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Book Buddies to the Rescue

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 16 Nov 2023 - 03:59

We found this in Animation Magazine, looked it up, and followed along to their web site… Atomic Cartoons present a new animated special for young folks, coming to PBS Kids right before New Years. “Rocket Saves the Day is a fun-filled adventure for preschoolers and their parents, based on the New York Times bestselling Rocket book series created by Tad Hills and published by Random House… The movie is a hero’s journey in which an enthusiastic young pup, Rocket, and his new best friend, Little Yellow Bird, embark on a quest to save their town through the power of reading. Throughout the journey, Rocket and his friends learn how to put letters and sounds together to make words – the building blocks of reading. Its animation style embodies a unique and distinctive hand-drawn look that mirrors Hills’ textured illustrations.” Look for it on December 26th.

image c. 2023 Atomic Cartoons

Categories: News

Mythological Cuteness

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 15 Nov 2023 - 02:59

Where have we been? We’ve been missing episodes of Fabulous Beasts (aka There Are Beasts), which started streaming back in April. There’s a detailed preview over at Yu-Alexius. “Known in Chinese as You Shou Yan, the donghua promises to deliver another adorable experience for Chinese animation viewers, especially to the fans of Non-Human (Fei Ren Zai), and All Saint’s Street (Wan Sheng Jie) since both shows feature mythological and supernatural creatures living in the modern day world.” [There’s even more we need to check out! — ye ed-otter] “Based on the popular manhua by Xue Xia Mao Yao Zi, There Are Beasts is produced by Bilibili and animated by Studio FENZ. [The show] follows Sibuxiang, a mythological animal who descends to the mortal world to help his fellow creatures survive in a time of scientific advancement. As Sibuxiang encounters a range of fascinating characters, including Pixiu, Tuye, and the Jue brothers, viewers will be treated to a thrilling blend of mythology and modernity, filled with exciting stories and characters that are sure to capture the imagination.” All of which fails to capture the essence of just how cute these characters and their adventures are. See what we mean over on YouTube.

image c. 2023 Bilibili

Categories: News

Episode 547 - Cozycast

Southpaws - Tue 14 Nov 2023 - 12:06

Savrin, Fuzz, and Ajax get comfy in the solarium and chat. We've got Pixar babies into the vore machine, cringe pill PSAs, techbro AI nonsense screwing up research, trans Catholics can now get baptised, and book stuff too.

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Episode 547 - Cozycast
Categories: Podcasts

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 02

TigerTails Radio - Tue 14 Nov 2023 - 05:26

TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 02. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
Categories: Podcasts

Book review – Furry Planet: A World Gone Wild is an enjoyable tour of furries around the world.

Dogpatch Press - Mon 13 Nov 2023 - 06:15

Welcome to guest writer Grubbs Grizzly.

Furry Planet is an Interesting Complement to Furry Nation – by Grubbs Grizzly

Six years ago, author Joe Strike released Furry Nation: The True Story of America’s Most Misunderstood Subculture (Cleis Press), a nicely comprehensive history of the furry fandom. Being very interested in the fandom, I naturally bought and read it. So, when Strike released Furry Planet: A World Gone Wild (includes History, Costumes, and Conventions) (Apollo), I of course purchased it as well.

The book is not what I expected.

Reading the title, I thought it was going to be more history, expanding upon the U.S.-focused first title with a history of conventions and furry culture in Europe, Asia, and other continents. In the book’s introduction, Strike even writes: “Furry Planet: A World Gone Wild remedies Nation’s oversight of the global furry community and in the following pages you’ll meet furs based worldwide who have been inspired by our misunderstood subculture….”

The first chapter, “It’s a Furry World,” starts off promising to stick to what I thought was the book’s premise with a brief look at the U.S. before moving on to a 28-page whirlwind tour of fandoms in the U.K., Europe, Russia, Singapore, China, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. Most of the book after this, however, is about furriness outside the fandom. That is, how anthropomorphic arts have pervaded world cultures in everything from sculpture and paintings to film and performance arts.

This is some fascinating stuff. Strike, through interviews and research, has uncovered a lot of truly interesting tidbits about human culture, ranging from the humorous to the slightly disturbing. For example, there is a lengthy interview with Dr. Stuart Sumida, a paleontologist and expert on human and animal anatomy who has served as a consultant on many animated anthro-animal movies such as Brother Bear and How to Train Your Dragon. Dr. Sumida offers insights into how to create believable anthro animals. Strike interviews some avant-garde artists, as well, such as Anthony Ausgang, a leader in the “lowbrow artists movement”; Swedish sculptor Margit Brudnin, who is known for her large anthro-rabbit pieces; and performance artist and director Rob Roth, whose Craig’s Dream is about a homeless wolflike creature’s sad plight.

