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The Lions of Chile: Franko

FurStarter - Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 20:45


FrancoLogoThousands of years after the fall of man, a young lion stalks the deserts of Chile…

Franko: Fables of The Last Earth

Kickstarter ending 4/28/16

[Note from the editor: Franko’s “Fables” is safe for work and none of the links in this post go directly anywhere that would raise an alarm, but they’re all one click away from some deep awkward.]

Franko4I hope my mate doesn’t catch wind of me writing this. He’s a hyena. They have a thing about lions. But I had to write about this one, because…

Because Franko is really cute.

There are other reasons. It’s an appealing character with a nice design; the artist, Cristóbal Jofré, consistently brings me joy when I see his work on FurAffinity; if I see the graphic novel in translation maybe I’ll finally learn what that damned squiggle on Franko’s chest is about; Franko’s friend Shin is really, really hot; every three or four hours a different picture of Franko and Shin turns up on my monitor, and I remember that I promised I’d write this one. Because, again, Franko really is that cute.

Franco3So, what’s it about? Besides lions in statistically insignificant amounts of clothing?

Franko: Fables of the Last Earth, published originally in Spanish in 2013 (That recently? huh!) is the story—well, stories—of the young lion Franko, his friend Shin (about whom see above, or here, or here…), and the various people, demons, spirits, and other strange things they encounter in their distant-future Chilean wilderness. The stories are framed as fables, little mythologies with messages. This is a storytelling mode that reaches as far back in time as the stories do forward: a modern mythological journey.

Obligatory name-drop: Franko is the work of writer Ángel Bernier and artist Cristóbal Jofre. Thanks to a lifeline thrown me by Sofawolf, I can say that Bernier is a writer and editor, working with comics and fanzines since 2006 (“Tinta Negra,” “Informe Meteoro,” and others.)

Of the latter, Jofre has worked on several titles, including the fascinating but frequently NSFW virtual anthology comic “Blanco Experimental,” art-mag/comic “Solar Storm,” and some previous work for Sofawolf.  He’s been bopping around the fandom for quite some time, as Franko just celebrated his tenth birthday on FA (and here’s the original Franko! I love seeing how he’s evolved over the years!)

I’d love to know if there’s any common traits among the anthro artists in South America and Spain. Of course every artist has a unique style, but I’ve been so impressed by Juanjo Guarnido‘s stunning Blacksad, Oscar Martin’s dark Solo, and of course Jofre’s Franko…do they draw from a common well? Franko’s a different category, of course, charming rather than gritty.Helpfully, the upcoming translation of Franko will have some cultural notes to help unpack the story for its English readers.

(Franco1I’ve read that paragraph a few times now, and it just sounds worse each time I read it. Life goes on.)

Franko’s current Kickstarter and upcoming graphic novel in translation are both the work of the Kickstarter veterans at Sofawolf Press. They’ve had remarkable success with established product, with Vernon’s Digger and Bruton (et al)’s Dark Desires. Products which, interestingly, all incorporate some really powerful mythic elements. Does one of the happy canines at Sofawolf study Comparative Mythology? I hope so.

Sofawolf’s campaigns tend to be pretty generous on the physical reward front, and this one’s no exception. Plushies, a bandana-mask, stickers, and other oddments. Amazingly, there’s still a few pieces of original artwork left, for backers with only modestly deep pockets. There’s a chance that these aren’t moving as well as, say, the recent Anubis project did, since Jofre still occasionally takes commissions and is fairly approachable. And in fairness, it’s hard to compete with the combined star power of Dark Natasha, Bruton, Smith, Light, Miles, and Stein. (Whew!) But Franko’s absolutely delightful, and I’m so glad Sofawolf took a chance on him! Maybe we’ll see the second graphic novel,  “Stories in Glorious Black and White,” at an upcoming con.

As of this writing the title is about $2000 under it’s 8K goal. The team can easily close this distance in the two weeks remaining, but it looks like it’s been a slow road to success. Unfortunate, I’d love to see the hardcover book happen, but the softcover translation alone is going to be a treat.

There are several ways to follow the illustrator. A few months ago Jofre (AKA Negger) kicked off a Patreon, but it never really got much traction, and seems to be inactive at the moment. You can get regular art updates from him on Tumblr (right this second worksafe, unless you scroll down a lot), FA (not remotely worksafe, you have been warned), and DeviantArt (Slightly more worksafe than FA but really that’s not saying much). Log on, +watch, and show some lion love!

Follow @furstarter on twitter for the latest fur-friendly crowdfunding projects!


Categories: News

TigerTails Radio Season 9 Episode 39

TigerTails Radio - Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 17:32
Categories: Podcasts

Sondaggio Furry Italiano

[adjective][species] - Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 13:00

[Articolo di JM. Le note del traduttore sono tra parentesi quadre in corsivo.]

Il furry è un fenomeno internazionale, e l’inglese è il linguaggio predominante. Tutte le nostre convention più larghe, da Anthrocon, a Eurofurence, al Meeting of Furries in Giappone, a Russfurence, sono pensate per un pubblico inglese. Partecipate a qualunque di queste e troverete furry che usano l’inglese come seconda, terza o quarta lingua, che comunicano e si divertono in questo linguaggio comune.

Per chi è nato in paesi che usano questa lingua è facile non fare caso a quella parte del mondo furry che non lo parla. Ma quella parte esiste, e per quanto ne sappiamo, le due maggiori lingue furry dopo la nostra sono il russo e l’italiano.

Siamo molto orgogliosi di presentare qui, per la prima volta, i dati di un sondaggio furry italiano che è stato condotto tra 2012 e 2013. Il sondaggio era interamente in italiano, e fino ad adesso i risultati erano stati pubblicati solo in italiano. Grazie al nostro collaboratore MrMandolino (che è italiano), possiamo presentarle qui in inglese.

(ripubblicheremo anche i risultati, e una traduzione di questo articolo, in italiano). [che è quella che state leggendo, ndt. In italiano.]

Non è facile capire perché l’italiano sembri più comune nel furry di, per esempio, il francese. Francia e Italia hanno una popolazione simile (66 vs 60 milioni) e simili livelli di conoscenza del’inglese.

Il Furry Survey [la versione angloamericana, ndt] è disponibile solo in inglese, quindi non possiamo stimare direttamente la percentuale di altre lingue. Siamo però in grado di intuirla osservando la differenza tra risposte al Furry Survey e attività online.

Dal Furry Survey, possiamo vedere che meno dell’1% dei partecipanti vive in Italia:


Questi dati vengono dal Furry Survey 2013, che ha avuto 7159 risposte. Il numero di italiani era 23, cioè il 0.3%. Questo risultato è consistente coi risultati di tutti i sondaggi dal 2009 al 2015.

Prevedibilmente, il sondaggio è dominato da furry di paesi di lingua inglese.

