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Man. And Bear. Both Bare.

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 19 Apr 2016 - 01:56

Okay, this is decidedly adult-oriented! There’s this comic called The Corporeals, “a web-comic featuring the pre-historical, often homosexual, always science-fictional citizens of Bakersfield, Earth”. Really. Here’s how creator Dave Quantic and artist Bill Ferenc describe it: “Howdy! My name’s Manny! I live with my husbear in prehistoric times. We’re members of an alien race from Jupiter called The Corporeals. Our leader, Kaa’laa brought us to Earth and created bodies for us so that we could experience physical pleasures like sex and cheese fries. Yummy! Bear and I live together in our cave. We have a great group of friends I can’t wait to introduce you to.  Like Jane and Eve, our lesbirific neighbors and Uni the Unicorn. He’s so silly.” So, check out their web site if you’re curious.

image c. 2016 by Quantic & Ferenc

image c. 2016 by Quantic & Ferenc

Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 9 Episode 40

TigerTails Radio - Mon 18 Apr 2016 - 20:07
Categories: Podcasts

It's Not You That's Broken, It's Society

Ask Papabear - Mon 18 Apr 2016 - 11:49
​Dear Papabear,

Good day! I'm writing this letter to let out all my worries and anxieties to you:
(2015) When I was 13, I revealed to my parents that I am a furry, they were okay. But they are totally weirded out about the fursuit part, and they told my brother ( who is 17 now ). I'm not very close to my brother but it leaked to him and I was really uncomfortable. Having a sibling sure does suck.

(2015) There was once I bought upholstery foam to make a fursuit secretly in my bedroom, I always hide the head in my drawer and when my parents were away I would usually work on it. But then after a month or two my dad found out and told my mother about it. This is when I decided to throw out my head because I felt like I lost all my dignity from my parents. 

(2016) Since this year, I haven't been talking about furries with my families lately, so I was still quite secretive about it..(I don’t know why) I made hand paws and a small tail for my furry needs, and also kept it somewhere that nobody would care to see. But wow, my brother found out and told my mother about it, and they are now chatting amongst themselves about how weird I am. I am really stressed and worried that my parents and my brother would think of me differently and negatively, what should I do, Papabear?

Lots of love,
Anonymous (age 14)
* * *
Dear Young Cub,
One of the great difficulties of the human condition is that we are all biologically programmed to desire love and acceptance from our families, friends, and colleagues. We want this, especially, from our families because it is they who have nurtured us and who, ideally, offer us protection from the hazards of life. Therefore, when we feel rejected by them, we become frightened and insecure.
As you might imagine, Papabear’s inbox is full of emails from furries who are terrified of this sort of rejection. The main reasons why this comes about are: 1) parents want their kids to conform to society; 2) parents want their kids to be successful, and they define success as dependent upon money; or 3) parents want their kids to fulfill the dreams that they themselves failed to accomplish in their own lives.
I think you might agree that all three of these reasons are not very good ones. A gifted parent realizes that success is not defined by money but, rather, by happiness, and happiness comes from surrounding oneself with those who accept you for who you are and also from being allowed to be yourself and pursue those things in life that truly interest you, regardless of what society thinks. I, personally, reject the measuring stick society has created; if it were so great, the world would not be in the mess it’s in right now. A big reason furries make me smile is that we are iconoclasts (people who break the mold and follow their own paths).
You can see for yourself what happens when family members don’t support you for you: the result is you become secretive, distrustful, rejected, and unhappy. A wall is thus built between you and your parents and siblings, and this is never a good thing.
The first thing you must do, therefore, is rise above the idea that your mom and brother are right and that you are somehow a “bad person” who is indulging in something that is wrong and bad. Quite the opposite is true: your mother and brother are the ones being negative people who are hurting you. Do not be ashamed of yourself. The only bad people are those who deliberately hurt others. If you are doing no harm, do what you will.
If you are not ashamed, this alone will help your situation because when people feel ashamed about what they are doing, those around them pick that up, and they assume you are feeling ashamed because you know you are doing something immoral or sinful (when in actuality it is because you feel rejected). But! If you are unashamed and happy about being a furry, they might actually see it as a positive thing for you.
It is, admittedly, very difficult to overcome other people’s prejudices. Too often, parents and siblings buy into the negative hype about furries and immediately assume all furries are sick in the head. The lazy parent then forbids everything wholesale, and, as mentioned above, drives a wedge between parent and child that is harmful to the relationship.
All of this will be explained in my upcoming The Furry Book, which will be a guide to both furries and the families who love them (or misunderstand them).
Cubby, Papabear can’t force your family to change their minds, and you can try to change them (check out the “Coming Out Furry” category on my website for more advice), but don’t be surprised if you fail. In the end, what is important is that you understand that learning who you are and what is important in life to achieve happiness is more important than anything else in the world, and that includes the approval of parents and brothers and sisters. If they can’t accept you, that is their problem and reflects badly on them, not you. I’m not saying this to mean you should be angry with them; rather, turn a sympathetic eye toward them and understand they are trapped in a mindset in which they are paralyzed by the fear that society will reject them (or you). Once you realize, though, that society is the thing that is broken and that fearing the opinion of a delusional and ignorant judge is irrational, you will have set your spirit free.
This is all a lot, I understand, for a 14 year old to understand. It’s pretty mature stuff, really, and philosophical, I suppose. So, take some time to try and digest what Papabear has written here and write me again sometime.

