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Eat, you'll feel better!

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 22:06
Categories: News

Help with voice comm confidence

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 21:36

So, whenever i try to talk to someone through a mic, i listen to a playback and think i sound like utter crap.

So, i need to record for a voice acting thing, but i can't bring myself to do it because i'm worried it will be horrid.

What can I do to increase my confidence? :/

submitted by TwistTheCat
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Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 21:27

Look, I just watched a video about this community, and I kinda was into it... I'm just a little confused on what it would be like of I joined, etc. I was hoping a nice furry could message me (I just joined reddit so I could post thus, not sure how it really works yet) and answer my questions. Thank you!

submitted by OneEyedWells
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Categories: News

See you at Furpocalypse!

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 20:05

Hope to see you fuzzbutts there :3

Gotta go finish packing~

submitted by Nitram_Hu
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Categories: News

Furry contact list

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 19:48

I see people posting stuff about how they want to talk to other furries. I have made a google form where you can put down whatever ways you want other furs to contact you! Keep in mind that everybody will be able to see this!
Add your Info

See everybody who wants people to talk to!

If you want a piece of information removed, make sure you entered your reddit username in the form so that I know it is you, and just PM me on reddit!

submitted by drewal79
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Categories: News

Cuddling foxes

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 19:36
Categories: News

A question regarding (my own) commissions

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 18:17

I haven't really taken commissions for a long time until recently, and I find myself often discouraged by how slow 'business' is. I start to second-guess my art. If I'm good enough? Then I second-guess my pricing. Am I charging too much? I just need advice from some fellow artists and buyers in this endeavor.

If you were to look at my art and then look at my pricing, do you feel one is at fault or the other? Most pieces take me roughly 2-4hrs so I feel I at least have a high turnaround rate. I'm sure there are some of you from r/furryartschool that could offer some advice & critique as well.

...Or it could be the all encompassing truth that no porn = no $$$.

What do you think? Maybe this is normal? Maybe I'm missing something. Either way, I hope this post could help other struggling artists as well. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read all of this and even moreso for your replies.

submitted by ThatDarnBat
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'Sona selfie!

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 18:11
Categories: News

The Gunfighters~ Part Four~ The Shootout

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 16:11

After a month, here is the last part of the Gunfighters story! Sky is the fursona of /u/scamer38 and Lucario is the fursona of /u/Lucario117. And now, enjoy the last part!

A blue Aura Sphere flew at the rope and broke it, letting Sky fall to the ground where he gasped with relief.

"Now wait a second! It wasn't Sky who robbed the bank yesterday!" A voice sounded out. The crowd parted to reveal Lucario.

"And what proof do you have of that?" Clyde growled at the pokemon.

"I saw the robbery take place and it was Baroose, wherever he is now, who robbed the bank, not Sky! He had a horse and put on his scarf which we all know Sky never takes off!" Lucario defended as the cheetah stood up, looking at his unlikely hero.

"And can I just say something?" Victor came up. "Every night, I lock the front doors of the inn so nobody can come in or out for robbing. There's no possible way he could've been at the bank last night."

Clyde starting breathing heavily, panicking. In the end, he decided to say nothing, drop the scarf and run off on his horse.

Sky ran forward and picked up his red scarf. After putting it on, he turned to face Victor and Lucario.

"Now then. Where's Baroose? I want to give him a piece of my mind." He cocked his guns.

"I believe I may be able to help you with that." A brown avian stepped forward. By now, the crowd was disbanding, the excitement of Baroose's hanging over.

"And who are you?" Lucario asked.

"I am Keira, one of the Tsisquas who live nearby. And I have reason to believe my brother may have been helping out with whatever happened here."

"I remember several birds being at the robbery. Perhaps your brother was one of them." The pokemon suggested.

"Then let's get a horse and look for them." Sky whistled clicked a couple times and a chestnut horse ran up to him. Lucario did a lower whistle and his own pony came up to him.

Keira looked at the cheetah in astonish. "Who are you that can command such wild beasts?"

"Can't anyone around here speak horse? I was wondering why you still had reins and saddles." The cheetah boarded his horse and helped Keira on it.

"Then why don't you tell me what Billy here is saying?" Lucario's pony was neighing.

"He's saying his name's Jenny and he wants you to respect his life choices. Now, come on." Sky broke off into a gallop leaving Lucario dumbfounded.

"Well then... Jenny. Let's get going I suppose. Giddy-up!" The pokemon changed after Lucario.

A couple hours later, Keira cried out, "Stop!" Sky stopped and the Tsisqua got off the horse. She bent down to examine some tracks.

"They came by a half-hour ago. We're getting close." The avian said. She boarded the horse again and they rode off in the direction of the tracks.

Meanwhile, Baroose was giddy with all of the money he’d gotten. Clyde had set up a camp for him far away from the city and he could easily live here, preying on the other towns for their money.

“Are you sure you covered your tracks?” The cheetah asked the coyote who starting up the fire.

“Sure as hell sir. What should we do with all of the money?” Clyde responded.

“Oh, you know, drop them off at several banks, buy several lands. We’ll be rich and famous and too powerful for anyone to stop us!” Baroose imagined the future that was out there, waiting for him to take it.

“Nof it I stop you first.” A voice sounded behind him. The cheetah turned around in surprise to find a copy of himself.

“Now then.” Sky prepared his guns. “Let’s dance.”

The Tsisquas were hiding behind a giant rock, watching the face-off take place. Suro was edging closer to see the scene until he was grabbed from behind him and a talon came over his mouth.

Suro struggled free and turned around to see Keira and Luacrio.

