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Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 11:23
Categories: News

I would like your help, /r/furry

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 10:17

I know if you look at my account, it'll say I made it like 2 minutes ago, but it's because I don't want this to show up on my main account.

Anyway, I'm doing a project for my high school on youth subcultures, and I was wondering if any of you all would be up for an interview. It would have to be either today or tomorrow, and it won't be too long. I just wanted to ask some questions about what the fandom is, your involvement in it, etc. It will be completely anonymous if you want, but it doesn't have to be. I'm pretty new to the whole furry thing myself, and I didn't want to rely on a wikipedia definition for my project, so I figured I go right to the source. Pm or comment below if you're interested in an interview, or if you have any advice on where I should guide the project towards. I'm so far mostly going to be focusing on comparing how furries view themselves as opposed to how the media and the general public views them. Thanks in advance!

TLDR: I want people to interview about their involvement in the furry community today or tomorrow.

EDIT: Interview isn't live. I will send you questions to fill out on your own time and then send the answers back to me.

submitted by Jerico_the_rabbit
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Categories: News

Furry Social Thread (Please come chat!)

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 09:00

Like previous social threads, the purpose is to talk with random furs and invite others to talk with you. So try to talk with many people :)

Generals guidelines:

  • Talk about anything you like
  • but keep it SFW
  • and try not to be an ass.
  • Sort posts by 'new' to give late comers a chance.
  • Take advantage of this to meet new people.

If you want an icebreaker topic, what you want, think, like or dislike about the upcoming hollidays ;)

submitted by fa_mirror
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Categories: News

Bored :3 AMA!

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 08:25

Im bored, so please ask a few questions :D

submitted by BennetFear
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Categories: News

Crayon headshot of my new 'sona

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 08:08
Categories: News

Biotopia: The Secret of Shamans by Tracey

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 07:37
Categories: News

'Alligator' by Alex Shatohin

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 07:27
Categories: News

Does anyone know of any furries who work with animals, or want to work with animals, in real life?

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 06:29

How would you say your/their "furriness" affected/affects this desire, and which came first? Also, how do you like your job?

submitted by zarfytezz1
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Categories: News

Vault Wolf

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 06:18
Categories: News

Looking for someone to draw a refsheet of my fursona.

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 02:23

I'm fairly new here and I'm not really an artist, so I'm looking to pay someone to draw a refsheet for me. If you're willing, let me know via PM or comment. IF possible, I would like to see some example artwork to help me determine if the style is right for me. (Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to judge people...I just don't know how to put it.) But I'm not SUPER picky though. Anyway thanks in advance Guys!

submitted by RazerFox
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Categories: News

Scout Otter~

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 02:18
Categories: News

me irl

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 02:11
Categories: News

socialising at cons, help

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 01:28

hi all, Confurgence is coming up next year. I am very excited as this will be my first con but terrified that I will only just wander around and not talk to anyone as im very shy. Anyone have some tips to get out and talk to everyone?

submitted by -Whyamistillhere-
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Categories: News

Made my sona' in blops 3 ^W^

Furry Reddit - Sun 8 Nov 2015 - 00:41
Categories: News

FC-216X FurCast Extra Life Charity Gaming 2015

FurCast - Sat 7 Nov 2015 - 23:59

What an absolute blast this was. You guys have blown us away yet again.

$2,500+ raised for charity, in one night.

This was so much fun. From the silly games, to crazy horsehead antics, to making out with someone for $50, this night will become a great memory of ours. Luckily it’s all recorded in 720p60 for your viewing pleasure, in several parts! ????

No audio recording on this one, just YouTube. Enjoy, and stay tuned for updates on our Extra Life campaign! Also: Shoutout to all the other furries and teams involved in the Furs For Life campaign. Not going to say dollars raised here because it’s still going!





Part 1 – NES Games:

We break out the classics, starting with some… uh… not classics. Anyway, we were just getting started but already the commentary is getting good. Oh, that and Fayroe discovered his superpower of being able to beat any game level as long as he plays it wearing a horsehead.

Watch Video


Part 2 – SNES Games:

We break out the… okay once again has anyone even heard of this? We do get to Zelda eventually!

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Part 3 – Steam Games:

One of the funniest of the night. We delve into some really weird and questionable steam games. One is centered around showering with your dad and another seems to either be a game about becoming a certified electrician… or else maybe just a giant metaphor for sex. Find out!

Watch Video


Part 4 – Prop Hunt:

We join several members of the chat room and play the popular Garry’s Mod Mod (Modception?), “Prop Hunt.”

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Part 5 – Wii U Games:

First we played Mario Kart. Then we played Mario Kart with horseheads. Hilarity ensues.

Watch Video


Part 6 – Buzz! Quiz TV:

Playing a quiz game that requires fast and precise button pressing… with paws. Yeah.

Watch Video


Part 7 – Campaign Update:

By this point we’d already raised thousands of dollars for charity. Thank you guys so much!!

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Part 8 – PS3 Move Games:

Man we were tired. But it didn’t stop us from scoring some frisbee golf in fursuit!

Watch Video


BONUS VIDEO: Paradox and CJ making out for $50, courtesy of a fan:

Watch Video

We did a second night of Extra Life charity gaming! Click here for even more!


Categories: Podcasts