Furry symbolism – money, flags and coats of arms.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 18 Apr 2016 - 10:35

Anthropomorphism is loaded with symbolism.  Foxes and lions from Aesop’s fables, and fauns and centaurs from old myths represent personalities, emotions and urges.  This influenced modern concepts of the subconscious by Freud and Jung.  In dream symbols, animals are very prevalent, appearing in as much as 50% of dreams of children.  It relates to the way animal symbols spread throughout prehistoric cave art, until today when media is full of animal cartoons.  Anthropomorphism has deep roots in the way people think.

You can read a lot more about this in Wikipedia’s page for Symbolic Culture and the study of symbolic language (semiotics.)  This broad background makes it interesting to look at symbols with very long traditions, perhaps as old as language.  Many furry articles could be written about different categories.

Fred Patten sent comments that lead to furry thoughts about Heraldry (royal coats of arms), Vexillology (flags) and Numismatics (money) – all closely related symbols of nations.

– Patch

250px-Coat_of_arms_of_Namibia.svgHeraldry and Vexillology – thoughts from Fred Patten.

In a sense, all animals in heraldry are mythical since real animals would never pose as they are shown on coats of arms. Example: the two oryx supporters of the arms of the Republic of Namibia, in southern Africa.

The left-hand supporter on the royal arms of Cambodia is a lion with an elephant’s trunk. This wasn’t created just for those royal arms. The figure is a gajasimha or gajasingha; a lion with either an elephant’s trunk or a whole elephant’s head. Wikipedia has pictures of statues of gajashingas hundreds of years old.

Singapore is noted for its Merlion, combining a lion’s upper body with a fish’s lower body. This isn’t ancient. Singapore became independent in 1965, and the Merlion was specifically designed by Alec Fraser-Brunner for the logo of the Singapore Tourism Board. It quickly became so popular that the Merlion has come to be recognized for Singapore the same way that the bald eagle stands for the U.S. or the brown bear stands for Russia. There is an older, more generic sea-lion.

There are many fantasy or hybrid animals in civic heraldry. The coat of arms of the city of Inari, northern Finland, shows a fish with a reindeer’s antlers. Medway, Sweden’s arms’ supporters are a pair of seahorses. Basel, Switzerland’s arms include a basilisk. (Now you know where the city gets its name from. Ha-ha; no, it’s from “basileus”, the ancient Greek for king or emperor. Many heraldic coats of arms incorporate puns.)

500px-Inari.vaakuna.svgFlags: Laos used to have a three-headed elephant on its flag. Wikipedia says, “From 1952 until the fall of the royal government in 1975 the country had a red flag, with a white three-headed elephant (the god Erawan) in the middle. On top of the elephant is a nine-folded umbrella, while the elephant itself stands on a five-level pedestal. The white elephant is a common royal symbol in Southeast Asia, the three heads referred to the three former kingdoms Vientiane, Luangprabang, and Champasak which made up the country.” Erawan or Airavata is a god in the Hindu religion, supposed to have either three or thirty-three heads. There are statues of him in Thailand as a three-headed elephant. (Apparently no artist was brave enough to draw or carve a thirty-three-headed elephant.)

The flag of Vnukovo, an administrative district of Moscow, Russia (site of Moscow’s Vnukovo International Airport), shows a rampant Pegasus above a key to the country.

Money: Symbolism of American money – not furry (unless you count eagles) but a useful introduction.