These are just a few of the interviews and discussions of various mainstream artists, some of them American, some of them from other countries. Mixed in with these chapters are discussions of literature, furry costuming, cartoons, Japanese monsters, video games, TV shows, and so on. Some of the players are furry (such as Patch O’Furr from Dogpatch Press and Dr. Courtney Plante of FurScience), and others are not (as noted above). It concludes with Strike’s musings as to whether or not furry will (or should) enter the mainstream.

This is a desultory, peripatetic performance that makes the book more easily digestible chapter-by-chapter, rather than reading it cover-to-cover. It’s rather like playing Pokémon Go in which you are exploring the world and Strike’s book serves as your mobile phone through which you are able to discover interesting creatures to capture, which makes the book best suited for readers with short attention spans. It’s enjoyable and interesting, with lots of little-known factoids (such as the story of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien at a party wearing some unusual garb), but disorganized in a way that disallows any possibilities for a smooth narrative.

Exacerbating this problem is the lackluster cover and page design (not even running headers or footers?) from the publisher, as well as the handling of illustrations. There is literally only one illustration in the main body of the book (comparing primagens and protogens) with 31 color illustrations at the back of the book. Now, grouping color photos at the back (or, more typically, in the middle) of a book is an understandable (and oft-used) way to save some printing costs on glossy paper while providing nice graphics. However, if you’re going to do that, it would have been immensely helpful to the reader to provide in-text page references for them. For example, when talking about Brudnin’s sculptures, add a note sending the reader to the photos in back (oh, and add page numbers to the photo pages next time, please, Apollo). A much better strategy would have been to put more black-and-white illustrations in the book’s main text, and then, for fun, add extra color photos in the back (or middle). Also, the book has extensive endnotes, which is great, but an index would have been appreciated.

Furry Planet is an enjoyable read, full of discoveries and surprises, but one that needs better focus and definitely a less misleading title and marketing. It’s really not a standalone book, but more of a supplement to Strike’s Furry Nation. I would recommend you buy Nation first, read it, and then get Furry Planet. Both are worthwhile and fun tours of the fandom from very different perspectives.

About the Author

Grubbs Grizzly is the owner of Uncle Bear Publishing, LLC (, which specializes in furry nonfiction. He is also the columnist for “Ask Papabear” ( and runs the annual Good Furry Awards (

Like the article? These take hard work. For more free furry news, follow on Twitter or support not-for-profit Dogpatch Press on Patreon. Want to get involved? Try these subreddits: r/furrydiscuss for news or r/waginheaven for the best of the community. Or send guest writing here. (Content Policy.)

Categories: News

Synths: What Are They In The Furry Fandom?

Fursonafy - Mon 13 Nov 2023 - 05:43

  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding The Furry Fandom
  3. Furry Species: What Are They?
  4. The World Of Synths
  5. The History Of Synths
  6. What Makes A Synth A Synth
  7. A Few More Things About Synths
  8. Why Should You Be A Synth
  9. Takeaway
Article Content Introduction

Have you ever come across the furry community and felt mesmerized by the unique culture they proudly flaunt? If yes, you are not the only one. The community is definitely fun and one-of-a-kind.

This amazing subculture has many furry species and characters that can easily catch anyone’s attention. There are avians, dragons, reptiles, mythical creatures, and whatnot. 

Among them are synths as well. Created by Vader-San, these are reptilian android characters and are popular among furry enthusiasts.

Understanding The Furry Fandom

Art has no boundaries. It can take the shape of any object or character around, bringing life to unknown creatures never found on this planet before. 

This is what makes it exquisite, and very few people have the unique artistic abilities to create something extraordinary. 

The term “furry” first came into the limelight in 1983. But it was not until 1990 that this word was recognized as a genre covering the collective appreciation of art related to fictional mammalian anthropomorphic characters. 

Furry fandom was formed on similar principles to create a community or a subculture that represents people who like anthropomorphic animals. These creatures are animals but have many human-like traits. 

The members of this unique community, also known as furries, follow similar interests in literature, art, and other creative activities. 

They have a world of their own, centered around anthropomorphic animals. Most of these creatures are quite like normal animals, like foxes and cats. But there are a few characters that have their different and unbelievable features and attributes. 

Furry species are an actual work of imagination. They have individual personalities and traits that are mostly unknown to most. 

If you ever had a chance to join the furry fandom, you might have noticed certain key elements that make the community stand out. 

For instance, most enthusiasts in this community follow a certain category of art called the “Furry.” Their passion for creating various art forms like animations, illustrations, and comics brings them together. 

Furry species followers also hold conventions inviting similar people from around the world to participate in different activities and share their passion for this universe. Most participants wear fursuits, a costume that represents their favorite anthropomorphic characters. 

One of the best things about the furry fandom is that it accepts people from all ages, backgrounds, and cultures. This is an inclusive subculture of individuals that welcomes everyone open-heartedly.

