brode Electrolyte Vitamins; Get 25% off your entire purchase:

    Proud sponsor of the Good Furry Awards

    Support the show

    Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

    You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

    Bearly Furcasting S3E3 - Mandelbrot, Ska Bands, This or That, Math
    Categories: Podcasts

    Report: Furries bullied more than two times the average

    Global Furry Television - Thu 12 May 2022 - 00:51

    Categories: News

    How FWA connects furries on VR with the real world

    Global Furry Television - Thu 12 May 2022 - 00:36

    Categories: News

    Unifurse confirm new 2022 event details

    Global Furry Television - Thu 12 May 2022 - 00:26

    Categories: News

    Working Your Meow-scles.

    In-Fur-Nation - Wed 11 May 2022 - 01:28

    It seems like cats are getting into all sorts of business these days — in mangas at least. Check out Cat Massage Therapy by Haru Hisakawa. “Nekoyama, worn out after another long day at the office, stops at a therapeutic massage parlor — only to discover that it’s run by a cat! Not only that, but the cat actually does the massaging?! As the professional ‘meowsseur’ digs soft toe beans into Nekoyama’s aching muscles, his heart warms and his worries melt away. This is only the beginning, as he and other world-weary workers are about to meet the other feline professionals who have mastered pawfully cute techniques to reduce human stress.” Available now in full color from Seven Seas.

    image c. 2022 Seven Seas Entertainment

    Categories: News

    S9 Episode 23 – Doing Furry Science - Science - it's easy, right? Stare at colored liquid in test tubes, look at some stuff under a microscope, maybe write some random numbers on the whiteboard - what could be simpler? Turns out, there's more to doing sci

    Fur What It's Worth - Tue 10 May 2022 - 17:13
    Science - it's easy, right? Stare at colored liquid in test tubes, look at some stuff under a microscope, maybe write some random numbers on the whiteboard - what could be simpler? Turns out, there's more to doing science than at first glance, especially when that science involves furries!


    All y'all who do the surveys!

    The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!

    Uber Supporters


    Premium Tier Supporters

    Jarle, the Spirit Wolf

    Get Stickered Tier Supporters


    Kit, Jake Fox, Nuka, Ichigo Okami

    Fancy Supporter Tier

    Rifka, the San Francisco Treat and Baldrik and Adilor and Luno

    Deluxe Supporters Tier


    Guardian Lion and Koru Colt (Yes, him), Ashton Sergal, Harlan Fox

    Plus Tier Supporters

    Simone Parker
    Ausi Kat
    Tomori Boba

    McRib Tier Supporters

    August Otter


    Opening Theme: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
    Break: Mystery Skulls – Ghost. USA: Warner Bros Records, 2011. Used with permission.
    Closing Theme: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Chill Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!) S9 Episode 23 – Doing Furry Science - Science - it's easy, right? Stare at colored liquid in test tubes, look at some stuff under a microscope, maybe write some random numbers on the whiteboard - what could be simpler? Turns out, there's more to doing sci
    Categories: Podcasts

    This Bummer is Actually Pretty Cool

    In-Fur-Nation - Mon 9 May 2022 - 01:59

    Jylene Morgan is an author we met at this year’s L.A. Times Festival of Books. She creates illustrated stories for children — based on the real-life adventures of her family. Her first book is called Bummer: Our Pet Bighorn Sheep, and it’s exactly that — the story of her family raising a wild bighorn sheep from infancy when it wanders onto their rural farm. The second book, Bummer and the Nanny Goat (illustrated by Matthew Mew) carries on with the story as Bummer tries to learn getting along with a grouchy female goat. Ms. Morgan also took things in a more fanciful direction with her book There Was A Moose On Clifford Street. Visit her  official web site to find out more and hear more stories.

    image c. 2022 Jylene Morgan

    Categories: News

    What is Furality Gateway? - Grovel Special Reports 5/8/22

    Grovel Reports - Sun 8 May 2022 - 13:31

    Hi everyone! Welcome to a special report about Furality Gateway. VR has grown over the years in the furry community and as the interest grows, the discussion between RL and VR conventions increases but what if you can create a "gateway" between the two? FWA - Furality - What is Furality Gateway? - Grovel Special Reports 5/8/22 #furality #fwa #VR If you like the work I do please like/follow/share to support the channel I'm on multiple platforms Subscribe to show support Grovel Reports Studio made by Kydek Banners used in the channel were made by Slushi
    Categories: Podcasts

    To Succeed, You Need Optimism

    Ask Papabear - Sun 8 May 2022 - 09:47

    I wanted to ask you if there is a way to handle feelings of emptiness.