“I knew you were here! Come on, we have to get home before father finds out!” Keira beckoned in a whisper.

“No way! I’m going to get some money from Baroose, bring it to the tribe, and be a hero. We can make life there better. I just have to wait a little longer.” Suro explained, backing towards the rock.

“Are you an idiot?” Lucario asked. “Baroose isn’t going to give you anything. He’ll likely shoot you all on the spot and run off with the money.” Suro gulped.

“I- I better get the others.” The Tsisqua went off to tell his friends.

"So I finally meet the famous Sky," Baroose growled at his doppelganger.

"Wish I could say the same for you." Sky replied. He pointed his loaded gun at the bandit. "Now why don't you help me bring all of this money back to the bank? It's all too heavy for me to carry in one trip and I'm not in the mood to keep riding in this heat."

The coyote appeared in the corner of Sky’s eye. The cheetah twisted and dodged Clyde's bullet which ricocheted off a rock, then into the ground. Sky took out another gun and pointed at Clyde.

"I figured you two were together since you suggested to hang me." The cheetah said to Clyde. "That part didn't work well did it?"

"Put the guns down." Sky heard Baroose. While he was talking to Clyde, he had drawn a gun and it was pointing at Sky now.

"Make me." The gun shot one of its deadly bullets. Sky quickly dodged, then raced behind a giant rock, leaving Clyde to be the next target for it. The coyote yelped but it was over. The bullet had gone through his left chest.

"Now that's bad shooting." Sky commented from behind Baroose.

The bandit growled and raced to the cheetah who looked at him calmly. Sky stepped aside and watched Baroose stumble. This happened several times until Baroose was panting. His foe stood over him.

"One thing about me is that like to play with my food, and sometimes targets. Makes the simple more complicated." Deciding he had had enough, Sky pulled the trigger, the bullet whistling down Baroose's back with a sound of thunder.

Baroose yelled in pain. "May you... rot... in hell." He cursed then fell, limp. The famous cheetah bandit was now dead.

"That... was amazing." The cheetah looked behind him to find Lucario, Keira, and the Tsisquas holding the bags of money.

"How did you do that?" Lucario asked.

"It helps to have Red Bull a couple days earlier. Just don't try to get on my bad side, ok?" Sky suggested. The others nodded. "Good. Now let's get this money back home.

Several hours later...

It was now dusk and Sky was walking back to the DOSAT, riffling the money he had sneaked from one of the bags. About $2000 along with the poker game made his profit here a high $52,000.

The cheetah turned around to see a familiar figure running to him. It was Lucario who was shouting, "Wait! Wait! Stop!"

Sky kept going at his pace and eventually Lucario caught up with him.

"Why are you here?" Sky asked Lucario.

"I forgot to say thank you for helping me with that banjo thing. And... I wanted to see how you got here." The pokemon explained. "... And perhaps, if you would let me join you?"

"Do you have any friends or family?" The cheetah asked.

"No. My parents are gone now from old age and I never had siblings. As for friends... I never really had any. Just traveling on my own." Lucario responded.

"Me too. You really want to come?" Sky asked. "I may never bring you back here." The pokemon nodded. "Alright, I warned you. Suppose I could use the company." Sky started off again.

After several minutes, Sky found the DOSAT. Lucario looked at the orange minivan and asked, "What the hell is that thing?"

"It's the DOSAT. Door Of Space And Time. Me and my friend Nik, who turned out to be an alien and gave his technology, created it out of this minivan in my own time."

"You mean, it can travel through time?" Lucario asked amazed.

"Yep. How else do you think I got here? It also has camouflage against anybody who I don't want to see. I'm showing it to you which is why you can see it. It also has a pocket watch teleporter I can use in an emergency." Sky went around and opened the trunk. There, he took off his cowboy clothes and replaced them with his usual t-shirt and jeans, not caring whether Lucario looked or not.

After putting on his red scarf, the cheetah opened the passenger door. "Now get in. I don't want anybody to see you or me here." Lucario obliged and climbed into the DOSAT. Sky got in the driver's seat.

"I also have a randomizer to randomize our travels." He pressed a black button. The orange minivan started up and flew into the air, blue electricity circling around it until it disappeared along with the DOSAT.

Thank you all for reading!

Next story: Underwater Sky and Lucario find an amazing underwater lab. Water pours into a chamber. Several scalies advance. A sea monster screeches.

submitted by topaz_colite
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Categories: News

Introduction Post

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 15:27

No idea if these are allowed, but let me know. My name is Cypress and I'm a dude. I'm not exactly new the fandom. Long-time lurker, recently made an FA and just today made a Reddit. Made it to try to meet more people. A bit about myself. I'm just a casual Internet surfer. Easy-going but kinda serious. Uh, my hobbies include talkin to people and checking out video games. Plus nature activities.

I'm a Grassland Dragon. Minor Earth magic. My true abilities lie in being a gardener of sorts. Can give my body the qualities of any plant or vegetation. Can also bloom any kind of plant or hybrid of plants from my body or around me.

Sooooo, yeah.

submitted by CypressDraco
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Categories: News

Sticky situation

Furry Reddit - Wed 28 Oct 2015 - 14:58

Hi guys, I have a problem that is very serious for me. My question is if I am too young to belong to the furry fandom.

Currently I am 13 years old, and have been interested into anthro-animals since quite a year now, but didnt know that there was a whole community for it.

I looked around a little, and the furry community is one of the friendliest I've ever seen, and the one I would join the most.

So please, if I'm too young, tell me, but tell me at which age it is okay, I will wait then.

Thank you for the help, and greetings from Germany! ~Bennet

submitted by BennetFear
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