    A Group Of Synth Furries

    Image via SynthSpecies

    Furry Species: What Are They?

    You can’t create a furry fandom without its furry species. They are a central part of this quirky world that all participants create and resonate with. 

    Almost all furry species are different, blending human and animal traits. You will be surprised to witness a diverse range of these characters, each exhibiting the artistic potential of the furry fandom members. 

    For example, there are canines such as dogs, foxes, and wolves. You also come across felines, including cats, lions, and tigers, and you may also spot horses and unicorns. 

    There are also dragons, reptiles, rodents, and certain mythical creatures that you may have never seen. 

    All these furry species are a work of high creativity and imagination. Every member of the furry fandom has the complete freedom to customize any existing character or create an entirely new one from scratch. There are no limitations, and that’s what works best in curating amazing designs. 

    Since these species are the voice of many and help self-express their thoughts, furry members often develop characters with a backstory, abilities, and personalities. This makes it easy to use these species for various role-play activities. 

    The world of furry species is truly an interesting one. But what makes it more attractive and fun is one of the top characters, synths.

    From fursuit commissions to art commissions, Fursonafy has your back "They where extremely understanding and patient. They provided fast response times and amazing communication" Edward

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    Created by Vader-San, Synths are truly one of a kind. They are synthetic and fictional species that you can freely use in any science fiction universe. Yes, there are no restrictions on that. 

    As a furry enthusiast, you don’t have to worry about getting approval when creating a synth character. The synth community allows you to go wild with your imagination and designs, spreading your creativity in the furry community. 

    That said, there are some common characteristics that are mostly found in synth characters. You can create your own unique design based on these features or design an entirely new persona. 

    For instance, most characters come with robotic enhancements. Some models may have artificial eyes, and others might feature mechanical limbs. 

    Interestingly, the faces of certain synths have 3D screens that display their eyes. These screens are cleverly designed to communicate the character’s emotions and hide any sensory equipment that they may have. 

    Another unique feature that almost all synths have is their sturdy frame that resembles a skeleton. The entire structure is supported by muscles and tendons, making these characters look different from the rest of the furry species. 

    Synths have bodies with a futuristic design featuring high-tech elements. For instance, you may find them having LED lights, advanced accessories, and armor all around them, representing their strong personalities. 

    Here is an interesting fact for you. Most of the synth characters designed in the past were found to have skin that could change color. This means that if you plan to design a synth furry for yourself, you can easily experiment with any pattern or color you like. 

    Synths usually don’t have a specific gender, but you can use yours to represent any gender. Besides, this species can adapt to different genders and body shapes at a time. This helps them find and stick to one image that makes them feel comfortable. 

    These characters usually have a body image according to their job requirements. For example, synths working as pilots must be small in order to sit comfortably in a plane’s cockpit. However, a professional swimmer can be sturdy, muscular, and large to perform their work as an athlete. 

    What Do Synths Eat?

    Synths need food to survive. But what makes it all interesting is that most of them have a strong capability to digest materials that can easily extend and repair their bodies. 

    They have a solid digestive system that produces lubricants for quick digestion. This helps them eat materials like graphene, coal, metals, graphite, and uranium to spice up their plate of food.  

    You will be amazed to learn the names of some food items that synths usually love to consume. They are generally based on puns such as the FooBars, Graphioli, and Polymüsli.

    Do Synths Have a Home?

    Do you know what makes synths one of the best creatures? It is usually their flexibility to adapt to any environment they are put in. 

    You can find them in any biome. They will be around organic people despite their differences. 

    Synths can also physically survive in any climate, provided it isn’t too extreme or testing for their bodies. 

    To evaluate whether a habitat would suit your synth, just test if it is right for a technical device. If it is, it will definitely work for your synth.

      Anatomy Of A Synth

      Image via Amino Apps

      The History of Synths

      As interesting as they sound and look, synths have had a dramatic past within the fictional world. They were created by a civilization that faced a climatic event, destroying all the infrastructure they had built from scratch. 

      The tragic event took away most of the population, sources and food. However, the only thing left in abundance was fuel and energy. 

      The civilization containing various species thought about this shortage quite cleverly and came up with rebuilding their universe through characters that use electric energy to survive. When the synths were formed, they helped their civilization to grow by building their infrastructure and soon became a major part of their community. 

      Today, synths are known to be the most helpful species in the furry universe. They don’t shy away from assisting anyone who crosses their paths and takes up jobs that can easily make a change in their community. 

      They are an excellent alternative to biological beings for tasks that might be dangerous or impossible for the latter. Since synths are considered as beings rather than robots, you can’t buy or sell them. 

      That in the furry world would be considered slavery. 

      Interestingly, you can make them your friends and even date them if they start liking you.

      Synth Fursuit Head

      Image via Pinterest

      What Makes A Synth A Synth

      To love any furry species, you must first know their behavioral attributes and habits. Synths are quite different from other characters because of their synthetic and free bodies. 

