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FursuitTV - Mon 30 Sep 2024 - 15:45
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FursuitTV - Mon 30 Sep 2024 - 15:45
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FursuitTV - Mon 30 Sep 2024 - 15:45
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Gori: Cuddly Carnage Review (Xbox)

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Mon 30 Sep 2024 - 12:12

What happens when you take the over the top violence of Superjail, the heavy metal soundtrack of Metalocalypse, the sheer absurdity of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and the killer unicorns from the songs of Gloryhammer? You get Gori: Cuddly Carnage, a game I can only describe as an AdultSwim cartoon in video game format and I mean that in the best way possible as this game is insanely over the top and one of the most fun games I’ve played all year, though I do have some small gripes with it.

Categories: News

獸曜日月圓盛宴活動 中秋前夕歡樂釋放毛能量

Fur Times - 獸時報 - Sun 29 Sep 2024 - 23:09

繼3月的首屆快閃大遊行後,獸曜日團隊於9/14號在新光三越台南中山店舉辦第二屆《獸曜日 月圓盛宴》活動,相較於上次活動變得更加豐富多樣,並提高與群眾的互動過程,晚上也首次舉辦晚宴與表演秀,讓不少獸迷慕名前往參加。



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Categories: News

Slightly Furry’s ciders win prizes, but how do you rate their handling of a zoophile owner?

Dogpatch Press - Sun 29 Sep 2024 - 02:02

People love a business run by and for their community. A place that knows you and welcomes your friends, run by people you trust, who answer your concerns.

Seattle’s Slightly Furry cultivated that look for their cider making brand, while reaping support like $73,000 in donations to their for-profit business. It lifted them above fandom by converting popularity into sales, getting their product in stores and bars, with mainstream news and festival prizes.

As Slightly Furry promoted being ambassadors for the furry fandom to the public, watchdogs started raising concerns about shady management that ignored community interest. Initial complaint emerged from ConStaffWatch on July 16, then was reported by professional investigator Naia Ōkami on August 3, after she was banned and censored for trying to engage them for questions. Dogpatch Press also sent questions on August 12, which were knowingly received with no answer, then published a report on August 22.

Facing a shocking story, dodging, then pushing ahead

The August 22 story featured activism against animal abusers and their secret presence in the community. The outstanding example was Adam Britton, a formerly respected zoologist exposed as a serial killer of pet dogs. Britton gained collaboration by networking with other zoophiles. Some emerged among Pacific Northwest furries. One was a co-owner of Slightly Furry, named K0mpy. Although Britton and K0mpy were not known to have direct interaction in the iceberg that spawned them, it’s beside the point. The point is, conscious networking between zoophiles at all raises demand for abuse, and it deserves a solution without conflict of interest. [Edited for clarity.]

Instead of addressing questions for the story, Slightly Furry posted a Code of Conduct for their followers at the time given for answers before publishing. The terms of it showed a bias to shrug off the networking as a “personal problem,” while punishing the sharing of evidence. Critics characterized it as a tactical PR move; they would play ambassadors when convenient, but sidestep when one of their owners was corrupt.

Meanwhile, in 2023, Slightly Furry had won a prize at Cider Swig Festival, an annual event with dozens of vendors. Assuming the problem was swept away, they were on track for more goodwill and sales with an advertised return to the September 2024 event.

Trouble behind the scenes, and wavering support, while direct action raised the pressure

The tactical PR move didn’t succeed in deflecting protest towards Slightly Furry. Many community members circulated bewares, while activists went beyond unproductive engagement to contact the Cider Swig festival, asking them to drop support. Soon, the direct action made impact.

The festival removed Slightly Furry from their channels, with proof from the sponsor:

This must have REALLY stirred things up and forced crisis management. And then… a reversal.

The festival resumed promoting them in the lineup. A few weeks later, Slightly Furry finally posted a response to the controversy, just before the festival. Like the Code of Conduct coincided with a publication deadline, the timing implies the reason was crisis management about public pressure to the festival.

