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What is your favorite movie?

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 18:10

Just a simple question I thought about asking. For me, it has to be Jurassic Park. I have watched this movie countless amount of times and it's just so good! How about you?

submitted by Soccer_Fam
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Categories: News

Looking for someone I was making a Ref Sheet for!

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 17:43

If I was in the process of making you a ref sheet and you deleted the account you were talking to me on, this is for you! Please shoot me a PM either here or on my FurAffinity!

I'll post this to my FA too in case you're watching me there.

I have it almost done, please get in touch so I can give it to you!

submitted by GardeniaBlossom
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Categories: News

Look, I'm sorry, but I need to remind you all to go and watch Wolf Children (2012) by Mamoru Hosoda. (Also looking for some more film recommendations!)

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 17:36

(I understand the last post based on this film was four months ago, but please, let me preach how good it was! Also, this has EARLY SPOILERS)

Okay, what's up. So, I know there has been quite a few posts on this film, and I remember this film back when I had a throwaway and there was quite a lot of hype on the subreddit at the time, but I only just found the time to watch it tonight. And oh boy, was it such an amazing film.

If you don't know the background behind it is pretty much about a young woman, Hana, who unexpectedly in University falls in love with a man who is pretty much a werewolf. However, after moving in together, they have children - but after an accident, Hana is left who her two half-wolf-half-human children, Yuki and Ame. However, she escapes the hustle and struggle of city life and decides to escape to the country to give herself and her children a better life and to decide whether they should be wolves, or human. As a family, they show the struggles of their two sides and Hana's struggle raising her two children in rural Japan.

Now, look, this film must have been seen by quite a few furries now, but if you haven't watched it - GO AND WATCH IT. NOW. Mamoru Hosoda, the director, and the team at Studio Chizu really do know how to put together a great movie which both tells a story in a visual and audible treat for the eyes and ears. The animation is on point, and the films editing and composition within scenes is perfectly executed. The films story is really well done, and really shows the contrast between Yuki and Ame's characters of one longing to be a human and fit in and another longing to be a wolf and both be part of an animal kingdom and human society. With that, the film intertwines the two in such a way which captivates the audience and long for more as to what happens to the two characters as they grow up, and the personal struggle of Hana as she raises two children in an extraordinary environment with the help of her neighbors and her two children. I cannot stress how highly the film's visuals are excellent though - they feel true to the eye, and the crossover between 2D animation and a sort of 3D(?) animation for the two children's POV shots are succinct and really make the audience feel like the characters.

So please, whether you're just a lonesome guy with two and a half hours to spare, or have a whole family to sit with and watch a few films on a Friday night, please... please... please watch this film. I honestly think it is a masterpiece and while it does have it's flaws (the introduction can be tedious as some previous reviewers have mentioned), it's a great family film which really goes to show what a mother really does for her children. Oh, did I mention this film might make you go and call your mum after watching it? Because you better after watching it. :)

Anyway, I'm also looking for recommendations of really underrated and not-so-known Anthropomorphic films - I've seen a lot of the Disney stuff, but I'm trying to broaden my horizon of animated (or even non-animated for that matter, Bitter Lake?) of film and cinema and I'd love to get some recommendation of films you guys enjoy.

Anyway, cheers!

submitted by veldtfotter
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Categories: News

I'm just too adorable <3

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 16:23
Categories: News

Questions for your 'Sona #4

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 16:04

Today's Question:

What is your 'sonas Everyday Carry? What do they never leave the house without?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Freeeee art.

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 16:01

Hey guys, I'm looking to do some practice! So post your characters below and I might maybe draw them. You may get a full body, half body, or just a headshot. Whatever I feel like because its free.

EDIT: Im taking a break for some dinner. I will try to do more when I get back!

EDIT: I'm back! I'd like to say that I am now prioritizing people who don't have art and I am also picking characters that I wont completely butcher due to lack of skill. My class got cancelled tomorrow so I'll probably be up late doing these if I have the energy. I hope I can get to everyone! Sorry in advance if I mess up your character, some of them are pretty complex!

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Categories: News

My Sister is a Rebel

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 15:02
Categories: News

Furry Poll! Favorite furry childhood games? Favorite current furry games?

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 13:51

So, this might be a bit of an odd question. But I'm wondering what your favorite furry games as a kid were, whether or not you might have been in the fandom then. Did they influence you becoming a furry?

Any games right now that you're looking forward to playing or that you picked up due to furry interests?

Mainly asking out of curiosity, and as a way to discover more furry games. This question covers both console and PC games BTW. And handhelds.

submitted by Traedon
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Categories: News

In the desert right now.

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 12:55
Categories: News

Who's your favourite non-artist contributor to the fandom?

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 12:47

Okay, I know that title was oddly worded, but what I'm asking is, who is your favourite member or members of the fandom that do something other than VISUAL art (images)?

Basically, who are your favourite writers, musical talents, youtubers and performers (in or out of suit) within the fandom?

Edit: phrasing! Sorry for the confusion.

submitted by CantonSkunkwolf
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Categories: News

Sitting birdie

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 10:21
Categories: News

OC by me ^^

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 09:50
Categories: News

Blogging: An Unknown Concept to the Sequoia

Furry Reddit - Sun 18 Oct 2015 - 06:59

Heita, everybody! Pardon for the abrupt introduction, but I suppose the sooner I type it out, the better. So, I am your average fur who happens to be not so average in terms of hipsterness. I've always had anxiety when it came to sites like Facebook or Twitter, just the thought of keeping up with all the melodramatic status updates and amateur canted angle photos of food had me constantly worrying whether or not I'd be able to keep up with the continuous feed of... that. So, this is where I need your help, whether it be greetings or advice since even this feels pretty damn new to me.

After a day of attempting to appeal an online position as an adjunct journalist, I eventually gave up, still tired from the previous night. Knowing my luck, I stared at my computer screen for a whole five minutes, racking my brain for what I could possibly do on such a blah morning. Fortunately, I was still in the writing mood, so I decided to give this site and subreddit a shot.

So, now that that's outta the way, I'd be pleased if I got a few replies to help me in this somewhat confusing jumble of a website. Yes, you can even comment on how much of a redundant narcissist I come off as though I only try to save that for the exclusively depressing poems. :)

Few questions off the bat:

Is it relatively easy to get flair? Is the community relatively kind? Last of all, anybody an artist? You know, those yucky kinds that write and don't draw cute canines and stuff. (I feel so alone in this world sometimes, having no one to accompany me along this mystical journey of grammar.)

Anyways, your responses are most appreciated, and every one of you are most definitely appreciated for being lovely, accommodating individuals.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by Sequoia_Nabahe
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Categories: News