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How to get more out there?
Any advice on how to get out there as an artist to get more people to commission me. It's my dream to make a living off of my art and I'm having trouble getting out as much as I'd like to be.
submitted by CorpseHusband[link] [9 comments]
Plush Cuddles Are Best Cuddles! by Saucy
Wallpapers becasue i need them
As you could have guessed, dump your wallpapers here! i know that there is a r/furrywallpaper but ive looked through there and i want to see what youve got! :3 (furry or non furry doesnt matter)
submitted by TheUnderwolf11[link] [16 comments]
How much does a good partial suit cost?
Just a bit curious, I've been thinking about getting one at some point down the road and I was curious about how much they go for. Any help would be appreciated :3
submitted by crookedear[link] [14 comments]
I see your New Sweet Knots and give you Red Knot
Questions for your 'Sona #41
Today's unique question:
What about your sona makes it unique among members of its species?
submitted by HonorInDefeat[link] [97 comments]
Missions for roleplaying
All right folks, I'm kinda bored this Thanksgiving break so let's do some role playing. This was inspired by Ringgar's posts so you'll have the ability to choose your mission. You can play as long as you want and go back to where you left off. If you want to end the mission for good, just say MISSION FAILED. If you want to pause it for the day or longer, just stop replying and go back when you're ready! You may have to play as multiple characters as we go on.
Mission 1~ Terror of the Lumins: You are in a space ship lab with a research Lumin plant pod. Some furry has put some light on it for some reason and it has been growing. I turn the corner to face you while a strange plant hand grows from the pod behind you and grabs you.
Mission 2~ The Space Pirates: We visit a town doing Black Friday shopping when a space ship appears. We get transported up into an empty room in the spaceship.
Mission 3~ Snakedance: We wind up and explore on the planet Corux where avians live in a Hinduist/Indian culture. Meanwhile, an evil purple snake decides to start possessing Coruxans for its nefarious purposes.
Pick any one you like and we can begin!
submitted by topaz_colite[link] [67 comments]
Lets be friends!
I propose you message me, or another fur who posts a comment, and let's see if we can be friends. Saw this thing working pretty well elsewhere, so why not try it here!
I'm a 20+ Hungarian college student, (IT guy) and a red fox on the internet. I like playing videogames, talking with others (on the internet only, I'm pretty anxious irl..), going on a hike, and watching furry stuff! :3 What about you? I hope we can be friends in the future!
submitted by Vadhalal[link] [2 comments]
Subtle graffiti I saw at my school :p
Your most awkward moment!
Hello! I'd love to know your guys most awkward moment as a furry. Mainly because I had one yesterday and want to feel better about it x3
Here is mine: I was on rocket league last night, playing ranked 1v1's. I played against someone really good, and ridiculously nice... I mean like, I blackscreened and he let me have free goals. It was a really nice change from the usual salty attitudes of the players.
Anyway, forward a couple of games and we're now friends, playing ranked 2v2's as a team. But here is the really odd bit. I sent him 'oOOo'(imitating a paw (òÒÓó)) and he sent back two paws (oOOo oOOo). There was no doubt in my mind he was a fuzzlebutt!
Then I asked if he was a furry, and he didn't know what one was... So yeah!
I looked at my steam this morning and he deleted me... so I guess he looked up what a furry was!
submitted by furrpy[link] [37 comments]