Slightly Furry’s response.

Sep 25 – Breaking our silence

Hiya folks, we want to acknowledge the concerns raised within our community and have taken time to reflect, consult experts, and make decisions with the well-being of our members in mind and apologize for not responding sooner. While our personal relationships and feelings are deeply valid, we are committed to handling this situation objectively, ensuring that all decisions serve the best interest of our entire community.

Since July 1st, K0mpy has not been involved with Slightly Furry in any capacity, and there are no plans for future involvement. We are filing updates with the State of Washington to reflect the change in ownership which takes time to process and be reflected in public record.

Slightly Furry has always been, and continues to be, a space where harmful behaviors such as zoophilia, zoosadism, or any form of harm or exploitation have no place. We remain committed to maintaining spaces where all members of our community feel safe and respected. Our mission is to ensure the Slightly Furry community is inclusive, safe, and welcome to all. We are dedicated to continually improving our policies and practices to maintain this commitment. In situations where potential harm is raised, we will act swiftly and decisively, ensuring that the space remains a positive environment for all. We heard your feedback about our code of conduct and are working to simplify the wording and make it more accessible to all.

Slightly Furry moderates all spaces with community safety as our top priority. If any reports of harmful or dangerous behaviors are brought to our attention, we will take swift action, including removal from our virtual and in-person spaces, if necessary. We understand that rebuilding trust takes time, and we are committed to ongoing reflection and improvement to ensure our spaces remain inclusive, safe, and supportive. We welcome feedback and are open to continue conversations on how we can do better.

Take a moment to feel the reasonable goodwill, then let’s pull out a puzzling detail.



Sounds legit, but… July 1?

Separation from K0mpy on July 1 (with no reason given) would be weeks before ANYONE said ANYTHING, when initial complaints rose on July 16.

If July 1 was true timing, it makes grudging response hard to explain as a need to wait for legal clearance to say K0mpy was already gone. They could have headed off controversy by mentioning his separation at any step between multiple sources of concerns for many weeks, instead of publishing a sketchy Code of Conduct for PR while dodging questions. There has been no formal correction sent in response to reporting that K0mpy was an owner in August. Think hard about why the festival dropped support in September, and what had to be done to get it back.

Why back-date to July 1? One reason: “he’s not fired, he quit”. Face-saving PR mitigates dispute between owners, but without transparency there could have been. That lowers credibility, because is it really cutting ties or just on paper? Maintaining quiet partnership may be a familiar problem to long-time watchers.

Hold on, this isn’t just one reason to be skeptical. There’s also this, and the next part:

The good, the bad and the ugly

The Good: Activists won a statement that promises one thing they most wanted; deplatforming one shady person from some of their community influence. (UPDATE: Slightly Furry’s stealth edit leaves this up to them to further explain – if they answered questions!)

The Bad: K0mpy runs a kink events production company too. This was just one individual while a network remains in the community, with more ties than reported. Yes, there are alleged actual victims here… and a lot that hasn’t been said yet.

Reference to K0mpy’s husband by a privately verified and protected source, who does NOT typically do callouts.

The most ugly result was exposing how some Slightly Furry supporters really don’t get what’s going on, and are too grudging to even try. They’d rather spread excuses and misinformation than sincerely address zoophile networking, while attachment to alcohol business gets priority and whistleblowers get backlash.

