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LapFox Trax - Stag Party (NSFW Lyrics)

Furry Reddit - Tue 19 Jan 2016 - 06:45
Categories: News

Stuck in this Maze

Furry Reddit - Tue 19 Jan 2016 - 03:18
Categories: News

Sub-Bird-an Living

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 19 Jan 2016 - 02:59

Back from Further Confusion 2016 with a new batch of interesting things to let you know about! First up: AjSHROY is a graphic artist interested in sequential art and illustration (as well as costuming). You can see her works over at her website, Meanwhile, her currently active comic is called Birblyfe, which you’ll find over on a web site called “The ilk are a highly advanced bird civilisation whose territory occupies a series of large islands off the Northeastern coast of Tsim-Edien. Collectively, the island cluster is known as Rork. Residents of this region live in relative isolation from the rest of the world. Birblyfe follows the lives of two townbirds, Benjamael Grimroth and Peter Mayden, as their normal routines are disrupted by a strange celebrity of unknown origin.” Lots of character information and sketches to be found there as well.

image c. 2016 by AjShroy

image c. 2016 by AjSHROY

Categories: News

Lonely Night

Furry Reddit - Tue 19 Jan 2016 - 01:04
Categories: News

Clouded Leopard

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 23:51
Categories: News

A few questions

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 23:42

I'm a furry, as of October-Novemberish of 2015. I mainly got interested by the arts and characters these wonderfully creative people make. But, there are a few things that I'm confused about (Mostly about the whole conventions thing). Maybe someone will clarify for me?? (btw I'm new to this formatting thing, so sorry if its bad :/)

How much are conventions? How much $$ do you bring?

Lets say I live in, New York City. How much would it be? (airfare/gas money, hotel stays, tickets, etc.)

How often are conventions happening?

A few times a year? I've heard about the, but don't know too much

Why do some people wear Fursuits?

It's an interesting choice of apparel if you ask me lol. Tell me a bit about yours if you have one :3

Are there any sites/names i should know?

Any popular names I should know? Or websites I should look at?

That's all! Thanks for your time! :3

submitted by epicbacon10
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Categories: News

My new favorite fursuiter begger

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 23:40
Categories: News

My phone wallpapers.

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 22:46
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Gotta Raise Them Right

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 21:19
Categories: News

Futret - TAKE THE KNOT (NSFW Lyrics)

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 21:14
Categories: News

Just thinking

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 20:17

Hello it's Plum, just here to spill out some things that have been on my mind. If you are the sort who don't like rambling, or things of the such I would recommend to just move on, I hate causing offense to anyone.

Anywho now onto why I created a text post, unfortunately it is not about a happy ramble, rather trying to discuss a few issues I have seen come up in earlier posts such as This and the horrid experiences outlined here. The first link mainly is about offering a solution, unfortunately the poster had deleted his account and can't be properly credited. The second was insperation for the before mentioned post and is linked in it. It outlines some very bad experiences with the fandom and the stereotypes that many people hold of furs.

The first link proposes that the "san furs" start a new community in which they refuse to let the stranger furs in, somehow. In my opinion this option would be both impractical and a big danger to the community all together. Even if it were possible it would destroy one of the best parts of the fandom, how friendly the community is. If we start to straight out refuse certain people from being allowed in, who's going to define who gets in and who doesn't? It would result in a small clique that would keep to itself and get very little accomplished in the way of improving the distorted view the general public holds with us.

So below I will offer my solution to the distorted image that doesn't conflict with the welcoming nature of the community (from what I've seen).

To start maybe it's all true, (humor me here for a second) maybe people are right. There are certainly a lot of bad stories and a lot of messed up art out there. Well since so little is actually known about that part of the fandom as a whole it took a little digging, but I found a survey conducted at a con that specifically asked 4,300 people how they thought sexual activities corresponded with their furry activities (source Scroll down to sexual tab) There the survey said that 37% of furs that answered said it was an important part of being a furry, 38% said they were on the fence/they do it but it wasn't a big part of being a furry, leaving 24% who showed a very small, to no interest in the sexual side of the fandom. Okay, it isn't the majority then. The vast majority of furs are not overtly sexual (according to this which could misrepresent the population due to a small group size compared to the whole of the fandom but it was the best evidence I could find on the matter).

So if it isn't the majority what is it? Well, from what I've seen/herd it's the majority is outspoken. We are keeping politely to owerselves because that is the social standard. Those who openly speak about that which should be kept behind closed doors in from of children (outlined in the second link) have already shown a disregard for those social standards that keep everyone nice and polite. Those are the people who breath eat and drink furry. Nothing wrong with being a furry, or having any other hobby, but at some point there is a line, and we all know that some people cross it.

To stop this we have to build up our own voice, in a polite and acceptable way. The majority of furs aren't like this, if we all spread a message of what this community stands for, kind, accepting people who always seem to be there for anyone.

How? With funny comics, offer this understanding to others who are struggling, go out and offer this as an outlet, but know when to stop. No means no. If someone doesn't want to hear about the fandom they shouldn't have to.

Thanks again for reading, and sorry for the ramble. It's just nice to get everything written out. Have a plumie day!

submitted by UsualPlumbot
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Categories: News

New ID of my sona!

Furry Reddit - Mon 18 Jan 2016 - 19:12
Categories: News