      They don’t have human-like brains. Instead, you will only find a complex set of hardware above their heads. 

      The synthetic brains make most synths possess artificial intelligence as part of their character. This makes them have strong cognitive abilities and enhanced information processing systems. 

      But that said, synths do have the ability to experience genuine emotions at times. They can also learn new skills, form memories, and, at times, might forget things. 

      Since they have a large number and variety of sensors in their bodies and brains, synths can feel pain, thirst, pleasure, touch, smell, and other similar sensations. 

      While they are believed to depend on their complex and unique computing hardware, most synths are not necessarily smarter than normal beings with a biological brain. This is because an organic brain may easily store a large amount of data within a limited time, but a synth’s brain may find it hard. 

      When creating a synth or even understanding one, know that they aren’t perfect. Just like humans, these creatures also have flaws. 

      A synth’s senses can easily be tricked through illusions. Similarly, their system may face a malfunction by a software glitch or malware. 

      They are not ideal in all aspects but that’s what makes them more relevant and realistic.

      Another Example Of A Synth

      Image via Pinterest

      A Few More Things About Synths

      The amazing qualities of synths can easily woo any member of the furry fandom. Here are some more interesting facts about the creature that might just make you a fan. 

      • A synth can become a parent whenever they like. Their children usually have the same traits as them and have small bodies that grow eventually. 
      • Synths die just like organic species. This usually happens when their brains run out of energy. 
      • Most synths look like lizards or dragons. While you can experiment with a unique appearance for your synth, know that most of them are proud of their familiar traits and looks. 
      • The personality of almost every synth develops with time. They build and change it by absorbing their environment and through regular self-reflection.
      Why Should You Be a Synth?

      In a world full of organic creatures, why should you opt for a synth?

      Well, there are many reasons for that. 

      • A synth allows you to express your individual characteristics. Plus, you can change and mold it whenever you want. 
      • Through the specie’s sophisticated sensors, you can experience a world through ultraviolet and infrared. 
      • As the synth character, you get to enjoy the pneumatic muscles of the creature that truly are one-of-a-kind. 
      • Synths work on wireless charging. This means that you don’t have to worry about any [cable mess. You can easily get your juice while on the go. 
      • As a synth, you can be a significant part of your growing community. By hacking your system and unlocking new modes, you can successfully bring diversity to the table.

        Synth Reference Sheet

        Image via Reddit


        Have the unique attributes of furry fandom and synths blown your mind? It definitely is an amazing world and it is worth joining the community to take a break from your organic existence. 

        Moreover, synth species are a gem in every way. Although they have a strong exterior, their flexible personalities, emotional yet highly technological minds, and rich history make them stand out from the other furry species. 

        So, are you tempted to create your synth fursona right now? Get to work because it is an excellent community to be a part of.

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        Xege Kheiru

        Jennifer is an ex-costume designer turned fursuit maker, better known by her fursona's name Xege Kheiru. Under this alias she has written extensively for the Fursonafy blog and many others on the topic of fursuit making and general information about the furry fandom.

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        The post Synths: What Are They In The Furry Fandom? appeared first on Fursonafy.

        Categories: News

        Light The Lights

        In-Fur-Nation - Mon 13 Nov 2023 - 02:58

        More interesting stuff showing up at MIP-COM and MIP-Junior. This time we came across a press release from The Jim Henson Company, talking about several new shows they’re offering for young viewers — at least two of which are especially furry-friendly. First off there’s Wowsabout: “Roxy the Hedgehog and Ronald the Piglet are on a walking-adventure to find the ‘Wows’ on this gorgeous planet they call home… Our heroes will experience the beauty of the northern lights, a hot air balloon festival, the magnificence of the world’s tallest building, and so much more!” And maybe not as quiet, there’s Monster Jam: “Get ready to stomp and roar! Right here on the dance floor! At the grooviest, funkiest, most monstrous club around. Everyone is invited to the Monster Jam – a safe place for kids to express their big emotions through physical movement, creative expression, and by letting their inner monster out!” Let’s hope they have good luck finding good markets — especially here in North America!

        image c. 2023 The Jim Henson Company

        Categories: News

        GFTV CIO signs experiment is a success — now we got rules for it

        Global Furry Television - Sun 12 Nov 2023 - 19:55

        GFTV’s public signs – the HelloSpot, MeetSpot and Group Signs 😊 have been flying 🛸 around the lil’ red dot 🇸🇬 for close to six months now. Their birth at LIFC 2023 was in fact an experiment 🧪. No expectations 👩‍🔬. But unknowingly, they’ve made beautiful moments 🌅 ever since – from first-time furries making […]
        Categories: News

        Bearly Furcasting S4E28-No Bearly...Just Pup and Raccoon

        Bearly Furcasting - Sat 11 Nov 2023 - 06:00

        MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

        Bearly is away at BLFC and Pup and Raccoon have the controls. We talk about where Taebyn has been, some Media, News of the Odd/Stupid, Furries in the News, Upcoming Events, pup tells a story that's a full show of crazy all packed neatly into one episode! 