Attitude behind the PR

Here’s misinformation posted in the Slightly Furry chat group towards the previous Dogpatch Press report:

  • 2015 tweets by K0mpy: The confession to consuming zoophile media isn’t a decade+ old.
  • The strange claim that 2015 was “a different time”: That would be a very naive person’s idea of a long time ago. This reporter has been reporting since 2012, and been a furry since the early 1990’s. Ask what the time was like right here.
  • Zoophilia always meant sexual interest in animals. Here’s a 1998 website for furries showing no different meaning then, specifically linking to abusers. Implying that it wasn’t a problem then — so it shouldn’t be now — compares to excusing someone who used to be into pedophilia.
  • Calling photos “blurry”: Omits how they were directly posted by K0mpy’s husband with an unmistakeable “zoo pride” symbol this year.
  • Reporting by Patch O’Furr is falsely attributed to Naia Ōkami. Naia wrote her own separate report on her own site, and has never posted here. The reporting on this site has the byline right under the headline. Apparently they didn’t even care to read it before backlashing.
  • Out-of-context character attack at Naia, to discredit reporting she didn’t do: It deceptively frames things that Naia has addressed, such as her condemnation of Matt Walsh for an ambush she is being blamed for. The attack disrespects her queer identity and omits crediting work to remove abusers from the community because of caring about victims — actual, proven community service — not just priority on alcohol sales for cronies.

This isn’t just random misinformation from an onlooker, it’s a glimpse into private attitude behind the PR. The source posts about being part of Slightly Furry operations, at least delivering product for them and allowance to enforce their group policies. Using their group to excuse zoophilia, smear watchdogs, and spread misinformation about reporters is a bad way to show goodwill and trust for problem solving.

Naia’s response, and ongoing concern

Naia Ōkami:

“I’m not impressed with Slightly Furry’s statement for a number of reasons. It seems very performative and an attempt to get their attendees to return in the midst of other financial problems they have been having. They were unwilling to engage with the original whistleblowers and instead, kept them banned from their taproom and “virtual spaces”. They are not interested in collaboration against abuse, transparency regarding their operations and dealings, or doing better and it shows by their actions of making a hollow apology to the community but refusing to even speak to the individuals who blew the whistle and were most effected by their actions. Furthermore, they kept their code of conduct regarding screenshots to punish future whistleblowers. The snake is simply shedding its skin.”

You can say: “They conceded with a statement and got rid of the shady manager, what else do people want?”

How about recognition that zoophile networking is bigger than isolated individuals, while the community deserves to cut ties with it, with leaders who give more than minimal and grudging effort forced by pressure and attended by backlash.

Followup to the previous article: 60 Minutes Australia features Adam Britton

As this piece publishes, 60 Minutes Australia is airing a TV episode about Britton’s crimes. This is intensely interesting for those following the case. Britton’s silent ex-wife was a subject of heated questions about protecting her role in his life. The show trailer shows her breaking silence for the first time to condemn him for ruining hers.

Now there’s major mainstream news about animal abusing over there. And a controversy about conflict of interest on the independent fan level over here.

What more evidence can be published about zoophile networking that connects these things?

It sure would be interesting if someone does it. Especially with the perspective of a human problem like abuse scandals emerging from churches, schools or Boy Scouts, and not just a problem for PR to save face.

Keep watching the news.


In August, the questions sent to Slightly Furry aimed to discuss a human problem like abuse scandals emerging from churches, schools or Boy Scouts. They covered positive fandom success, and tried to probe the issues with zoophilia, with broad concern about responsibility of protection that goes with claims of ambassadorship and queer representation. Queer history includes internal organizing to deplatform abusers.

Much care was put into preparing to report, but there was no response except the PR to evade pressure. There is a lot of petty controversy online, and business benefits from PR, but that’s not a solution for abuse scandals where abusers benefit from coverup or lack of notice.

In Seattle, the problem in furry made only a few serious arrests for a network since 2017; it can’t be understated how serious it is to have uncaught members operating freely and even commanding influence now. 

For all the headache this may cause people tied up in it, the problem only gets worse by ignoring it. The headache of responding gets better by being pro-active: don’t do business with zoophiles. Don’t let them in your groups. If one tweeting confessions isn’t enough of a red flag, then maybe the problem is with the entire social circle that ignores it. You can not trust businesses or one-weekend cons to solve this. It’s for 24/7/365 decisions by everyone to draw a line.

