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Hello. Could you help me?

Furry Reddit - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 10:09

Umm, yes. What was I going to say?

Oh yes. Could you give me your sonas and other things? I'm bored and I want to try something new so I'm going to do awful little sprites with backgrounds and other stuff. Please?

Give me an art or description! Give me a setting! Give me an action! Watching the sunset, shopping, stabbing someone. Actually, if it is stabbing someone give me two characters or collaborate with someone.

Sorry it's not proper art or even good pixel art but I'm bored and need something to do. This is what you can expect. Awful, I know but hey.

I'll probably do five and I'll do then one's that interest me. Thank you for helping me cure boredom and do pixel art or if no-one comments then thanks for nothing toss pots. I'm kidding you're still cool.

Edit: shows over folks.

submitted by scamer38
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Categories: News

Most Embarrassing Google Search, and Furries on Seeker Network – NEWSDUMP (9/7/15)

Dogpatch Press - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 10:06
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Guest posts welcome. Tips:  SFGate looked at a map of the “most embarrassing Google searches” in the USA and found me. (Appeared in photo #9.)  “Furries” is supposedly searched a lot in Wyoming. The map also shows who searched for: Bronies, Nickelback Lyrics, Dog Clothes, Meth Recipe… Who knows […]
Categories: News

Request sketches

Furry Reddit - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 09:42

Work is soooooo slow..... Give me some ideas of what to draw! This will be on paper :3 I'm just bored

Comment below with reference and I'll do something random with your sona!

submitted by FizzyFoxy
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Categories: News

You Drew the Six of Fluffy Tails: The Fox Tarot

FurStarter - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 09:08

A 78-piece full tarot, inspired by the traditional Rider-Waite deck, but this time, FOXES.



The Fox Tarot

Kickstarter ending 9/15/15

FoxTarot1I’m sure I said this before, but “creating my own tarot” must be one of those challenges that every fantasy artist picks up, dusts off, puts back on the shelf, picks up again, thinks about donating to Goodwill, puts back on shelf, thinks “Well, I’ll use this someday…”, puts back on shelf…it’s like a copy of Ulyssesexisting more as a challenge than something that should actually be pursued. I mean, it’s 78 individual pieces of art. That’s a lot of art! And like covering the entire Beatles catalog, each piece has its own expectations and challenges. You could just say “Oh, well, I’ll just draw a piece that is my concept of stagnation and hierarchy and call it The Emperor,” but the Rider-Waite deck is so compelling, it’s a symbol set that’s the defining image of tarot.

Mary Hoy (DeviantArt) has taken on the quest to slay the dragon—no offense to any dragon readers—and created the Fox Tarot, now on Kickstarter. Her work has a delicate, haunted quality, as if she put a few drops of liquid Tim Burton into the mixing bowl, though it’s solidly in the cartoony camp. If you’d like to see the heart of the deck, you can check out her Major Arcana on Deviantart. I particularly like The Fool and The Magician.

FoxTarot2One thing that I admire about this set is that it’s inspired by the traditional Rider-Waite deck, but isn’t a strict copy of it. For instance, look at Mary Hoy’s “The Magician” and then glance at the standard Rider-Waite version of the same. There’s some of the same elements (literally! It’s a Tarot joke…), you can see echoes of the older card, but Hoy’s erred on the side of humor, sympathy, and emotion. Her work is a little rough, with sketchy lines and more than a few photoshop effects, but personally, I think it’s an appealing, fresh, and approachable Tarot.

FoxTarot3Re: the Kickstarter itself, it’s worth saying, Hoy is using Kickstarter as a selling platform, not a development tool. Much of the special perks are the sort of thing you could get on a produce-on-demand site like CafePress. One pain point I had with the pledge levels is that the level at which you can buy the deck itself is steep—$45—and that’s more than I’d care to pay for a standard tarot deck (which tend to range from $15-$35, depending.) However, Hoy also distributes through Etsy, where you can get one version of the Fox Tarot for under $30, a more manageable price point. But if you like the product and want the extra goodies—poster versions, for instance—then the Kickstarter is a good investment.

On the other paw, the fact that the work already exists and that this Kickstarter is a 2.0 expansion, with bigger cards (or tinier cards, pick your poison), some touchup, and pretty borders, makes it a solid and low-risk project. Given the risks in backing a campaign, a little security goes a long way!

Follow @furstarter on twitter for the latest fur-friendly crowdfunding projects!


Categories: News

Feelings - Falvie

Furry Reddit - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 09:03
Categories: News

Alice by Koul

Furry Reddit - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 07:33
Categories: News

Rocket and Groot

Furry Reddit - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 04:21
Categories: News

any good furry minecraft servers?

Furry Reddit - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 03:34

doesn't matter what type of server it is, as long as the majority of the community is furries. I also wouldn't mind one with mods like the tail mod or similar stuff. thanks to everyone that helps me find one!

submitted by dvngal
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Categories: News

I think I probably have a case of serious Fursona crisis.

Furry Reddit - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 02:16

Okay - first off - yes, this is a throwaway account. Also, I don't mean to trigger by saying this is serious, etc. But it's been bugging me to the point of a few years - not just a day or a week.