Possiamo stimare la prevalenza di lingue non inglesi nel mondo furry guardando ai dati di Wikifur. Wikifur, come Wikipedia, supporta praticamente qualunque lingua riusciate a nominare:


La differenza tra il numero di italiani che hanno risposto al Furry Survey (in inglese) e il numero di pagine di Wikifur (in italiano) suggerisce che ci sia un significativo numero di parlanti italiani nel furry. (stiamo anche dando un’occhiata all’altro gruppo che spicca per numero, i russi).

Questa è solo un’ipotesi, ovviamente. Il fatto che un significativo gruppo di furry parlanti italiano esista è ancora tutto da provare, e mentre MrMandolino è in contatto con i furry italiani, le dimensioni della comunità stessa sono estremamente difficili da stabilire.

Il Sondaggio Furry Italiano è un lungo sondaggio con 37 domande, e potete leggerlo interamente qui (link). Sotto potete leggere i punti principali.

Il Sondaggio Italiano è durato da fine 2012 a inizio 2013, ed ha ricevuto 103 risposte. Non è tantissimo, ma abbastanza da poter avere una buona idea delle demografiche del gruppo. Come per il Furry Survey, è impossibile controllare persone che non hanno risposto al sondaggio, quindi non possiamo misurare l’eventuale effetto di selezione [selection bias, ndt].

Per compararlo, ho inserito il risultato del Furry Survey (inglese) del 2013, che ha avuto 7159 risposte.


Il Sondaggio Italiano chiedeva il sesso, ma non il genere [gender – identità sessuale differente dal sesso biologico o dall’orientamento sessuale, ndt]. I risultati suggeriscono che il gruppo italiano è (ancora) più dominato da maschi di quello inglese.


Il Sondaggio Italiano era stato condiviso su forum online, un medium che non è sempre rinomato per essere accogliente verso le donne. È possibile che questo influisca sui dati riguardanti il sesso. Altre demografiche mostrano forti similarità con il sondaggio inglese, come vedremo.


Il gruppo italiano e quello inglese hanno una distribuzione di età molto simile.


La natura “saltellante” della distribuzione italiana è dovuta al campione ridotto di risposte. È facile vedere come campioni di piccole dimensioni abbiano larghi livelli di incertezza: un piccolo numero di (esempio) persone di 36 anni può creare un’eccezione che sembra (ma non è) significativa.

Come regola generale non pubblichiamo variazioni di incertezza [uncertainty range, ndt] qui ad [a][s]. Preferiamo semplicemente mostrare dati grezzi, per lasciare le cose semplici (per un lettore non specializzato) ed evitare di oscurare i dati stessi. Per tutti questi risultati, vi prego di tenere a mente che i dati italiani sono soggetti a molta più incertezza di quelli inglesi.


La percentuale di studenti nel furry, di nuovo, è simile tra I due gruppi (statisticamente, questi due risultati possono essere definiti “identici”). L’età è ovviamente un fattore fondamentale.


Orientamento sessuale

È notevole osservare come il gruppo furry inglese e italiano mostrino simili distribuzioni di orientamento sessuale. Questo pattern – in cui gruppi etero, gay e bisessuali sono presenti in proporzioni quasi identiche – è insolito.


È un risultato sorprendente perché ci sono significative differenze nell’atteggiamento culturale verso l’omosessualità tra i due gruppi. Più dell’80% degli italiani sono cattolici, e al momento in cui scrivo quest’articolo è l’unico paese in Europa occidentale che non riconosce unioni civili o uguaglianza di matrimonio. [come cambia in fretta il mondo! ndt]

Il fatto che il gruppo italiano mostri le stesse demografiche di orientamento sessuale di quello inglese suggerisce che ci sia qualcosa riguardante il mondo furry che attrae un simile gruppo. È molto difficile arrivare a una qualche conclusione definitiva sul furry, perché siamo un gruppo vario e decentralizzato. Questi risultati suggeriscono che la nostra relazione col sesso e la sessualità sia importante per comprendere interamente il furry.

Ci sono molti, molti risultati affascinanti da esplorare nel Sondaggio Furry Italiano. Potete leggere l’intero sondaggio, che include discussione e commento, qui.

Questo articolo e il Sondaggio Furry Italiano sono anche disponibili in inglese.

Sondaggio Furry Italiano: Data from an Italian Furry Survey

[adjective][species] - Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 13:00

Furry is an international phenomenon, and English is our predominant language. All our large conventions, from Anthrocon to Eurofurence to Japan Meeting of Furries to Russfurence, cater to English speakers. Attend any of these and you’ll find furries with English as their second or third or fourth language, communicating and participating in our lingua franca.

For a native English speaker, it’s easy to overlook non-English-speaking furry. But it exists, and as best we can tell, the next two biggest furry languages are Russian and Italian.

We are really pleased to be able to present here, for the first time, data from an Italian furry survey (Sondaggio Furry Italiano), that was open over 2012/13. The survey was entirely in Italian, and the results to date have only been published in Italian. Thanks to [a][s] contributor MrMandolino (who is Italian), we can present them here in English. (We’re also republishing the results, and a translation of this article, in Italian.)

It’s not easy to understand why Italian appears more common among furry than, say, French. Italy and France have a similar population (60 vs 66 million) and similar levels of English-speaking (ref).

The Furry Survey is published in English only, so we’re not able to estimate the proportion of other languages directly. However we can infer by looking at the difference between responses to the Furry Survey and activity online.

From the Furry Survey, we can see that less than 1% of the respondents live in Italy:

18This data is from the 2013 Furry Survey, which had 7159 responses. The number of Italians was 23, which is 0.3%. This result is consistent with results from all surveys from 2009 to 2015.

Not surprisingly, the survey is dominated by furries from English-speaking countries.

We can guess at the prevalence of non-English languages within furry by looking at Wikifur metrics. Wikifur, like Wikipedia, supports pretty much any language you care to name:

19The disparity between the number of Italians responding to the Furry Survey (in English) and the number of Wikifur pages (in Italian) suggests that there might be a significant Italian-speaking furry group. (We’re also looking at the other obviously large group, the Russians.)

This is just guesswork of course. The evidence is far from definitive that a significant Italian-speaking furry group exists, and while Mando is in touch with the Italian furs, the size of the community itself is extremely hard to judge.

The Sondaggio Furry Italiano is a long survey with 37 questions, and you can read them in full, in English, here. Highlights are given below.

The Sondaggio Italiano ran from late 2012 to early 2013, and received 103 responses. That’s not a lot, but it is enough to get a good feel for the demographics of the group. As with the Furry Survey, it’s impossible to poll people who don’t fill in the survey, so we can’t measure any inherent selection bias.

I’ve provided the (English) Furry Survey results from 2013 for comparison, which had 7159 responses.