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon.Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)

Categories: News

Leo: The Firefighter Cat Review (Xbox)

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Fri 27 Sep 2024 - 07:59

I grew up in an era when games for kids were well made, not rushed out, and designed so that everyone could enjoy them. Games like the Carmen San-Diego franchise and the various Magic School Bus games, a series I loved playing on my old Windows 95, come to mind as something anyone of any age could pick up and enjoy. I bring this up because, lately, it seems games geared towards a younger audience have really been lackluster as of late, basically relegated to shovelware, and Leo The Firefighter Cat is no exception, which is a shame as there is a fun game hidden somewhere in here.

Categories: News

Isle of Swaps Review: Don't Swap This One Out

Gaming Furever - Furry Game News - Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 17:25

I mentioned in my preview for this game a while back that I’ve spent a lot of time playing card games, and those are always some of my favorites. I had a lot of fun playing that demo and I’m very excited to be coming back to it for this review. It's easily some of the most fun I’ve had with a card game in a long time and it has always managed to put a smile on my face thus far. If you enjoy card games like I do, you’re in for a treat.

Categories: News

Episode 562 - Sheptember

Southpaws - Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 12:21

This week- conservative sex perverts, a discussion on convention weapon and cosplay policies, and some anime.



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Episode 562 - Sheptember
Categories: Podcasts

2024 Good Furry Award – final week for voting – open until September 30

Dogpatch Press - Thu 26 Sep 2024 - 04:04

Vote HERE for the 6th Annual Good Furry Awards 

See the nominations HERE before you vote. Since 2019, the Good Furry Award has been recognizing fan-nominated furries for outstanding community spirit. It has grown from one award to 4 categories:

  • The Image Award is for furries who give the fandom a positive image through videos, podcasts, vlogs, documentaries, websites, and other social media.
  • The Good Egg Award is for furries who do good deeds for individuals, animals, organizations, or the community.
  • The Furtastic Award is for furries who are excellent at other things not easily categorized as the above two and so is a catch-all for general pawsomeness.
  • The Lifetime Achievement Award is selected by committee, and is in its 3rd year.

With the amount of awards, payment is phased out, and now winners get a trophy from founder Papabear Grubbs Grizzly of Uncle Bear Publishing.

The winners will be announced at Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno on October 15.

Art by DBruin

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)

Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 46

TigerTails Radio - Tue 24 Sep 2024 - 04:25

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 46. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 47

TigerTails Radio - Mon 23 Sep 2024 - 16:16

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 47. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

Furry Art Bases: What They Are, Why They Matter, and Where to Find Them

Fursonafy - Mon 23 Sep 2024 - 05:01

    1. Introduction
    2. What Are Furry Art Bases?
    3. Why Are Furry Art Bases Useful?
    4. Where To Find Furry Art Bases
    5. Crediting The Original Artist
    6. Conclusion
Article Content Introduction

For many in the furry community, creating a unique fursona is a deeply personal and creative process. However, not everyone feels confident in their ability to bring their character to life through art from scratch. That’s where furry art bases come in! These pre-made templates give artists a foundation to work from, allowing them to customize characters without worrying about the complexities of drawing anatomy or perspective.

Whether you’re new to furry art or an experienced artist looking for a shortcut, art bases can help you streamline the creative process while still making something that feels uniquely yours. In this article, we’ll dive into what furry art bases are, why they’re such a helpful tool, and where you can find the best ones for your next project.

What Are Furry Art Bases?

Furry art bases are pre-made templates or line art designed to help artists create anthropomorphic characters, commonly known as fursonas. These bases act as a foundation that can be customized with unique features, including:

  • Colors and patterns
  • Accessories like clothes, props, or jewelry
  • Different facial expressions or emotions
Types of Furry Art Bases:

  1. Line Art Bases:
    • A simple outline of a character, perfect for artists who want to add their own fur patterns, shading, and custom details.
  2. Full-Color Bases:
    • Pre-colored templates that are ideal for those who want to dive straight into customizing their character without worrying about coloring from scratch.
  3. Pose Variety:
    • Some bases come with multiple poses, allowing artists to show their fursona in dynamic scenarios, from sitting calmly to running energetically.