        This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

        Support the show

        Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

        You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

        Bearly Furcasting S4E28-No Bearly...Just Pup and Raccoon
        Categories: Podcasts

        Dino Girls and Grumpy Bears

        In-Fur-Nation - Sat 11 Nov 2023 - 02:55

        Recently at a local children’s book store we stumbled across the works of artist and author Ryan T. Higgins. His two most famous series of illustrated books, Mother Bruce and Penelope Rex, are decidedly furry and very, very silly. Which you can probably tell from the title of the first Penelope book, We Don’t Eat Our Classmates. The follow up to that is We Don’t Lose Our Class Goldfish, and check out this opening: “Penelope Rex was seven feet tall and covered in scales. Other than that, she was just like every other kid.” And so it goes, as you can imagine. Check out Mr. Higgins’ web site to see more of what he’s been bringing the world — and what awards he’s been given for it so far.

        image c. 2023 Disney Books

        Categories: News

        After Graduating College, She Feels Adrift

        Ask Papabear - Fri 10 Nov 2023 - 14:12
        Good Morning, Papa Bear,

        I've recently graduated college. I'm the first in my family to do so, and I received top honors. I should feel happy, proud, and excited for the future, but instead I feel sad and empty. All of my friends have moved elsewhere, but I'm stuck in my hometown with my parents, working to save up money. I've been applying to jobs related to my degree, but I've only gotten ghosted.

        Without grades, a degree, or a career path to work towards, I have no clue what to do next with my life. Everyone says 22 is young, but I still feel like I'm falling behind. I've no romantic relationship, no budding career, and no place of my own just yet.
        How are people supposed to define their paths in life? How do I stop feeling like I'm stuck in some nebulous pit of stagnation?

        Thank you, Papa Bear,
        -Anonymous (Wisconsin)

        * * *

        Dear Furiend,

        Pardon my confusion, but you said you graduated college but you don't have a degree or grades? Could you clarify?

        And, next question, what do you WANT to do with your life?

        I'll await your response.


        * * *

        I do have a degree--in biology. Just now that college is over, I don't have any clear overarching goals (like a degree, or a good GPA) to work towards, which makes me feel lost.

        I'm not sure what I want to do with my life. I know it's cliche, but I guess above all I want to be happy. I'd like to cultivate a family I can love and feel loved by. My current family is good, but it is unaccepting of my sexuality and other aspects of my identity, so I never feel free to be authentically myself. I'm not sure what I want from a job--just that I don't feel (totally) miserable going to work each day. This might be a little unrealistic though, haha. 

        Thank you so much.

        * * *

        Dear Furiend,

        There are two things going on here, I believe: 1) your career/schooling, and 2) your private life. When it comes to your goals in life, it sounds like you place having a family above a career. That's terrific. It's good to have priorities and to know what is important in your life. When it comes to careers, though, there are two kinds of jobs: 1) The kind of job you do to make money to pay bills but don't really care about that much, and 2) the kind of job that is your passion, your life, a part of who you are. When your work is something you love, as they say, you won't work a day in your life. It won't be "work" but, rather, a passion, a mission.

        The field of biology can certainly be that as it can lead to all sorts of different careers from wildlife management to the medical professions to high-tech research to the profitable (and morally dicey) pharmaceutical industry. The thing is, with just a B.S. in biology, your options are limited to things such as lab tech or entry-level research biologist or, perhaps, work at a zoo or aquarium (not that the last one is bad; I tried to be a zookeeper once but my degree was in English so they picked a woman with a biology degree). If you sincerely wish to pursue some kind of career in biology, you really need to go to grad school or medical school. So, I would recommend that you continue to further your education. If financing is an issue, perhaps you can find a job at a company that will help pay for you to go to grad school or--another possibility--find work at a university, and then you can likely attend their programs cost-free because you are an employee. Pursuing your education would certainly set up a new goal for you and you would not feel like you were adrift as you do now.

        Moving on to your personal life, I am sorry your family is not supportive of your identity. It sounds as if you live in a small town in Wisconsin. What I usually recommend for LGBTQIA writers to my column who live in podunk small towns with conservative parents is that they try and move to a larger city with a more welcoming community. Fortunately for you, cities like Madison and Milwaukee have large LGBTQIA communities where you are much more likely to find a love interest (as well as employers who aren't homophobic or transphobic). There are other cities, too, that aren't bad, including Eau Claire, Superior, and LaCrosse. In general, any city with a fairly sizeable university will lean toward a more liberal and open-minded perspective on people such as you and me. I would start searching for work in these larger areas, especially at colleges and universities that have research labs in the area of biology where you can explore the option I outlined above. Yes, there might be some cost issues, so I would also recommend trying to find a roommate situation--perhaps one of your friends who was wise enough to leave their hometown. If you can't find anything in Wisconsin, then widen your circle to other states until you find something. And don't be too proud to start at the bottom and work your way up. Hey, my first job was at a burger stand. You gotta start somewhere.

