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CSI All Over Again? [NSFW Topic]

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 19:00

I was watching Hoarders on LMN, and there was a commercial about a show on the same channel called "My Crazy Ex".

I didn't listen to most of the commercial, and I heard the word "fursuit".

Of course, a poorly-made Easter Bunny "fursuit" appears on the commercial, and needless to say, they intentionally were mocking the fandom by including... well... sex.

submitted by NixColigno
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Categories: News

So does anyone have any furry art that has that 50's B-Movie look?

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 18:21

I really like that look, but haven't seen any art with that style.

submitted by xXinkjetprinter69Xx
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Categories: News

Now for a more proper introduction, G'Dag!

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 18:19

Hello! I go by either Ante, or Anthe in spoken words, I've been looking around here for a couple of days now so pretty much anything and everything is new to me(some of the lingo could be of use). I ended up here by pure chance or so it feels, hah!
I live in the outskirts of Stockholm, so sweden. We'll see if people start figuring out and if they give a rats ass, though i think people will be tolerant.

Anyways some of my hobbies and interest includes games of course i.e most a little more serious games like Arma or strategy (C&C, AoE2-3), music includes a lot of OST from games and metal, lots of metal from the likes of Sabaton, Metallica, iron maiden, Drop kick and Powerwolf, to name a few things.

It might go withoutsaying but this place motivated me to start to draw so here's a first attempt, also my first "art" i've done

submitted by Ante185
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Sparklerz! - Sidgi

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 18:14
Categories: News

Finished request 1/5

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 18:10
Categories: News

Respite, by hax

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 17:39
Categories: News

Hoopoe dragon ;by Kiwiggle

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 16:42
Categories: News

New guy here

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 16:34

Hello everyone, after 5/6 years of lurking the fandom and everything around it and one year of heavy consideration i've decided "Maybe i am part of the fandom after all". So i've decided to start from somewhere and this subreddit seemed like a good place.

I guess i should say something about me, then, my name is Hilian, i'm 20 and i'm currently studying to become an electrician. I'm a big fan of music in general, mainly Rock, Metal and Country but i also listen to some Electronica and some Rap here and there, also a big fan of video games and football (or soccer, depending on which side of the ocean you are).

I have the tendency of writing too much once i get started so if you have any questions or some tips for somebody who is new to this and has the artistic capabilities of a plastic bag, please write them below

submitted by HilVal
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Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 15:01
Categories: News

Questions for your Sona #89

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 14:56

Good day plushy fluffs and shiny scales!

Is your ‘sona usually active, or are they a couch potato?

submitted by HonorInDefeat
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Categories: News

Conga Line by KristKC

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 13:47
Categories: News

Why Do We Suffer?

Ask Papabear - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 12:52
​I have had depression for almost 8 years but was diagnosed around 4 years ago. Now, I didn't have much in my life, my parents had split when I was young, my dog died on Christmas morning, I have been bullied and have Asperger’s. I found out about furries at a relatively young age, and since then I have always hated my life and wanted to, become, a character from a furry comic. I can't really explain my case but I notice things happening to me but can't change that. I've been to too many counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and mentalists to feel happy about my life. I have been having extremely suicidal thoughts lately as I have delved further into the furry universe and I have almost distanced myself from what is reality in my mind. I honestly don't know what to do anymore as I can't live in this reality while my mind thinks and believes in so many others that are better. I need help or I don't think I can play this game of charades (life) anymore. 
Fisker (age 17)
* * *
Dear Fisker,
I understand exactly what you are feeling; really, I do. And since you have tried psychologists, psychiatrists, and other counselors, I won’t refer you to them. You’ve come to me, and I am honored.
You and I both know that life can be cruel and unfair. I just lost my love, Yogi, a few months ago, and, believe me, especially those first few weeks after his death, I wanted to follow him. But death is the easy way out, living is the challenge.
So, why are we alive? Why are you, Fisker, subject to so much grief? Is God just a cruel torturer, watching us suffer as He laughs at us from his throne in Heaven?
No. Fisker, what you and I (all of us) are is spirit temporarily encased in a mortal coil. We are here, in the physical world, to learn, and one of those things we must learn is sadness. It’s been said that God never hands us more than we can handle, but I don’t think that’s true, either. Sometimes we can’t handle it, and some people who can’t handle it take their own lives.
I’ve questioned my existence for a long time, and even more now. When I was 18, I attempted suicide, but, of course, lived. Today, I am alive even when my dear Yogi is dead. The only answer I can come up with is that we are not yet done with what we have been sent here to do. If I had died at 18, this column would not exist and I couldn’t try and help others. If I had taken my life after Yogi’s death, I wouldn’t be here now to help you, either.
My piano teacher told me something similar. He suffered from a stroke, was in a coma, and even believes he saw the other side. He came back, though, and is now my teacher. He has been there to comfort me in my loss and has become a dear friend. He told me the other day that he thinks one reason he lived and recovered was to be my friend.
Fisker, you are still here because whatever powers that be that have given us the universe want you to be here. You are only 17. You have a great deal of living to do. Although things are tough for you right now, I can guarantee that they will change. And, since you are at a very low point right now, my prediction is that they will get better. (You can only sink so low, right?)
Your life will change. YOU will change. OMG, I am such a different person now than I was at your age. And you will be, too, when you are mine. The thing you must do now is hold on while you get through this bumpy ride because if you do you will eventually find yourself on better footing.
If I can do it, you can do it. I’ve been through my parents’ divorce; I’ve been through bullying; I’ve been through death, and more. Hold on and you will someday find your reason for being here as I have found mine: this column.
In the meantime, I am here for you. You can write me anytime.
Blessed Be,

Over Time - Hotel Room by Kenket

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 12:34
Categories: News

'Anger, please hold' (my art)

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 11:54
Categories: News

flint and the haunted forest/desert

Furry Reddit - Tue 12 Jan 2016 - 11:37
Categories: News