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Derppp done!

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 19:42
Categories: News

My piesona in a jar

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 19:42
Categories: News

Nelwin and Nelly, A new Home

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 17:49
Categories: News

Found a furry hater.

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 17:20
Categories: News

A cat is fine too.

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 16:36
Categories: News

Feathers, fur, scales, and skin; My random ponderings.

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 16:22

There's really no organization to this, just me rambling about stuff.

I've always wondered how a society would work when you have the people in it more diverse than a human society. Medical treatments and social behaviors change based on a lot of factors, and when everyone's a different kind of animal, it makes things interesting.

Tattoos are something I've seen some discussion about, since they're skin based. What I've heard is that for things with fur, you could shave it and tattoo the skin, then the fur would be that color. I imagine this would work with feathers, but what about scales? I'm imagining some type of light gun that could "burn" a mark into the scales so they always regrow that way.

But there's other things I haven't seen discussions for. What about medical stuff? Skin grafting comes to mind.

Let's say you've been in a fire, and have severe burns that require grafts of skin. In a human, they could take your skin and move it from an unaffected area to the damaged one, and it could look somewhat normal. For an anthro, this would interrupt the fur/feather/scale/skin pattern, and would be very noticeable.

What if you needed skin to be grown in a lab, would it grow with an odd fur pattern? Actually, the fur would probably have a high chance to not grow at all, which would make it even more noticeable.

This then made me wonder, how would fire actually hurt the different skin types? Fur and feathers would probably make fire hard to put out, and I'm not sure "stop, drop, and roll" would help. Scales would probably be fire-resistant, and moist skin like on an amphibian would be as well.

Now here's where things get very interesting (read: interesting to me, boring to everyone else)... what about species-to-species skin grafting? For someone who's been burned very badly, they could end up being a patchwork of many different fur patterns, or even have random bits of feathers, scales, and fur on them.

Or, imagine an evil villain mastermind who was a wolf that had all of their fur and skin replaced with snake scales. Or vice-versa. But then at the same time, imagine all of the social campaigns about "Accept the patches!" for people advocating that they stop seeing the inter-species skin grafts as ugly.

It's just a very interesting thought that I haven't seen before, and that has probably put me on some sort of list because I keep thinking of skin grafting as involving the same thing as a potato peeler.

What're your thoughts on this? Or just thoughts about weird things related to feathers, fur, scales, skin, or anything?

submitted by AdvancedAzrielAngel
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Categories: News

Sieur Waldemar ~ Imalou

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 15:34
Categories: News

Questions for your 'sona #8

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 15:13

Today's question:

What is your sonas guilty pleasure?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Episode 15: Furry Dialect and Lingo Part 1

Culturally F'd - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 14:43
Categories: Videos

wanderer. [oddthesungod]

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 14:35
Categories: News

A little reminder about the subreddit's wiki.

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 13:53

I feel that many people underestimate how useful the wiki is so I'm going to do my best to show you everything it has to offer. It is packed with lots of handy information!

First off we'll get the less exciting stuff out of the way.
There's a nice little page for newcomers including a little introduction and FAQ. Consider giving this a read if you're new to our little community.
You'll also find a more comprehensive list of the rules that can be checked if you're unsure of a certain rule just by reading the sidebar.
Have any questions about the little picture some users have beside their name? Hopefully the custom flair page can answer those!

Now let's get onto the juicy pages :)
-Related subreddits! This is one of the best pages the wiki has to offer. An extensive list of subreddits that you could be interested in! I've discovered many subs that I'm currently subscribed to by browsing these lists!
-Webcomics! This one you MUST visit if you're a fan of furry webcomics! It includes a beautiful table containing the names of various online comics along with a description, link AND the status of the comic's development!
-Artists! This has a MASSIVE table listing over 50 artists and tonnes of information about them! I recognise many of which to be members of this subreddit!
-Drawing programs! If you're aspiring to become the next big thing in furry art or just sick of your old software then this page can aid you in sorting that out!

So there ya go! Hopefully I have demonstrated to you how useful that little part of the subreddit is. Sorry for all the shouting :P

submitted by thecowardlyfox
[link] [23 comments]
Categories: News

Political views?

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 13:46

I know it's a bit of a controversial topic, but I am truly curious. I don't want any arguments or that shnozz. I am also curious about which candidate you guys support. I personally am a Bernie guy.

Edit: Because I am an ignorant American pig I completely forgot that other countries politics exist, so I'm sorry for that. The only non-american political term I know is conservative MP.

submitted by Sadiebubs
[link] [93 comments]
Categories: News

The Lobster

[adjective][species] - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 13:00
Aside: The Lobster

In an alternate version of our world, singledom is outlawed. Single people are transported to a hotel and must find their soulmate in 45 days or be transformed into a wild animal of their choice.

This is the premise behind The Lobster, a film starring Colin Farrell, just released in the UK. Farrell’s unnamed character chooses to be transformed into a lobster should he fail to find a partner, because lobsters live for over 100 years and are sexually active the entire time (also, he likes the sea).

I saw The Lobster last Saturday with every intention of writing about it for [adjective][species]. That I’m writing this aside, rather than a full article, should tell you that something went wrong.

I enjoyed The Lobster, however the animal transformation aspects are so minor as to be irrelevant. The film is really about the social pressures on the single, and the selfish, self-destructive ways we approach relationships with other people. It’s a truly absurd film, but also sad and funny and pessimistic.

The only animal character of note is the (post-transformation) brother of Farrell’s character. He is a border collie, and he dies in an unpleasant fashion about halfway through the film. There is also a horse who gets shot to death in the opening seconds, the victim of an apparently calculated jealous act. And that’s pretty much it, although various exotic animals pop up in the background as a recurring sight gag.

It’d be a stretch, even for me, to write 1000-plus words on a film that’s largely irrelevant to the [adjective][species] mission. This is really just a PSA for those thinking of seeing The Lobster: it’s bonkers, but not furry.

While it's clear having a tail would be awesome...

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 12:42

...what kind of tail would be best? Personally, I can't decide between your typical dog tail and that of a lizard.

submitted by Gshep1
[link] [37 comments]
Categories: News

Goats in Space!: The Musical

Furry Reddit - Thu 22 Oct 2015 - 12:41
Categories: News