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We Love A Good Pun Too

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 5 Mar 2023 - 02:31

After a successful Kickstarter campaign, the creator known as McMadmissile is ready to spring their latest project on the world: A series of cute, colorful, magical lycanthrope plush toys known as… wait for it… Care-Weres. Yes. Pre-orders have closed, but pay attention to their FurAffinity page for information on the next batch, plus lots of original design art of the characters too. Awoo!

image c. 2023 by McMadmissile

Categories: News

Bearly Furcasting S3E45 - Snowpocalypse

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 4 Mar 2023 - 06:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Bearly was called away so Rayne Raccoon steps in to guest host this episode. Taebyn and Rayne talk about Snopocalypse 2023, share some Past Today, talk about escaping bears and giant tongues in That's Just Stupid News of the Odd, challenge the listeners with an Obscure Movie Quote, discuss some Furries in the News, chat about the Upcoming Events, and catch up with our old friends Frog and Toad in Storytime. 

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S3E45 - Snowpocalypse
Categories: Podcasts

A Nonfurry Who Likes Furporn

Ask Papabear - Fri 3 Mar 2023 - 13:03
Dear Papabear,

Its a hard pill to swallow to say I use furporn because people who use furporn to fulfill their sexual needs more often than not are looked down upon. Anyway, I was exposed to furporn early on in life and found out that I liked it and use it normally. I've had sex and had no problem with “getting started” or my overall performance. It hasn’t “watered down” my attraction to real-life sexual acts or desires but enhanced in its own way. But I sat down today and asked myself why do I still use furporn and why do I still like it? I felt as though it was childish, so I looked at a normal porn video and some pictures and noticed it's all the same. I like furporn because it has diversity. Colors, races, styles (etc.).

My main question is, "What does this make me?" I wouldn’t consider myself a furry because I don't have any desire to partake in anything, being events, suits, and such. I simply just use furporn. I hope you are able to answer my question for me. Thank you for hearing me out and I hope I was able to bring a new perspective or anything of use to you and your journey.

Anonymous (age 20)

* * *

Dear Furiend,

Thank you for writing an honest letter that I believe will be helpful to many of my readers. Isn't it funny how true it is when you say that people into furporn are looked down upon (including in the furry fandom) and yet furporn and other "regular" porn proliferates throughout the Web, literature, movies, sex clubs, and on and on? Human beings are sexual creatures. This is natural. What is unnatural is how social (especially religious) institutions make sex anathema, sinful, a thing only for degenerates, something that should only be used for procreation, and you better not even masturbate lest you go blind and grow hair on the palms of your hands and cause the dinosaurs to go extinct (Family Guy joke). 

Complete nonsense. 

The elite and powerful in human society use guilt to control people into "behaving." The result of this is that a vast number of people have become neurotic about sex and many who try to repress their feelings later release their sexual tension in inappropriate, hurtful, violent, criminal, and truly sinful ways (i.e., e.g., rapists, pedophiles, spouse abusers, and priests molesting little boys or having sex with nuns).

The truth is that it is MUCH healthier to have an active, playful sex life. People who have satisfying sex lives are happier and more mentally and emotionally balanced. Sexual fantasy is a part of this. There are many good things about sexual fantasy, the main one being that it is a safe way to stimulate the libido. It also helps you run through your mind many things that you might like to try with your consensual partner. In fact, talking with a partner about sexual fantasies can help you strengthen bonds you might not have known you had. Now, one might have some very "out there" fantasies that you wouldn't try on anyone (a common one in the fandom is vore fantasies, for example). You shouldn't worry about these. As marriage and family therapist expert Steven Ing wrote in a Psychology Today article: "Just as fantasizing about being a world-class jewel thief doesn't mean you're going to become a thief, having sexual fantasies doesn’t mean you're going to act on them. Fantasizing is our brain's way of projecting a future scenario or trying ideas on for size. It's also a way of reliving a wonderful moment or deriving comfort or pleasure from an alternative reality."

