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Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 23:04
Categories: News

The collegiate fur: Dealing with the angst of belonging and self-loathing. [Discussion]

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 19:32

I'd like to preface before hand that this post is designed to serve as a discussion post as well as insightful one regarding the transition to young adulthood within the fandom. The thoughts and opinions within the post are one's held by the poster. The furry fandom serves as a secondary home for some, and a haven for others. I ask that you as a reader keep your comments informative and on topic to the post. Thank you.

I've identified as a furry for a good deal now; however, I've mostly kept being a furry to my close friends and family. From around age 15, I was hoping that by college I'd be able to express who I am and what I am to new people I meet. I always imagined having friends who were furries (or at least accepted the fact I am one), a girlfriend who understands my sexual attraction to the medium, but above all a place of belonging.

Sadly though, I haven't had the opportunity to do such a thing... even with transferring up to a large campus (40,000 students). The campus itself has a moderately well known furry association and club. I've also used other social media to get in touch with furries in the area, but I can't seem to find my clique just yet.

So I asked myself: What is attributing to my separation with the community?

  1. I genuinely dislike the furry persona, and I'm not going to be friends with people I don't like. Hugging, cuddly, overly friendly... it all seems synthetic to me, and I can't just jump into being that way with people. I also find it tough to become friends with people I have no interests with aside from being a furry; though I am relatively limited with being involved within the fandom.

  2. I identify as a heterosexual cisgendered male. Most of the furries I meet, especially within the college scene are predominately gay males. It's not that I'm homophobic, but I feel out of place being invited to a gay bar, and my relationship usually yields a conversation of "'s a shame you're straight", " should try it..", " are better in bed..", etc. So basically, not what I want.

  3. I'm more of a closeted furry from the get-go. It's not that I'm embarrassed with being a furry, but there's just so much else going on in my life that the main way people identify me is as "the furry they know". It's not really a thing that comes up too often in conversation, but when it does I'll usually let people know that furries aren't all sex-crazed kids in animal costumes.

As of recent I've begun to loath being a furry more and more, predominately because I joined the community to feel a sense of belonging. Ironically, I haven't felt more disjointed from the fandom than I have as of late. I've talked to other furries who share my viewpoint, some of which have remained within the fandom and other whom have left it. I feel that my general want to be active with local furries stems from the fact that during middle and high school I would draw, role-play, and chat with other furries regularly. Now though, this all seems to be something which never occurs despite how hard I try.

Now I'd like to open this for discussion. Have you felt separated from the fandom? Issue finding a place to belong? What did you do? What do you think would be a useful next step for furries in this situation?

submitted by spedracer
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Categories: News

Looking to commission a great realistic furry artist soon~

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 17:41

So I've been a part of this community for well over a year now. Was mostly a lurker but soon got my own fursona. I have gotten a reference sheet and was happy with it for the longest time but now I would like to upgrade it.

I would love it if you fellow furs could help me find a very great artist to commission that is also for a reasonable price. I don't gotta paypal yet but my boyfriend would pay it off for me as long as I paid him back. Post some reference art + there FA/DA/Reddit would be most appropriated. <3

submitted by MidknightFox
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Categories: News

Furry Culture: Part 1

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 16:39
Categories: News

I tried chibi for the first time.

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 16:14
Categories: News

Seems a fitting job for a furry

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 16:10
Categories: News

streaming some art for a bit

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 15:46

come yell at me and eachother and make friends xoxo

submitted by sploggs
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Categories: News

The Best Birthday Gift Giver ~ T-Kay

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 15:29
Categories: News

Just got back from my first ever furmeet!

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 13:56

And it was all sorts of awesome!

Seriously if you're socially anxious, scared of meeting furries in person, have any issues socializing and stuff.. listen to Shia and just do it.

I was terrified leading up to it, a floofball of anxiety and worry. But with the support of some of you awesome guys (you know who you are :3) I pushed myself to go and, well, everything went fine!

Had a drink, played the biggest game of cards against humanity I have ever played (couldn't hear eachother from other ends of the table!). Then there was a fursuit walk that has made me realise just how much I want a suit.

Lots of happy people, lots of pictures, fun hehe. I wish I had opened up a bit more but now that I'm a little more familiar with people that comes next month. Honestly this has just wiped out so many of my social fears in a few hours. Exposure therapy really works :D

Go forth! Meet people!

submitted by Thatweasel
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Categories: News

So at Rainfurrest someone decided it was ok to wear kink gear in public...

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 12:56

I'm not at the con but I've seen the pic and know many people at the con and there was a guy walking around in just a diaper, a top, and a leather bondage mask...

As a babyfur who knows mostly babyfurs, this is the general consensus from the babyfur community about the incident.






Keep your kinky shit in private plz, k, thanks

Sincerely, babyfurs that actually know what fucking boundaries are

submitted by SammyTheKitty
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Categories: News

Rainfurrest Update

Furry Reddit - Sat 26 Sep 2015 - 12:53

Someone took a dump on the hot tub, its been closed, thanks guys.

submitted by Lazivo
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Categories: News