Many banknotes of nations that had ancient pasts have shown the mythological creatures of their pre-modern religions. The former Iraq 10-dinar bill featured a statue of an Assyrian “flying man-bull”, more properly a lamassu, on the back. According to Wikipedia, “The lamassu is a celestial being from ancient Mesopotamian religion bearing a human head, bull’s body, sometimes with the horns and the ears of a bull, and wings. It appears frequently in Mesopotamian art. The lamassu and shedu were household protective spirits of the common Babylonian people, becoming associated later as royal protectors, were placed as sentinels at the entrances.”

iraq_displayMost people today don’t know (this is one of those little facts of American history that they don’t teach in school today) that in the U.S. until 1866, individual states and banks as well as the federal government could print their own banknotes. Technically, only coins were “money”, and the federal government kept a monopoly on that. The paper currency were promissory notes redeemable in silver or gold. In 1866 Congress, which had started issuing its own paper currency in 1862 as legal tender, passed a law that only it could issue any money, coin or paper.mi160_g6

Here, from a rare paper money website, are a Michigan $3 bill and a New Jersey $10 bill.  Each were legal tender only in their own state. The reason that this may be pertinent is that it creates a fantasy of furry fandom printing its own paper money.  It wouldn’t be legal tender, but can you imagine paper money with a furry motif?  Bills designed by Roz Gibson, Kenket, Dark Natasha, Rukis, ShinigamiGirl, RedCoatCat, and the other top artists of furry fandom?

1186185-077RMaybe each artist could print their own, officially worthless but something to sell at their artists’ tables.  Fans could buy and collect sets of furry money from the artists drawing & printing them.  If they matched current real paper money, there are bills for $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100.  Seven denominations, and there used to be $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 bills.  And there’s nothing to keep a furry artist from making up a $3 bill, a $7 bill, a $25 bill, or a $1,000,000 bill.

There have been s-f conventions that had their own currency, redeemable in their dealers’ rooms and for convention merchandise. There are already furry “cryptocurrencies”.

– Fred Patten

Dogecoin and Yiffcoin: reinventing yesterday’s currency (but it’s only worth as much as people use it.)

YIFFCOIN JOINED INTERNET CRYPTOCURRENCIES in 2014 – Announced  at Furcast subreddit by Techwolf (maybe it’s a non-“fixed” version of Dogecoin, “most-traded crypto-currency  in the world”.)  More discussion: “Furry fandom can benefit from adopting Bitcoin more than any other community!”

Are there any furry examples of flags, heraldry or money personally interesting to you?

– Patch

Categories: News

Worlds of Watercolor

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 18 Apr 2016 - 01:56

Kendra Minadeo is a freelance illustrator based out of Southern California, and a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. As one can see on her web site, her specialty is watercolor paintings — with more than a splash of cuteness thrown in. Her Etsy store features many of her paintings in print form and on buttons. What’s more, she’s even been working on a series of art how-to videos for YouTube.

image c. 2016 by Kendra Minadeo

image c. 2016 by Kendra Minadeo

Categories: News

S5 Episode 13 – First Impressions, Much? - Roo and Tugs are joined by Marci McAdam via the internet as they discuss the world of badges. What do badges mean to many? What kind of impressions do they leave on others? What should be on a badge? What shouldn

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 17 Apr 2016 - 16:26
Roo and Tugs are joined by Marci McAdam via the internet as they discuss the world of badges. What do badges mean to many? What kind of impressions do they leave on others? What should be on a badge? What shouldn't be on a badge? What are the rules of etiquette for badge commissioning? We dive into the how and why, then the psychology of the world of furry badge art. We also have some EXTRA SPECIAL space news, a new episode of Get Psyched! with Dr. Nuka, 50 Sheds of Grey (The Furry Edition), and more!


Show Notes

Special Thanks

Marci McAdam-Charland, our guest! Buy art from her at
The Winnipeg, MB furries and Dronon, for the ident!
Kuthra and Max
Enoji Kengura
Anonymous, who lent us part of the featured image cover for this episode. Check out the Marci Badges tumblr blog for more!


