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The cats comeback

Furries In The Media - Fri 1 Oct 2010 - 17:36
lj-embed id=331 /
Categories: News

Real Talk With Bucktown Tiger - FCN 2010 part 8 - Fri 1 Oct 2010 - 14:21
"Bucktown Tiger tells it like it is. Intermission with Skroy and friends." vVSyf_acVhA

26 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Crazy Teabag Senatorial Candidate says, Scientists create mice with human brains! - Thu 30 Sep 2010 - 10:46
But don't get TOO excited, furries -- you see, she wants to ban br masturbation as well! br a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a
Categories: News

French. I do not understand it.

Furries In The Media - Thu 30 Sep 2010 - 08:09
lj-embed id=330 /br /br /I dont know what it is, but its definitely a commercial for SOMETHING.
Categories: News

Buy Nolvadex Online br The Best Quality Pills! br click here:::: br gt;gt;gt; a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a lt;lt;lt; br Brand(s): Oncomox / Blastofen br Manufacturer: Unimedtechnologies / Chandraphagat br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br - br is nolvadex illegal
Categories: News

Not Yogi Bear but YOGA Bear - Thu 30 Sep 2010 - 02:45
a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a
Categories: News

(copy paste from my LJ)br /br /A short

Furries In The Media - Wed 29 Sep 2010 - 21:10
(copy paste from my LJ)br /br /A short while ago I was asked to be featured in a magazine article. I did all my due diligence and agreed to an interview and sent them photos and all of that good stuff. Today I received my copy in the mail!br /centerbr /The cover:br /a href= src= width=204 height=240 border=0 //abr /br /An example page:br /a href= src= width=320 height=240 border=0 //abr /br /Another example page:br /a href= src= width=320 height=240 border=0 //abr //centerbr /It includes Qarrezel, Fatkraken, and myself ^^ Half of my excitement comes from that as Fatkraken and I are long-distance friends who chat fairly regularly about fursuits and not and Qarrezel is a very talented contemporary who Ive never had anything but good dealings /br /Thus great company for (I may be jumping the gun as Ive not actually sat down and read it yet) what looks to be a very good, fair article focused on fursuits as /br /Im not going to scan and upload the whole article as that seems a bit.. uncool. And possibly illegal. But mostly just uncool. br /br /But heres the magazine website for anyone interested in more information: a href=
Categories: News

Season 5 - Show 19

TigerTails Radio - Tue 28 Sep 2010 - 10:00
A longer show than normal while we subject Xavier to Charlie the Unicorn and Tales of the Blode 2.
Categories: Podcasts


Furry Book Reviews - Mon 27 Sep 2010 - 20:56
here's a series that i'm surprised nobody has reviewed.
author: k.a. applegate (and ghostwriters)
rating: 5 stars out of 5

the animorphs series is about a group of kids who are dragged into the middle of an intergalactic war, taking place right here on earth. they cut through a construction site one night, only to be the unsuspecting witness to the death of an alien warrior. before he died, he gave these children the power to morph into any animal that they can touch. spanning more than 60 novels, this series follows the adventures of these children as they fight against the alien invasion, and how the decisions they make while fighting this war affect them. watch as these characters confront issues of morality versus expediency, and how the death of both friend and enemy will change how they see the world. this series is extremely well written, showing how different people from different backgrounds deal with stresses in different ways. the reluctant leader, the warrior, the caring heart, the comedian, and the loner face the world together, grow together, and grow apart, all in a believable background. this was one of my favorite series as a kid, and is probably most directly responsible for me finding the fandom in the first place. see kids just like you used to be face their own dark side, and learn that the world is full of shades of grey. will they even survive?


Furry Book Reviews - Mon 27 Sep 2010 - 20:56
here's a series that i'm surprised nobody has reviewed.
author: k.a. applegate (and ghostwriters)
rating: 5 stars out of 5

the animorphs series is about a group of kids who are dragged into the middle of an intergalactic war, taking place right here on earth. they cut through a construction site one night, only to be the unsuspecting witness to the death of an alien warrior. before he died, he gave these children the power to morph into any animal that they can touch. spanning more than 60 novels, this series follows the adventures of these children as they fight against the alien invasion, and how the decisions they make while fighting this war affect them. watch as these characters confront issues of morality versus expediency, and how the death of both friend and enemy will change how they see the world. this series is extremely well written, showing how different people from different backgrounds deal with stresses in different ways. the reluctant leader, the warrior, the caring heart, the comedian, and the loner face the world together, grow together, and grow apart, all in a believable background. this was one of my favorite series as a kid, and is probably most directly responsible for me finding the fandom in the first place. see kids just like you used to be face their own dark side, and learn that the world is full of shades of grey. will they even survive?

