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Artwork preservation FAQ - Sat 22 Jan 2011 - 02:45
Archive-name: art-preservation
Posting-Frequency: Posted on 10th of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, and Nov.
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Categories: News

Con Report: Further Confusion 2011

Furry News Network - Sat 22 Jan 2011 - 02:16

Written By, Sprout a.k.a. Sproutzilla (Rawr!)

For those living under a rock, Further Confusion is one of the more massive furry conventions that hails from the Southern Bay Area of Northern California. Specifically, the convention was held in San Jose and will remain there for the next 3 years.

The convention was stationed at the lavish Fairmont Hotel in the downtown area of San Jose. This was also the location that the convention was held at last year.

SDC10030FurCon 2011 kicked off on Thursday, January 13th, 2011 with the theme of Southern Crossing: Furries Gone Wild. The official start of the party was the opening ceremonies that were held Thursday night in Club Regent which was located in the front part of the hotel near the main entrance. Unfortunately, I arrived too late to catch the ceremonies but I heard they were a good start. Upon arrival at the hotel, there seemed to be a fairly relaxed nature with an underlining excitement amongst the attendees. Admittedly, there was some chaos surrounding registration this year and there was also the usual chaos of everyone checking in, saying hi, finding food, and other fun activities that surround the beginnings of a convention. Also, there were already a large number of people running around in suit which was extremely fun to see.

P1140018The night remained low-key and soon it became Friday. The attendees were up early and in full force. I was on patrol as a FLARE member for about 8 hours that day so I got to see a lot of the going’s on in and out of various places in the hotel. Things remained relaxed and pretty standard until it neared the time for the dealer’s room to open its doors. There was a pretty sizeable line forming outside in anticipation of the wares and artistic services awaiting the lucky con-goers. The dealer’s room was filled to the brim with lots of amazing artists and fun things to look at and purchase.

During the day on Friday, there were also lots of exciting panels and events going on throughout the course of the day to keep one busy busy busy! Also, located just outside of the hotel was a seasonal ice skating rink that a number of fursuiters amused themselves with throughout the weekend.

The Events leads did a fantastic job this year of making sure all the tracks were stuffed to the brim with great events! The big events for Friday were a lot of the panels, the dance competition, the open mic night, the dance and more! Also, as expected, the party floor was in full swing with lots of fun parties offering goodies and an assortment of 21+ drinks for every palette. The parties raged until the party floor shut down. Afterwards, a fair amount of people hung out in the lobby and around various parts of the hotel until late into the night.

FurCon 2011 2As the clock moved forward and it became Saturday, spirits remained upbeat and the convention continued in full swing! There was another day packed full of panels and events. Notably, Saturday was the day that the fursuit parade was held capping out at a whopping 477 suited participants! Also, there was the FC:Unleashed! Rehearsal as well as Masquerade rehearsal. That night was the Masquerade which was fantastic! The night of parties and dancing kicked off and everyone had a great time. The parties continued until the party floor shut down and most people seemed to spread out either wandering the hotel for late night events or hitting up the dance which was in full swing until around 2:00am or so thanks to DJ NeonBunny.

FC2011 Group Photostream on Flickr
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As people drifted off to sleep, the night disappeared and it became Sunday. The general attitude of the con was optimistic and happy. People seemed to still be having a great time and it seemed a fair amount of people used this day to sleep in a little later than previous days. Myself, included! The dealer’s room was still keeping busy and people were already showing off their purchases and treasures. Sunday was also the day that people could pick up the art they bid on during the art auction during the previous days. There were a TON of fantastic art pieces by many talented artists!

SDC10091Sunday had a ton of great panels as well as some major end of convention events through the day. There were the Critterlympics, FC: Unleashed Variety Show as well as an awesome dance to round out the night. As an added surprise, there was an impromptu fursuit parade through the halls of the ballroom floor at around 3am! Which was pretty awesome if people were awake and around to catch it!

On Sunday night, most people seemed to be up late just hanging out with friends and enjoying the last full night of the convention. Also, I think the reality that the convention was coming to a close finally set in which is always disappointing.

Monday finally introduced itself to the convention and was met with a general unspoken downbeat attitude. Everyone seemed to spend a lot of time in the lobby saying goodbye to friends, chatting, checking out of the hotel, and getting in the last few hours of time with people before having to go home.

In the afternoon on Monday there was the Hiss N’ Purr which had a lot of valid concerns and a lot of appreciated compliments. A few hours after the Hiss N’ Purr was the dead dog dance for those still at the hotel to enjoy it. At the beginning of the Dead Dog Dance there was an award ceremony for the FC Staff members who rose above the call of duty and worked extremely hard throughout the convention. There were 6 of them, myself included, and we received the Lionman Award.

After the awards were given out, the Chairman received a few tokens of appreciation from the staff. Once the ceremonies were over, the dance kicked off and people partied until the music stopped.

The convention was fantastic this year. The staff worked extremely hard and it showed. There were a few speed bumps along the way but that tends to happen with any large scale event. There were 2801 registered attendees.

