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Anyone else follow Savestate?

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 15:56
Categories: News

Coming Out of Retirement...

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 15:14

Hello, I'm Krieg Von Beck. It's been a really long time since I have been a active member in the fandom. When I was in high school being a furry gave me a sense of belonging to something, and I loved being a furry and I loved the furs I knew, even called them family. Then I joined the military and I fell out of it, even grew to hate it. Then I married and divorced and now I'm in college, but I couldn't help but feel something had been missing all these years and I think I'm ready to go back to being a furry, even it's a closeted one. My question is, have any of you experienced a lapse in your involvement in the fandom and how would you recommend getting back into it?

submitted by KriegVonBeck
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Categories: News

Hello! I made a new furry account to better align with my other yaffosphere usernames

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 14:52

I am also known as @AnkaraYena on Twitter and have been lurking and posting from time to time on here for a little bit. You might remember me as the guy that was planning on wearing a safari outfit to Rainfurrest. I just wanted to say wutup and give a shoutout to anyone who I might run in to at RF! I have 1200 glow bracelets to give away, so feel free to say hi and get free glowsticks! I'll be the one in the pith helmet.

submitted by AnkaraYena
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Categories: News

"Azerlore" by Falvie

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 14:36
Categories: News

Came here clicking on r/furry instead of r/funny. Am confused. What makes a furry?

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 14:28

Like, everything I found up to now seems rather interesting. But I am still not sure if I am a furry or not... I love the artwork and find the fursuits really cute. I can even imagine making my own in the future. The porn on the other hand... I don't know...

So I'd like to find out: what defines a furry? Drawing your own character or is just having one in your mind enough? Does anyone have to know or are you still a furry if you wish to keep those things to yourself. Do all furries like the porn? Do they watch it exclusively or human porn too? So far I've only seen very well drawn art. Can you be a furry if you can't draw well and your character looks shitty as a result? Can you mix animals of all kinds in your char? What is this game thing so many here are talking about?

Sorry for the wall of questions, I am just interested and wonder if I myself moght be a furry...

submitted by Quadriga-chan
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Categories: News

Thokan - Awesome art by Sareii

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 14:25
Categories: News

Custom flair I made for myself

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 13:46
Categories: News

Ep 50 – Dark and Dirty Noir – Inhuman Acts - Ocean’s noir anthology Inhuman Acts comes out tomorrow at RainFurrest! The group sits down to discuss the different themes and set pieces in a noir story. What’s the difference between a mystery and a noir? Can

Fangs and Fonts - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 12:35

Ocean’s noir anthology Inhuman Acts comes out tomorrow at RainFurrest! The group sits down to discuss the different themes and set pieces in a noir story. What’s the difference between a mystery and a noir? Can a noir have a happy ending?
You can pick up Inhuman Acts from Fur Planet.
We’ll also be at RainFurrest 2015, so come say hi!
Send us your feedback, questions, concerns, complaints:


Fangs and Fonts

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Ep 50 – Dark and Dirty Noir – Inhuman Acts - Ocean’s noir anthology Inhuman Acts comes out tomorrow at RainFurrest! The group sits down to discuss the different themes and set pieces in a noir story. What’s the difference between a mystery and a noir? Can a noir have a happy ending?   [...]
Categories: Podcasts

His Mom Thinks He Should Try Women to Test Whether He Is Truly Gay

Ask Papabear - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 11:12
Hey Papabear, it’s Wolfthorne again.

I know that you just responded to a letter of mine recently, but lately I've been starting to think about some things. Since coming out to my Mom, you know, I've kinda have been trying to understand why I'm gay. And obviously, pornography is a big one, and snuggling a guy, regardless of orientation, causes me to have thoughts and feelings. 

Me and my mother went to dinner one evening, and I really do value our relationship, so she you know petted me on the head, and I nuzzled in (furry humor), and she was talking about, but in a very nice way, saying that I should go to a gym and try to see if girls would come up to me, and I kinda, has a facial expression of smiling and ":\". She then added, "Don't knock it till you try it, son."

And then after hearing that, I'm like, "Huh. Maybe I should give woman a try, because I never had made an attempt thereof." Not that I'm disgusted to try, but I really need to start thinking about what's on the inside other than just the outside, right? But me not really understanding women all that much or know exactly how to talk with one makes it difficult to relate to than a guy, and I don't know why its easier talking with guys then girls, and perhaps it was my religious upbringing that caused it since I couldn't date outside of the church or anything. I kinda want to know more "wholesome" ways other than porn and sex, if there is a way where I can be swooned by one, if at all. Then my sexuality will narrow down, and I don't feel like I can just rely on a shortcut, in this case, porn, to feel if I'm gonna have to cross my legs. Because there's way more to life then just sex, right?

Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I shouldn't think about this at all, but I feel as if I don't at least try, I'll always wonder about it. 

So I guess my question is, should I try to date women to see which way I'll swing and are there wholesome ways to find out what I'm really attracted to? Same thing goes with guys, other than sexual thoughts and porn are there other wholesome ways to find out why this is the way I work?

Wolfthrone (age 22)

* * *

Dear Wolfthorne,

Yes, there is more to a relationship than sex! You should never base a relationship just on the sexual aspect of it. That’s a recipe for discontentment, no matter how awesome your partner might be in bed.