And, of course, always keep in mind the Wiccan Rede: As long as you're not hurting anyone, do what you like. You certainly aren't hurting anyone by watching furporn. But it is also important to note the dangers of porn addiction. Judging by your letter, you are already aware that too much porn viewing can numb the senses and actually lessen one's real sexual activity, and you assert that your own libido has not been "watered down." Good for you :-)  Further, you note that furporn is really no weirder than other porn on the internet. So, furry fantasies are just another type of imaginative RP of the mind.

In short, you have nothing to worry about. Pretty much all sexually active human beings indulge in some sort of fantasy, so you are totally normal. Yours just happens to be furporn. Big whoop. You seem very aware of all of this and, IMHO, you are quite smart and in tune with yourself. You're mentally and emotionally healthy. Lastly, just because you like furporn doesn't mean you're a furry. It's not like, "Ohmygerd! I watched anthro wolves having sex! Now I have to go buy a fursuit and attend a furry convention!" Relax. The Fur Police aren't gonna knock on your door for noncompliance.

Hope this helps. Remember, play safe and have fun! Thanks for writing!

Bear Hugs,

Feb Furry Events Recap - Grovel Reports 3/2/23

Grovel Reports - Thu 2 Mar 2023 - 15:40

Hello! Welcome to a summary of recent news in the furry community. Recorded Feb 28th 2023 Anthro New England will return on Jan 18th-21st 2024. Total attendance for 2023 is 3,548. Main Site: Main Website: Mastodon: Megaplex Statement: IndyFurcon Statement: Updated IndyFurcon Statement: AnthroExpo 2023 has released their numbers! 896 attendees, $14,135 for their charity! AnthroExpo reveals its next theme for 2024. 8-bit heros! Tweet: Main Site: Furry Cruise Fauntastic, A Furry Convention in France, Reports that their Registration services was attacked but no loss or theft of info has been recorded. Furry Migration Eurofurence Teaser Trailer: ACFI plans their first annual Texas Anthro Film Fest. StratosFur If you like the work I do please like/follow/share to support the channel I'm on multiple platforms Subscribe to show support Special thanks to Ezriana for helping with scriptwriting Grovel Reports Studio made by Kydek Banners used in the channel were made by Slushi Music created for Grovel Husky by Whooshagg Many thanks to Da Bean for taking photos/recording Feb Furry Events Recap - Grovel Reports 3/2/23 #furry #furryfandom
Categories: Podcasts

FWG Monthly Newsletter March 2023

Furry Writers' Guild - Thu 2 Mar 2023 - 08:30

We can’t blame February for rushing by – it is the shortest month of the year, after all. But even so, we’re already here in March.

We’re well into furry award season now. The Ursa Major Awards are now open for voting. Please do take the few minutes to vote on these – they are the awards with the widest voting eligibility, so they are a great barometer for what is popular across the entire fandom.
Nominations for the Coyotl Awards are still open for FWG members until March 6th. Guild members, please make sure you’re submitting your nominations ahead of the voting period to come.
Nominations for the Leo Awards should now have closed. There is no voting for these awards. Instead, a judging panel will determine the winners of these categories.

Of course, the awards are not the only things of interest that happened during February.
In case you missed it, we announced a revamp of FWG membership profiles, encouraging all members to utilise their profiles better, to give links to works and to make it easier for readers to find out more information about the incredible talent our members have. This is in conjunction with a massive update to the Suggested Reading List. While this is still a work in progress, there has been plenty of responses already, and I’m really hopeful that these resources will prove much more beneficial in the future when we wish to highlight certain members.
If you are an FWG member but did not receive the email advising you of these changes, please get in contact with us through the guild email so that we can ensure you are not missed in this update.

The second announcement we had during February was the launch of our Patreon page. Through this, we hope to ensure the guild is able to cover its own costs, as well as taking on the costs of the Coyotl Awards, which have previously been taken on by the award chair. This could allow us to expand the impact of the awards, giving us more options in the future to make them bigger and better in all aspects.
We hope that our members will consider the Patreon page as a way to provide voluntary dues in the absence of any regular membership fees, and that readers can use it as a way to benefit furry writing as a whole. We are grateful for any support that is given, and in the future we will look to ways to reward that generosity with more tangible benefits.