Example of a Free To Use Dog Base

Image via Pinterest

Why Use Furry Art Bases?
  • Time-Saving: No need to spend hours perfecting the base anatomy—you can jump straight into personalization.
  • Ideal for Beginners: Don’t worry if you’re not confident with drawing from scratch. Furry art bases help you focus on what really matters—making your fursona yours!
  • Flexibility: With the ability to adjust colors, markings, and styles, art bases are fully customizable to match any creative vision.

Whether you’re creating a wolf, dragon, or a completely unique hybrid creature, furry art bases offer a great way to express your creativity while cutting down on the time spent getting the basics right.


    Why Are Furry Art Bases Useful?

    Furry art bases provide a range of benefits to both new and experienced artists. Here’s why they’re so popular and how they can make your creative process easier:

    1. Perfect for Beginners

    If you’re new to drawing or the furry fandom, art bases give you a ready-made foundation to work from. Instead of struggling with anatomy or proportions, you can focus on the fun parts—like selecting colors, patterns, and accessories to bring your fursona to life. It’s a great way to gain confidence while learning and experimenting with different design elements.

    2. Saves Time for Experienced Artists

    Even professional furry artists use bases, especially when working on commissions or multiple characters at once. With a base, you can avoid the time-consuming process of sketching and focus on the more intricate details, such as shading and background work. This is especially useful when you’re working on large projects or need to speed up your workflow without sacrificing quality.


    Example of Reference Sheet Made With An Art Base and How Useful They Can Be

    Image via Reddit

    3. Highly Customizable

    Furry art bases offer endless flexibility. From color variations to different fur patterns, you can customize a base to make your fursona truly unique. This also allows for quick adjustments, so you can experiment with different designs before settling on a final look.

    • Change the fur color to match your favorite palette
    • Add accessories like scarves, hats, or glasses
    • Adjust the facial expression to reflect your character’s personality
    4. Great for Learning and Practice

    Art bases aren’t just for finished projects—they’re also an excellent learning tool. By coloring in a base or adding shading, you can practice important artistic skills such as:

    • Shading: techniques to make your fursona look more 3D
    • Color theory: exploring which colors work best together
    • Anatomy: as you observe and modify the base to better understand proportion and form

    Whether you’re looking to learn or streamline your art, furry art bases are a valuable resource that makes creating fun and stress-free.


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    There’s a wealth of furry art bases available online, both free and paid. Here’s a curated list of some of the best places to find high-quality bases to bring your fursona to life.

    1. DeviantArt

    DeviantArt is one of the largest online communities for artists, and it has a huge selection of furry art bases. Many artists offer free-to-use bases or premium options for a small fee. Simply search for “furry art bases,” and you’ll discover a variety of styles, from wolves and foxes to dragons and custom hybrids.

    • Pro Tip: Check each artist’s usage rules—some allow free use with credit, while others may require a small payment for commercial use.
    2. Fur Affinity

    Fur Affinity is one of the most popular platforms within the furry fandom. Many artists share downloadable bases on their profiles, especially in the artwork submission section. Fur Affinity is a great place to find bases tailored specifically to furries, with a strong community behind it.

    Tip: Use Fur Affinity’s search function and browse through groups or specific artists who specialize in base creation.

      Furry Art Base That Can Be Found On Gumroad

      Image via Gumroad

      3. Patreon

      Many furry artists use Patreon as a platform to offer exclusive bases to their supporters. By subscribing to a creator’s Patreon page, you can access monthly art packs, which often include ready-to-use bases in various poses and species types. It’s a great way to support artists while getting high-quality resources.

      • Example: YCH Studios on Patreon, where they regularly release furry bases for patrons at different tiers.
      4. Gumroad

      For premium, high-quality bases, Gumroad is an excellent platform where you can find professional-grade art packs. Many artists sell base packs here, allowing you to purchase and use them commercially. If you’re looking to create your own fursona or even offer commission work, Gumroad’s selection is worth checking out.

