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Go! Go!! Go!!! by Miri

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 20:26
Categories: News

New emotes added!

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 20:18

I added /u/introintroduction's emote set. Below are all the current emotes available.

You can use emotes by entering [](/xyz "hovertext") Hover over to see what you should put in the xyz spot:

submitted by mckatze
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Categories: News

Hello ~ (Ruaya)

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 19:46
Categories: News

Why do we like to dress up as animals?

Furries In The Media - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 18:16

Here in an article on (the "Mother Nature Network"), about the furry fandom:

I have a confession: I have wanted a tail for as long as I can remember. Maybe it was growing up with so many dogs and cats, riding ponies and then horses, or maybe it's something else, something deeper. It always seemed to me that humans looked somehow incomplete without tails. (And that thought still crosses my mind at least once a month.)

So while I've never been compelled to dress up in an animal costume, I've imagined what my own tail would look like (adorable!), and I think I get part of the reason why people dress up as foxes, bears and cats — usually called furries or fursuiters. You could call me a furry sympathizer.

A tiger furry at the European Furry ConventionWhich is why I'm glad the practice of dressing up as an animal has moved from the freakish sidelines — remember how the person dressed in a bear suit in "The Shining" upped the creepiness factor of the sex scene? — to the mainstream. That's due to a combination of more open-minded attitudes, the wonderful furry community that can be found on the Internet, and bold individuals who have spoken out about what furry culture really is. Not to mention that "furry lite" fashion — wearing animal-face hats, hoods and gloves — has become so commonplace, even among adults.

But there are still plenty of myths about what it is to be a furry.

First of all, furry culture is about way more than just sex. If that's your association, that's because the media has tended to focus on that angle. Like other parts of costume-play that came out of Comic-Con and other fantasy and gamer gatherings, dressing as an animal a chance to express another part of yourself or to explore a side of your personality that you might not feel comfortable with in your everyday life. Masks of all kinds — from those worn on stage, to makeup, to costume balls and Halloween — have a long and fascinating role in human history.

Fursuiters are just wearing another kind of mask, but the people who like to dress as wolves, penguins, bunnies or other creatures are generally those who strongly identify with animals — rather than a witch or a Disney character or a famous actor. They run the gamut from fairly faithful animal imitations to more or less anthropomorphized creatures — a half wolf/half man for example — to fanciful combinations of animals, like a bunny-dog. Others hew more closely to completely made-up animals from anime or art.

A sense of play

The furry community is primarily about creativity, playfulness, freedom and exploration. If it seems like those things are in short supply in conventional Western life, you're onto part of the reason this movement resonates with so many people. The Internet is an important connecting place, but IRL (in real life) gatherings of more than 3,000 have occurred, and it's especially popular in the United Kingdom.

Fursonas or fur-personas can also be about transcending divisive social issues like race, gender, class, weight or religion — or basically any label that makes people uncomfortable or unsure about where they fit.

Relating to animals in this way isn't new: In many native cultures, totem or spirit animals help people understand their place in the world, and beloved stories from almost every culture include animals that could speak, humans who are reincarnated as animals, or rituals that involve dressing as animals.

"Humans tend to anthropomorphise as a way of understanding and interpreting the world around us. Furries just take this interest a bit further than most people," anthrozoologist Kathy Gerbasi told the BBC.

Some of the popularity of fursuiters may be found in our culture's disconnect with the natural world, or in a longing for the simpler life of an animal. In truth, different furry fans probably have varying reasons for why they love to dress up as. And whether this idea resonates with you or not, it's definitely growing in popularity. In Japan, "kigurumi" are mainstream. These cute animal onesie outfits are worn for fun, and you can now buy those plushy ensembles in the U.S. too, via the wonders of the Internet.

I'm waiting for really cool, pre-made tails to become available. It might confuse my cat, but it would definitely be fun to try on!
Categories: News

The Land ~Falvie

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 18:09
Categories: News

Merry Christmas! - Tirrel

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 17:24
Categories: News

Suggested rule: No asking for free art?

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 17:24

It's fine if this gets shot down, I've only been here 2 months or so, but I can see that this is a recurring.. Thing. And that I'm not the only person who thinks this is tacky, especially since it's often the requester's first post in the subreddit, sometimes on the entirety of reddit and there's nary a "please" in sight.

I see people of the subreddit very polity refer these people to one of the many offers for free art that pop up in the subreddit, after which many of the requesters seem to disappear because they can't/don't want to wait patiently? I know not everyone reads the rules before they subscribe or post, but would a "Don't ask for free art" rule cut down on the "gimme gimme!"-spam? At the very least, people could just report them rather than explaining how to get requests the polite way, over and over.

I see a good amount of very generous, wonderful people offer free art (thank you!), there's no shortage of opportunities to get free art for people who are actually members here, read the threads and contribute. I don't think there's a real need to also allow people to start threads to ask for free art, especially since these rarely seem to be by contributing members, but rather people who pop in and out in the hopes of a freebie.

Just a suggestion?

submitted by Stumblecat
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 17:04
Categories: News

My part of today's stream requests

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 17:00
Categories: News

How DARE they

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 16:40
Categories: News

Izzy the Ringtailed Cat - by Wildering

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 16:14
Categories: News

Deer lord, the puns.

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 16:09
Categories: News

Anyone want free art? :p

Furry Reddit - Sat 22 Aug 2015 - 13:13

Yep, call me Oprah the ocelot cause you get a drawing, you get a drawing, EVERYONE GETS ONEEEE! But yeah, leave a description or ref sheet below and I'll use my crappy art skills for the first time in like three weeks! :D warning- I will do everyone's, but I can't promise they will be finished today. purrs thank you for your participation and patience.:3

submitted by Ravenclaw101
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Categories: News