March may not be quite so exciting in terms of announcements and updates, but behind the scenes we’re still working on a few more plans we hope to bring public before too long. And of course, the reading list and member profiles will continue to get updated over the next couple of weeks.

While you wait for all of that, why not check out some of the open submission calls?

Paw Anthology – Deadline May 1st
This Is Halloween – Deadline When Full
Furry Femdom Erotica – Deadline When Full
F/F No Erotic Anthology – Deadline When Full
Isekai Me! – Deadline When Full
Children Of The Night – Deadline When Full
Furry/Lovecraftian/Erotic/University Themed Anthology – Deadline When Full
Beyond Their Pale – Deadline When Full
Found Family – Deadline When Full
Heroes Rise Up – Deadline When Full
Punk’s Not Dead – Deadline When Full
Save The Corgis, Save The World – Deadline When Full
#ohmurr! – Deadline: Ongoing
Zooscape – Reoccurring submission windows.

We hope you’ll also check out the list of recent releases and upcoming books from our guild members.

Happy Howlidays, edited by Vincenzo Pasquarella. Released February 22nd 2023.

A Drop In The Motion (Paperback and Hardback), by Dwale. Released February 23rd 2023.

Rafts, by Utunu. Available for pre-order. Released March 16th 2023.

Don’t Ask Me If I’m Okay, by Jessica Kara (Jess E. Owen). Available for pre-order. Released May 16th 2023.

As always, if you have something to add to either of these lists, please let us know as there will always be something we miss!

Until next month, please keep up with our socials (Twitter isn’t dead yet!) and our chatrooms on Discord and Telegram for the latest updates and information. I hope you’ll also browse through the Reading List as it is updated.

Stay safe and happy writing!
J.F.R. Coates

Categories: News


Fur Times - 獸時報 - Thu 2 Mar 2023 - 06:50

在2月28號,一位推特用戶 @BemaniCub 發現自己被另一位用戶 @Ventiyoyo 封鎖後,好奇地詢問這個人到底是誰。隨後,該貼文下紛紛有其他用戶表示也被封鎖。有趣的是,這些被封鎖的用戶都跟 獸圈相關。而不久之後,一位名叫 @TacoTeko 的用戶開玩笑地發表了一份檢測自己是獸迷的方法,只需點擊 @Ventiyoyo 的個人頁面,檢查是否被他封鎖。如果你被封鎖,那你就是一位合格的獸迷。

翻攝自推特 @BemaniCub 翻攝自推特 @TacoTeko

一些疑惑的獸迷詢問 TacoTeko 發生了什麼事情,而 TacoTeko 只回答說 Ventiyoyo 可能是專門封鎖 Furry 的人,其他的他一概不知道。貼文下也有許多獸迷表示還好自己沒有被封鎖。而筆者也點擊 Ventiyoyo 的頁面進行測試後,發現也被 Ventiyoyo 封鎖。

下列為 Ventiyoyo 的帳號網址,有興趣的獸友可以點下方網址試試:

這則貼文在被 嵐飛 轉發到臉書後,引起了台港澳獸迷之間的討論風氣。許多用戶對於為什麼只有 Furry 相關的用戶被封鎖感到困惑,也有獸迷表達了對於 Ventiyoyo 的不滿。不過目前 Ventiyoyo 尚未對此事作出任何聲明。

Categories: News

Dinos in Love (and Music)

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 2 Mar 2023 - 02:01

Recently we learned more about Goodbye Volcano High, a new 2D animated anthro-dinosaur game created by Ko Op studios (Winding Worlds). It goes like this: “Goodbye Volcano High is a story about love, friendship, personal growth, acceptance, and the power of community in the face of disaster. (And dinosaurs!) Fang has just figured out what they want to do with their life, and now they’ve got to find out how to deal with the end of the world, be there for their loved ones, and follow through on their musical dreams before it’s too late.” Cartoon Brew has more information and a link to the new game trailer. Goodbye Volcano High is scheduled for release this June.

image c. 2023 Ko Op

Categories: News

S10 Episode 5 – The Moment You Knew - Join Sammy, Nuka, and Roo as they talk and answer emails of learning about and coming to terms with their own sexuality and gender. Learning what is and how to fit under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. And how different that jou

Fur What It's Worth - Wed 1 Mar 2023 - 20:14
Join Sammy, Nuka, and Roo as they talk and answer emails of learning about and coming to terms with their own sexuality and gender. Learning what is and how to fit under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. And how different that journey is for each of us.

