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Working on drawing a character with pure black fur. Any tips or suggestions for proper shading/highlighting?

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 14:28

I'm not sure if there's a more proper place to ask this, if so just let me know, but I thought I'd ask for any quick bits of help.

I'm working on drawing a character with glossy, short, black hair. Full body black, no patches or marks of any sort. I'm used to using a black outline when drawing, so I've switched to a white outline to draw her. I KIND OF like how it looks, but I'm not sure how to improve its appearance

submitted by SeniorTinyMarbles
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Categories: News

Telegram swap!

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 13:50

I have like one person on my telegram, so if you'd feel like chatting with a dumb G-shep, add me!

Just a note, I don't RP, so please don't try to do it. It's just nice to chat with people~

My telegram is Jupiiterrr. Add me! :3c And feel free to post yours in a comment if you want other people to add you as well!

submitted by tacticalsnackpack
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Categories: News

Trade - AmaranthineDog by koworauth

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 13:25
Categories: News

Breaking Ties [Artist: Tanks]

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 13:04
Categories: News

Free Undertale Styled icons! (First come first serve)

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 12:13

Since I'm not doing anything today, I may as well do some icons for some of you wonderful fuzz butts! One lucky person will have their icon animated! The rest will just be a regular icon. Good luck!
Please put a ref sheet below. Thank you.

submitted by MrLeFox
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 12:13
Categories: News

Happy veterans day ya fuzzbutts x3

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 10:55

2 more years and I will finally be out of the Army...well I am actually just gonna go to the California national guard. :P

submitted by OkamiIndustries
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Categories: News

Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria, by Rahma Krambo – Book Review By Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 10:36
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria, by Rahma Krambo Yuba City, CA, Reflected Light Books, July 2011, trade paperback $6.99 (261 pages), Kindle $2.99. This is an attractive and easily-read fantasy for Young Adult and adult cat lovers, announced as the first in a […]
Categories: News

Hey guys! I'm going to do a Q & A on video. Ask me questions here and I'll answer!

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 10:14

I will make a YouTube video of me answering the questions. No matter how silly or serious, I will answer as many as I can! Here's me!

submitted by MisterGayUnicorn
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Categories: News

A Furry's Thoughts on: Normalcy

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 06:44

A couple days ago, I asked you all what “normal” meant. Some of you said it was boring. Some of you said it was the idea of the most common way an object is. Some of you said it was completely subjective and based on the person perceiving it. Some of you even went as far to say it was between two standard deviations. Personally, I believe normal means not deviating from the present society.

The definition of normal, according to the dictionary, is “1) (adj.) Conforming to a standard, typical, usual condition, (noun.) the usual, typical, standard condition an object is.” Of course there’s some mathematical stuff but that’s not important to the present discussion.

A lot of us came here, to the furry fandom, to find acceptance. Acceptance in behavior and/or sexual orientation. We are all different from the society that surrounds us right now. And some of us have trouble conforming to that.

This is the life of a normal person. He wakes up with his wife. Says he loves her, then cleans himself up. Meanwhile, the wife makes breakfast and lunch for her husband and children. The children get dressed, get school stuff together, then play until breakfast happens. The husband leaves, saying goodbye to wife and kids. Kids go to school and wife takes care of the house and other chores. The husband goes to work, some job at a computer, and sits there typing for ten hours so that a paycheck will come in a couple weeks. Sometime during it, he has lunch from his wife. After work, he comes home to greet wife, kids, and a dinner. Afterwards, he does recreation stuff like reading or playing with his kids or telling them to do homework for the thousandth time. Then he cleans himself up and goes to bed.

I doubt the situation above is what you all are living/planning to live. The truth is, that’s just what society wants us all to believe and do. Strip us of individuality and we’re all little happy bee drones going about, thinking we live a grand life despite stressors. That is not the case for most of us. We are all different.

I’ve read that the human body can produce around 36 physical variables that can be measured and the average figured out. Sure you may fit the average of one variable but it’s unlikely you’ll fit the next. For one person to fit in the average of all of the variables, being truly normal, is like a chance of one out of a million. It’s abnormal to be normal.

So for those of you who know being your own is awesome, keep doing that. You’ll get friends that like you for you and not for the mask of normalcy you hide behind. As for you all that have trouble trying to be normal, don’t. It’s obvious you can’t really be normal, at least not for the rest of your life. Just be who you are. Being normal’s overrated. It’s just an abstract concept everyone has that you don’t need to follow. Screw them, have a SO of the same sex if you want. Be who you want to be, and hopefully, that’ll make you better.

So in conclusion, the society we live in wants us to be normal. And that’s ok to a point. Some normalcy is needed for order. However, if the normalcy starts stripping you of your individuality and what truly makes you you, then forget it. Be yourself. As long as it doesn’t destroy the rest of society. We wouldn’t want that happening, would we?


If you have any questions or ideas for future posts, feel free to comment or PM me. Thank you for reading, have a nice day! (oVo)

submitted by topaz_colite
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Categories: News

Stumbled across a furry name generator

Furry Reddit - Wed 11 Nov 2015 - 01:31
Categories: News