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Wolf made from pipe cleaners

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 05:49
Categories: News

So that happened....

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 03:25

Well today got off to a glorious start. I couldn't sleep well last night, kept waking up, so naturally I was very tired when I got to work. Bought a 5 hour energy, brought it back to my work station, and I dropped it. It bounced twice, rolled, and fell down a drain pipe where I can no longer get it... It's not even Monday T_T

So now I'm bored, tired, and sad. What's up with you furs?

Good news! I managed to fish out my 5 hour energy! Hehe (it's funny to me. Because my job is literally taking care of fish). I'm not sure I should drink it since it's been floating in nasty drain water though. Guess I'll check the seal and see if water got under the cap

submitted by Frying_pans_who_knew
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Categories: News

Xyzzy Session, Any Furs interested?

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 02:16

Nighttime Xyzzy fun for anyone around!

  • ZKJSA: Kish Fox's Furry Pack
  • PQSA2: Sodomy Dog's Furry Pack
  • TQ7JC: BoJack Horseman Pack
  • DVLWL: "Various Nintendo" Pack
  • XJ7DX: Cards Against Fan Culture
  • FX48F: Cards Against the Internet
  • 8CNUC: Meta Pack
  • C96UQ: Bad Card Disposal
  • No basic CaH cards are being used!
  • Open to Recommendations!

Game Information

submitted by RenatheTwo
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Categories: News

For Inject by Koul

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 01:55
Categories: News

Seikman by Koul

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 01:55
Categories: News

Banzay by Koul

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 01:54
Categories: News

Fursona Check

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 01:44
Categories: News

Been a lonely lurker for a while, might as well finally introduce myself!

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 01:03

Hello everyone! The name's /u/FurryInitiateJones, but you can call me by my soon-to-be completed feline fursona's name, Razzy :) some of you all may have seen my post on /r/casualiama about me but if not, here's what you need to know: I'm a 19 year old guy on gap year looking to learn more about the unusual and the lesser known things in the world that sound really cool, and that's how I found myself here!

You all seem like very friendly people, so I hope i can become a part of this community!

submitted by FurryInitiateJones
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Categories: News

Hey guys! Long time furry, new time Redittor.

Furry Reddit - Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 00:35

I've been a furry for about 6 years now, and I finally decided to check out Reddit, and now that I'm starting to get settled in, I might as well say hello. Figured I'd check out a few new ways to meet more fellow furries.

Trying to be a little more social and stuff.

submitted by Traedon
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Categories: News

Neo realized by /u/okonomi-yaki (FARR7)

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Oct 2015 - 23:29
Categories: News

High Quality Reference Sheet

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Oct 2015 - 23:12
Categories: News

50% off Commission Sale [please read]

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Oct 2015 - 20:50

So recently, one of my friends has gone through a ton of stupid shit. He took a bus to work, and when he got there, his boss decided to fire him, despite being a good worker. He left angrily because of wasted time, and when he got home he had realized that he lost his wallet and his phone. In a couple of hours, he received a phone call and got his wallet back, however, all the money from it was gone, and his phone had not been found. Within the same couple of hours, his boss had called him in, apologized and asked him to come work for another half hour and promised him a pay. He complied, but was not paid as he was promised after the work had been completed.

I feel bad for my friend, and since his phone is probably long gone by now, I'd like to help him get funds to buy a new one. So all my commissions are 50% off. Plus, if you buy one commission at 50% off, you get another 50% off the second commission, so long as it's $10 or above.

Please read my updated prices here. Comment or contact me through one of my several accounts if you're interested. These will only be open until I get enough money to help him out! Thank you.

submitted by starsyringe
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Categories: News

Nerd ~ LittleFreckles

Furry Reddit - Wed 14 Oct 2015 - 20:50
Categories: News