The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!


Tails Bursting out of Pants Supporters


Ashton Sergal (Pic Pending), Nuka, Ichigo Okami

Fancy Supporter Tier

Rifka, the San Francisco Treat and Baldrik and Lufis (Pic Pending)

Deluxe Supporters Tier


Guardian Lion, Ashton Sergal, Harlan Fox, Plug (Pic Pending), Refractory Rictus (Pic Pending)

Plus Tier Supporters

Ausi Kat

McRib Tier Supporters



Intro: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth.
First Break: Golem - Meizong, Argofox, Creative Commons 2022.
Second Break: Emotional Mess – Amy Lynn & the Honey Men, Creative Commons 2022.
Third Break: Tilt - Northern Born, Argofox, Creative Commons 2022.
Patreon: The Tudor Consort, Inflammatus, Creative Commons, 2010
Closing: Cloud Fields (RetroSpecterChill Remix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. S10 Episode 5 – The Moment You Knew - Join Sammy, Nuka, and Roo as they talk and answer emails of learning about and coming to terms with their own sexuality and gender. Learning what is and how to fit under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. And how different that jou
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 27

TigerTails Radio - Tue 28 Feb 2023 - 05:11

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 27. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

The Annie Award Winners for 2022

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 27 Feb 2023 - 23:55

This past Saturday the gala ceremony for the Annie Awards was held at UCLA in Southern California — the first time in three years the ceremony has been held live! The “Oscars of animation” are presented every year by ASIFA Hollywood (a division of the International Animated Film Society). This year, surprising no one at all, the stop-motion film Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio was the big winner of the night, winning in five categories including the top prize, Best Animated Feature. (Might be time to admit it — the film’s pretty much got a lock on the Oscar for Best Animated Feature at this point). Pinocchio also won in the Feature Film categories for Best Character Animation, Best Direction, Best Production Design, and Best Music. More surprising perhaps (at least to those of us who were behind the curve on the meme!) was this little film called Marcel, The Shell With Shoes On, which took home three Feature awards: Best Writing, Best Voice Acting (for Marcel’s voice and creator, Jenny Slate (Zootopia)), and the coveted Best Independent Feature. It was a complete sweep for these two though — some other (furry!) films of note were award-winners too. Over at Dreamworks, The Bad Guys got the award for Best Character Design, while Puss In Boots: The Last Wish was recognized with awards for Best Storyboarding and Best Editing. (All for features, of course.) Over in the TV categories, Dreamworks won Best TV For Children with their show Abominable and the Invisible City. Meanwhile, one of the big winners of the night was the animated video special The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse, which took four Annies home to the U.K., including Best Special Production. It was not a great night for Disney, but there was one great furry note: Maurice LaMarche (Pinky and the Brain) won Best Voice Acting in TV for his portrayal of Mr. Big in Zootopia+. Cartoon Brew has a good article about the awards and a full list of the winners. (And now we get to remind you that voting for the Ursa Major Awards opens up this week!)

image c. 2023 Netflix

Categories: News

One arrested for threatening violence against furry convention

Global Furry Television - Mon 27 Feb 2023 - 23:43

Categories: News

Problematic Feral Cancel Bait - The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride

Southpaws - Sun 26 Feb 2023 - 15:02

Fuzz, Savrin, and Ajax watched The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride off Disney+. Fuzz and Savrin hadn't seen this one either, but it was a big deal to Ajax, who also knows a lot about The Lion Guard, the spinoff series from 2015-2022, and how it fits into the story. Turns out Scar went to Lion Hell! 

Problematic Feral Cancel Bait - The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride
Categories: Podcasts

Bearly Furcasting S3E44 - Taebyn's Mic

Bearly Furcasting - Sat 25 Feb 2023 - 06:00

MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

Taebyn is having microphone issues this week, so we apologize for the audio quality.


