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What would the worldwide reaction be if a single anthromprphic animal were to come into existence?

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 21:01

Curious, and figured this would be a good discussion. If an anthromprphic animal were to somehow make its way into our current world by any means, be it experiment or higher power, how would the world react? Given that it was intelligent and capable of speech like a human but still retained instincts of whichever species it was based off of, what would it's status in law be? Would it be accepted or condoned in society?

Random question but I'm curious as to what anyone can come up with.

submitted by Thecoltonfactor
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Categories: News

[Giveaway]#4 Goodbye Deponia, Contagion, Overlord 1 @ 2, How to Survive

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 21:00

Another day, another giveaway, send me a (furry?) picture, tell me what game you want, get free games!

submitted by furrysanta
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Categories: News

A question to furs who have their furaffinity set so I have to have an account to view your art...

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 20:35

If you don't mind telling me, why do you have your furaffinity set to private? Why do you want me to create/log into an account to view your art?

EDIT: Thank you all for your input.

submitted by johnd101
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Categories: News

Worldbuilding and your 'sona

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 20:01

So, I know people put a lot of thought into their fursonas. They're your characters, yeah? The 'people' who represent you in furry communities.

But what about their environment? What about the world around them? Do any of you guys ever work on creating that?

I mean, I worldbuild, but I've never done it with furry characters. I've seen it done once or twice, but not much. Any of you try it?

submitted by Arpeggias
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Categories: News

What's the strangest/most unique sona you have ever seen somebody with?

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 19:52

I remember seeing a slug sona once, it was an odd looking thing. I don't know if a hellhound is very unique but I have one of those.

How about you guys? Any strange cases you've seen?

submitted by LJE_Shot1
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Categories: News

You guys...

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 19:44

Honestly. Seriously. Look at this subreddit. Look at it hard, look at it long. What's wrong with it?

All our biggest members are going away, that's what's wrong with it. Why are they going away though? Let's get to the source of the problem, shall we? They're going away because there's no more discussion, or if there is it's very rare. It's all link posts, all art. Nothing to talk about, nothing to discuss.

Looking at the /new right now, I see 9 self posts out of 25. This is an issue. This place is not an art gallery. Sure, some art can be shown off. But when it gets to this level, where the discussion is drowned out by the art? Yeah, that's a problem.

Now, I'd go and do what the popular guys are doing, and leave the sub. Thing is, though, I have no life, and I sort of exist here and a few other places. So I want to try to fix this place, yeah? Stop driving people away, stop the art spam, generate discussion. I want to help fix this place, I want to make it better. You should too.

So how can we fix this issue? Firstly, we need to realize that the power of a mod is limited. Not to say the mods here are doing bad - in fact, they're doing excellently given the situation - but it's just a fact of moderating. You have to trust the community to self-police to a point, and the community has to accept that trust and act on it. It's a sort of social contract that comes with moderated forums. I have the utmost confidence in the mods' abilities, but in order for them to work best, we need to help. Create more discussions, report posts that break the rules - all posts that break the rules.

Secondly, we need to shift our collective mindset towards discussion over art. This place is supposed to be a community, not a gallery. Change doesn't come quickly, but if we start now it can happen sooner. Again, this comes with the generation of more discussion, and the reduction of art posts. If people want to see the latest Falvie or Kenket, they can go to FurAffinity! That is an art gallery.

These two things could help our little community out greatly. If you have any other suggestions, they're more than welcome in this thread. This thread should not only be used as a reference, but a thinktank. Put all your noggins together and think of ways to help.

submitted by Arpeggias
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Categories: News

Shilling for big soda

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 19:00
Categories: News

Bit of a delay, sorry guys

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 18:57

Hi guys. Long story short, my laptops screen is messed up and even doing homework is a pain. So the Comm thread will be postponed till Monday, where I'll have access to a screen that doesn't make me want to scream.

Sorry about this. It'll be the same-so people I promised will still get on. Hopefully, I'll get the laptop I've been gunning for Christmas, and this won't be a problem any more.

submitted by LeatherHog
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Categories: News

Keeper of the Stars by BlindCoyote

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 16:46
Categories: News

Hello /r/furry!

