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So how many other fuzzbutts here ride motorcycles?

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 20:52
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>I live in florida so year round riding :D</p> <p>2008 SV650SF FI with 6588miles on clock! and a older(first bike) 2005 Honda rebel cmx250c with 16,354 miles on clock!</p> <p>how about all of you fellow fuzzies? and anyone rocking furry themed vinyl&#39;s on their bikes?</p> <p><a href="">le bike</a> Only thing I do is wear a belt tail on my backpack at times :3</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
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Blue Blood Mini AMV by Ilkyra

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 19:19
Categories: News

My take on a dutch angel dragon

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 18:11
Categories: News

Commission for GuardianKing

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 18:10
Categories: News

The Ultimate Meet Cute: There She Is!!

FurStarter - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 18:09


ThereSheIsLogoThere She Is! Episode 6 and DVD

Indiegogo running through 2/11/16

theresheis5Meet Cute (N): A scene, typically in film or television, in which a future romantic couple meets for the first time in a way that is considered adorable, entertaining, or amusing.

It’s kind of amazing that this sweet, awkward couple—Tokki Doki the rabbit (her name means rabbit, which makes sense…) and Goyang’i Nabi the cat (the words mean “butterfly” and “kitty,” more or less) have been chasing each other around for 12 years, a relationship that started back in 2003 or 2004 with the Korean musical animated short “There She Is.”

ThereSheIs1Even without YouTube, the short film went viral. It’s pretty charming. Doki and Nabi are—or become—lovers in a world that fundamentally does not approve of cat-bunny relationships, with some awesome ska music background. The allegory for gay marriage is transparent, and neither of the Koreas is particularly gay-friendly (South Korea is the nicer of the two, gays are only sometimes conscripted by the military or arrested for a year or so. Homosexuality isn’t technically illegal in North Korea, but it’s considered “against the socialist lifestyle,” and that can be an executable offense.)

ThereSheIs2It’s tempting to outline the entire series, but I’m not sure there’s any point to that exercise except to roll in cute, and no sense in spoiling. Trying to cope with a societally forbidden love, the two deal with angry family members, personality conflicts, mobs, social protests, depression, reunion. There’s interesting tie-ins with the music, colors and character design, and episode title, read through the Wiki article on the series for some of these little bits that might be lost on English speakers. The rest of the series is the awkward first date Cake Dance, growing relationship piece Doki and Nabi, Empire-Strikes-Back-esque Paradise, and the uplifting Imagine. Apparently, the pair also gets a walk-on in SamBakZa’s “Hot Fish.”

After three years of false starts, the animators launched the campaign to fund Episode 6 on IndieGogo, It’s a little flashback to the history of the strange, pointy gang of mean bunnies (the Jjintta Set) their history, their change of heart.

theresheis3The DVD has a few special bits on it—right now, the story of the Jjintta Set is listed as a DVD exclusive (that’s contradicted elsewhere in the project description, but who knows); alternate versions of “Doki & Nabi” and “Hot Fish,” a children’s episode set before Doki and Nabi met, director-commentary type pieces, some other random stuff. It’s a little out of my personal price range, but the $400 reward level is a porcelain doll of Doki and Nabi, which sounds awful cute. The Indiegogo campaign itself has some fun, self-deprecating cartoons, totally worth a skim on its own merits.

What’s the future look like for “There She Is!!”? For a film that’s won several awards and had a remarkably long life on its local animation site, it’s not doing too well. The goal of $20,000 is totally within reach, but right now, it’s less than half funded and the campaign’s been running a week. That’s not a fantastic beginning, so here’s hoping it gets some of the word of mouth it needs to succeed!

The Indiegogo page has high-definition links to the videos, or watch them in their dazzling original flash, just watch them again. It’s a sweet story!

Follow @furstarter on twitter for the latest fur-friendly crowdfunding projects!





Categories: News

Birthday Freebies

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 17:52
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Doing the <strong>first five</strong> commenters. I&#39;ll need your <strong>ref</strong>. They&#39;ll be <strong>digital</strong>, so they might look as great since I&#39;m still pretty new to it. It can range to a rough sketch to colored, although I&#39;ll put effort into all of them ;p; I won&#39;t do yours if you were one of the last 5. Bleh, I don&#39;t even know. Just.. gimme your fuz.</p> <p>EDIT: That was fast, thanks. No more requests now ;-;</p> <p><a href="/u/AlexLuckwing">/u/AlexLuckwing</a> : </p> <p><a href="/u/Ehksidian">/u/Ehksidian</a> : </p> <p><a href="/u/IWishIWasATurnip">/u/IWishIWasATurnip</a> :</p> <p><a href="/u/autumney">/u/autumney</a> : </p> <p><a href="/u/OurEngiFriend">/u/OurEngiFriend</a> : </p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
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[Inkblots] Dance of the Blood Moon: Ferris Argensis: Chapter 4. (24pgs. Looking for reviews.)