Moobarkfluff! Join Bearly, Taebyn, and Rayne Raccoon as we discuss things.  We chat about bourbon and the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC), have a chat about what media we have been consuming, Taebyn reads a story, and we tell way too many bad jokes.  Moobarkfluff!



Good Furry Awards Nominations


Merch at Redbubble

Merch at Bonfire

Support the show

Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

Bearly Furcasting S3E44 - Taebyn's Mic
Categories: Podcasts

Happy at the Hedge

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 24 Feb 2023 - 23:50

Something we’ve missed out on, but we’re getting caught up thanks to Animation World Network: “Paper Owl Films’ Happy the Hoglet, an animated preschool series aimed at helping kids overcome negative feelings and make the most of positive emotions, was greenlit for a second season… Happy the Hoglet follows a baby hedgehog’s adventures with his friends as they explore their feelings. Each episode focuses on an adventure during which Happy learns to understand emotions, from feeling excited to ‘hangry’ or feeling like he just needs a quiet minute.” The show premiered in November of 2022, and more new episodes are due in 2024. Not certain where and how they’re being distributed in North America, but episodes are available to see on YouTube.

image c. 2023 Paper Owl Films

Categories: News

Lack of Communication Results in Mistrust

Ask Papabear - Fri 24 Feb 2023 - 15:11

I'm an artist, and I love to create and draw my fursonas on my computer, usually with the help of free ref sheets, but lately I've realized that my dad has been going on my computer to see what I've been working on, and to make sure I don't have any games or anything bad installed. This would be fine, but I have a feeling that my dad would NOT approve of my being a furry. I've been hiding it for over a year now, because I'm pretty sure if he found out, he would disown me, or at least punish me. I've been pretty good at hiding it, but I'm worried that if he keeps checking my computer like this, he might find my fursonas and get mad. I don't know what to do. If I ask him not to look through my art, might get suspicious, but if I do nothing, he might stumble upon it anyway. Please help. I don't know what to do.

Pip the Pesky Bird (age 14)

* * *

Dear Pip,

The problem goes deeper than the art on your computer. This is about trust. Now, your dad has a perfect right to monitor your computer behavior, but he did so by sneaking behind your back to do it. At the same time, you were hiding what you were drawing regarding furry stuff.

The first thing you and your dad need to do, therefore, is to rebuild the trust between you. Here is a nice article from the Boys and Girls Club of America on ways to build trust. Basically, what it advocates is open, honest communication. Working on expressing your needs and desires. Both you and your parent need to be able to do this because without trust you are creating a path toward miscommunication, hurt feelings, and a broken relationship. 

I understand that you are afraid about revealing your furriness, but you are not doing anything bad such as drawing porn. Your father likely does not have an accurate mental image of furries, especially these days with all those ridiculous falsehoods about cat litter boxes in schools. Your job is to communicate to him why you enjoy drawing furries and what furry means to you. At the same time, tell him you want everything out in the open and he is free to monitor what you do on the phone and computer. You also want him to ask you any questions and to feel free that you can ask HIM questions about anything.

Assume your dad already knows what you are doing. Apologize that you have been a bit secretive about it, but tell him why you have. He will not disown you. And punishing you would be stupid. I mean, has he ever forbidden you to draw furry stuff? If he forbade you to do something and you did it anyway, he might justify a punishment, but if he never said don't do it, he has no grounds to punish you.

Most parents fear their kids doing furry stuff because they are ignorant of what furry is and believe what the idiotic media tells them. On the other paw, once parents understand that furry is no worse than, say, playing World of Warcraft, most parents are okay with it. The key is to alleviate your dad's fears. Being secretive is a red flag that you know you are doing something wrong (even if you aren't), and your dad isn't stupid. He picks up on stuff like that. So, once again, the key is to be honest. And honesty goes both ways.

Remember, your dad loves you and wants to protect you. If he didn't, he wouldn't care what you did on the computer.

Talk to Dad.

