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TigerTails Radio Season 9 Episode 16

TigerTails Radio - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 17:20
Categories: Podcasts

Making friends at cons and talking to fursuiters, help?

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 16:18

Hey there guys I had a quick question, so I just got back from my first real con-Furpoc and i had a blast, I took a ton of pictures of suiters and got a bunch of hugs. Besides asking suiters for pics and hugs I really would have liked to have made a few new fur friends or hang out with then during the con and wanted to ask you guys for some advice on how to do so.

Im still kind of shy so that doesn't help( and i hate it) and i'm new, maybe a little intimidated by some of the suits. It also seemed like after i would get a pic or hug they would take off faster the i could ask for there name or FA ( i understand it gets hot in them from personal experiance ). I also know that i'm really not memorable at all unless im a little buzzed then i can be a little bit so even if I saw the same suiter later and did say hi they would not remember me. So any advice to help a Kangroo fox is appreciated.

submitted by Shadowwolf67
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Categories: News

Friendly Furries?

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:37

I'm wondering if friendly furries exist outside of Reddit. The reason I'm wondering is because of my jump from lurker to fursona. I'll say right here that I'm not the easiest to talk to or befriend.

I frequent sites like Fur Affinity and Facebook. But what I've noticed is furries (or maybe people?) are significantly less friendly on those sites. On FA people do not really want to talk at all, wether through Skype or Notes. It's usually just business and they tend to ignore things I've sent (I'll chalk that up to me being new and not interesting).

Facebook a lot of people there seem to be collectors or just give you the cold shoulder if you aren't into the RP sex scene. Least that's what happened to me.

And there's the hug-thing I encountered on both sites. I'm not huggy or into hugs. Furries have flipped at and labelled me as douche when I politely avoided the hug.

So I ask are furries friendly outside of here, or is this just because I'm new?

submitted by CypressDraco
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Categories: News

Episode -61 - Halloween!

Unfurled - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:25
We're back again with more shit. Today we talk about progressivism, SXSW, and the dangers that the current trends in social justice pose to their own movements. We also talk about Halloween candy and halloween memories, and the dangers that halloween candies poser to kids and your drugs. Episode -61 - Halloween!
Categories: Podcasts

Episode -62 - Welcome to the Canadian leftist utopia!

Unfurled - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:17
We're back again, we're late, but we're back. Today we talk about the election, some plastic people, stancenation, and charity! Episode -62 - Welcome to the Canadian leftist utopia!
Categories: Podcasts

Rooming at cons

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:14

I wanted to ask you wonderful people something. I was hoping to go to Further Confusion in January for my first con and as most of you know hotels are quite expensive. I'm planning on going alone so I was thinking someone should share a room with me to split the cost and make it easier. How normal is it to share hotel rooms with people you have never met at cons? Is it common or am I just crazy? I have no problem with it personally. If I wanted to find someone where would I go to look? Hopefully someone could shed some light on this for me.

submitted by w0lfr4m747
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Categories: News

Happy Birthday, [a][s]!

[adjective][species] - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 14:00

[adjective][species] turns 4 today!  Art by the fantastic Redacteur, whom we have featured here before! You can find more of his work at his tumblr. Here’s to another year, thanks for sticking with us!

Rotary phones work well with claws.Rotary phones work well with claws.

How did you find your mate?

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 13:32

I've been dreaming alot about life with my future mate recently, and it got me thinking. How/where did you meet your mate? Do you have any advice for someone who's never dated/experienced love before? Thank you all for the stories <3

submitted by Akpil
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Categories: News

DNA Update: Mud Page 7

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 12:59
Categories: News

A Cry for Help

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 12:23

Things are really pretty bad for me, and have for a while, it's hard to push past my difficulties forming thoughts for this or getting past my apathy, but I've been deeply engrossed mentally in furriness before my sexuality had even developed. Before then, I had already been subject to various mental issues which made the following years more deeply problematic.

There's so much to it all, but I can't get it out here. I'm not sure if I should even be doing this here, but it's just where I ended up, it seemed the easiest. Anyway, long story short, the furry fandom' involvement in my teenage growth ruined my psychological development, and now things are at an incredible low, with excessisive trauma and illness culminated throughout my darker periods coming together to make the climb out of the pit possibly impossible.

I've never even interacted with anyone in the fandom, I only got my daily dose of character driven smut because the real world was void an limited to a horrible reality I could not escape, eventually humans all sort of looked like potatoes and antisocial was brought to a new level where my brain just can't really click at all with life.

I want things to be better, but I have no one to talk to, no one understands, and really no one knows. I can't do anything alone from where I am, and things are all just very confusing, but whenever it seems to be going on a better track, I don't have the tools to go there, I relapse, and it gets worse than before.

Please, if anyone has anything to say or do to help, it would be amazing. I just don't really know how to put all of this, but thank you if you care to read though this and seek to assist.

submitted by Wunrume
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Categories: News

3D Badge design by Slyka

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 12:15
Categories: News

Couple o' New Characters

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 10:58
Categories: News

Fred Patten’s “What the Well-Read Furry Should Read”: October Update.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 10:12
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Fred’s list covers an exhaustive variety of decades worth of Furry fiction, including classics from long ago.  (It occurs to me that Watership Down has an undeniably deserved place at the top of the list, but The Wind In The Willows is overlooked!  Maybe it should be reviewed?) See […]
Categories: News

'Trick or treat' by Shnider

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 09:11
Categories: News

Zootopia fox gets extra furry

Furry Reddit - Mon 2 Nov 2015 - 07:52
Categories: News