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 17:26
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Salutations, <a href="/r/furry">r/furry</a>! Mr. Turnip here with the next installment of Dance of the Blood Moon! In this chapter, Ferris Argensis is faced with the decline of his palace now that the plague has finally arrived. While all of this is happening, Ferris gets to see the side of the lovely Alexis he hadn&#39;t seen before. Will their relationship endure? </p> <p><a href="">Chapter 1</a> - First-time readers start here. This chapter introduces our hero and sets up the plot for the rest of the story.</p> <p><a href="">Chapter 2</a> - in which our hero is faced with combating the plague!</p> <p><a href="">Chapter 3</a> - in which our hero tries to scrape-up what he can of his relationships.</p> <p><a href="">Chapter 4</a> - In which the more important people in life start to appear to him. </p> <p>Please enjoy the art, and I hope to hear from you very soon. Comments and concerns are welcomed!</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
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Sign Up Today! (vintage poster w/ speed paint)

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 16:43
Categories: News

A present for a friend

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 16:36
Categories: News

Nose boop [oc]

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 16:28
Categories: News

An introduction for a longtime lurker.

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 16:17
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Hello everyone! Leon here, longtime lurker of <a href="/r/furry">r/furry</a>. Figured I&#39;d finally create an account and join the furry community on Reddit. </p> <p>I&#39;m bad at introductions, so I&#39;ll give you a little about myself. I&#39;ve been a furry now for as long as I can remember, and I&#39;ve been drawing anthros ever since I was little. (Although, at the time, I didn&#39;t know exactly what a furry was, heh.) I joined the community around the start of middle school, when I was introduced to it through messageboards. Connections were made, and I quickly put together a fursona.</p> <p>Flash forwards about six years and here I am, on my way out of high school and getting ready to move out of my hometown. In my native area in Southern Indiana, there was very little access to the furry community IRL, other than a few conventions. Now I&#39;m on my way to Cincinnati, and I&#39;m curious if there&#39;s any Cincinnati furs here who might be able to help a lost Sergal intergrate into a new state and community, heh. </p> <p>Anyways, that&#39;s me! I&#39;m very excited to finally be joining, and I hope to post some art of mine I&#39;ve been sketching soon. </p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
Categories: News

Suggestions for Furry Photoshop Battles?

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 16:02
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Heya, fellow furs. I know I said in the last edition of FPSB I was going to do it on Saturdays, but I sorta forgot to do it. Therefore, I figured I&#39;d ask, what day do you guys think is best for this? I&#39;m pretty sure it&#39;d be best to move it over to the weekend. </p> <p>Also, so far I only have one place to pull images from (once again, thanks <a href="/u/CityFursuits">/u/CityFursuits</a>). I&#39;m looking for images of fursuiters or anything else that could be exploited in photoshop. Show me what you got! </p> <p>Thanks guys :)</p> <p>Also, thanks to everyone who has participated so far. I love seeing what you guys come up with!</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
Categories: News

Awesome hoodie I got for Christmas!

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 15:46
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Longtime lurker here! Hopefully this will be cool enough to post, but my brother sent me a hoodie for Christmas and I absolutely love it! Just thought you guys might like it, too. :)</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p><a href=";utm_source=googlepla&amp;variant=6825245569&amp;gclid=COCF2BULW8OCFZOCAQODCXSEYQ">;utm_source=googlepla&amp;variant=6825245569&amp;gclid=COCF2BULW8OCFZOCAQODCXSEYQ</a> </p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
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Photoshop wallpaper my friend made

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 15:39
Categories: News

Ardee's present..

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 15:21
Categories: News

Questions for your 'Sona #101

Furry Reddit - Sun 24 Jan 2016 - 15:03
<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Alright, let&#39;s keep the question train rolling!</p> <blockquote> <p>What&#39;s that <em>thing</em> your sona has been looking for? aka, what is your &#39;Sona always on the prowl for?</p> </blockquote> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by
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