      5. Twitter & Discord

      Social media is another great way to find furry art bases, especially by following furry artists on Twitter or joining furry Discord servers. Many artists will share their bases for free or offer early access to new designs to their followers and community members. Twitter hashtags like #FurryArtBase or #FurryBase are useful for discovering the latest posts.

      • Tip: Engage with the community and ask artists directly if they offer bases—often, they’ll share them through their personal channels or exclusive groups.

      These platforms offer a range of options to fit your needs, from free resources to paid, high-quality bases. Whether you’re just starting or looking for something specific, you’re sure to find the right base to bring your fursona to life!

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        When using furry art bases, it’s crucial to give proper credit to the original artist who created the template. Crediting not only respects the artist’s hard work but also helps to maintain trust and goodwill within the furry community. Here’s why it matters and how you can make sure you’re doing it correctly.

        Why Crediting Matters
        1. Respect for the Artist’s Work: Creating a high-quality base takes time, effort, and skill. Artists often share their bases freely or for a small fee, and crediting ensures they get the recognition they deserve for their contributions.
        2. Community Etiquette: The furry fandom thrives on mutual respect and support. By giving credit, you’re upholding the community’s values and fostering a culture of sharing and collaboration.
        3. Visibility for the Artist: Crediting helps other users find the artist’s work, potentially leading to more commissions or support for them. This is especially important for artists who use platforms like DeviantArt, Patreon, or Gumroad to grow their following and business.

          Rabbit Fursona Art Base

          Image via Furaffinity

          How to Properly Credit the Artist
          1. Check Usage Guidelines: Each artist may have specific rules for how they want to be credited. Always read the usage guidelines on the platform where you found the base. Some may require a simple mention, while others might ask for a link back to their profile or website.
          2. Include a Link: Whenever possible, include a direct link to the artist’s original page or base. For example:
            • In Social Media Posts: “Base by [Artist Name] – check out their work here: [link].”
            • On DeviantArt or Fur Affinity: Most artists will have clear instructions on how to credit them in the description of their base. Be sure to follow those guidelines closely.
          3. Credit in the Image or Description: If you’re sharing your finished artwork, you can include credit in the image itself (such as a small watermark with the artist’s name) or in the caption. Some platforms, like DeviantArt or Twitter, may even have dedicated sections for artist credit.
          4. Ask if Unsure: If you’re unsure about how to credit or what the artist’s preferences are, don’t hesitate to reach out. Most artists are happy to clarify their expectations, and it shows that you respect their work.
          Common Phrases for Giving Credit
          • “Base created by [Artist Name] – used with permission.”
          • “Original base by [Artist Name].”
          • “Base by [Artist Name] – check out their profile here: [link].”

          By following these simple steps, you not only ensure that you’re respecting the original artist but also contribute to a positive and supportive environment within the furry art community.


              Furry art bases are a fantastic tool that make creating your fursona accessible, whether you’re a newcomer to the furry fandom or a seasoned artist looking to save time. They offer a way to focus on what truly matters—personalizing your character, experimenting with designs, and expressing your creativity—without getting bogged down in the technicalities of drawing from scratch. With countless free and premium resources available across platforms like DeviantArt, Fur Affinity, and Patreon, finding the perfect base for your project has never been easier. So why not dive in? Explore the world of furry art bases and bring your unique fursona to life with ease and style.

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                Xege Kheiru

                Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

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                The post Furry Art Bases: What They Are, Why They Matter, and Where to Find Them appeared first on Fursonafy.

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                Bearly Furcasting - Sat 21 Sep 2024 - 05:00

                MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

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                 All this and soooo much more on this episode of BFFT! Moobarkfluff!

                This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

                Support the show

                Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

                You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

                Bearly Furcasting S5E7 - Cowbells
                Categories: Podcasts