20The Sondaggio Italiano asks for sex, but not gender. The results suggest that the Italian group is (even) more male-dominated than the English-speaking group.

The Sondaggio Italiano was shared on online forums, a medium not always known for being welcoming towards women. It’s possible that this informs the sex breakdown. Other demographics show strong similarities with the English Furry Survey, as we shall see.


The Italian- and English-speaking groups have a very similar age distribution.

1The “jumpy” nature of the Italian distribution is due to the smaller sample size. It’s easy to see here why small sample sizes have larger uncertainty ranges: a small number of (say) 36 year-olds can create an outlier that looks (but isn’t) significant.

As a general rule we don’t publish uncertainty ranges when we present data here on [a][s]. We prefer to simply show raw data, to keep things simple (for a lay reader) and to avoid obscuring the data itself. For all these results, please keep in mind that the Italian data is subject to a lot more uncertainty than the English data.


The proportion of students in furry, again, is similar between the two groups (statistically, these two results are said to be “identical”). Age is obviously a contributing factor here.


Sexual Orientation

Remarkably, the Italian and English furry groups show a very similar distribution of sexual orientation. This pattern—where straight, gay, and bisexual groups are in mostly equal proportion—is unusual.


This is a surprising result because there are significant differences in cultural attitudes towards homosexuality between the two groups. More than 80% of Italians are Catholic, and at the time of writing is the only major country in Western Europe that does not recognise either civil unions or equal marriage.

For the Italian-speaking group to show the same sexual orientation demographics as the English-speaking group suggests that there is something about furry that attracts such a group. It’s very difficult to draw any definitive conclusions about furry, because we are such a diverse and decentralized group. This result suggests that our relationship to sex and sexuality is important to understanding furry as a whole.

There are many, many more fascinating results to explore in the Sondaggio Furry Italiano results. You can read through the full set of results, which includes commentary and discussion (translated into English) here.

This article and the full Sondaggio Furry Italiano results are also available in Italian.

Before Choosing a Teaching Career, Here Are Some Things to Consider

Ask Papabear - Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 11:14
​Greetings, Papabear!
I hope you are doing well. I've been meaning to write you for a while, if nothing else but to check up on you. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and I haven't forgotten how kind you have always been to me in my letters. This next one has some positive vibes for a change! My parents have started to relent and are even going to anthrocon 2016 with me and three other friends whom I've swayed. The rest of this email is a little serious however, but there's no problem this time I promise.

I love the fandom, but could it get in the way of a potential career in the future? This coming fall I will be attending Iowa State University to pursue a degree in education. I am a bit antsy about college but definitely am ready for something new. With my future plans, there come some necessary questions. Since educators are one of the most trusted disciplines in the world aside from nursing, teachers are expected to possess that air of professionalism and have the record to prove it. Teachers are role models of the school district and the communities they work and live in. With all the scrutiny that will come from both my peers and the people around me, if the question somehow arises of me being one of those "furry people", could this be potentially problematic for me? I think this is a question that takes some consideration, given my chosen line of work. I believe myself perfectly capable of handling people with standard questioning of the fandom. You know, the kind we've all heard before. Heck if I were to mention being a furry right now at school, everybody would immediately send fifty text messages to everybody else and I'd get yiff thrust into my face with incredulous exclamations of "you're into this???" before I had even finished explaining what a furry was. To be clear, I don't plan to be openly furry. That business has no bearing in my work and doesn't belong there at all. If I have my way, nobody will even know. I don't intend to hide it, I just plan to be strictly business and being furry is part of my personal life that does not and should not influence my job. The potential problem I see however, is faculty or a parent googling me and raising some drama with what they find. We can assume anything they find is clean. There is no explicit content in my name or of my character and there never will be any that is of my knowledge. Because of this I do not fear serious repercussions, trying to terminate me on claims of my simple interests-especially one that is harmless and kept professional-causing loss of public trust could be borderline discriminatory and the school likely wouldn't use that against me. But all it takes is some gossiping for my name to get purposefully dragged through the dirt. Part of it could be people thinking they are more buddy buddy with me than they actually are. Part of it could be being rude for the sake of being rude because they don't get it. What do you think? Will I just have to watch myself, or should I consider looking at other options?

Thank you again for being yourself. If there is ever anything I can do for you, please hit me up and I would jump at the chance to give back and pay your kindness forward.

Your friend,


* * *
Hi, Zanda,
I’m glad that things are improving with your parents—good news! Thanks for sharing.
Okay, on to teaching…. Teaching is one of the noblest professions, and I think it’s wonderful that you wish to help others learn. I’m going to have to say some things that you might not like, however. It’s really not so much about being a furry as it is the state of our current educational system.
I have known several teachers in my life. All but one of them got so frustrated with the job that they quit or retired early. One was even a teacher-turned-principal. He was fired from a Catholic school when they found out he was gay (private school, so they can do that). Another teacher was white in an all-Hispanic school. In an interesting case of reverse discrimination, the administrator there made his life so absolutely miserable that he retired early for the sake of his sanity. A third teacher quit because he got so tired of parents running to the principal because he had given Little Johnny or Mary a bad grade, and then the teacher backing up the parent instead of him. He was a young teacher and quit the profession in two years. American teachers live in a system where the students are passed from grade to grade even though they fail the course, where they are forced to stick religiously to a teaching plan and actually berated by administrators if they, God forbid, teach something that is not explicitly allowed. The self-esteem of students takes precedence over actual learning. Learning methods are absurd to the point of being counterproductive (especially true in current math-teaching methods). Add to this restricted or diminished budgets that are so bad many teachers (except in rich districts) end up buying their students’ supplies, and the fact that some teachers have even been attacked or poisoned (in one case I know of personally, even murdered) by their own students, and you can kind of see why some teachers freak out and are caught on camera letting loose on a student (not forgivable, but understandable).
I want you to be aware of some of these things before you decide to go into teaching, because from what I’ve learned from those in the field, it is a thankless profession, at least in public schools. This might be different in private schools. I don’t know, although the case of my friend who worked at a Catholic school shows that it’s not a good situation there, either. Now, if you want to teach at the university level, that can be a bit more calm; however, my sister is a successful professor here in California and it is very frustrating for her, too. More and more, professors are taking on administrative tasks to the point that she and her colleagues joke that “teaching is something we do in our spare time.” She loves to teach, but, sadly, has little opportunity to do so. Add to this the bureaucracy (she was once in charge of a committee that spent two years compiling a report only to have the university president decide, when it was done, “Naah, I decided not to do that”; two years completed wasted) and she has also told me she would love to retire early.
I would not be a teacher if you offered to pay me double what I make now. It would not be worth my sanity.
But that’s just me. If you don’t care about any of the above because you have a burning passion in your heart to teach, then go for it, and God bless.
Okay, so let’s say you’ve gotten your degree and you’re now a teacher at PS 39 in Brooklyn, working at a lovely historic building. Super duper. I would keep my personal furry life completely separate from my professional life, if I were you. Do not associate your real name and real life in any way with furry, and you might get by. When you are a teacher, or cub scout master, or baseball coach, or any such job where you work with kids you are subjected to a standard different from that of the ordinary working world. My friend Tycho Aussie works in an office surrounded by adults and they accept his furry work and even enjoy it, no worries. But when you’re associated with the fandom and are around little kids, you will be subjected to incredible ignorance, fear, and suspicion from administrators, colleagues, and parents living in a hypersensitive world in which everyone believes that a pedophile lurks around every drinking fountain and teachers’ lounge. They won’t care if you keep your nose clean, because it will be guilt by association. To use an over-the-top example, it would be like someone who is in the KKK saying, “Well, I never burned any crosses.” Doesn’t matter, you’re in the KKK, and as far as many are concerned the fandom is a haven for pedophiles, perverts, and pagans (oh, my!) True? Of course not, but you’ll have a bear of a time convincing people otherwise once word is out, and once you are outed you can never go back.
I’m sorry, this is not a very upbeat reply, but I want you to be prepared for the worst. If you are, anything better will be happy news. This is also not to say that things can’t change. I’m hopeful my book will help clear things up, and I also know that there are others doing similar work, both in book and movie versions. As well, the fandom is growing by leaps and bounds all around the world, and I think that, as it does so, it will seem less and less like a clandestine, deviant society and more like something that is mainstream and out in the open, like comic book fans (this is why I strongly agree with those who say we should not ever talk to the media). The articles I’ve been reading of late that are published by mainstream presses are much more understanding and honest than they were in the 1990s and 2000s. And movies like Zootopia help, too, actually. It might be that, by the time you finish college, things could be very different from what they are now.
I can’t tell you what you should do with your life, nor would I want to, but it’s best to go into something with your eyes wide open and cleared of all naïve and idealistic notions of what you think it’s all about. If you can do that and forge ahead anyway because you love the idea of teaching a new generation about the world, then I am your sincere fan.
Blessed Be,