    Since the last months of 2021, I ended up hitting my lowest point because things haven't gone the way I planned. I came back to Vancouver to finish a diploma and settled there to start a life, but unfortunately, being unable to find a job in a whole new country has led to feeling empty and without a purpose. I'm starting to think it is no use trying anymore now that my current situation has led to personal issues with my family.

    It seems like I'm getting embittered each day. And I'm afraid of shutting myself to people I love, along with any possibility of enjoying the good things that life might bring.

    * * *
    Dear Furiend,

    Where are you from originally? Did you get your diploma? Why haven't you been able to find a job? What have you done to obtain a job? 

    There are always options. Don't give up. Just because you haven't found work yet doesn't mean you won't.

    Please send me more info on what type of job you are seeking and what you have done so far to find work.

    * * *
    Hi, Papabear,
    I'm surprised you wanted to get in touch with me directly and even ask questions about myself.

    I'll proceed to answer your questions.

    I'm from a little state in Mexico and I managed to get my degree as a Digital Artist in 2017 after struggling with college in many aspects, then I came to Vancouver in 2018 to improve my skills/demo reel to enter an animation studio there. The first diploma/course worked out for me, but it didn't help me out to get a permit, so I had to take another course in that area to get a PGWP and I succeeded in doing so last year.

    After finishing the second course I tried to apply as a Teaching Assistant at the 3D Arts school where I got the diploma that qualified for a PGWP (Post Graduate Working Permit), or a part-time job while the permit was in process. I focused on refining the  animation pieces of the demo reel, while getting any documentation for the paperwork process back then, but I couldn't nail anything on animation areas since the requirements for entry levels are asking for a year of experience in similar roles.

    Right now, the landlady's relative helped me out to find a temporary job and I'm waiting for receiving a call to let me know when I do start capacitation. 

    I'm trying to find a job as a 3D Animator and so far I'm simply working on other 3D animation exercises to improve the reel, while trying to send a general application for different studios. But the demand for higher level roles has led me to get discouraged from working on my reel further and now I'm trying to get over that feeling.

    This temporary job could help me out for a bit, since it would be the very first time I get in the working force and to build experience. But I would prefer if it was related to my area to keep honing my skills, now that I have a work permit.

    That's pretty much what I have been doing so far.

    Last thing to bring is that I even ended up befriending people from the Vancoufur community and volunteered to help the VR Chat artists to see if I can make contacts that lead me closer to my goal. There's a reason why I'm doing this, but I'll bring this out in a follow up message.

    Thanks so much for coming around. 
    * * *
    Hello, Furiend,

    It sounds to me as if you are doing all the right things. You are working to improve your skills, searching for work in your field, and, in the meantime, finding employment elsewhere to get some income while you pursue your dream.

    It can be easy to get discouraged when things don't go your way as soon as you would like, but that is how the world can be. Let me tell you a story from my life. When I wrote my novel, The Steel of Enadia, I mailed it out to one hundred publishers before I got an acceptance letter (that's 99 rejections, 1 acceptance). And even that publisher didn't work out, so I ended up going with a small press in Canada that was running a competition judged by author Piers Anthony. I won, and got my book published. As happy as that sounds, the book sold poorly, which was also discouraging to me. What happened next was I started writing nonfiction books and found I had a real gift for that, which is what I am now doing in my life: writing nonfiction.

    There are two lessons here: 1) Never give up trying, and 2) Be flexible and keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities. In the business world, no one is going to give you a free ride and hand you your dream job. You have to work and sweat for it. Before I got my first job as an editor, I worked in a burger joint, as a cashier, and in a factory. Sometimes you have to sweat over a fat fryer before an opportunity strikes. Don't let yourself get down and don't give in to pessimism.

    Optimism is key. The person who succeeds in life is the one who is optimistic about the future. Optimism inspires you to work hard and to keep going no matter what. How do you become more optimistic? Here are a few tips:

    1. Don't blame yourself if things don't go your way immediately
    2. On the other paw, give yourself credit when things DO go your way
    3. Learn from your mistakes, but also from your successes, no matter how small, and build on those
    4. If you have a setback, remember it is only temporary. "This, too, shall pass."
    5. Believe in yourself and that you can make good things happen
    6. Learn self-confidence. Don't put yourself down. When you interview for a job, always say to yourself, "Yes! I can do this!"
    7. Don't develop tunnel vision; don't be so focused on one goal that you don't see opportunities outside that goal.
    8. And, no matter what, always remember this: Be a good person. In the end, nothing else really matters but who you are as a human being

    Hope this helps.

