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Hungry Hyenas Choose by weremagnus

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 23:53
Categories: News

Non fur explanations are hilarious.

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 23:44

My fiance and I were just talking about his fear of sharks and I told him it's time to work on that. (We already got over our fear of spiders.) He asked how and I said, "Research!"

And then I mumbled sharktits.

He laughs and said, "Funny story...." And then trails off about Lap Fox Trax and Mayhem and Sharktits and all these furry artists and stuff.

He even joked about having a secret fursuit. It's hilarious because I never told him I'm a furry so the way he's explaining it is fantastic.

submitted by LillithSixx
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 23:22
Categories: News

Autumn Walk [artist: OperaticGrimoire]

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 22:34
Categories: News

When Zootopia Releases

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 22:34
Categories: News

okay i actually tried on this one

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 21:29
Categories: News

Do You Hide Your Furriness?

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 21:03

I'm just curious about how many people hide the fact that they are into furry, and if they do is it only from certain groups or everyone? I personally hide it from everyone in person except for my wife.

submitted by Tarethriel
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Categories: News

Yay, Kauwi finally has a ref!

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 20:43
Categories: News

Marina the Shark

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 20:39
Categories: News

Tutorial: Canine Head

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 19:15
Categories: News

So I saw the Zootopia trailer in a theater today...

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 18:55

I was at the movies watching The Good Dinosaur for my nephews birthday (which, I'll have you know, I only cried 4 times during it) and the trailer for Zootopia came on, cue internal fanboying.

Halfway through it my mom nudges me and whispers "Hey... Hey, is that movie a furry movie?" I was so embarrassed and confused so I said "I mean... Yeah, kinda?" and she said "Well you like those furry things right?" ... "Yeaahhhh?" then she says "Well, maybe I could see it with you? Maybe I'll get a better idea why you like those furries or something." I was taken aback honestly, I'm still getting used to the fact that my mom knows and doesn't care...

Not sure what the point of this was, but it felt good to hear her say that.

submitted by Shige_
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Categories: News

When spotify knows you too well..

Furry Reddit - Sat 28 Nov 2015 - 16:16
Categories: News