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Questions about the fandom from a newbie

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 18:06

Yo everyone!

So I'm new to the whole concept of furry stuff, but I'll be honest, it got me interested. So I've got a couple questions regarding the community/fandom etc.

1.Whats up with the whole 'hug' thing? Is it some form of greeting?

  1. Why do some people seem to hate/dislike this community? It seems to be really nice and open.

  2. Whay does yiff stand for? I know it's porn and all that but it has some deeper meaning or just random 4 letters?

  3. What exactly are fursonas?

Thanks for all the answers and all that!

submitted by InsaneLogicc
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Categories: News

Guild News: November 2015

Furry Writers' Guild - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 17:19
New Members

Welcome to our newest members Lorxus, Miriam “Camio” Curzon, C. W. Euwyn, James Daniel Ross, and Danath Tiger, and to our new associate members Madison “Makyo” Scott-Clary, Patch O’Furr, and Thurston Howl!

(Writers — if you were approved for membership but aren’t listed in the member directory, it’s because I haven’t heard back from you about what name you want to be listed under. Drop me a line at furwritersguild (at) and let me know!)

Member News

Congrats to Dwale, whose short story “Splinters” (from Typewriter Emergencies) has received a Pushcart Prize nomination!

In publication and other news, Mary E. Lowd’s mini-fiction “Small Smooth Pebble” appeared at Every Day Fiction, Tristan Black Wolf now has a Patreon, Renee Carter Hall’s short story “The Spirit of Pinetop Inn” has been reprinted in audio format by Podcastle, and three poems by Weasel appear in the October issue of The Syzygy Poetry Journal. Patrick “Bahumat” Rochefort’s serial From Winter’s Ashes continues, with chapters 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2 now posted.

(Members: Want your news here? Start a thread in our Member News forum!)

Market News

Upcoming deadlines: The quarterly furry zine A Glimpse of Anthropomorphic Literature is open for submissions until November 15. The conbook for Further Confusion is also open through November 30. In anthologies, Knotted from Red Ferret Press will close to submissions on December 1.

Remember to keep an eye on our Calls for Submissions thread and our Publishing and Marketing forum for all the latest news and openings!

Guild News

We have a Telegram group! More info and a link in this thread.

We’re always open for guest blog post submissions from members — good exposure and a great way to help out fellow writers. See our guidelines for details.

On Goodreads? Don’t forget we have a Goodreads group and a bookshelf featuring books by our members. Feel free to add any members’ books we’ve missed so far (see the instructions here on how to do that).

Need a beta reader? Check out our critique board (you’ll need to be registered with the forum in order to view it).

Want to hang out and talk shop with other furry writers? Come join us in the forum shoutbox for the Coffeehouse Chats, Tuesdays at 7 p.m. Eastern and Thursdays at 12 p.m. Eastern. More info on the Coffeehouse Chats is here.

Remember, our forums are open to everyone, not just FWG members. Come register and join the conversation!

Have a great month! If you have news, suggestions, or other feedback to share, send an email to furwritersguild (at) or leave a comment below.

Categories: News

What can your fursona do that other ones can't?

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 17:02

Repost since I accidentaly deleted the other one.

submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun
[link] [44 comments]
Categories: News

Questions for your 'sona #18

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 15:07

Today's candy headache induced question is from /u/MagicFighter

What kind of clothes does your ‘Sona wear?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
[link] [67 comments]
Categories: News

Now that Halloween has passed for all of us, what was the best costume you saw?

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 14:57

For me and the other NA furs, Halloween was yesterday and we got to see some awesome (tiny toddler Hulk FTW) and not-so-awesome (only a cardboard box on head) costumes. I'm curious, what was the best costume any of yall saw last night/night prior if your in Europe?

Best costume I saw was a genderbent Anubis roaming around with a group other people (which included a nightmare clown and a plague doctor) near my cities club district. Didn't get a picture of her, but it looked like she put some serious effort into her costume. It had everything from the simple tail and sycthe accesories to a full-blown jackal head with a moving jaw. I'd dare she was a furry with how much detail was put into her full-body costume if Anubis wasn't such a popular character. So, to reiterate, what was the best costume you saw during Halloween?

submitted by Cressela
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Categories: News

Snek sketch

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 14:56
Categories: News

Uh oh!

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 13:55
Categories: News

An Undertale inspired picture that I made.

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 12:35

Not sure on how to enlarge the pixels, but I used a sprite program called Aseprite. So, sorry if it's super ultra tiny.

submitted by AeliusALT
[link] [10 comments]
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 11:11

So,let's get to the point!

BOSSES! I love designing them,thinking them out,everything! They can just be SO DAMN CREATIVE at times!

Long story short,some of you may know I am working on THE SELF, a game that has my sona.So,before I truly start working on the story, I have been making the bosses,and the challenge mode bosses,which you can get to after you get the perfect ending that is also thought out.I kinda have Ringgar into the game as the first boss (YAY, Ringgar is already there!),but I wanna see if someone else wants to get added in.Felix the World Dominator is gonna get his place,as promised,but you guys deserve to get some attention as well!So,you guys tell me if you want to participate in the roulette.You will be assigned with a number,and after than,I will see through a random number generator who will get added in!

NOTE ON BOSSES: If you wanna be a Main Boss,you have the chance to LIVE! The game will have a mechanic similar to sparing,but a bit different.There are a bunch of commands to choose from in the SPEAK command,which if you put in a certain order,the battle will end peacefully.If you want to be a Challenge Mode boss,you are gonna DIE no matter what. The winner willl be PM ed to be asked what kind of abilities he wants,what kinda of SPEAK commands, and to be warned the game will be like the old games,where only a limited number of animations are available!

Anyone interested? :)

submitted by TheoDaRulah
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Categories: News

Two Rain Enthusiasts.

Furry Reddit - Sun 1 Nov 2015 - 10:41
Categories: News