    Bear Hugs,

    Bearly Furcasting S3E2 - Biblically Accurate Bonfires, Storytime, Stats, Jokes

    Bearly Furcasting - Sat 7 May 2022 - 05:00

    MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

    Moobarkfluff! Bearly and Taebyn take another trip to Lux's Transfurmation Station for a hot time!  We chat about events, and things going on. Jokes run rampant, and even fall dead.  Bearly points out some more stupid things. We give you some obscure movie quotes to figure out, and generally we have a sooooper time!  Don't scurryfunge, just sit back and enjoy the show Moobarkfluff!

    The Rudy Link:

    Brode Electrolyte Vitamins; Get 25% off your entire purchase:

    Proud sponsor of the Good Furry Awards

    Support the show

    Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

    You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

    Bearly Furcasting S3E2 - Biblically Accurate Bonfires, Storytime, Stats, Jokes
    Categories: Podcasts

    More Equal Than The Others?

    In-Fur-Nation - Sat 7 May 2022 - 01:58

    Over the years there have been many adaptations of satirist George Orwell’s famous work Animal Farm, both on stage and on screen. Most often, each of them have deviated in some way from the author’s original story, an allegory for the Russian Revolution and the subsequent rise of centralized power under Joseph Stalin. Now we’ve been informed by Animation World Network that Andy Serkis (Lord of the Rings, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle) and his company The Imaginarium have joined up with Aniventure (Riverdance) to create a new CGI version of the story that Mr. Serkis will direct. It’s currently in production at Cinesite. No word on a release date — yet!

    image c. 2022 The Imaginarium

    Categories: News

    Friends with Fur

    In-Fur-Nation - Thu 5 May 2022 - 01:47

    At WonderCon we met Ralph Lee Miranda, one of the minds behind Oh, Bubba — a series of animated shorts. Here’s what the makers say: “Oh, Bubba is an animated series on YouTube. It stars our titular character Bubba Lu [the gorilla], Grumpy, and their hooman friends as they navigate this modern world together, often with hilarious results and commentary…  Think of it as The Muppets meets Friends.” You can also find out more about the series at IMDB.

    image c. 2022 Drawn of Time

    Categories: News

    Some Facts about Pedophilia

    Ask Papabear - Tue 3 May 2022 - 12:24
    [Ed note: Pedophilia is a highly sensitive topic. Papabear acknowledges this and wishes to emphasize that he in no way, shape, or form advocates child abuse of any kind, nor does he defend or excuse child abusers in any way.]


    It's not so much a question but a hope that you may be able to help change some very wrong opinions about a certain topic. Society as a whole and furries especially hear this condition and immediately fly into a rage storm. I live with this psychological condition and wish people would take the time to try and understand it more. I have discussed my tools for managing this condition with psychological professionals and they see no harm in it so long as it remains strictly fictional and between consenting adults in roleplay settings. Anyway, due to a childhood trauma, I suffer from pedophilia and have never harmed a child in my life; in fact, I am asexual.

    * * *
    Dear Anonymous,

    To say you are asexual and a pedophile is to be self-contradictory.  An asexual person has absolutely no interest in sex and, therefore, cannot have a sexual attraction for children. What you mean to say is that you are a pedophile who does not act out sexually with children. This is an important distinction. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, pedophilia means you have "recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children." Therefore, one can still be a pedophile even though one never acts on those desires.

    It is entirely possible not to act on our sexual proclivities. It is wrong when people think that all pedophiles abuse children. In fact, the large majority never act out on their desires. It is also possible for people who are not pedophiles to sexually abuse children, using them as a surrogate for the true object of their desires.

    ​Research is showing that pedophiles who grew up in abusive households are more likely to act out on their attraction for children. Childhood traumas of various sorts can make this more likely. Therapy with a trained mental health professional is the best way to treat pedophilia.

    There is also growing evidence that pedophilia tendencies are genetic, just as homosexual ones are. So, it may be that people are born to be pedophiles. Now, there is a movement to destigmatize pedophilia by calling pedophiles "minor-attracted people." This should not, however, be seen as saying it's okay to molest children sexually. This is never okay because children are minors, are not sexually mature, and do not have the social position to say "No." It is always wrong to force oneself on a child who is powerless to prevent such assaults. This is what makes pedophilia different from homosexuality: the latter involves consenting adults while the former does not. Also, pedophilia is classified as a psychological disorder, but homosexuality is not (yes, it was once, but is no longer). Here is a good article all about pedophilia.

    Thank you for bringing up an important topic. Hopefully, this will clear up some misunderstandings about pedophilia.