Good Luck,

Another Dynamite Rabbit Returns

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 23 Feb 2023 - 01:03

Bunnicula, a horror/comedy novel for young readers by Deborah Howe and James Howe, has been a fan favorite for decades. It was even an animated cartoon series. Now, Atheneum Books has brought us Bunnicula — The Graphic Novel. It’s adapted by original author James Howe, with the help of Andrew Donkin and illustrations by Stephen Gilpin. “Harold the dog and Chester the cat must find out the truth about the newest pet in the Monroe household — a suspicious-looking bunny with unusual habits… and fangs! Could this innocent-seeming rabbit actually be a vampire?” Find out now, before it’s too late!

image c. 2023 Atheneum Books

Categories: News

Michael's journey into the fandom #foxandburger #shorts #snippet

Fox and Burger - Wed 22 Feb 2023 - 10:09

We talked a lot about our guests, but how did Michael join the fandom? Did he always want to be a fox? Listen to learn more 🦊 FABP E1: ---- #foxandburger #shorts #snippet #furry #balto
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 26

TigerTails Radio - Tue 21 Feb 2023 - 05:17

TigerTails Radio Season 14 Episode 26. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

How To Get Ideas For Making Your Next Fursuit

Fursonafy - Mon 20 Feb 2023 - 05:30

Article Content

  1. Introduction
  2. What Is A Fursuit?
  3. Why Do Furries Wear Fursuits?
  4. How Much Does A Fursuit Cost?
  5. Can You Make Your Own Fursuit?
  6. Best Ways To Get Ideas For Making Fursuits
  7. How Do You Make A Fursuit?
  8. Final Words

Have you come across the furry fandom on social media platforms? The furry community or the furry fandom consists of people fond of fictional anthropomorphic animal characters. These imaginary animals include characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog, who have human traits.

The furry fandom is obsessed with such characters. Some furries even create fursonas which are furry-themed avatars.

Furries can associate themselves with the fursonas as these avatars have human traits that depict a furry’s personality. Thus, fursonas are more like personalized anthropomorphic characters for furries.

Many artsy people in the furry community earn a commission by expressing their individuality and creativity by making digital artwork, mascots, and even fursuits. Let us learn how fursonas play an ideal role in creating a highly personalized fursuit.

What Is a Fursuit?

Fursuits are customized animal costumes worn by members of the furry community or by various cosplayers. Many people like to perform theater acts in fursuits, and these costumes represent a character they may want to portray.

But fursuits are popular in the furry fandom as they are customized according to a furry’s liking. Moreover, crafting fursuits is a highly creative hobby for many fandom artists.

Artists use a fursona to model a fursuit. Therefore, fursuits are highly personalized according to a person’s liking. Fursuiters, a subcategory of the furry fandom, wear fur costumes.

This clarifies that not all furries need to wear a fursuit to be a part of the furry fandom. Instead, it is more like a personal choice.

Moreover, not all fursuits must look like a person’s fursona. Some of them are modeled like Pokemon or other anime characters.

Example Of Kemono Fursuit

Image via Pinterest

Why Do Furries Wear Fursuits?

People who belong to the subcategory of fursuiters like to dress up in fursuits. They like to represent themselves through creativity. Moreover, identity and self-representation are core values of the furry fandom.

Thus, some people like to represent themselves through their fursonas while others imitate the characters which represent them. However, some fursuiters also dress up solely for entertainment.
These fursuiters only dress up for comic cons, anime, and furry conventions. But the sole purpose of wearing a fursuit amongst furries is to use your alternative anthropomorphic character suit for introducing yourself to others.

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Bring your fursona to life with the help of our professional fursuit makers.

"The team was super cooperative and accommodated for all the changes I wanted to make to the suit" Stella Get A Quote How Much Does a Fursuit Cost?

Fursuits require highly complex crafting techniques and expensive props and materials. Due to this, fursuits are on the upper end of the price spectrum. If you’re impatiently waiting for us to reveal the price, let’s jump into it immediately!

The minimum cost of a personalized fursuit is between $2000 to $6000, which is quite expensive. But if you’re going to purchase a fursuit for this much money, you must understand that crafting fursuits requires a lot of time, money, and effort.