Fred Patten Presents: What the Well-Read Furry Should Read – early 2016 Update

Dogpatch Press - Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 10:56

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

Back in September 2015, Fred Patten gave us his list of anthropomorphic books Furries should read, all of which he has reviewed. But even that list only scratches the surface. So after many months, Fred gives us an update featuring over 100 new entries, listed by author and title, plus over 20 special articles he has written during that time. Enjoy sinking your teeth and claws into some new reading obsessions. For those who missed out, here’s the original including Fred’s Top Ten.


t11Akins, Gary  Who Killed Kathleen Gingers?
Alvarez, Jennifer Lynn  The Guardian Herd: Stormbound
Anglin, M. R.  Into Expermia
Arenas, Reinaldo  The Doorman
Ayroles, Alain & Masbou, Jean-Luc  De Cape et De Crocs, t. 11

Barrett, Neal, Jr.  The Prophecy Machine
Barrett, Neal, Jr.  The Treachery of Kings
Barrett, Nicholas  Fledger; A Novel
Begin, Mary Jane  My Little Pony: The Art of Equestria
Bellamy, Francis Rufus  Atta; A Novel of a Most Extraordinary Adventure
38621Black, Juneau  Shady Hollow: A Murder Mystery
Blasingame, Ted R.  Blue Horizon: Book 2
Blasingame, Ted R.  Second Chance: Furmankind II
Blasingame, Ted R.  Sunset of Furmankind (expanded ed.)
Brrémaud, Frédéric & Turconi, Stefano  Léonid, t. 1
Buller, Jon  see  Schade, Susan & Buller, Jon
Buzzati, Dino  The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily

Campbell, Ryan  Koa of the Drowned Kingdom
Chenoweth, Russ  Shadow Walkers
41mkUTfBP7L._SX319_BO1,204,203,200_Chesterfield, Sadie  Minions: The Deluxe Junior Novel
Clement, Hal  Needle
Clement, Hal  Through the Eye of a Needle
Crowder, Austen  The Painted Cat

Davis, Nancy C.  Cats on the Prowl, Book One
Davis, Nancy C.  Cats on the Prowl, Book Two
Davis, Nancy C.  Cats on the Prowl, Book Three
Dickson, H. Leighton  Swallowtail and Sword; The Scholar’s Book of Story and Song
Douglas, Carole Nelson  The “Midnight Louie” series

51KeqBGYVrL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Elkin, Chris & Elkin, Cooper  Trap Me!: Finally, a Happy Gay Furry Adventure
Epstein, Adam Jay & Jacobson, Andrew  Circle of Heroes
Epstein, Adam Jay & Jacobson, Andrew  The Familiars
Epstein, Adam Jay & Jacobson, Andrew  Palace of Dreams
Epstein, Adam Jay & Jacobson, Andrew  Secrets of the Crown

Farmer, Philip Jose  The Stone God Awakens
[Fawcett, Bill, ed.]  By Tooth and Claw: Clan of the Claw, Book 2
Fouquart, Agnès  see  Morvan, Jean David et al.
Francis, Suzanne  Planes: Fire & Rescue: The Junior Novelization
Fred  The Suspended Castle
Fred  The Wild Piano

26022000Galford, Jim  Bones of the Empire
Geusz, Phil  The Book of Lapism
Godi & Zidrou  Une aventure de Chlorophylle.  T. 1
Goh, Jonathan  Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misperceptions
Gold, Kyell  Dude, Where’s My Fox?
Gold, Kyell  Losing My Religion
Grahame, Kenneth  The Wind in the Willows
Graveyard Greg  Lifeless
Gray, Pat  The Cat
Griffin, Rick  Housepets! Will Do It For Free (Book 6)

Hahn, Harriet  James, Fabulous Feline: Further Adventures of a Connoisseur Cat
51pL--lih2L._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_Hahn, Harriet  James, the Connoisseur Cat
Hall, Renee Carter  Huntress
Harington, Donald  The Cockroaches of Stay More
Hearst, Dorothy  Spirit of the Wolves
Hogarth, M. C. A.  The Three Jaguars
Hosler, Jay  Last of the SandWalkers
Howl, Thurston, ed.  Furries Among Us: Essays on Furries by the Most Prominent Members of the Fandom
Hughes, Devon  Unnaturals: The Battle Begins

Iserles, Inbali  Foxcraft: The Taken

Jackson, Hugo  Legacy
Jacobson, Andrew  see  Epstein, Adam Jay
Jan  College Catastrophe
Jan  Swords and Sausages
Jenner  Doc Rat, vols. 13 and 14
Julius, Jessica  The Art of Zootopia