        I hope this helps. If not, write me again!

        Bear Hugs,

        Moomintroll: 1940s LGBTQ Icon | Culturally F'd

        Culturally F'd - Thu 9 Nov 2023 - 16:30

        Main character of Moomin (1990) and Moominvalley (2019), Moomintroll is the most famous Finnish cartoon character, popular the world over. He is also a queer, polyamorous role model for kids, openly maintaining healthy relationships with his boyfriend and girlfriend. Merch, Sweet Tees and stuff: Support Culturally F'd: Listen in on TEMPO TALKS with Tempe O'Kun Check out Tempe O'Kun's books "Sixes Wild" and "Windfall" here: Here's a playlist of his other Culturally F'd videos: Art by: Tove Jansson, Moomin Characters inc. Fumikawage, Shanimations, RKQ, NoodleLevi, CoolBoyo, YammyRiya, BowSully, Nyyra, SaltySelv, MissPolycystic, Terallen, Llya Kuvshinov, Goatanimedatingsim, Eli, TheTransAlien, SG, Toskill, Fi00fie, Washiimbebe, Avnil, Rage Against The Machine, the International Red Cross, assorted pro-democracy punks, and the people of Poland. Some art was found on sites that did not attribute an artist, so if you know of someone we missed, please help us by shouting it out in the comments!
        Categories: Videos

        Journey ’round the Horn

        In-Fur-Nation - Thu 9 Nov 2023 - 02:59

        It’s MIP-COM time again, and that means all sorts of interesting animated TV series showing up and showing off — from all around the world. In this case, it’s a new series out of Lithuania called Stomp! Stomp! Rhinos! Here’s an article from Animation Magazine: “A new animated series about a family of rhinos is ready to teach children how to control their emotions… The series centers on the Rhino family (mom, dad and their three kids who live in a cozy home with their pet tortoise, Bobo) as they navigate life’s little challenges and learn how to manage emotions such as anger, frustration, jealousy, loneliness, etc.” Originally intended as a CGI show, the producers eventually decided that a 2D approach would get their message across better. See? It still works!

        image c. 2023 Oak9

        Categories: News

        Animation senpais w/Titania #shorts #snippet

        Fox and Burger - Wed 8 Nov 2023 - 13:00

        Let's talk animation senpais with Titania! Catch the full episode here: ---- Social Media: Official FABP Twitter: Michael: Burger: ---- #foxandburger #shorts #snippet #furry
        Categories: Podcasts

        A Previous Relationship Haunts Him

        Ask Papabear - Wed 8 Nov 2023 - 11:06
        Dear Papabear,

        I’ve written to you a few times before and look forward to your warm advice every time. I should also say that I have talked to therapists and extremely benefited from the experience. Anyway, here is the real content of my letter:

        How do you escape the ghost of your lost love?

        Six months ago, the man who I thought was my soulmate broke up with me, and I lost the life we built together. I lived with him, and his other partner (F), and every other weekend we would house the children each of them had from previous relationships. It was everything I ever wanted: a life living with the man I love, kids, a home, a daily routine. We had been together for two years including a three month or so break, when he broke up with me the first time. But it all came crashing down when he met someone new and wanted to replace me. After fishing for excuses and blaming being rid of me on something he forgave me for five months prior, I overheard a conversation between him and his other partner about how much he was in love with the new boy. How he never loved anyone more, besides herself, and this new relationship scared her. Time and time again he threw her concerns aside and failed to comfort her about it. He crossed many lines between all of us dating this new flame, and the fact he wanted to give this new person, who frequently lied to him, everything I ever wanted, while pushing me out of the picture was too much.

        I loved that man more than anyone and everything I had ever known, but in an instant I hated him more than anyone on the face of the earth. I had already started therapy prior to the end of the relationship in an attempt to save it, and through the months since I have gone through many stages of grief. I still hold contact with his son, a child I will always consider my own. We have phone calls during the week and play games together. His mother and I are good friends, and we’ve even arranged visits to play at the park.

        Just like the first time he broke up with me, I tried to date. The first time, I was completely incapable of getting him out of my head, and gave up dating. I had accepted the fact of being alone until my wish was granted and he returned to me. This time though, my hatred for him kept the thought of him away. And now six months later I find myself happy with another man. My boyfriend is amazing, he’s kind, listens to me, even remembering many off hand things I say. He’s romantic, takes initiative, and is always happy to hear me go on about the little things I adore, and does the same when I want to be enamored by his voice. I could go on about all the big or little things he does that have won me over, but I should address the issue instead.