A few notable bits of information: Harry the Hat did a fantastic job as a stand-in for Paul Kidd who was the GOH that was unable to make the convention. Bos’n is going to be the Chairman for FC2012 and Smack Jackal is going to be the Co-Chairman. The theme will be the InFURmary which will be a Furry Hospital theme. The convention is moving to the San Jose Convention Center and will remain there for the next 3 years. And finally, the convention is going to be scheduled on the MLK holiday weekend for those three years.
See you all next year for FC 2012!

PICTURES: Kyreeth’s Gallery My Flickr Gallery for FC2011 Flickr for FC2011 PicasaWeb Gallery for FC2011 Growl’s Gallery SinkClog’s Gallery IMWeasel’s FC2011 Gallery Ultra Gor’s FC2011 Gallery Ysengrin’s FC2011 Gallery ArtVixn’s FC2011 Gallery TeddyTiger’s FC2011 Gallery Trikotomy FC2011 Gallery

Videos on YouTube TekRoo’s Videos DiegoWolfFox’s FC2011 video Jup Reigndeer’s Critter Olympics Videos Unleashed Video: Are we there Yet? Unleashed Video: Learned it From You Unleashed Video: Midwest BloodFest

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Guess who THAT is!

Furry Reddit - Fri 21 Jan 2011 - 22:23
Categories: News

My Strange Addiction Furry – Commentary

Furry News Network - Fri 21 Jan 2011 - 21:38

This is an edited version (about 10 mins) of TLC’s My Strange Addiction: “Furry”.  The segments featuring the woman who consumed foam rubber has been edited out.  None of the actual interview with Lauren/Kiira has been edited.  We did remove the unnecessary “still to come” sections at the end of each segment.

If you have not had a chance to watch it, you can take time now.  The running time is just over 10 mins.

Things I noted about the production is the “stock footage” they used during her mentioning the “darker side of the fandom”.  There are some very well known fursuiters in that clip.  Four of them currently reside or have resided in the Atlanta area.  I would imagine some of these guys would be upset with their suits being seen while Lauren talks about fetishes.

I’ll leave it up to you all to make a judgement.  Comments are open.

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Video posted under Copyright Fair Use provision:

17 U.S.C. § 107

Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.

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Unsheathed #68 - Colson talks to Kyell and K.M. about music and helps answer questions.

Unsheathed - Fri 21 Jan 2011 - 13:00
Musical guest Colson, who provided the bumper music, helps us answer questions, talks about how writing music is like writing a story, and issues a challenge to Kyell and K.M. Unsheathed #68 - Colson talks to Kyell and K.M. about music and helps answer questions.
Categories: Podcasts

New Submit System in the Works!

Furry News Network - Fri 21 Jan 2011 - 03:45

By the weekend, I’ll have the new Submission system installed.  Anyone can go in and create a news article.  It’s a basic fill in the blank form.

It will allow you to upload images for the article, embed a video and do basic editing and tweaks.  Once you are done, it will send an email to myself or one of the appointed Editors for review,  Once it is reviewed and approved, one click sends it out to Twitter, and soon to Facebook and other social outlets.

Once you’ve had a couple of articles published, you’ll be evaluated for an “Author” position.  From there, you can move up to Editor.

I’ve been asked – this is not a paying gig.  Not yet.  If the site begins to support its self, then we can look at sharing the wealth with the contributors – but as of right now, the site comes right out of my pocket.  It needs to break even on software and hosting& domain fees.  Normally funds left over from that would be earmarked for future contests. (Example -Con Memberships, God Level Con Memberships, Game Consoles and Commissions for art – just to name a few)

If we get to a surplus in funds, yes, we’ll pay a small ammount for articles, and larger amounts for video content – but right now, I see that being over a year away.

That’s all for now – Look for the forms tomorrow -One will be an application form, and the other will be an article submission form.

Take care all

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Categories: News

I am happy to report that after four beers, a bunch of cigarettes, and hella cupcakes, I have written a blisteringly hot sex scene between Shifu and my OC ( a female fennec, Kung Fu Panda fic). It is located here, in chapter nine. Fuck yeah motherfucker!

Furry Reddit - Fri 21 Jan 2011 - 03:20
submitted by a href= habika_meihui /a br/ a href=[link]/a a href=""[1 comment]/a
Categories: News

Hello, new furry redditor here!

Furry Reddit - Fri 21 Jan 2011 - 01:55

I've been on reddit for about a week and it never occurred to me that there might be a furry sub-reddit. So, awesome, hi guys. I'll probably be spending a lot of time here.

And here's my FA if anyone's interested: <3

submitted by fevrier
[link] [22 comments]
Categories: News semi-FAQ - Fri 21 Jan 2011 - 01:45
Archive-name: furry/faq br Posting-Frequency: Posted on the 8th and 25th of each month. br URL: a target=_blank rel=nofollow href=[link]/a br Last-Modified: Sat, 18 Jan 2003 00:26:59 -0800 (PST) br Changes: Updated various URLs and MUCK addresses to bring up to date. br an Alt.Fan.Furry Frequently-Asked-Questions Sheet
Categories: News

And We’re Back

Furry News Network - Fri 21 Jan 2011 - 00:44

We were having technical issues with our theme – it would not properly display comments and social media sharing tools.  This is a work in progress.  There will be changes as the site is brought up to 100%.