In addition, the prices vary from artist to artist. For example, some artists create fursuits out of costly materials, while others use inexpensive materials to meet your budget.

If you’re looking for a vague idea, the fursuits come at a range of prices, generally between $500 to $6000. Readymade fursuits typically cost less than customized fursuits as they do not require attention to detail.
But it would help if you remembered that most fursuits are priced according to the suit’s complexity, the artists’ skill, and the material used.

Can You Make Your Own Fursuit?

Have you thought about becoming a part of the furry community? Well, you must have looked into fursuits. While you can find numerous fursuits online, they may be at the upper end of the price spectrum.

Moreover, they lack personal touches. Therefore, you might want to make a highly personalized fursuit.

Crafting your fursuit is one of the best ways to get an accurate and affordable costume. If you want to create your fursuit, you may have to surf through thousands of youtube videos, crafting channels, and WikiHow’s guides.

Moreover, you’ll have to look into different materials and what may work best for you. For example, some people prefer faux fur while others choose cotton clothes and embroidered outlook.

However, the most challenging task of making a fursuit is to get unique ideas and transform them into suits. But if you wish to save time, we have a handy guide for getting ideas for your next fursuit.

Three Plantigrade Fursuits

Image via Wikipedia

Best Ways to Get Ideas for Making a Fursuit

Are you looking to make a unique fursuit at an affordable price? Here are some of the best ways to get unique ideas for crafting your next fursuit. 

Browsing Furry Art Sites

One of the simplest ways of getting unique ideas for making a fursuit is by surfing through furry art sites. This includes visiting sites such as FurAffinity, etc.

You can also look for Pinterest posts or join social media platforms with furry groups. Furries often share their ideas and costumes in these groups. 

Once you find something you like, you can look for the original artist. You can stalk their profile or contact them to work on your fursona. Once you get a personalized fursona, crafting a fursuit for your customized fursona is easier.

However, furry art sites have one downside that this may not be the most reliable method for getting a fursona as some artists may not allow you to use their digitally created fursona for your suit. 

If that’s the case, you can contact digital art sites for furries and request them to create a personalized fursona. Once you purchase the fursona, you can use the idea to make your fursuit, which resembles your digital fursona. 


Another excellent idea for crafting a fursuit is to have your artistic vision carry you to the final product. You can draw a rough sample of your fursona. Then list down the material you could use for creating the costume. Next, choose the colors. 

This way, you can create a unique fursuit, as the final product will be the outcome of a freestyle costume-making technique. However, the downside is that this method works well for people with good art skills.

If you haven’t created a fursuit before, you might risk it by freestyling the design. Therefore, this method works best for intermediate artists or people incredibly confident in their art skills

Video Tutorials/Guides

Before diving into making a fursuit, you must check out various video tutorials and guides for better costume-crafting ideas. We suggest you watch fursuit inspiration videos on Youtube or check out some Twitter threads before you start crafting the costume.

Such guides often discuss materials and what may work best for your fursuit. For example, a Twitter thread by a furry suggests that you use Eva foam for crafting a fursuit. Typically, artists use upholstery foam which may require more work to model the body and head.

The Twitter thread shares pictures of the materials and the technique of using Eva foam. In contrast, many other videos of fursuit makers suggest using upholstery foam. However, this material is more challenging to manage and craft.

Therefore going through various inspiration guides can help you pick out different materials you can work with. In addition, they give you a better idea about sculpting a scale model and how to transform it into a unique fursuit according to your liking. It also guides you better about various materials and their ease of use.

Furry YouTube Channels

Furry youtube channels such as Mugiwara Cosplay feature excellent video tutorials for crafting fursuits. The featured videos outline crafting techniques and demonstrate every step of making a unique fursuit.

Such videos can help you get better ideas about crafting your own fursuit. Moreover, if you’re stumped for ideas, these videos will help freshen up your mind, and you may precisely understand what you want from your fursuit.

The Making Of A Fursuit

Image via Pittsburgh City Paper

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Your dream fursuit is a couple of clicks away!

"The team was working day-in and day-out to get my partial fursuit made for me as soon as possible. So helpful." Alfray Get A Quote How Do You Make A Fursuit?

