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Who's your furry waifu(or male equivalent)?

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 16:40

Title says it all

submitted by -Whyamistillhere-
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Categories: News

Furries in STEM/Technical Fields?

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 16:34

Hello fellow furries. I'm fairly new to the furry fandom and when browsing around here for info I saw that on the Anthrocon website which I quote:

"A large number of anthropomorphics fans are employed in scientific or technical fields. A significant percentage have college diplomas and many of those hold advanced degrees."

So, I was wondering if there was a higher concentration of furries in STEM fields. I personally am dual majoring in Electrical Engineering and Applied Mathematics at an engineering university myself and a couple of my close friends are furries in some way as well. Now that I am a bit more open about being a furry, I am noticing that there are more furries that go to my college than I thought, and my school is nearly strictly engineering and applied science.

I'm just wondering how many of us are either majoring in a STEM/Technical subject or work in the field and it anyone has noticed any correlation between being a furry and having a STEM career or degree. So what do you guys think?

submitted by themasterofcircuits
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Categories: News

So I'm back and have another music related thread. WITH A TWIST!

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 16:23

So I'm back from my vacation in Georgia. Did some fun stuff, had a argument with family, Blah, Etc, Blah, Etc, Blah.

Anyways I have a wonderful question/game today!

you know how sometimes we have a thread where each of us says what our Fursona's theme is? Well how about everyone posts a physical description of their Fursona (Or a picture or flair) and I try to find some music that may describe them. To switch it up a bit do not post about their personality so I have to guess! Or if I know something about your character beforehand and cheat. Needless to say results may be hilariously wrong or suitably right, But that is what will make this fun; To see how much I can horribly fail to find a fitting piece of music or two.

Also what did I miss? Any notable drama or good things? Oh and how did mono's YCH boss battle raffle thingy go?

submitted by Sorrowinsanity
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Categories: News

Weekly /r/furry Art Prompt #14

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 16:09

Hey. Today I will be filling out for /u/CeresSergal, since he's out doing uni stuff and_drinking

Since everyone is getting back to School or University, we are doing "Back to school". Draw your sona as a student going back to "hard" work.

If your fursona already has a trade or job You can draw your fursona performing such job ^

I hope to see hard working students and engineers doing their jobs!

Thanks to everyone who submitted art for Week 13's prompt.

Week #13

Ceres's update thread about the art prompts. (No new prompts until 26th of October)

submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun
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Categories: News

On Conventions, Cosplay and Furries

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 15:59
Categories: News

Poke-sona art prompt: Playing in the Mud

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 15:49
Categories: News

Furry Sub-Subreddits - Month 3!

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 15:32

So, month 3! A lot has changed in this month.


Fun facts

  • Every subreddit had an increase in subscribers!

  • For the first time I was called for adding a subredit (outside my threads) - it was /r/furrydiscuss .

  • There still seems to be nothing in /r/straightfurries

  • /r/furry has an increase of 2.7% (2.85 in Aug.)

    While /r/yiff has an increase of only 1.81% (2.55% in Aug.)

  • Smallest increase in subscribers has /r/furryjerk (0.83%). STEP UP YOUR GAME.

For any questions / add-ons / corrections comment here or PM /u/furrythrowawayaccoun (Me) or just comment here.