On the other paw, sex is an important part of any healthy relationship. If you are not attracted to someone—both what’s inside and what’s outside—then you’re not going to be completely happy, and people who are not completely happy tend to wander and stray....

Are there “wholesome” ways to meet people? Oh, absolutely! You know, here in Palm Springs there are several gay bars (I don’t go; they’re tiresome to me), and I know people who go there and it is like Desperation City, where men are trying to hook up with other guys and they don’t seem to care about anything other than if you are handsome and have a nice package and, hopefully, money. Breathtakingly shallow. And the result is they are all very sad people who have little luck with relationships. (That’s the majority, which is not to say I don’t know some happy gay couples who go to these places just to have a drink, dance, and hang out).

Anyway, what I’m saying is don’t go to bars. Don’t go to hook-up sites. Also, porn sites set you up for disappointment as they are incredibly unrealistic. What you should do is become active in your life (I’ve said this many times in this column) and meet people at places and doing things that you enjoy. For example, say you really love dogs and have a couple as pets. You could take them to a dog park and meet others like yourself, strike up a conversation, and build friendships and more.

As for men vs. women. As you know, I’ve had both, and I’ve had very good relationships with both, but now I’m with a man. There are few people who are 100% gay or 100% straight; sexuality is a spectrum of color, not a black-and-white checker board. The thing is not to force or make yourself date one or the other. Let it come organically. In your case, you are naturally attracted to men and you feel uncomfortable around women. Why do you think that making yourself date a woman would change that? Do you think having sex with a woman would change your mind about men? Well, you could try, but I highly doubt it. While your mom is being very gentle about this, she is clearly employing a tactic to try to make her son “not gay.”

That all said, there’s no reason you can’t try and make friends with some women and see where it goes. It’s good to be open minded about it, and you could end up forming some very nice friendships.

Here’s the thing, though. If you start going out with a woman, do not try to hide your past. If you pretend to be straight and she falls in love with you, it could be very heartbreaking for her if you decide to go back to guys. Be open about what you are doing. If you meet a woman you like, tell her you like her and ask her out to dinner or something, and explain yourself. Believe it or not, there are some women who like a challenge (and honesty!) I’ve heard this line before: “You only like men because you’ve never met a real woman.” Yowsa.

How one establishes his or her sexual identity is a vastly complicated process, and there is no telling where it might lead. You could be the antithesis of me, and, instead of thinking you like women but then, late in life, discovering you prefer men, you might do just the opposite.

What I’m saying is don’t try to force love and affection. The best thing to do is to expose yourself (er, with pants on) to as many people as possible. This increases your chance of finding someone who makes your heart beat faster. You’ll know it when you experience it. Whether that is a man or a woman is actually irrelevant. Look for a good soul.

Don’t stress, my furry friend. Relax.... just have fun!



My OC Collection

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 10:53

Hello! First post but I've been lurking for a bit.

Finally got the nerve to share all of my creations. Though I'm not an artist I create and write a lot. As a part of that I have many Monster Girls and Furry and other types of characters.

Let me know what you think.

NSFW (Male and Female types here)

submitted by HookandLantern
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Categories: News

Sad Ending for Oklacon – Jungle Book – Furry blogs and games – NEWSDUMP (9/23/15)

Dogpatch Press - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 10:16
Headlines, links and little stories to make your tail wag.  Guest posts welcome. Tips:  Oklacon canceled permanently in a tangle of prejudice and bad faith, coinciding with a misbehavior incident.   Read more via Reddit. Expect a longer article here soon.  The official website has replaced the front page with a final statement.  Oklacon’s history is at Wikifur. Former FurAffinity Forums taken down […]
Categories: News

The king of Pride Rock by BlackMysticA

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 10:01
Categories: News

Evening Skies by Falvie

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 09:11
Categories: News

Winter Bliss~ by Vekke

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 07:45
Categories: News

A little introduction

Furry Reddit - Wed 23 Sep 2015 - 07:40

Hi everyone! I made my first post last night under a different account (SomewhatConfusedFur) which seemed like a good name since at the time I had only really accepted myself as a furry and was a bit confused as to what that really meant. But, after seeing how awesome and caring the people on here are, I decided to make a new account/screenname that was more reflective of me. And since I'm from the Midwest, aCowfromWisco seemed appropriate :). In case the name isn't a giveaway, my "fursona" (I'm new to this but I think thats the right term) is an anthropomorphic cow. One of you helpfully pointed out that 'cow' is a gendered term, of which I am aware but made me feel the need to clarify; I'm a male but my fursona isn't. As I said, I'm new to this, so I'm not sure how common it is for ones fursona to not match ones biological gender, but I just wanted to get it out there. I'm hoping to commission some art in the future to help more fully illustrate what she looks like, so that will probably end up being a post. Aside from that, not much to tell about myself; undergrad at a university in the Midwest, planning on majoring in Psychology and probably going on to graduate school. One of my good friends who helped me come to terms with myself as a furry said that the community is incredibly inclusive and welcoming, and from what I've seen so far that is definitely true. Thank you all for giving me a place where I can be myself!

submitted by aCowFromWisco
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Categories: News