Okay, so let's just say I've been a furry for around the 4 year mark, so quite a medium timespan to be honest. Now, quite a few furries have a fursona - the character that pretty much represents you if you were an anthropomorphic animal or creature. Some have an OC, which doesn't directly represent them but they enjoy drawing them or getting them in all sorts of creative mediums. And then you have a few people who just enjoy furry without a character linked to them, and they just enjoy seeing others work and going to conventions.

So, I'm more of the sona type of person, and I really like having the idea of having a fursona. But my problem is I've honestly struggled to actually get to a final fursona for a few years now - to the point where I've gone through about 20 odd species, even changed my sona a few days after I met somebody who was X species (who did convince me, sort of.) and even tried to hybridise two or three species together. Let's just say my constant changing... I feel pisses off a lot of my friends.

First I was a fox. Then a Dhole. Then an Arctic Fox. Then a corgi. Then a German Shepherd. Then back to the Arctic Fox. Then to a Wolf. Then to a Folf. Then to the Arctic Fox again. Then to a Folf again. Then a complete change to an Otter. Then a Cat. Then back to a Red fox. Then a Wolf. Then I started mixing up things to try and hybridise, but I don't feel it worked out. There are a ton more to the list, but I'd rather not bore you.

The thing is - I really would like a fursona. But I've been having trouble to honestly find an animal or a bunch of animal species (to hybridise together) for so many years I'm just sick of it. I'm honestly just so stuck.

Now, here's the other thing, and I don't know if it makes a difference to my problem and shit, but I actually think I have something in mind. Something really that I feel would be a good sona for me after all this time. But the problem is once I have chosen it, how the f**k I make it creative. I feel there's a social expectancy to, once you have a sona, stick some hair on it, put some funky two tone markings, put scars and dyes and dress it up a little bit. But to be honest, I don't know where to start - and this species, to me, just looks all the same to the point where I want to be it but I'll probably get done for unintentional Fursona theft. And that's the other problem - once I get to stage one, it's the problem of stage two. I have a proper good name to use for him (I am a guy, he is a guy), but when it comes down to stage two, it's just so hard to the point of quits because of social expectancy and for the standard to create something unique.

TL;DR: I've had trouble trying to find a fursona for many years to the point that it's just bugging me and really annoying me - I've even wanted to call quits just because of it. I've gone through 20 odd species and not one I have 'loved' - it's just been temporary affection for it. Now, I think I have a species in mind to finally put this all to rest, but it's then the fact of trying to create it so even though I'm happy with it, I don't intentionally copy another persons or peoples design (what I feel will most likely happen with this species due to it's 'simpleness' and generic variations, no offence).

I hope you understand me, because I certainly don't understand myself - that's for sure. I'm just so lost, confused, depressed and a little lonely over a fucking fursona. Help me /r/furry, you're my only hope.

Thank you for listening.

EDIT: Thanks for all the kind responses guys! I'll be gone for a few hours but I'll be back.

submitted by fursonalcrisis
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Categories: News

Hello furry friends!

Furry Reddit - Mon 7 Sep 2015 - 00:57

Hello again! I've never bought my own furry apparel before and before making my first purchase I wanted to know where some of you folks get your stuff. Preferably tails and ears. I'm not really looking into having a suit or partial suit yet (those are quite expensive for a college student.) A list of different websites you all trust would be great to have.

This is my first time on any furry community site and all of your help is greatly appreciated!

submitted by cuddlemydoggies
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Categories: News

Is there anything wrong with liking yiff?

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Sep 2015 - 22:36

Like yiff to me is amazing, yet online people say that its bestiality and abnormal which it isn't. They say its wrong but i disgress. Should i be ashamed of my fetish for yiff?

submitted by GalaxyIsBeautiful
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Categories: News

My Thinger from /u/introintroduction

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Sep 2015 - 22:15
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Sep 2015 - 21:26

Confessions of a drunk fur here.

I think that I finally understand why I really want to date another fur. It's because we all seem like such a happy and excited community. I don't really meet lots of people like that that aren't furs. I guess thats why I have such trouble dating. I can't find anyone thats as happy and silly as I am.

I feel that I can't find someone to share my personality with. I can't really be myself. No one else understands I like my head scratches. People think I'm weird because I love to wrestle with my partner. I just want someone that I can truly share this part of my life with. I dunno. Its just hard. I have no way to meet other furs who are looking for someone to share themselves with. I just want to meet someone that will cuddle me like no one else will, and thinks my butt is cute.

I don't even know why I'm saying all this. It feels hopeless sometimes.

submitted by Karbairusa
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Categories: News

Accidentally Showing Someone Yiff

Furry Reddit - Sun 6 Sep 2015 - 21:03

I was at the local computer lab with my gf and after being bored ended up looking at yiff. (Yiff gallery to be exact) THOUGHT I closed the tab, moved to a DIFFERENT computer and saw an extremely unlucky black child open said tab and I saw his jaw drop as he saw cheetah women and it was hilarious/mortifying.

submitted by MelonWolfIV
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Categories: News