Also – We are looking for an artist to design a Masthead to replace the one currently on the site.  The idea we have in mind is a Furry news room.TV Studio with a couple of Furry anchors behind the news desk.  Think evening news.  If you are interested, please contact me at for more info.

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Categories: News

Why not fold, Flayrah, et la. into an uber-furry news site? - Thu 20 Jan 2011 - 18:54
A conversation started on Twitter about the fact that there are more and more furry news outlets popping up and why don't we consolidate our efforts about make 1 big site? For the record, I'm for the idea. The less work for me the better. What's YOUR opinion on this?

4 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Why not fold, Flayrah, et la into an uber-furry news site? - Thu 20 Jan 2011 - 18:54
A conversation started on Twitter about the fact that there are more and more furry news outlets popping up and why don't we consolidate our efforts about make 1 big site? For the record, I'm for the idea. The less work for me the better. What's YOUR opinion on this?

3 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Got a twitter follow request from @furrynewsntwk . Anyone familiar with them?

Furry Reddit - Thu 20 Jan 2011 - 16:51


Their home page is Am I supposed to have heard of it before?

Also, what I don't even

submitted by laofmoonster
[link] [11 comments]
Categories: News

Editorial – Answering a Question About the Donation Drive

Furry News Network - Thu 20 Jan 2011 - 12:34
Woody 57 minutes ago

I have to ask, as I’ve seen hundreds of similar furs cry out for help over the years and far too many of them have turned out to be manipulating the community… Why would you single out this particular fur as news-worthy? skippy 19 minutes ago in reply to Woody

You are not the only one who is skeptical of this whole situation. If you think it’s worth digging a little, you could ask to see flight itineraries and proof of the purchase of airline tickets…
Honestly – It’s because I watched the situation unfold from the first tweet offering ThunderRoo a job, through his flight to Georgia, and then the drama unfolding with his parents and the rescue by ScottJFox.

On top of that, I met him in person once he got to Atlanta.  I talked with him, knew how much this new start meant to him and was upset and outraged that his parents would want to be so manipulative and controlling.

He lost everything.  His home.  His savings.  The new job.  He is now hiding out from his parents and needs some hope.

The people who donated to him have given him a cushion so he can now try to start rebuilding.  They have also proven to him that we as a community care, and with just a little effort, we can make a difference.

Let me be clear in this.  He did not ask for the coverage.  I was contacted while the rescue was in progress and asked if I would cover it.  I said I would leave that up to those involved.  After talking with both ThunderRoo and ScottJFox, I posted the article and came up with the donation idea.  No one asked.

ThunderRoo’s response was very humble. He is really touched by the outpouring of support.

I hope this gives you insight as to why.

In the future, if there is someone who is truly in need, maybe we can help in this way again.  Who knows.  But that is the reasoning.

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Categories: News

The Gruffalo

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 20 Jan 2011 - 05:16

Another in the “how’d we miss this?” category… The Gruffalo is an award-winning children’s book from the U.K., written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by Axel Scheffler. It was first published in 1999 by Macmillan Children’s Books. It tells the tale (via a mother squirrel giving her children a bedtime story) of a mouse walking through the woods.  When he is threatened in turn by a predatory fox, snake, and owl, he scares each of them off by telling them he is on his way to meet his friend the “Gruffalo” — a monstrous creature who is much more dangerous than any of them. He’s making it all up, of course, and he thinks he’s so clever… until he runs into the real Gruffalo. After the book became enormously popular in the U.K. and elsewhere, Magic Light Pictures and Studio Soi made The Gruffalo into a 30-minute CGI film, which was broadcast on U.K. television for Christmas 2009. It featured (among others) the voices of Helena Bonham Carter (as the mother squirrel), John Hurt, and Robbie Coltrane (as the Gruffalo). The BBC has a trailer for the show on-line, and there’s also a making-of video from Magic Light.

image c. 2011 Axel Scheffler

Categories: News

Hello Everyone. Peabody Here.

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 20 Jan 2011 - 02:47

Cartoon Brew is reporting that Robert Downey Jr. has been tapped to play the voice of none other than Mr. Peabody in a new live action/CGI film from Dreamworks, Mr. Peabody and Sherman. For you young folks who don’t know: Mr. Peabody is a genius-level talking dog, and Sherman is his loyal human boy assistant. The original animated cartoon was part of the Rocky & Bullwinkle cartoon series, animated by Jay Ward Productions. This new version is being written by Jeffrey Ventimilia and Joshua Sternin (from the recent Yogi Bear movie) and directed by Rob Minkoff (from The Lion King). There’s a wait to see how this turns out: The film isn’t due until 2014.

image c. 2011 Jay Ward Productions

Categories: News

My Strange Addiction - Furry Episode: Thoughts

FursonaPod - Thu 20 Jan 2011 - 00:13
Zaaz's thoughts on the episode My Strange Addiction - Furry Episode: Thoughts
Categories: Podcasts