Opening Theme: Husky In Denial – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2015. ©2015 Fur What It’s Worth and Husky in Denial. Based on Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Get Psyched Music: Fredrik Miller – Universe, USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Some music was provided by Kevin MacLeod at We used the following pieces: Spy Glass, Quirky Dog . Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License.
Closing Theme: Husky In Denial – Cloud Fields (Headnodic Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2015. ©2015 Fur What It’s Worth and Husky in Denial. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)

Next episode: Are long distance relationships easy? Are they "real" compared to in-person relationships? What tips and tricks do you have for those in a long distance relationship? Send your comments by April 22, 2016. S5 Episode 13 – First Impressions, Much? - Roo and Tugs are joined by Marci McAdam via the internet as they discuss the world of badges. What do badges mean to many? What kind of impressions do they leave on others? What should be on a badge? What shouldn
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 311 - Beautiful Disaster

Southpaws - Sun 17 Apr 2016 - 14:52
This week.. we're all here! All 3 of us! We can still podcast together! This week we've got walls of text, make lots of tasteless jokes, Fuzz gets to talk a bit about how a NORMIE convention goes, and we get a whole lot of tumblr asks. And this weeks music break is 100% guaranteed to not scar you. Mega Man 8 - Aerobatics by Just Coffee - Like the show? Want to support us? We have a Patreon! Episode 311 - Beautiful Disaster
Categories: Podcasts

Some Furry Groups Have Created an Unpleasant Culture of Sexual Pressure

Ask Papabear - Sun 17 Apr 2016 - 13:06
Hello Papabear,

I am a long time reader of your website but this is a first for writing. I hope I can get my issue across clear!

I have been an active member of the furry fandom for a huge chunk of my life, starting when I was 10, the fandom being constantly apart of my life since. Mostly my interactions with the fandom have been strictly online and I was fine with that because previously I have been in school and it wasn't a priority.

I have since graduated from school and managed to connect with a group of local furs in my area. I am quite young at 19 compared to the average age of furs who participate (youngest being 19 , average 25, oldest 42). At first I really enjoyed my new friends and they even went as far as to take me to my first convention. But this is where things just start to fall apart.

My friends are hardly interested in me anymore, and the only interactions I get include nothing but sexual advancements, or relationship propositions. I feel extremely left out, the majority (90%) of our locals are homosexual or bi and prefer men. As I am getting to know them more and more it seems to me that this whole fandom to them is based around sex and how many other furry men they can have relations with. Now their personal lives wouldn't be an issue to me but they consistently make it a public matter. In our group chat they constantly spam hardcore gay furporn. We've had one other who felt uncomfortable with the never ending hypersexuality of our fellow group members , but even this fur (having been friends and with the group YEARS before me) got kicked out. But not until after being called a bigot/prude/asshole. 

Being bi myself I don't have any problem with homosexuality (albeit the porn isn't my thing) but they have literally said that they can do what they please no matter what anyone else says because they are a minority- which is funny as i myself would be the biggest minority within the group being the only woman who has a preference to women. So this isn't even the case! They just have a male/male sexual fur hierarchy and it's BIZARRE! Not to mention many of these men are sexist as well, having said remarks straight to my face. But no one will say a thing unless it is directed towards the male gender.

I really want to just cry thinking about this, as this group is really the only "friend"s I have, and the whole "leaders" doing this are the people who also organize all our local meets. So it's not like I can find other furries in this sad small town. Several of my "friends" even went so far as to ditch me at my first convention because they'd rather (quite literally) go and participate in an orgy with each other while I am sent to the con floor to try and figure out what to do for a few hours. 

I just feel super alone,isolated and left out because of the fact that I don't fit in with them, I first thought it was because I'm a girl but even so, the women who are welcomed are only welcomed if they're as hypersexual and obsessed with penises as the men are. I'm stuck with my life , I really really REALLY love furry... But the older I get and the more I participate in the fandom the more sex based it really truly seems. I'm stuck papa bear, on one hand I do never want to leave the fandom or even distance myself, but I also don't want to be in a fandom where sex seems like the only thing anyone is interested in. I'm really losing faith as a furry.. It used to be so fun but the majority I come in contact with are completely and utterly ruining it for me. Help! 

A sad and confused kitten 

* * *
Dear Sad and Confused,
I hear you. As much as Papabear defends the sexier side of the furry fandom, lately I’ve become increasingly disturbed by it to the point where I think we’ve become two fandoms: one that simply enjoys the fun and fantasy of anthro characters, and the other that is sex-obsessed.
Before I go any further (as I’ve had this done to me before), go ahead and look at my FA favorites and you will see a lot of furporn. Yes, I enjoy X-rated furry stuff. I am also all for making sex fun and indulging in sexual fantasy play, as it makes life more interesting and enjoyable. The difference is, I am mature about it, I don’t shove it in people’s faces, and I don’t make sexual advances on anything that moves. This is called “being an adult about sex,” and there are many “adults” out there, such as in your group, who are not at all adult about it.