Kidd, Paul  GeneStorm: City in the Sky
Kidd, Paul  GeneStorm, Book 2: Fort Dandelion
Kidd, Paul  A Whisper of Wings (Kitsune Press ed.)
Krambo, Ramah  Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria

LaCroix, Rose  Escape From St. Arned
LaCroix, Rose  The Vimana Incident
Laurel  Cerise t. 1-3
Leek, Miranda  Twisted
Lowd, Mary E.  In a Dog’s World
Lowd, Mary E.  The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats
Lowd, Mary E., ed.  ROAR volume 6

McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann  Catacombs
McCaffrey, Anne & Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann  Catalyst
McGowen, Tom  Odyssey from River Bend
Macherot, Raymond  Intégrale Chlorophylle 1-3
McNally, T. S.  Light: A Tale of the Magical Creatures of Zudukii
Magrs, Paul  Mad Dogs and Englishmen
Malassagne, Ulysse  Kairos, t. 3
Meenan, R. A.  The Stolen Guardian
Mobidic  Roi Ours
Morvan, Jean David, Tréfouël, Séverine, Fouquart, Agnès  Ocelot: Le Chat Qui N’en Était Un

Nagle, Pati  Pet Noir

O’Kun, Tempe  Windfall
O’Leary, Shannon  The Art of Regular Show

Patten, Fred, ed.  Already Among Us
Patten, Fred, ed.  Anthropomorphic Aliens
Patten, Fred, ed.  Five Fortunes
Patten, Fred, ed.  The Ursa Major Awards Anthology
Patten, Fred, ed.  What Happens Next
Potter, Daniel   Off Leash
Pryce, Trevor  Amphibians’ End: A Kulipari Novel
Pryce, Trevor  The Rainbow Serpent: A Kulipari Novel,204,203,200_

Repino, Robert  Mort(e)
Ritner, Amelia  Fuzzy Business 3: End Game
Roberts, Christa  Rio 2: The Junior Novel
Rocha, K. E.  Secrets of Bearhaven, Book One
Ross, James Daniel  The Echoes of Those Before
Rukis  The Long Road Home

Sandridge, Scott M., ed.  Hero’s Best Friend: An Anthology of Animal Companions
Sawyer, Robert J.  Far-Seer
Sawyer, Robert J.  Foreigner
Sawyer, Robert J.  Fossil-Hunter
Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann  see also  McCaffrey, Anne
Schade, Susan & Buller, Jon  Scarlett: Star on the Run
Schnee, Kris  Thousand Tales: How We Won the Game
Schnee, Kris  2040: Reconnection; A “Thousand Tales” Story
Schoen, Lawrence M.  Barsk; The Elephants’ Graveyard
Smith, Thorne  The Stray Lamb
Sousa, Tanya  The Starling God
Sturm, James  Birdsong: A Story in Pictures
Swanwick, Michael  Chasing the Phoenix

Tamm, Henrik  Ninja Timmy
Tigrox, Ocean, ed.  Inhuman Acts: A Collection of Noir
Tréfouël, Séverine  see  Morvan, Jean David et al.
Truss, Lynne  Cat Out of Hell

Vincent, Cindy  The Case of the Cat Show Princess
Vincent, Cindy  The Case of the Clever Secret Code
Vincent, Cindy  The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks
Vincent, Cindy  The Case of the Jewel Covered Cat Statues
Vlach, Heidi C.  Tinder Stricken

Weasel Patterson, ed.  Typewriter Emergencies, 2015 edition
Wells, H. G.  The Island of Dr Moreau: A Possibility 41rkN9xd+RL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_
West, Lydia  Wild Dog City
West, Tracey  Penguins of Madagascar: Movie Novelization
Willem, Étienne  L’Épee d’Ardenois, t. 4/4
Willis, Jeanne  Paddington: The Junior Novel
Wolf, Gary K.  Who Wacked Roger Rabbit?
Wolf, Ianus J., ed.  Trick or Treat, vol. 2

Zidrou  see also  Godi & Zidrou


Already Among Us
Amphibians’ End: A Kulipari Novel
Anthropomorphic Aliens
The Art of Regular Show
The Art of The Good Dinosaur
The Art of Zootopia
Atta; A Novel of a Most Extraordinary Adventure
Une aventure de Chlorophylle.  T. 1

Barsk; The Elephants’ Graveyard
The Bears’ Famous Invasion of Sicily
Birdsong: A Story in Pictures
Blue Horizon: Book 2
Bones of the Empire
The Book of Lapism
By Tooth and Claw: Clan of the Claw, Book 2

The Case of the Cat Show Princess61y1vD59KJL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_
The Case of the Clever Secret Code
The Case of the Crafty Christmas Crooks
The Case of the Jewel Covered Cat Statues
The Cat
Cat Out of Hell
Cats on the Prowl, Book One
Cats on the Prowl, Book Two
Cats on the Prowl, Book Three
Cerise t. 1-3
Chasing the Phoenix
Circle of Heroes
The Cockroaches of Stay More
College Catastrophe

De Cape et De Crocs, t. 11
Doc Rat, vols. 13 and 14
The Doorman
Dude, Where’s My Fox?

The Echoes of Those Before
Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misperceptions
L’Épee d’Ardenois, t. 4/4
Escape From St. Arned

The Familiars
Five Fortunes
Fledger; A Novel
Foxcraft: The Taken
Furries Among Us: Essays on Furries by the Most Prominent Members of the Fandom
Fuzzy Business 3: End Game

GeneStorm: City in the Sky
GeneStorm, Book 2: Fort Dandelion,204,203,200_
Guardian Cats and the Lost Books of Alexandria
The Guardian Herd:  Stormbound

Hero’s Best Friend: An Anthology of Animal Companions
Housepets! Will Do It For Free (Book 6)

In a Dog’s World
Inhuman Acts: A Collection of Noir
Intégrale Chlorophylle 1-3
Into Expermia
The Island of Dr. Moreau: A Possibility

James, Fabulous Feline: Further Adventures of a Connoisseur Cat
James, the Connoisseur Cat

Kairos, t. 3
Koa of the Drowned Kingdom

Last of the SandWalkers
Léonid, t. 1
Light: A Tale of the Magical Creatures of Zudukii
The Long Road Home
Losing My Religion

Mad Dogs and Englishmen
A Menagerie of Heroes
The “Midnight Louie” series
Minions: The Deluxe Junior Novel
My Little Pony: The Art of Equestria

The Necromouser and Other Magical Cats
Ninja Timmy

Ocelot: Le Chat Qui N’en Était Un
Odyssey from River Bend
Off Leash

Paddington: The Junior Novel,204,203,200_
The Painted Cat
Palace of Dreams
Penguins of Madagascar: Movie Novelization
Pet Noir
Planes: Fire & Rescue: The Junior Novelization
The Prophecy Machine