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Categories: News

Video: Ohio's mascot is a better tackler than Ohio's players - Mon 27 Sep 2010 - 09:33
"Predictably, Ohio U.'s defense had no luck Saturday with Ohio State's offense. The Buckeyes scored four touchdowns and two field goals on their first six offensive possessions, blowing out to a 34-0 lead before putting it on cruise control in a 43-7 rout, and extending OSU's winning streak over in-state "rivals" to 33 games. At least Ohio's mascot, Rufus the Bobcat, was able to get in one good lick for the underdogs before the carnage began, sort of:"

24 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Sabrina-Online (Am I first, or just last?) - Mon 27 Sep 2010 - 03:45
a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a
Categories: News

[] Publishers of Furry Comics - Sun 26 Sep 2010 - 19:45
Archive-name: furry/comics-addresses br Posting-Frequency: Posted on the 13th and 30th of each month, and Feb. 28 br URL: a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a br Last-Modified: April 30, 2005 br Publishers Addresses br (all addresses are U.S.A. unless otherwise specified)
Categories: News

[] A Furry Comic Book List - Sun 26 Sep 2010 - 11:45
Archive-name: furry/comics-list br Posting-Frequency: Posted on the 13th and 30th of each month, and Feb. 28 br URL: a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a br Last-Modified: December 24, 2005 br A Not Quite Complete, but None the Less, Very Thorough Furry Comic Book List br (Updated December 24, 2005)
Categories: News

Lion and meerkat friendship echoes The Lion King - Sun 26 Sep 2010 - 07:15
"A lion who was rejected by its mother has stuck up a friendship with a meerkat."

22 Vote(s)
Categories: News

MRVLCATS meme - Sun 26 Sep 2010 - 06:56
A number of artists on Twitter have recently been caught up in a meme in which Marvel superhero characters are re-drawn as cats. Here's a 3-page selection of some of the better ones, from Topless Robot, a great nerd blog which is otherwise critical of furry stuff. (I think the fact this meme originated from outside the fandom put it on safe territory.)

21 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Third of adults a4still take teddy bear to beda4 - Sun 26 Sep 2010 - 06:56
"More than half of Britons still have a teddy bear from childhood and the average teddy bear is 27 years old, the poll found."

21 Vote(s)
Categories: News

FC-10 Kissing For Donations - Donations for kissing? No it's kissing for donations. No wait it's the other way. N-no I mean... we're really whores? It's the same either way! NO WAY! We kissed for donations! Wow. It was worth the $100 bucks... I mean, it r

FurCast - Sat 25 Sep 2010 - 22:59

Donations for kissing? No it’s kissing for donations. No wait it’s the other way. N-no I mean… we’re really whores? It’s the same either way! NO WAY! We kissed for donations! Wow. It was worth the $100 bucks… I mean, it really was. You know, now that I think about it, everyone should donate $1000! Everyone throw chunks of money in the air! They might kiss for longer! Please?

Download MP3

[See post to watch Flash video]

FC-10 Kissing For Donations - Donations for kissing? No it's kissing for donations. No wait it's the other way. N-no I mean... we're really whores? It's the same either way! NO WAY! We kissed for donations! Wow. It was worth the $100 bucks... I mean, it really was. You know,
Categories: Podcasts

FC-10 Kissing For Donations - Donations for kissing? No it's kissing for donations. No wait it's the other way. N-no I mean... we're really whores? It's the same either way! NO WAY! We kissed for donations! Wow. It was worth the $100 bucks... I mean, it r

FurCast - Sat 25 Sep 2010 - 22:59

Donations for kissing? No it’s kissing for donations. No wait it’s the other way. N-no I mean… we’re really whores? It’s the same either way! NO WAY! We kissed for donations! Wow. It was worth the $100 bucks… I mean, it really was. You know, now that I think about it, everyone should donate $1000! Everyone throw chunks of money in the air! They might kiss for longer! Please?

Download MP3

[See post to watch Flash video]

FC-10 Kissing For Donations - Donations for kissing? No it's kissing for donations. No wait it's the other way. N-no I mean... we're really whores? It's the same either way! NO WAY! We kissed for donations! Wow. It was worth the $100 bucks... I mean, it really was. You know,
Categories: Podcasts