    FWG Monthly Newsletter: May 2022

    Furry Writers' Guild - Mon 2 May 2022 - 11:00

    We’re a little bit late this month as I’m just getting back from FurDU, but we’re back now with another monthly update of guild news! As I have been at a convention all weekend, things will be fairly light, but there are a few important details to cover!

    Firstly, we have the Coyotl Awards. These were presented by myself at FurDU, and were livestreamed on the official FurDU Twitch channel. At this stage, I am unsure if the video of this stream will be made available, but we have all the winners below.

    Best Novel
    Aces High, by J. Daniel Phillips
    Bringing Down Upworld, by Kandrel
    God of Fire, by Ryan Campbell
    Freedom Ring, by Frances Pauli – Winner

    Best Novella
    The Bee’s Waltz: A Labyrinth of Souls Novel, by Mary E. Lowd
    Carnage, by Weasel – Winner
    The Lengthy Farewell, by P.C. Hatter
    Dark Lane, by P.C. Hatter

    Best Short Story
    I’m Just Your Stud, by Dirt Coyote. Featured in Voice of Dog
    The Squirrelherd and the Sound, by Emmie Christie. Featured in Zooscape 12
    Colored In Sepia, by S. Park. Featured in Shark Week: An Ocean Anthology – Winner
    Familiar Encounter, by Darius Davis. Featured in Voice of Dog

    Best Anthology
    Sam Digger: Beaver Detective, by Ian Madison Keller
    Shark Week: An Ocean Anthology, Edited by Ian Madison Keller – Winner
    A Swordmaster’s Tale, Edited by Tarl “Voice” Hoch
    Difursity: Volume 2, Edited by Weasel

    Best Other Work
    Puplift: A Dog’s Guide to Space, by Tempe O’Kun
    Furry Fiction Is Everywhere, by Ian Madison Keller and Mary E. Lowd – Winner

    Thank you to all members of the Furry Writers Guild who nominated and voted for the finalists. And, of course, congratulations to the winners. The quality of furry writing is immense right now, so all the finalists should feel proud of their achievements in reaching this list.

    The winners for the Leo Awards and the Ursa Majors should be coming in the next month. We will highlight those winners when they are known.

    We are also approaching the last few days to announce candidacy for the upcoming guild presidential elections. If you are a guild member and would like to step up to president, or any of the other office positions, then please announce your candidacy on the forums: here. Please get any candidacy posts in before midnight Sunday 8th May. At the moment, I am standing unopposed. Should there be a second candidate, a date will be announced for a vote.

    There are a few ongoing submission calls for short stories, though we have not seen many themed anthology calls at this stage. If you see something that you think can be highlighted by the FWG, then please contact us with information about it!

    Isekai Me! – Deadline When Full
    Children Of The Night – Deadline When Full
    #ohmurr! – Deadline: Ongoing
    Zooscape – Temporarily closed for submissions. Reoccurring submission windows.

    Please also consider checking out some of the new and upcoming releases from our members.

    Winter Without End, by Casimir Laski. Available for pre-order. Released Late May 2022.

    Red Pandamonium, by Roan Rosser. Available for pre-order. Released June 13th 2022.

    Jiao Tu’s Endeavour, by Donald Jacob Uitvlugt. Available for pre-order. Released June 16th 2022.

    Unfinished Business, by Tim Susman. Available for pre-order. Released July 5th 2022.

    A Furry Faux Paw, by Jessica Kara. Available for pre-order. Released July 12th (Date changed from May 24th 2022.)

    Pirating Pups, edited by Rhonda Parrish. Featuring a short story from FWG member Alice Dryden. Available for pre-order. Released August 9th.

    As always, any guild members who want to see their upcoming books included in the newsletter, please let us know! We try to keep up to date with everything, but there will always be some things we miss.

    Depending on election results, this might be my last monthly newsletter. If it is, it has been an honour being president of the Furry Writers Guild for the last twelve months.
    Whether it is me again next month, or a new incoming president, stay safe and keep writing.
    Please check out the finalists of the Coyotl Awards.

    J.F.R. Coates

    Categories: News

    Beauty in Complexity

    In-Fur-Nation - Mon 2 May 2022 - 01:50

    Another art crew we met at WonderCon goes by the name of Star Salts — interesting, hmm? Jackie (artist!) and Ian (manager!) specialize in densely complex tapestries featuring pokemon, anime creatures, and other popular cartoon subjects. Then those designs become part of their line of Hawaiian-style shirts, lanyards, pillow cases, and even (how timely!) face-masks. They’ve also branched out into enamel pins and such. Visit their web site to see the latest.

    image c. 2022 by Star Salts

    Categories: News