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New ID of my sona!

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 19:12
Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 9 Episode 27

TigerTails Radio - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 18:38
Categories: Podcasts

[art] (NSFW - death) Game Over

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 18:17
Categories: News

Toucan dragon ;by Kiwiggle

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 15:48
Categories: News

True Love (art by me)

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 15:28
Categories: News

Rebooting my comic with a new style

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 15:12
Categories: News

What should I name my new sona? I've been trying to think of a name for a really long time now :(

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 15:11

Hi guys!! How are you all? I hope your day's going great :) I need a little help with naming my new sona.

Here's a feral ref of her, a little vent drawing, and another vent(blood warning) from a few days ago. Any help is appreciated, I've been trying to find a fitting name for her for a while now.

submitted by SomeonesBirthday
[link] [3 comments]
Categories: News

Questions for your 'Sona #95

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 15:00

Oh Sweet fuzzies o' mine, It's time for the daily question!

What are you hiding? No, I’m serious. What is that. The thing behind your back! Show me what it is this instant, young animal!

submitted by HonorInDefeat
[link] [113 comments]
Categories: News

Does this fur look any good?

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 14:38
Categories: News

Breeze [akitamonster]

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 14:05
Categories: News

Furry Photoshop Battles #3!

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 13:04

Heya, Fuzzies. Welcome to the third installment of Furry Photoshop Battles!

The rules are the same as usual. Take the image below into Photoshop (or whatever your preferred image manipulation software is) and have fun with it, then post your creation in the comments! (see here for examples)

Please try to keep these relatively SFW, but if your image falls under any of the conditions in this subs sidebar, please tag it.

Here is this week's image. (kinda nsfw) As suggested by /u/Jumbojet777. You'll have to take Trump out yourself, as I can't find a template.

I might end up doing these on the weekends so more people can participate.

Have fun, I look forward to seeing what you guys can do with this one!

Feel free to PM me suggestions for the next FPSB. It could even be your own suit, if you want!

submitted by CantonSkunkwolf
[link] [14 comments]
Categories: News