Sexual addiction and immaturity is also why I have complaints from many furry artists that they can’t make money doing commissions unless they draw porn. It is, frankly, a sad state of affairs.
There is something going on, too, where furries are hypersensitized to sex to the point where everything becomes about sex in a very disturbing and humorless way. Example. I belong to a Google furry group (I don’t participate in it much because). Anyway, yesterday I decided to post something in jest. Here it is:
I notice many young furries seem to be bored. If anyone here is really bored and would like something to do, you are invited to my house where I will keep you busy with yard work and home improvement projects :-3 You can stay in the guest room. I promise, you will never be bored again LOL  [see, the joke here is that I want a free gardener and housekeeper and I’m being cheap—at least, that’s what I thought until I read the below…. Oh, and by the way, it’s quite common in wealthier homes for housekeeping and gardening staff to live on the premises, so the joke here was also that I was some kind of wealthy tycoon, but it went waaaay over their heads.]
That sound creepy and very weird saying 
No going to a strangers home.
"You will never be bored again LOL"

That's threatening. 
It sound more like pedophili to me
Good grief, how do you get pedophile out of that? Sheesh.
Cause no one really asks for young furries to come to their house and do chores.
i agree 
This is getting a little... rapy...
Don't be a pedo...
Well even if it a joke that was sound to strange it have kid that only have 10 fez thing before you write something. Also it the way you write it that was creepy. 

Judging by the reaction to this post, you guys are reading waaaay more into this than there ever was or was intended. This was a joke. Wow. And even if it wasn't, it was never meant to be sexual in nature (I never once mention sex or suggest anything sexual), so interesting you all took it that way. Kind of shows you are the ones with sex on the brain, not me. Good God Almighty. Is it because I'm older that you assume I want to have sex with younger furs? I assure you, I have much more of a need for someone to do my yard work and fix up the house. Perhaps this is why furries have the reputation they do. Very interesting, indeed.
Back to the letter: Obviously, I joked with the wrong audience. They are too young, uninformed, and preoccupied with sex. My bad. I actually posted this conversation on the Greymuzzle Facebook page to get some input. Most agreed that the cubs were reading stuff into the original post that just wasn’t there, but the fellow greys made some keen observations, too: 1) there are furries with Aspergers who have a hard time understanding the humor behind a post like this and take things too literally; even those who don’t have Aspergers may have trouble with nuance because reading text is very different from telling a joke in person—you don’t get the body language or voice inflections that cue you that it is a joke; 2) there ARE actual sexual predators out there who have been known to try to lure kids in with offers of work or room and board and such, which is very disturbing and definitely not where I was going with this, but we live in an iffy world; plus such dangers as sexual predators are hyped and exaggerated by the media, making people very scared and causing them to be more paranoid than they should be. But, remember cubs, a little common sense goes a long way: don't be going to someone's house if you don't know them and have any reason to suspect their motives.
Anyway, all that aside, I will tell you, boldly and frankly, Kitten, you are right. There is a large part of the fandom that is hypersexed, obsessed to the point of stupidity, and unpleasant. Unfortunately, the group near you has created a culture of expectation where sex is the main topic. Sex and sexual innuendo should NEVER be forced upon people; this crime in lack of social graces is compounded by those who ostracize people like you as uncool or uptight if you don’t like it. Actually, they are the ones being buttmunches, not you. And I’m sorry you’ve experienced this.
The good news is this: not all furries, by any means, are like that. Many, in fact, actively shun the X-rated side of furry. In your case, it looks like you will have to do a little searching to find such people, maybe even start your own local furry group and invite people in with the understanding that you’re not about that scene. There are so many fun things you can do otherwise, such as going to movies, bowling, picnics…. I’ve done a lot of these both in Michigan and with the San Diego Furries (by the way, I want to say that San Diego furries are way cool). Another case: I have a friend who recently moved from L.A. to Phoenix for the very intense reason that the L.A. furries were driving him nuts with their sex talk. He reports that Phoenix is much cooler (ironically, given the weather—get it? Or am I being too subtle? No, this isn’t code for “I want to sex you up”).
What we see here is that microcultures develop in the fandom. A seed is planted (ouch, that could be misinterpreted, too, I suppose, but I'm not talking about semen) by alpha males or females in a group, and this seed can either be one where sex is the dominant feature, or it can be one that is much less intense, more friendly, and more accepting. I’ve seen both occur in the fandom. It is a terrible shame when the groups that can’t keep it in their pants drive away perfectly nice people like yourself, but please don’t give up on the fandom, and don’t give up on being furry (I’m like you in that I don’t relate to a lot that goes on in furry culture [a lot of this, admittedly, has to do with my age], yet I do have lots of furry individual friends). Be furry it because you enjoy it, and stick with it despite the creepy people (apparently, I’m one LOL) who populate it. Don’t worry, with a little effort, you will find friends :-3
Innocent and Furiendly Asexual Hugs,