        Lately, I feel haunted by the ghost of my ex. Sometimes when I’m cuddled up to my boyfriend or when he kisses me, I pull away and expect to see my ex’s face. I almost want it. Especially when I’m intimate with my boyfriend, I get flashes of being intimate with “Him.” I thought I hated “him,” and when asked what I wanted: “to no longer be a part of his story.” But now I’m having dreams/nightmares about him coming back to me. Dreams that bring me to tears, or chill me to the bone, and I don’t know what to do.

        What do you do when you love someone so deeply that you wouldn’t hesitate to die for them, and then it’s just gone? I feel trapped between the ghost of a man who hurt me deeper than anyone else, who used me and never truly loved me, and a man that does love me, and may even marry me one day. I’m afraid this haunting will continue to affect my relationship, as I am hesitant to bring it up to my boyfriend. He’s been the most understanding person in the world to talk to given his own history and hauntings of his own. But, it’s just all so intense and I feel disgusted and ashamed every time I see my ex in the tender moments I try to share with my new love. I know what he did, why do I feel this way? Why can’t I keep hating him and move on in my life with someone else?

        Any advice you may be able to give is always deeply appreciated.


        * * *

        Dear Furiend,

        When we have a powerful, deep relationship with someone, that person and all they represent will have a lasting impression on us even after they are gone from our lives. This is not a bad thing, since we learn a lot about love and ourselves through relationships--even the ones that have ended. Your first love will, thus, be in your head for a long time, if not forever. 

        When you kiss or hug or are intimate with your current beau, these physical interactions are sensory stimuli that can elicit powerful memories. As a for instance, it is like when you are going about your business and, suddenly, you smell apple pie and it brings back a strong memory of your mother and suddenly you can see her quite clearly in your mind's eye. In the same way, the sensation of a kiss brings back a memory of your first love. This should not make you think that you would rather be with him than your current love. It's just the way memories can work sometimes. Also, it doesn't seem like it has been very long since the first relationship ended, so your memories are still very present in your mind.

        The people we meet in our lives become a part of us. I still often think of Jim, even though he has been dead for eight years now and I have my husband of four years, Michael. the good news is that Michael is not jealous about this and is very understanding. Your new love sounds like a kind person who will understand, too. Your thoughts of Love #1 do not mean that you are going to try to go back to him or anything like that. We both know that despite how he hurt you and how you say you "hate" him now, there is still a lot of love there and a lot of fondness for the life you had with him. That doesn't mean you actually want to go back to him.

        The good news is that love is not a limited resource. Just because you still harbor feelings for your first man doesn't mean this will limit the amount of love you have for Love #2. In short, it's okay to still feel love for #1 despite how it ended. Treasure the fond memories you have. Permit yourself to admit there were good times and this will bring you closure and self-acceptance. Then, recognizing you are in a much better relationship now, allow yourself to enjoy it! Remember the past, learn from it, and then live in the present.

        Make sense?


        Original Art and Original Creatures

        In-Fur-Nation - Wed 8 Nov 2023 - 02:55

        More cool people we met at Lightbox this year! Amber Aki Huang is a character designer employed at Dreamworks Animation. According to her web site, “Aki mainly works in Character Design and Visual Development for Pre-Development and Production for feature film and TV. However, Aki has also been known to design for toys.” To that latter end, she has her own brand, Deercat & Friends. It features both art and plushies of two of her original species, the deercat and the snoo, plus more general (often furry!) artwork for sale.

        image c. 2023 by Amber Aki Huang

        Categories: News

        S10 E17 – Noncanonical, Noncanonical, Noncanonical! - Since the dawn of time (or at least the dawn of fandoms!) fans and content creators have had to find the balance between what creators want to produce and what fans want to see. How have they negotiate

        Fur What It's Worth - Wed 8 Nov 2023 - 00:18
        Since the dawn of time (or at least the dawn of fandoms!) fans and content creators have had to find the balance between what creators want to produce and what fans want to see. How have they negotiated this tension and has it always been for the better? Join the cast as they talk about their experience with cannon and fan made content.

        NOW LISTEN!
        SHOW NOTES
        Thank you!
        Citrus and Kiui for your emails!
        The following people have decided this month’s Fur What It’s Worth is worth actual cash! THANK YOU!

