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The time has come where I must give you my farewells. I haven't posted much here, but it's been a lot of fun lurking among you. Early tomorrow morning, I will be departing for nepal Switzerland where I intend to live as a goat will be attending a school with limited communications to the outside world.
Before I leave, I just want to thank you all for all of the happiness you've brought me throughout the last couple of years, and for helping to cheer me up when school work piled up.
Someday I shall return, hopefully a better person with more skills, but only time will tell.
- Arkazex
submitted by Arkazex[link] [25 comments]
Furry documentary gold, and a Sex Drama Explosion – NEWSDUMP (8/25/15)
[Thoughts] What about the european furry community?
I live in France and feel like there is barely anything here for furries like me, fursuiters or not, and was honestly wondering why this is the case. In the US, it feels like many things are done for many types of communities, and not only furries, but for video games too, and many more. Or am I just wrong, and just haven't heard of the right cons? Being a furry is much easier in the US because of all the conventions, the furry shops, etc. A quick search on google brought up one european furry con, Eurofurence, and that's it. And another one brought up a map of the buttload of conventions that take place all over the US. I'm bummed that I can't, once a year, in my own country, meet people like me. Plane tickets to the US are pretty expensive and we don't all have the money to pay for it.
C'mon, europeans! We can do better than that! It shouldn't be so hard for furries to unite and have fun together! (Again, I might be wrong, and completely missing out on some awesome furry meetings in Europe or France. If that's the case, feel free to correct me.)
Edit : After a bit of digging, I was able to find a few european conventions. Seems like my point of view was biased, since there happens to be absolutely nothing in France, but there IS in fact conventions here and there, mostly in Germany. But my point still stands : compared to the US or even Japan, it's very very spread out and there aren't many. Which is a real shame!
Edit 2 : I didn't create this thread because I'm personally looking to meet some furries, but because I want to know more about our european community, and maybe to help some furries who feel the same way as me.
submitted by CrimsonFluff[link] [73 comments]
I miss you fuzz butts ;-;
Hey everyone, just wanted to let yall know I'm not dead! Hurrah! We've been mandated for about 50 + hour weeks now with no real end in sight. But I just wanted to thank yall, lurking here on my breaks makes the day go a little better. Love you guys ^ ^
submitted by The-Squeaker[link] [26 comments]
So art block hit me hard last night...
19 - UberQuest - Guests: Skidd & Phuufy
Are there any furries that live in/near Cambridge/Kitchener/Waterloo? (Ontario, Canada)
[NSFW] Very Late Art Roulette for /u/HarmonyHeartstrings I'm so sorry I was late ;_;
Another Bunny Not To Mess With…
Guardian Knight Comics has a new-ish full-color adventure comic out, featuring another kick-@ss rabbit. “Death for the weak, honor for the brave, and women and gold for no good dirty pirates, however, the infamous bandit Bones has set a course for revenge, and when a wanted man such as he returns to the kingdom, it never bodes well… for the kingdom that is!” Bones, in case you haven’t figured it yet, is the rabbit in question. One friend of the artist described the comic as “… like if Conan was Bugs Bunny and he sworded his way through Final Fantasy while making out with Zelda”. Got all that? Gears & Bones is written by William Thomas and Andrew Anderson, with art by Osvaldo Pestana Montpeller. Issues are out on the shelves already.
When did you realise you were a furry?
It happened to me after I started becoming obsessed with reading Twokinds
submitted by ThisNameWasStolen[link] [19 comments]