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This is too perfect

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Dec 2015 - 04:14
Categories: News

Would anybody like a commission of a 3d model of their character/OC?

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Dec 2015 - 03:09

If you are interested send me a PM. I'm a 3d digital artist and I'm pretty good at what I do. I can create a 3d model of a character or OC that you want. I can show you some of my works as well to show you my level of talent.

submitted by WahahaWario
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Categories: News

Panda POW!

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 28 Dec 2015 - 02:59

Nolen Lee is another multi-talented artist, often employed in the animation business.  He has a specialty though: Pandas.  Specifically, pandas wearing boxing gloves.  Who seem to have a thing about punching the nearest… whatever! Now Gallery Nucleus is selling Nolen’s portfolio book titled, appropriately enough, Punching PandasAccording to their web site: “Nolen Lee is a freelance animation artist from originally from Portland, Oregon who is now working from Seattle. His art book Punching Pandas is full of ink and digital works of fighting pandas in mischievious situations – often finding their way into a strange franchise or two. The idea may sound adorable, but don’t let these pandas fool you. They’ll punch anything and anyone, even you!” You should also visit Nolen’s web site to find out what other sort of merchandise (t-shirts, prints, etc.) you can decorate with your favorite pugilistic panda.

image 2015 by Nolen Lee

image 2015 by Nolen Lee

Categories: News

so i drew a version of rontu(no color)

Furry Reddit - Mon 28 Dec 2015 - 00:35
Categories: News

requests from christmas stream

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 23:20
Categories: News

Let me draw you something...

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 23:04

Slots filled, no more requests please. Sorry ;-;

I want to attempt other people's characters... Mostly for practice on characters other than my usual three, so I can't guarantee the quality, sorry.. I'll attempt the first 5 comments. Anthro only, please. It'll be done traditionally (uncolored) and then scanned. Sorry it's such a small number, but just this is making me nervous already. I'm tired of being the leech that comments on the other request threads, so I though I'd turn it around.. Oh no, I'm rambling now, sorry.. But yeah, comment.. I'l try to get to at least the first two tonight, and do the others tomorrow.

/u/AdvancedAzrielAngel -

/u/OprahOfOverheals -

/u/Tehbrainz -

/u/ArgentStonecutter -

/u/pretzelbagel -

submitted by KawaiiKauwi
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Categories: News

Actual Comments from e621

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 22:59
Categories: News

Follow Me ~ [OC]

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 22:11
Categories: News

Holiday decorating

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 22:06
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 21:00
Categories: News

I might be seeing Zootopia in the theaters.

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 20:43

So I saw the new Star Wars today, and a preview for Zootopia they showed before the movie started (it was the one with the sloths). Everyone was cracking up, including my family members. And my family members had interest since it was by the team that did Frozen and Wreck-it-Ralph, and we've really liked movies by them.

submitted by TrixieHeartstrings
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Categories: News

Snowball Fight (Comic)

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 20:38
Categories: News

Names for uncommon groups of species

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 19:23

I know the general term is furries, which includes actual furry species as well as the fandom as a whole. Then more specifically there's scalies for reptiles, and I think dragons may be included in that. I saw someone use the word “mystics," I don't know if that was referring to the character's species or job though so maybe that's what they're under, though I've also seen “exotics" used. Then I think birds are avians, maybe feathers? But are there any “official" or at least widely-accepted names for other groups? I've seen plenty of shark or cetacean anthros, and while not the same family do they get their own name? Aquatics? I can't imagine there's enough of them to warrant a name, but maybe “crawlies" for bugs? I've been working on a frog fursona for myself. I guess some people may lump amphibians with scalies but I wouldn't. I wouldn't want to call them “squishies" for what I think would be obvious though. I realize you can't label everything with how many mishmash hybrids we have, but I was curious if there's any more commonly used names I should be aware of.

submitted by Scunosi
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Categories: News

Stop the Roadkill!

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 19:14
Categories: News

Just put my first payment down on a fursuit partial!

Furry Reddit - Sun 27 Dec 2015 - 19:13

Not much more than that but I'm really excited and just want to share! It's being made by FeatherBat on FA! The partial I'm getting is an artistic freedom gryphon with a bit of inspiration from the look of an Australian Magpie - inspired in part from their previous suit here!

This is so super exciting!!

submitted by dptt
[link] [8 comments]
Categories: News