The Rainbow Serpent: A Kulipari Novel
Rio 2: The Junior Novel
ROAR volume 6
Roi Ours

Scarlett: Star on the Run
Second Chance: Furmankind II,204,203,200_
Secrets of Bearhaven, Book One
Secrets of the Crown
Shadow Walkers
Shady Hollow: A Murder Mystery
Spirit of the Wolves
The Starling God
The Stolen Guardian
The Stone God Awakens
The Stray Lamb
Sunset of Furmankind (expanded ed.)
The Suspended Castle
Swallowtail and Sword: The Scholar’s Book of Story and Song
Swords and Sausages

Thousand Tales: How We Won the Game,204,203,200_
The Three Jaguars
Through the Eye of a Needle
Tinder Stricken
Trap Me!: Finally, a Happy Gay Furry Adventure
The Treachery of Kings
Trick or Treat, vol. 2
2040: Reconnection; A “Thousand Tales” Story
Typewriter Emergencies, 2015 edition

Unnaturals: The Battle Begins
The Ursa Major Awards Anthology

The Vimana Incident

What Happens Next
Who Killed Kathleen Gingers?
Who Wacked Roger Rabbit?
A Whisper of Wings (Kitsune Press ed.)
Wild Dog City
The Wild Piano
The Wind in the Willows


Anthropomorphic Animated Features, 2015-2016

Camp Feral!, Part 1
Camp Feral!, Part 2
Camp Feral!, Part 3
Cat Crimebusters 1
Cat Crimebusters 2
Cat Crimebusters 3
Cats and More Cats press release
The César Awards
A Complaint

Did the Axis Have Any Funny Animals?
Don Oriolo’s Felix the Cat Art

Fred Patten discusses adult and mature cartoons before Zootopia
Fred Patten presents
Furry convention history call for information

Zootopia-PosterHi-Jinx and the Hepcats
Movie Novelizations
The Worst Anthropomorphic Movie of the Decade

Fred Patten

Categories: News

Animals Real, Fantastic, and Odd

In-Fur-Nation - Mon 11 Apr 2016 - 01:59

Devin Elle Kurtz is a professional illustrator and visual development artist. Her full-color paintings specialize in animals real and un-real with more than a splash of personality. She also brings the same touch of whimsy (and yes, at times weirdness) to her line of pet portrait commissions. She has released some of her work as prints, available at her web site, and we hope she brings out more soon.

image c. 2016 Devin Elle Kurtz

image c. 2016 Devin Elle Kurtz

Categories: News

WE MOVED - we are hosted on iTunes through SoundCloud now! If you're subscribed to the rss feed, then you s...

The Dragget Show - Sun 10 Apr 2016 - 19:33
we are hosted on iTunes through SoundCloud now! If you're subscribed to the rss feed, then you should get them just fine!!! Also remember the new URL... WE MOVED - we are hosted on iTunes through SoundCloud now! If you're subscribed to the rss feed, then you s...
Categories: Podcasts

WE MOVED - we are hosted on iTunes through SoundCloud now! If you're subscribed to the rss feed, then you s...

The Dragget Show - Sun 10 Apr 2016 - 19:33
we are hosted on iTunes through SoundCloud now! If you're subscribed to the rss feed, then you should get them just fine!!! Also remember the new URL... WE MOVED - we are hosted on iTunes through SoundCloud now! If you're subscribed to the rss feed, then you s...
Categories: Podcasts

ep. 115 - Motor City FurCon LIVE!!! - Uncle Kage, Huscoon, Serathin, & Draggor join Xan…

The Dragget Show - Sun 10 Apr 2016 - 16:40

Uncle Kage, Huscoon, Serathin, & Draggor join Xander & Alkali live at MCFC!! And guess what? There's going to be a lot more of us! Stay tuned for the annoncement at the end! Also, sorry for the "non-ending," Alkali kinda launched into the non-recorded charity story! ep. 115 - Motor City FurCon LIVE!!! - Uncle Kage, Huscoon, Serathin, & Draggor join Xan…
Categories: Podcasts

Best of FWIW – ©opyright and the Fandom (S5E9) - Due to a technical problem, we lost our FanX episode right before export! :( In place of the FanX episode, here is a Best of Fur What It's Worth. It has some fresh Space News, including a SPECIAL GUEST! and

Fur What It's Worth - Sun 10 Apr 2016 - 14:15
Due to a technical problem, we lost our FanX episode right before export! :( In place of the FanX episode, here is a Best of Fur What It's Worth. It has some fresh Space News, including a SPECIAL GUEST! and a new old timey ad! So be sure to check it out! We'll see you for our next episode, about Badge Art!


For the original show notes page check: Best of FWIW – ©opyright and the Fandom (S5E9) - Due to a technical problem, we lost our FanX episode right before export! :( In place of the FanX episode, here is a Best of Fur What It's Worth. It has some fresh Space News, including a SPECIAL GUEST! and
Categories: Podcasts

Magical Creatures: Collect Them All!

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 10 Apr 2016 - 01:59

“I’m Lorelei Lee, the owner and proprietor of this odd little shop. I live here with my two daughters and together we care for all the lost faerie creatures that come our way. You see, the Menagerie appears to have been built upon a rather large tear in the ether that separates our universe from that of the Faerie Realm. We tend to get a lot of unusual visitors here.” That’s the story behind Lee’s Menagerie, created by Stefani Lee Scoggan. It takes several forms, including an on-line comic (illustrated by Jacob Saucedo and Erik Scoggan), an upcoming series of fantasy novels for young readers (coming later this year), and even a line of original 3-D sculptures of various fantastic creatures — crafted by Stefani herself. Find all this and more at the Lee’s Menagerie web site.

image c. 2016 by Stefani Lee Scoggan

image c. 2016 by Stefani Lee Scoggan

Categories: News

Episode 309 - Bi Everything

Southpaws - Sat 9 Apr 2016 - 15:41
Count the Zootopia tangents in this episode and let us know. It's been over a month, but we still want to gently love the bunny. We also answer questions about Hulkamania running wild on Gawker, species changes, spanking, and give Wolfiemann his own back third of an episode with a long email! Want to support the show without buying dongs? We do have a Patreon- Episode 309 - Bi Everything
Categories: Podcasts

Episode 310 - Kangawhats

Southpaws - Sat 9 Apr 2016 - 15:34
This week it's Savrin and Shiva, as Fuzz is off being a normie at a publishers convention. We talk about where Shiva has been, the FurCast hack briefly, discuss how2convention, get handed a glorious music break song, and learn a whole lot about kangaroos. Like the show? You can support us on Patreon if you don't wanna buy dongs. This music break is "FUTA" by Wootmaster- Episode 310 - Kangawhats
Categories: Podcasts

The revenge of the furries

Furries In The Media - Fri 8 Apr 2016 - 11:05

Here is an article in the Boston Globe, about the rise of the furry fandom:

Furries — those most maligned members of the geek tribe — are finally having their moment. Last month, when a fur convention was held at a Vancouver hotel that was also serving as a temporary shelter for Syrian refugees, the world beheld Syrian children giggling in delight at adults dressed as lynxes and ocelots. And of course there’s “Zootopia’’ — the hit animated film featuring an anthropomorphic fox, which Disney cannily marketed directly to the furry contingent.