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 15:47

Hello /r/furry! When I came to this subreddit 5 months ago, I never though that I would get the chance to meet so many good people and I after that first thread of mine, I never thought that you would give me an another chance. But you did, for which I am greatly thankful for. But unfortulately, I feel like my time has come; my time to say goodbye to /r/furry.

My time here has been one of my favourite times on Reddit as a whole, you changed me and my views on some very controversial things. You made me care for people who I don't know.

But, you shouldn't look at this as a goodbye, look at this as a thank you. Thank you for keeping me awake during the nights and days, thank you for streaming and thank you for being such good people.

This question would surely be asked in the comments „Scruffy, why are you leaving?“ so I'm going to answer it now.

Well, it's actually a weird combination of the subreddit losing it's charm, (Lack of good discussion posts; discussions and PSA's being downvoted; the sub turning into an art gallery. My last thread is an example of what the sub currently is.. I found myself looking at the sub just because of habit. Which is not good imo), me having personal problems and just plain politics. Yes. Politics.

In the next section, I will say a thank you to some users who made my stay here special. So, here we go. in_alphabetical_order


Ceres, you were the person who got me on Skype. So, I would like to thank you for that. I love seeing you post your fursuit updates, you just make me happy sometimes being so happy yourself. You're a great person to be around.


You are actuallly the person that marked my stay here. You're the first person that I recognised on the sub. When I met you I realised that you're a really nice person. You listen to others, try to help them. Sometimes, you're shy and don't talk a lot, but when you do it always brightens my day or night. You helped me a lot in the past, I hope I did that as well to you. *Fada beo! Tá súil agam go bhfuil tú agus Linkale fanacht le chéile agus freastal ar lá amháin *


When I met you waaaaayyy back in June I was afraid to talk to you, but soon; I discovered how a great person you are. You are a really nice and reasonable person. You have that... thing.. that keeps me talking to you. You have a big knowledge box in your head and you know how to use it. Sometimes, you worry a bit too much, but don't we all :P Lang leve! Ik hoop dat u en het pak en een besneeuwde winter zien! (Vertalen kan zijn dat butcheren)


I haven't known you as long as I did others, but I always liked talking to you. Probably because of how casual you are. You can always break the ice in a conversation. You care about others a lot and it can bring a tear to my eye how much you do. You're just an all around a great guy to hang around with. ¡Larga vida! Además, voy a seguir en esa broma ..... con usted.

To the „FBI“ and „Club [insert name]“(not Remmy btw) :

Thank you for keeping me company, talking to me, and being a great bunch of people. You're the reson why I was kept so interested in the fandom.

A special thank you to all people who I had small chats with on Skype, Twitter and Reddit. I would be repeating myself too much, but you're all a great crowd. I can talk to all of you about general things and a bit more specific ones.

Thank you. Dankeshön. Dankjewel. Merci. Vinxa. Go raibh maith agat. Gracias. Köszönöm. Хвала вам. Hvala vam

I'm leaving you with „The Sound of Silence“

Restez forts de France. Le monde est avec vous.

submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun
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Categories: News

Episode 300 - My Little Coyote

Southpaws - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 15:38
It's episode three freaking hundred. We streamed this over at with our guest PepperCoyote. Despite Windows 10 hating firewire, we soldier on. Through silly emails and music we bring our three hundredth episode direct to your ear holes. Like the show and want to see us thrive another 300? Support us on Patreon! You can find Pepper's music over at and Episode 300 - My Little Coyote
Categories: Podcasts

Questions for your 'sona #30

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 15:13

Today's question:

>High School AU! Your ’sona has just been sent to the principle’s office, What are they in trouble for? Is your sona a part of any clubs or student organizations?

Edit: you know who's awesome? Mods who pin.

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Returning home -Spyro the Dragon-

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 13:14
Categories: News

Chibizilla jr ;by fcaiser

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 13:10
Categories: News

What's your 'sonas theme song?

Furry Reddit - Sat 14 Nov 2015 - 11:49

I'm not sure if this was a "Question for your 'sona", but here goes. What song(s) would represent your 'sona, or is their theme song? At the moment, Tenebris' is CHIMES - Pieces and maybe Skrillex - Fire Away. Can't wait to see the answers! :)

submitted by hyphens-suck
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Categories: News