P.S. Note to all my readers. If I am talking about sex, I will explain very clearly in my column "this is about sex." Such columns will also appear in the Sexuality ans Sex category of this website. This bear is not shy about the topic and I don't hide behind obfuscating language to talk about sex. If I don't mention sex, it is because I'm not talking about sex. I truly hope that only a few of you out there need this explanation and most will see this postscript as stupidly unnecessary and annoying. Thank you.

Neener? Neener Neener!

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 17 Apr 2016 - 01:50

From the web page of The Neenerbot Shop: “Jeannine Schafer is an SF-area based illustrator. As a child she was torn between being a zookeeper and an artist, but for reasons she can’t quite recall she eventually abandoned her dreams of opening the world’s first underwater zoo to pursue art. She continued to study and draw the animals she loved and discovered her focus as an artist in this passion. Today she strives to create stylish and fun illustrations that will also help raise awareness and interest in the animals she loves.” To that end Ms. Schafer creates and sells numerous “funny animal” prints, and some of her works are also available on T-shirts and even pillows.

image c. 2016 by Jeannine Schafer

image c. 2016 by Jeannine Schafer

Categories: News

FC-231 Slow Motion Car Crash - Well wow, where do we even start? The four weeks we've been off have probably been the most eventful four weeks of our lives. Two different conventions, lots of traveling, the malicious FurCast syndication incident, ARP's su

FurCast - Sat 16 Apr 2016 - 22:59

Well wow, where do we even start? The four weeks we’ve been off have probably been the most eventful four weeks of our lives. Two different conventions, lots of traveling, the malicious FurCast syndication incident, ARP’s survey results and tons of news. In this extended episode with an interview, we do our best to cover it all. We missed you all so much. See you next week!

Download MP3

YouTube version is uncut, containing both the pre and post-show. Forgot to stop recording. Woops. Oh well, it’s a special episode anyway. Enjoy.

Watch Video The Incident

“The Incident.” Yeah, I guess that’s what we’ll call it. The meat of the story is discussed on the show and in our PRESS RELEASE.

Media links:

Full discussion of the incident takes place in the show. Let’s hope this is over with.

Link Roundup: Interview:

Dr. Courtney “Nuka” Plante (he’s a kitty!) from the Anthropomorphic Research Project joins us on FurCast once again to discuss the project. After compiling several years of results we discuss some of the findings, psychology research ethics, and future plans of the project.

More info about Nuka and ARP:

News: FC-231 Slow Motion Car Crash - Well wow, where do we even start? The four weeks we've been off have probably been the most eventful four weeks of our lives. Two different conventions, lots of traveling, the malicious FurCast syndication incident, ARP's survey results and tons of news.
Categories: Podcasts

FC-231 Slow Motion Car Crash - Well wow, where do we even start? The four weeks we've been off have probably been the most eventful four weeks of our lives. Two different conventions, lots of traveling, the malicious FurCast syndication incident, ARP's su

FurCast - Sat 16 Apr 2016 - 22:59

Well wow, where do we even start? The four weeks we’ve been off have probably been the most eventful four weeks of our lives. Two different conventions, lots of traveling, the malicious FurCast syndication incident, ARP’s survey results and tons of news. In this extended episode with an interview, we do our best to cover it all. We missed you all so much. See you next week!

Download MP3

YouTube version is uncut, containing both the pre and post-show. Forgot to stop recording. Woops. Oh well, it’s a special episode anyway. Enjoy.

Watch Video The Incident

“The Incident.” Yeah, I guess that’s what we’ll call it. The meat of the story is discussed on the show and in our PRESS RELEASE.

Media links:

Full discussion of the incident takes place in the show. Let’s hope this is over with.