What is a furry? They are, roughly speaking, people with an abiding interest in, identification with, or yen to dress up as, animals. For some, there’s an erotic component; for others the thrill is more spiritual. Either way, furries have been bashed ever since the Internet discovered their previously underground community. Humorist Lore Sjöberg famously placed them below “Trekkies Who Get Married In Klingon Garb” and “Pokemon Fans Over the Age of Six” in his Geek Hierarchy flowchart all the way back in 2002.

But furries are unfairly scorned. An interest in other animals is nearly a defining trait of human beings — we’re far more likely than other predators to connect with nonhuman species, a trait that may have been a key part of our evolution as social beings. People have literally been dressing up like and identifying with animals for hundreds of thousands of years. The conservationist and children’s writer Thornton Burgess wrote in 1922 that “[t]his interest is instinctive,” going back to the “dawn man,” and modern science has backed him up. Vanessa LoBue, a researcher at Rutgers, found in a 2012 paper that children prefer live animals — even snakes and spiders — over inanimate toys.

In donning furry masks and creating fursonas, furries are just expressing the same urge of trans-species empathy that has powered countless iterations of human culture, from Stone-Age animism to the animal-headed gods of Egypt to the fables of Aesop and legends of kitsune and werewolves. It’s something those Syrian kids immediately recognized — inside those fursuits, the furries of Vancouver were simultaneously less, and a lot more, human.
Categories: News

The revenge of the furries

Furries In The Media - Fri 8 Apr 2016 - 11:05

Here is an article in the Boston Globe, about the rise of the furry fandom:

Furries — those most maligned members of the geek tribe — are finally having their moment. Last month, when a fur convention was held at a Vancouver hotel that was also serving as a temporary shelter for Syrian refugees, the world beheld Syrian children giggling in delight at adults dressed as lynxes and ocelots. And of course there’s “Zootopia’’ — the hit animated film featuring an anthropomorphic fox, which Disney cannily marketed directly to the furry contingent.

What is a furry? They are, roughly speaking, people with an abiding interest in, identification with, or yen to dress up as, animals. For some, there’s an erotic component; for others the thrill is more spiritual. Either way, furries have been bashed ever since the Internet discovered their previously underground community. Humorist Lore Sjöberg famously placed them below “Trekkies Who Get Married In Klingon Garb” and “Pokemon Fans Over the Age of Six” in his Geek Hierarchy flowchart all the way back in 2002.

But furries are unfairly scorned. An interest in other animals is nearly a defining trait of human beings — we’re far more likely than other predators to connect with nonhuman species, a trait that may have been a key part of our evolution as social beings. People have literally been dressing up like and identifying with animals for hundreds of thousands of years. The conservationist and children’s writer Thornton Burgess wrote in 1922 that “[t]his interest is instinctive,” going back to the “dawn man,” and modern science has backed him up. Vanessa LoBue, a researcher at Rutgers, found in a 2012 paper that children prefer live animals — even snakes and spiders — over inanimate toys.

In donning furry masks and creating fursonas, furries are just expressing the same urge of trans-species empathy that has powered countless iterations of human culture, from Stone-Age animism to the animal-headed gods of Egypt to the fables of Aesop and legends of kitsune and werewolves. It’s something those Syrian kids immediately recognized — inside those fursuits, the furries of Vancouver were simultaneously less, and a lot more, human.
Categories: News

Explicit 'furry' podcast airs on US radio after 'hack'

Furries In The Media - Fri 8 Apr 2016 - 11:01

Here is an article on the BBC News site, about the recent hacking of a repeater station used by Denver-area FM station KIFT 106.3:

Several US radio stations played out an explicit podcast to listeners after an apparent hack.

The Furcast group says the 90-minute podcast went out without its knowledge and it is "deeply sorry".

Two Texas stations were among those which broadcast the material, aimed at "furries"- people interested in animals that are given human traits.

Broadcasters have been advised to change passwords on the hardware many of them use.

Barix streaming boxes are popular with broadcasters and PA professionals.

Furcast said that multiple server requests for its content during the incident were in the name of "Barix Streaming Client" and that many of the individual boxes involved were visible on Shodan, a search engine for devices connected via the Internet of Things.

The BBC has contacted Barix for comment but the problem appears to be with security settings not being updated by the box owners.

"Someone is attacking Barix Boxes," wrote a member of the Alabama Broadcast Association.

"Several radio stations and at least one radio network have been compromised. The Barix receiver is pointed to an obscene podcast and its password changed so it can only be reset manually."

Furries are people who have a fascination with anthropomorphism and often dress in animal costumes.

The furry group Furcast describes itself as "an improv comedy-themed furry podcast with no censor" and denies that its main aim is to create sexual material.

"Our content is discovered by individuals who specifically seek what we produce, and they do not normally come into contact with it via public means," they wrote.

"We have no interest in being discovered by a mainstream audience."
'Unknown source'

Texas radio station KXAX found itself broadcasting Furcast's podcast on Tuesday.

"At about 9am we were notified that a programme was playing on the station that did not originate from this studio," the station wrote on Facebook.

"We found out that our equipment had been hacked and was broadcasting a podcast or a stream from an unknown source.

"We were able to eventually get the problem resolved. But still want to apologise to anyone who may have heard the programming."

KXAX general manager Jason Mclelland told Ars Technica there did not appear to have been a reason for the hack.

Another station affected, KIFT, said in a statement that it had only been able to regain control of its output when an engineer physically went to the site of the hacked remote transmitter.

"We are working with equipment manufacturers and auditing the security of our own systems to avoid any repeats of this incident," it said.
Categories: News

Explicit 'furry' podcast airs on US radio after 'hack'

Furries In The Media - Fri 8 Apr 2016 - 11:01

Here is an article on the BBC News site, about the recent hacking of a repeater station used by Denver-area FM station KIFT 106.3:

Several US radio stations played out an explicit podcast to listeners after an apparent hack.

The Furcast group says the 90-minute podcast went out without its knowledge and it is "deeply sorry".

Two Texas stations were among those which broadcast the material, aimed at "furries"- people interested in animals that are given human traits.

Broadcasters have been advised to change passwords on the hardware many of them use.

Barix streaming boxes are popular with broadcasters and PA professionals.