Name Subscribers(August) Subscribers(Sept.) Increase/Decrease in subscribers (% and number) /r/anthro 1888 1968 ▲ 4,24% (80) /r/dragons 2695 2870 ▲ 6,49%(175) /r/feathery 101 107 ▲ 5,94%(6) /r/feralfur 141 170 ▲ 20,57% (29) /r/flobby 23 37 ▲ 60,87%(14) /r/furry 19.949 20.488 ▲ 2,7% (539) /r/furrydiscuss N/A 57 N/A /r/furryjerk 484 488 ▲ 0,83% (4) /r/furryAMA 106 107 ▲ 0,94% (1) /r/furrykikpals 919 988 ▲ 7,51% (69) /r/furryfitness 58 62 ▲ 6,9% (4) /r/furry_catwalk 448 459 ▲ 2,46% (11) /r/furry_wordsmith 464 473 ▲ 1,94% (9) /r/furryartschool 2.300 2.357 ▲ 2,48% (57) /r/FurryWallpapers 1517 1.583 ▲4,35% (66) /r/furryrp 623 643 ▲ 3,21% (20) /r/fursona 740 762 ▲ 2,97% (22) /r/fursuit 1661 1713 ▲ 3,13% (52) /r/graymuzzles 91 107 ▲ 17,58% (16) /r/huskysilver 89 146 ▲ 64,04% (57) /r/lapfoxtrax 1.795 1860 ▲ 3,62% (65) /r/r4rFurry 709 716 ▲ 0,99% (7) /r/straightfurries 7 12 ▲ 71,43% (5) /r/SecondLifeFurry 61 67 ▲ 9,84% (6) /r/scaley 1.601 1.627 ▲ 1,62% (26) /r/sergalsergalsergal 181 214 ▲ 18,23% (33) /r/teenfur 153 161 ▲ 5,23% (8) /r/twokinds 869 904 ▲ 4,03% (35) NSFW Name Subscribers(August) Subscribers(Sept.) Increase/Decrease in subscribers (% and number) /r/carsfuckingdragons 1.743 1804 ▲ 3,5% (61) /r/dragonsfuckingcars 13.825 14.012 ▲ 1,35% (185) /r/dragonsfuckingdragons 1.332 1.396 ▲ 4,8% (64) /r/dragonpenis 576 602 ▲ 4,51% (26) /r/femyiff 864 924 ▲ 6,94% (60) /r/FeralPokePorn 2.851 2.928 ▲ 2,7% (77) /r/FeralYiff 1.994 2.034 ▲ 2,01% (40) /r/fursuitsex 2178 2214 ▲ 1,65% (36) /r/GayPokePorn 509 531 ▲ 4,32% (22) /r/gfur 6.516 6.684 ▲ 2,58% (168) /r/gfurcomics 1.544 1.626 ▲ 5,31% (82) /r/gfurstories 235 256 ▲ 8,94% (21) /r/hyiff 2.026 2111 ▲ 4,2% (85) /r/Kemofurry 611 619 ▲ 1,31% (8) /r/notNSFWenoughforyiff 3 5 ▲ 66,67% (2) /r/sharktits 3.138 3.257 ▲ 3,79% (119) /r/yiff 26.308 26.785 ▲ 1,81% (447) /r/yiffcomics 7.315 7.520 ▲ 2,8% (205) /r/yiffgif 3.392 3473 ▲ 2,39% (81) /r/yiffplus 333 487 ▲ 46,25% (154) Fetish Name Subscribers(August) Subscribers(Sept.) Increase/Decrease in subscribers (% and number) /r/babyfurs 673 699 ▲ 3,86% (26) /r/footpaws 1080 1099 ▲ 1,76 % (19) /r/FurryTF 425 462 ▲ 8,71% (37) /r/hyperfurs 751 776 ▲ 3,33% (25) /r/HypnoFur 141 154 ▲ 9,22% (13) /r/KinkyFur 33 62 ▲ 87,88% (29) /r/latex_furs 44 55 ▲ 25% (11) /r/roundfurs 62 64 ▲ 3,23% (2) Animals Name Subscribers(August) Subscribers(Sept.) Increase/Decrease in subscribers (% and number) /r/foxes 38.376 39.086 ▲ 1,85% (710) /r/otters 14.092 14.543 ▲ 3,2% (451) /r/owls 12.556 12.787 ▲ 1,84% (231) /r/redpandas 19.270 19.557 ▲ 1,49% (287) /r/wolves 3.367 3.455 ▲ 2,61% (88) submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun
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Categories: News

Results of the /r/furry 3D badge giveaway!

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 15:06
Categories: News

Animal Crossing: Fat Animals ;by rawr

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 15:01
Categories: News

Art trades always open!

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 14:32
Categories: News

Venessa Vance: A Shy Lass

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 13:26
Categories: News

A Dedication

[adjective][species] - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 13:00

Tim Gadd is one of the founders of

When a friend pointed me to these welcome essays concerning the early years of—a time which will always exist as a vibrant and halcyon period in my memory—I asked if I might make a dedication, which the author and publisher kindly allowed.

ALF was an ideal as well as a community: a kind of social experiment which had never been tried on Usenet before. Myself and Ron Orr are usually credited with its conception and creation. We did come up with the idea, and write the charter and FAQ, but not without the consultation of the ‘creation committee’; a group of thirteen people in total who, over six months, provided input and review to the process.

Of these people there is no question IMHO that the most crucial was Brad Austin. His judgement was scrupulous, as was his instinctive grasp of the ethics of what we were trying to do. He was the one person whose advice I’d never ignore. Later, if the core values of the newsgroup were ever attacked, Brad was the staunchest of defenders; rigorously intelligent and morally unwavering, no matter how controversial the topic.

Brad died suddenly last year, age 45. I’ve never had a closer friend, and I miss him like hell. I wish more members of the community had known him personally.

There is someone else I want to mention. Virtually on New Year’s Day 1997, ALF hit the backbone Usenet servers and our participation suddenly exploded to many times the trickle of posts of the early months. The first poster I remember on that day was Craig Andersen – KimbaWLion online. Perhaps I’m biased, but to me he instantly became the first core member of the community from outside the original creation group, and I always told him I considered his appearance to be synchronous with and symbolic of the real birth of ALF.

Kimba quickly became my other closest friend, along with Brad and Ron, and his family welcomed me into their home on every visit to their hometown. He too passed away unexpectedly, late in 2012, age 58.

I’m grateful for the chance to leave this tribute on record to two true soul mates without whom things would not have happened like they did. I know there are many of our number who have fallen over the years, and this dedication is for them too, and those they left behind.

Tim Gadd
Tasmania, September 2015

Episode 295 - Preowned Cats

Southpaws - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 12:28
We're all back this week and boy howdy do we have some emails. Preowned cats, unfortunately titled war uniform enthusiasts silly tumblr asks, and more! Remember the Harkness Test! Like the show and got a few bucks to spare? Support us on Patreon! Just $4 a month goes a long way. Episode 295 - Preowned Cats
Categories: Podcasts

Furries at Burning Man, Pride parade, and Mascots movie – NEWSDUMP (9/21/15)

Dogpatch Press - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 10:28
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Guest posts welcome. Tips:  Furries at Burning Man – Amazing fursuit programmed to light up with movement!  Don’t miss the suit at 1:10. (Vid by Vox Fox).   German news article:  “EUROFURENCE In Video – The Furries conquer Neukölln.” The coming 2016 Furpocalypse is getting ridiculous: Netflix announces “Mascots” movie, […]
Categories: News

Long lasting?

Furry Reddit - Mon 21 Sep 2015 - 09:58
Categories: News