Once you understand the type of fursuit you want, you can use various crafting techniques to create an affordable fursuit. But you need good art skills to convert your ideas into a practical suit. Here are some fantastic ways of making a practical fursuit. 

Sculpt the Head

Before designing the entire suit, you must consider sculpting the suit’s head. Choosing the shape of the head is the primary step in crafting a fursuit. It would be best if you decided whether you want a wide-shaped head or a round and small snout for your character.

Once you decide on the shape, it is time to sculpt the head using various materials. You can use plush fursuit props, fleece, or cotton for shaping the head. 

Add Fur/Plush Material to the Head

Once you have sculpted the head, decorate it by adding fur, filling plush material, and making the eyes. You can use faux fur or mesh for this purpose. Next, use vinyl mesh to create eye fabric. 

You must cut out a short piece of the fabric and fit it in the eye holes. Then paint the irises and the pupils with fabric paint. Then add the whites of the eye by using a white foam. 

The next step is to create a pattern for fur. You must ensure that you accurately cut the fur fabric to fit the head nicely.

Once you cut the fur fabric, glue it to the sculpted head. Then use fleece to create the mouth, ears, and nose. Make sure to create tiny holes in the fabric when you craft the suit’s nose. 

Crafting the Body

If you have never crafted a fursuit, it is best to use a sewing pattern. You can purchase a sewing pattern from online craft stores. 

You only have to ensure that you are purchasing a jumpsuit pattern for your fursuit. Next, you must use a single type of fur for the body. This is an ideal crafting technique for beginners as it may be more challenging to use different kinds of fur material. 

Once you have decided on the fursuit plan, you can cut out the fur material with a sewing pattern. Use the sewing machine to sew together different pieces of the bodysuit. 

Add a zipper at the front and back of the fursuit before you start to work on the tails and paws. 

Attaching the Tail

Creating a tail for your fursuit is the easiest step. It would be best to cut a long piece of faux fur, sew it together, and then attach it to the fursuit.

Add a wire inside the fabric roll if you want the tail to be bouncy. You can also secure the tail around with a belt underneath the bodysuit. But this will require cutting a hole in the fursuit and the bodysuit to feed the tail through the two materials. 

Making Paw Pads

You can make the paw pads by cutting out a paw pattern on cardstock paper. You can also craft the paw pads by tracing your hand and foot on the paper. Then leave room around the border to make the paw pads large. Next, cut out the pattern with sharp scissors. 

Use the pattern for cutting out four pieces of paw pads. Then, add fur to the paw pads and sew it on the inner side of the bodysuit. 

It will keep the inseams on the inner side of your costume. Then add adjustments before you finalize the paws. In addition, you can also use canvas shoes as a base for your footpads. 

You can stick hot glue to the canvas shoes. Add a large piece of foam to cut out the toes. You can sew the toes for an exact shape. Then attach fur to the foot paws, and you’re good to go!

Final Words

Finding unique ideas for your fursuit can be challenging. Moreover, crafting a fursuit from scratch takes a lot of work. Therefore, if you have the budget, it is best to find an artist from the furry community to receive your customized fursona.

In addition, you can also look for fursuit makers and negotiate a reasonable price to receive a highly customized fursuit! But if you want to utilize your art skills, you can mix and match some of these ideas to create a customized costume for yourself!

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More Pug for your Pay

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 20 Feb 2023 - 02:37

A long, long time ago, we told you about Pug Davis, a very very strange science fiction on-line comic written and illustrated by a talented young creator. Well, in the years since then that person, Rebecca Sugar, has become known for creating this cartoon called Steven Universe… you’ve probably heard of it. And now, Albatross Funny Books and Dark Horse Press have teamed up to bring us the Pug Davis Trade Paperback, collecting the on-line comics in a single book. “Pug Davis is a curmudgeonly astronaut in the vein of Buck Rodgers via John Wayne. He also happens to have the head of a Pug. Reluctantly teamed with his sensitive partner, Blouse, he fights aliens in space so we don’t have to fight them here.” It’s available now from Dark Horse Press.

image c. 2023 Dark Horse Press

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