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any balisong flipping furs?
curiosity got me, I'm flipping a bali-yo and a bear and sons 114btr until I save up enough for a morpho. I enjoy people's reaction when I'm doing helixes and fanning combos on the bali-yo :p
submitted by TheCometCE[link] [17 comments]
Hello subreddit!
Hello subreddit! I have been lurking on the subreddit for a year or two and I finally decided to make an account and introduce myself. I have been interested in the fandom for roughly four years after some friends of mine told me to avoid the fandom quite adamantly and quite out of the blue, so I of course became curious and looked it up. I found the con videos enjoyable to watch and I had liked the presence of anthropomorphic characters in media already so I became interested in the fandom. I wanted to make a fursona and got stuck between a wolf and a fox (I eventually chose a wolf) and then later noticed the commonality of some of the sonas and chuckled that I did indeed fall with the norm so I have kept it. My sona is fairly undeveloped though so I cannot give more details on that regard but I can share my interests not explicitly in the community. I have some interest in basically every field of science and engineering and I have also dabbled in many other areas such as, art (2d and 3d digital art), music (vocals and instruments), hand crafts, video editing, and etcetera. I also do enjoy playing video games but most of my play time is preferably cooperative rather than competitive. Some games I have played and enjoyed include Minecraft, Space Engineers, Terraria, Starbound, Portal 1 and 2, Saints row 2-4, Just Cause 2 and Multiplayer Mod, Archeage, Spiral Knights, War Thunder, Heroes and Generals, Elite: Dangerous, and many other titles with some many different genres and I am always looking for new games to try as well as new things to try! In terms of occupation I am currently studying for my computer science degree and hope to eventually get involved in video games, virtual reality, large scale simulations, or something else! So hello everyone! I will probably still be a bit quite though on the subreddit as I am not used to this.
submitted by GenericWolfNum5380[link] [3 comments]
"Dog World" - From the creator of Rick & Morty!
Questions for your 'sona #2
Hey fluffbutts! Today's question:
What is your 'sonas favorite food?
submitted by HonorInDefeat[link] [151 comments]
I've always wondered how the fuck a dragon ties someone up. — A short story courtesy of our friends over at 4chan
EXCLUSIVE: Patreon launch announcement for Culturally F’d, with a new episode and preview!

Looking for a commission :)
Heya /rfurry _^ First off, I would like to apologize if I messed up in any way shape or form while posting this. In terms of navigating and posting on reddit, I'm still a pup. But hopefully, if all goes swell, this request will go through fine . Basically, me and my mate have been dating for two years, and proud furs for three. His birthday is coming up, and he's kinda going through a rough time. We love to roleplay, so much so that our sonas have atleast two and a half years worth of text behind them. So, to cheer him up, I thought what better thing to do than get a custom made piece of artwork of both of our sonas together. Quality dosn't matter, we actually have a thing about loving amateur artwork. If you could comment information in a comment, that would be great :) I really hope I did this right, I don't wanna look silly on my first post >.<
submitted by corfurry[link] [5 comments]
Ever get in a drawing slump where you're always too lazy to pull out your sketchbook?
I haven't drawn in weeks cause I'm just too lazy to .-. I just sit around on my phone when I could be drawing. I guess I'm just too lazy to try improving more or drawing the same things hoping it will be better
submitted by Foxes281[link] [11 comments]
[Megathread] Fursona Friday -- Show off your 'sona in here!
Welcome to the Fursona Friday! Strut your stuff! Show us your new art or writing. Give us a written description or share your ref sheet.
Tell us all about you and your fursona!
Additionally, feel free to use this thread to solicit feedback on designs or to ask general fursona-related questions of others.
Please keep all posts related to Fursona Friday in thread. Thank you!
submitted by AutoModerator[link] [28 comments]