Link Roundup: Interview:

Dr. Courtney “Nuka” Plante (he’s a kitty!) from the Anthropomorphic Research Project joins us on FurCast once again to discuss the project. After compiling several years of results we discuss some of the findings, psychology research ethics, and future plans of the project.

More info about Nuka and ARP:

News: FC-231 Slow Motion Car Crash - Well wow, where do we even start? The four weeks we've been off have probably been the most eventful four weeks of our lives. Two different conventions, lots of traveling, the malicious FurCast syndication incident, ARP's survey results and tons of news.
Categories: Podcasts

[Live] Slow Motion Car Crash - Well wow, where do we even start? The four weeks we've been off have probably been the most eventful four weeks of our lives. Two different conventions, lots of traveling, the malicious FurCast syndication incident, ARP's su

FurCast - Sat 16 Apr 2016 - 22:59

Well wow, where do we even start? The four weeks we’ve been off have probably been the most eventful four weeks of our lives. Two different conventions, lots of traveling, the malicious FurCast syndication incident, ARP’s survey results and tons of news. In this extended episode with an interview, we do our best to cover it all. We missed you all so much. See you next week!

Download MP3

YouTube version is uncut, containing both the pre and post-show. Forgot to stop recording. Woops. Oh well, it’s a special episode anyway. Enjoy.

Watch Video The Incident

“The Incident.” Yeah, I guess that’s what we’ll call it. The meat of the story is discussed on the show and in our PRESS RELEASE.

Media links:

Full discussion of the incident takes place in the show. Let’s hope this is over with.

Link Roundup: Interview:

Dr. Courtney “Nuka” Plante (he’s a kitty!) from the Anthropomorphic Research Project joins us on FurCast once again to discuss the project. After compiling several years of results we discuss some of the findings, psychology research ethics, and future plans of the project.

More info about Nuka and ARP:

News: [Live] Slow Motion Car Crash - Well wow, where do we even start? The four weeks we've been off have probably been the most eventful four weeks of our lives. Two different conventions, lots of traveling, the malicious FurCast syndication incident, ARP's survey results and tons of news.
Categories: Podcasts

The Phantom of the Con - Frequent guest Path Hyena joins the Wagz crew to talk about the problem of ghosting at cons and what conventions--and attendees--can do to keep it from becoming a problem. You don't want to miss this one!

WagzTail - Sat 16 Apr 2016 - 03:00

Frequent guest Path Hyena joins the Wagz crew to talk about the problem of ghosting at cons and what conventions–and attendees–can do to keep it from becoming a problem. You don’t want to miss this one!

Metadata and Credits The Phantom of the Con

Runtime: 34:44m

Cast: Wolfin, Levi, Path, Pami

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2016 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. Podcast thumbnail by gabriel77 under the RGBStock license.

The Phantom of the Con - Frequent guest Path Hyena joins the Wagz crew to talk about the problem of ghosting at cons and what conventions--and attendees--can do to keep it from becoming a problem. You don't want to miss this one!
Categories: Podcasts

The Phantom of the Con - Frequent guest Path Hyena joins the Wagz crew to talk about the problem of ghosting at cons and what conventions--and attendees--can do to keep it from becoming a problem. You don't want to miss this one!

WagzTail - Sat 16 Apr 2016 - 03:00

Frequent guest Path Hyena joins the Wagz crew to talk about the problem of ghosting at cons and what conventions–and attendees–can do to keep it from becoming a problem. You don’t want to miss this one!

Metadata and Credits The Phantom of the Con

Runtime: 34:44m

Cast: Wolfin, Levi, Path, Pami

Editor: Levi

Format: 128kbps ABR split-stereo MP3 Copyright: © 2016 Some Rights Reserved. This podcast is released by as CC BY-ND 3.0. Podcast thumbnail by gabriel77 under the RGBStock license.

The Phantom of the Con - Frequent guest Path Hyena joins the Wagz crew to talk about the problem of ghosting at cons and what conventions--and attendees--can do to keep it from becoming a problem. You don't want to miss this one!
Categories: Podcasts

He’s An Alien, But He’s Different

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 16 Apr 2016 - 01:57

Wrench is a new full-color comic series in development, created and written by JB Potter and illustrated by Jake Slingland. “The Iludi race have developed their planet Groc down to the very last inch to make one giant city. When daredevil mechanic Mala damages his antennae, he develops something rare on his world: A conscience.” You can keep up with the creative team’s progress over on the official Wreck Tumblr page.

image c. 2016 by Jake Slingland

image c. 2016 by Jake Slingland

Categories: News

South East & East Asian Furry Conventions

[adjective][species] - Fri 15 Apr 2016 - 09:00

Visualization of South East & East Asian Furry Conventions by Ralphie Raccoon.