Furcast said that multiple server requests for its content during the incident were in the name of "Barix Streaming Client" and that many of the individual boxes involved were visible on Shodan, a search engine for devices connected via the Internet of Things.

The BBC has contacted Barix for comment but the problem appears to be with security settings not being updated by the box owners.

"Someone is attacking Barix Boxes," wrote a member of the Alabama Broadcast Association.

"Several radio stations and at least one radio network have been compromised. The Barix receiver is pointed to an obscene podcast and its password changed so it can only be reset manually."

Furries are people who have a fascination with anthropomorphism and often dress in animal costumes.

The furry group Furcast describes itself as "an improv comedy-themed furry podcast with no censor" and denies that its main aim is to create sexual material.

"Our content is discovered by individuals who specifically seek what we produce, and they do not normally come into contact with it via public means," they wrote.

"We have no interest in being discovered by a mainstream audience."
'Unknown source'

Texas radio station KXAX found itself broadcasting Furcast's podcast on Tuesday.

"At about 9am we were notified that a programme was playing on the station that did not originate from this studio," the station wrote on Facebook.

"We found out that our equipment had been hacked and was broadcasting a podcast or a stream from an unknown source.

"We were able to eventually get the problem resolved. But still want to apologise to anyone who may have heard the programming."

KXAX general manager Jason Mclelland told Ars Technica there did not appear to have been a reason for the hack.

Another station affected, KIFT, said in a statement that it had only been able to regain control of its output when an engineer physically went to the site of the hacked remote transmitter.

"We are working with equipment manufacturers and auditing the security of our own systems to avoid any repeats of this incident," it said.
Categories: News

“Furry Film Festival” idea expands with the [adjective][species] team.

Dogpatch Press - Fri 8 Apr 2016 - 10:28

Scene-from-Fantastic-Mr-F-001Last year, I shared the fantasy concept of a “Furry Film Festival.  It was inspired by many potential reasons for why it could happen for real.  Fred Patten recently shared a response article – and that brought even more response.  It’s very encouraging to see the idea catch on for discussion with other super dedicated fan publishers.  In time, hopefully it could lead to a festival for real.

Thanks to JM, editor of [adjective][species]:

“The [adjective][species] team think that the furry film festival idea is a fantastic one, and we would like to humbly submit the following suggestions (in screening order). This short list is a collective recommendation from several of our contributors.”

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)
Wes Anderson takes the already great story from Roald Dahl and elevates it with his signature style. The stop-motion animation allows him to stage the action with whimsical precision and the voice-acting breathes a perfect blend of feral and logical life into these characters. Silly, sweet, weird, and enchanting.

An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Everyone remembers the transformation sequence (and rightfully so — it’s still the best werewolf scene in film history), but this movie has a lot more going for it: the beginning of the film builds suspense wonderfully, and adds a few great touches to werewolf mythology that have never been duplicated. Rightfully placed, for more reasons than you’d think, as the pinnacle of its genre.

Robin Hood (1973)
Probably the most critically-dismissed movie on our list, this 1973 cartoon comes right out of Disney’s “dark period”. The studio cut corners every chance it could, and it shows — entire sequences are lifted from other movies, character models shift between frames and the story is a thin string of episodic set-pieces. But there’s still an undeniable charm about the debonair fox and his salt-of-the-earth companions as they rescue Nottingham from the feeble clutches of the maneless lion, Prince John.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988)
When Roger is framed for the murder of Marvin Acme, there’s only one man in Hollywood who can help him: Eddie Valiant, private investigator with an alcohol problem and a grudge against ‘toons. A love letter to the Golden Age of American Animation and the noir genre, the movie takes us for a ride in a world where cartoons are real and follow their own set of rules of physics and morals. Wacky, grimy, and a cornerstone for the tooniest among us.

Labyrinth (1986)
A fifteen-year-old girl travels through a land populated by loveable monsters from Jim Henson’s Creature Shop to rescue her baby half-brother from the Goblin King (David Bowie). A film about growing up without leaving the important stuff behind.

Ladyhawke (1985)
A great example of how far fantasy movies were willing to go in the 1980s: Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer as a pair of lovers cursed to change into a wolf at night and a hawk by day, respectively. The movie maintains a dreamy, mythic feel throughout that ages superbly as a testament to the imagination and aesthetic of the genre films of the decade.

Never Cry Wolf (1983)
Carroll Ballard’s masterpiece about a biologist who accepts an arctic posting in the hope he can rediscover his true nature. Starts slowly but once our hero is marooned, he starts to discover his inner animal-person. Transcendent, especially if you have a touch of the wolf.

That concludes the submitted post by JM.

That’s a great movie list, for quality as much as fan appeal.  The only one I think is a stretch is Labyrinth, since isn’t it known for non furry reasons (maybe another Henson movie could fit better?)  The two following it may not be highly anthropomorphic in presentation, just more in theme.  But they likely fit the theme of “stuff furries love” which could be curated for a great film festival. If it includes vintage 1980’s fantasy AND a nature themed movie like Never Cry Wolf, how about The Beastmaster?

Pragmatic limits for a real festival.

Leaving behind fantasy ideas and making it real would of course bring challenges like getting screening rights.  (Good luck getting anywhere near the Disney movies.)  As Fred’s response said:

Such a festival could easily be filled by excellent but obscure features (many foreign). That would have the advantages of probably being cheaper to rent than those by large American studios.

It would make sense to use part original fan-made stuff (likely not put on big screens before), and part underexposed, obscure or foreign content – including a small selection of “marquee worthy” choices with name recognition or other draw.

I originally suggested the Furry Force shorts (since the creators approve, and possibly even CollegeHumor could put their name on it).  And Finsterworld – since the director approved my request to screen it for a festival, it had it’s brush with Oscar recognition, has very little exposure in North America, and was made with Real Furries.

You’ve read this far… so here’s a tasty treat.

Finsterworld seems almost completely unseen by the devoted niche of furries who could enjoy seeing themselves in a movie of really special quality.  It seems sadly impossible to see without importing a German region coded DVD with no subtitles.  In 2013 I was given private access to a streaming english-titled festival screener.  It doesn’t take away business to share something that isn’t available anyways…

See Finsterworld here.  The password is ‘Furries2013’ (case sensitive.)

Expect “arthouse” ensemble drama, on the other end of the spectrum from explosion-based movies.  It’s a movie of many moods – absurd, perverse, hilarious, thoughtful, cynical, satirical and magical.  It’s incredibly German.  The furry subplot is only a piece of the whole, but it’s key to the message.  The director worked with some Eurofurence furs to research and shoot their fursuiting scene.  Watch with the lights out and brain engaged for a really excellent experience.

– Patch

Thanks to Pup Mathias for the hard work of formatting Fred’s previous response article.

Categories: News