        Uber Supporter Tier


        Tails Bursting out of Pants Supporters

        Ashton Sergal, Nuka, MephistophEli

        Fancy Supporter Tier

        Rifka, Baldrik, Lufis

        Deluxe Supporters Tier

        Tenax, Plug

        Plus Tier Supporters

        Ausi Kat

        McRib Tier Supporters

        Victor Mutt
        Ichigo Ookami


        Intro: RetroSpecter – Cloud Fields (RetroSpecter Mix). USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Century Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth.
        First Break: Golem - Meizong, Argofox, Creative Commons 2023.
        Second Break: The Wellerman - , Creative Commons 2019.
        Third Break: Unstoppable - Spence, Creative Commons 2020.
        Patreon: Inflammatus - The Tudor Consort, Creative Commons 2019
        Closing: Cloud Fields (RetroSpecterChill Remix), USA: Unpublished, 2018. ©2011-2018 Fur What It’s Worth. Based on Fredrik Miller – Cloud Fields (Chill Out Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. S10 E17 – Noncanonical, Noncanonical, Noncanonical! - Since the dawn of time (or at least the dawn of fandoms!) fans and content creators have had to find the balance between what creators want to produce and what fans want to see. How have they negotiate
        Categories: Podcasts

        TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 01

        TigerTails Radio - Tue 7 Nov 2023 - 05:32

        TigerTails Radio Season 15 Episode 01. Join the Discord Chat: For a full preview of events and for previous episodes, please visit See website for full breakdown of song credits, which is usually updated shortly after the show. If you like what we do and wish to throw some pennies our way to support us, please consider sending a little tip our way. * Please note, tips are made to support TigerTails Radio and are assumed as made with good faith, so are therefore non-refundable. Thank you for your support and understanding.
        Categories: Podcasts

        FWG Monthly Newsletter November 2023

        Furry Writers' Guild - Sun 5 Nov 2023 - 07:16

        Quietly now – it’s NaNoWriMo, and many writers are hard at work on completing the annual 50k words in a month challenge! Best of luck to those of you who are taking part – either with the official goal, or with your own targets. Just remember, any amount of writing is more than you had before!

        Of course, with NaNoWriMo here, that means Furry Book Month has come to an end. I hope readers and writers alike were able to find some new books – especially through the book bundles the guild ran. We will be in contact with the contributing authors soon to pass on their royalties.

        We will also soon start to open discussions about the possibility of restarting Oxfurred Comma next year, to determine what the members of our community would like to see, and if the event is feasible going forward. Either way, it is likely that some change of format will be required to ensure that we don’t have a repeat of this year’s attempt.

        For those trying NaNoWriMo a different way and trying out some short stories instead of novels, there are some open markets that may provide some inspiration:

        Altered States: Draconic Desire – Deadline November 30th 2023
        Get Wild – Deadline December 1st 2023
        Sniff – Deadline December 1st 2023
        Night of the Howling Dead – Deadline December 8th 2023
        Indulge – Deadline January 31st 2024
        Androids and Dragons – Deadline When Full
        Indecent Exposure – Deadline When Full
        This Is Halloween – Deadline When Full
        Furry Femdom Erotica – Deadline When Full
        F/F No Erotic Anthology – Deadline When Full
        Isekai Me! – Deadline When Full
        Children Of The Night – Deadline When Full
        Furry/Lovecraftian/Erotic/University Themed Anthology – Deadline When Full
        Beyond Their Pale – Deadline When Full
        #ohmurr! – Deadline: Ongoing

        And if you’re looking for some inspiration in the form of recently released or upcoming books, then we have you covered as well! Who knows – maybe your current project will be listed here soon.

        The Price of Thorns, by Tim Susman. Available for pre-order. Released November 14th 2023.

        Commander Annie and Other Adventures, by Mary E. Lowd. Available for pre-order. Released November 14th 2023.

        Peace And Love, by Huskyteer. Available for pre-order. Released December 1st 2023.

        For those of you who bought books during Furry Book Month, your journey may not be over yet! If you have enjoyed reading what the furry writing community has to offer, please let people know! Either through reviews, recommendations, or contacting the authors directly.

        Until next month, happy reading and writing!
        J.F.R. Coates

        Categories: News

        Bearly Furcasting S4E27 - Still No Taebyn, But Substipup

        Bearly Furcasting - Sat 4 Nov 2023 - 05:00

        MOOBARKFLUFF! Click here to send us a comment or message about the show!

        Taebyn is still missing in action, but never fear for we have special guest co-host Pup Dawson! In this fun filled episode we chat about all the normal BFFT things and get to know Pup Dawson from the Off Leash! podcast. We tell some jokes, learn some new words, discover the wonderful world of herpetology. Don't miss this episode!

        Taebyn YouTube

        Taebyn Merch at Fourthwall 

        Wild Bills Soda

        Merch at Redbubble

        Merch at Bonfire

        Merch at Fourthwall

        This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

        Support the show

        This podcast contains adult language and adult topics. It is rated M for Mature. Listener discretion is advised.

        Support the show

        Thanks to all our listeners and to our staff: Bearly Normal, Rayne Raccoon, Taebyn, Cheetaro, TickTock, and Ziggy the Meme Weasel.

        You can send us a message on Telegram at BFFT Chat, or via email at:

        Bearly Furcasting S4E27 - Still No Taebyn, But Substipup
        Categories: Podcasts