(This visualization was updated on 16 April 2016 with thanks to our furry friends who provided missing information.)

click for full-sized versionclick for full-sized version

Member Spotlight: Sorin Kat

Furry Writers' Guild - Fri 15 Apr 2016 - 08:11

1. Tell us about your most recent project (written or published). What inspired it?

My most recent published pieces as a short story in FANG.  Exploring themes of betrayal and especially betrayal of friends or loved ones, the action piece followed an agent for a covert intelligence agency that gets tricked into romance and betrayed by the secret object of his affections.  I was really thrilled to explore some of the aspects of betrayal in love.  While in a limited scope because of the length limits and requirements of the piece, I was most excited about digging in the surface of the concept of love by trickery and if it really can ever be a one-sided exercise.

2. What’s your writing process like? Are you a “pantser,” an outliner, or something in between?

I am definitely more of a pantser when I write.  While I like to have an idea in my head when it comes to the direction the story will go, I often enjoy the organic joy of discovering the twists and turns with my characters.  I feel this adds a sense of life and energy to the story that the characters are taking the reader on as well.

3. What’s your favorite kind of story to write?

I enjoy writing urban paranormal/fantasy, romance and science fiction.  Often i find the most compelling stories include a mix of these genres.  As for the types of stories, I like stories with a dark side, betrayal, loss and elements of hopelessness go a long way to craft a story that the characters can overcome… or fall to, depending on the overall mood of the tale.

4. Which character from your work do you most identify with, and why?

While there is not a specific character in my work that I relate to whole cloth, I tend to relate more to the characters that express a strong sense of self and often find themselves the underdog of my stories.  I find that characters that start the story strong have the furthest to fall and the most compelling build back up again which I enjoy.

5. Which authors or books have most influenced your work?

I take influence from a lot of authors both furry and non.  In the mainstream, Orson Scott Card, Jim Butcher, David Eddings, Ursula K. Le Guin, Alan Dean Foster and Anne McCaffrey are my tops!  Within the fandom I often find inspiration in the writings of Kyell Gold, Kevin Frane and Ryan Campbell.

6. What’s the last book you read that you really loved?

A book by Alan Dean Foster called Quozl about a lapine-like race of aliens that come to earth on a generation ship to colonize it only to find that humans are already there!  The story is compelling, following a few generations of the colonists and looking into their unique culture shaped by their ultra-violent past.  A very interesting read!

7. Besides writing, how do you like to spend your free time?

Truth be told, I’m a geek.  Most of my free time is taken up with tabletop board games and RPGs, Live Action Role Playing (and the crafting and costume work that goes with it), computer games, movies and socializing with friends!

8. Advice for other writers?

So cliche, but write!  In the end it doesn’t matter what, but write often and keep everything you write, even if you hide it in a shoe box and pull it out to marvel at your improvement, just do it!  Computer, pen and paper, anything, just write!

9. Where can readers find your work?

I post stories on SoFurry under Sorinkat, or you can check out some of my published works in the RainFurrest charity anthologies, FANG 7 and a few scattered convention books.

10. What’s your favorite thing about the furry fandom?

I love the general sense of acceptance that the fandom has.  It’s so refreshing to be part of a group of people that are willing to let people be who they are and are generally friendly about it!


Check out Sorin Kat’s member bio here!

Categories: News

Art Is A Gateway

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 15 Apr 2016 - 01:57

Found these folks at WonderCon too: The Brothers Uber describe themselves as “… an independent, creative publishing company specializing in children’s books. Focusing on art as a gateway to another realm, we pride ourselves on finding the best illustrators and working with them to bring the best books to life.” To that end they have already published several books which you can find at their web site. Of immediate note to furry fans are two: The Dragon and the Princess (written by Erik Peterson and illustrated by Mina Sanwald) is a counting book that also tells the story of a magical friendship between, yes, a dragon and a princess. Then there’s Critters Fantastique, a coloring book by Dusty Catlett featuring a variety of legendary creatures and monsters.

image c. 2016 by Dusty Catlett

image c. 2016 by Dusty Catlett

Categories: News

Fake Furry News 5 of 6 PLAYLIST

Culturally F'd - Thu 14 Apr 2016 - 21:27
Categories: Videos