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I feel like you guys will melt as much as I did: "Scout the Fennec Fox eating Carrots"
FC-27 Divorced Sock Puppets - I storm of snowy emails, at a slower pace that last show, we completed the round. Successful, and on the edge of our seats, the crew retired for some end of the show phone calls, a live DJ mix, and a movie. Post shows are awe
I storm of snowy emails, at a slower pace that last show, we completed the round. Successful, and on the edge of our seats, the crew retired for some end of the show phone calls, a live DJ mix, and a movie. Post shows are awesome. Episode is just as good.
FC-27 Divorced Sock Puppets - I storm of snowy emails, at a slower pace that last show, we completed the round. Successful, and on the edge of our seats, the crew retired for some end of the show phone calls, a live DJ mix, and a movie. Post shows are awesome. Episode is just as good.FC-27 Divorced Sock Puppets - I storm of snowy emails, at a slower pace that last show, we completed the round. Successful, and on the edge of our seats, the crew retired for some end of the show phone calls, a live DJ mix, and a movie. Post shows are awe
I storm of snowy emails, at a slower pace that last show, we completed the round. Successful, and on the edge of our seats, the crew retired for some end of the show phone calls, a live DJ mix, and a movie. Post shows are awesome. Episode is just as good.
FC-27 Divorced Sock Puppets - I storm of snowy emails, at a slower pace that last show, we completed the round. Successful, and on the edge of our seats, the crew retired for some end of the show phone calls, a live DJ mix, and a movie. Post shows are awesome. Episode is just as good.FC-27 Divorced Sock Puppets - I storm of snowy emails, at a slower pace that last show, we completed the round. Successful, and on the edge of our seats, the crew retired for some end of the show phone calls, a live DJ mix, and a movie. Post shows are awe
I storm of snowy emails, at a slower pace that last show, we completed the round. Successful, and on the edge of our seats, the crew retired for some end of the show phone calls, a live DJ mix, and a movie. Post shows are awesome. Episode is just as good.
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FC-27 Divorced Sock Puppets - I storm of snowy emails, at a slower pace that last show, we completed the round. Successful, and on the edge of our seats, the crew retired for some end of the show phone calls, a live DJ mix, and a movie. Post shows are awesome. Episode is just as good.DRESSER ...,
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Goodbye to Fission Chicken
Word is slowly making the rounds that John Patrick Morgan — better known in fandom by his initials as J.P. Morgan — passed away from a heart condition at the end of December at the age of 53. J.P. was a cartoonist and illustrator for many years. His best known creation, the comic book series Fission Chicken, made him a star among the “funny animal” segment of furry fandom. Fission Chicken saw the light of day in funny animal fandom publications like Rowrbrazzle before being picked up by Fantagraphics Books. The Fission Chicken on-line story arc concluded in late December last year — a few days before Mr. Morgan passed away. His web site is still there, along with his Deviant Art site. An official obituary is also on line.
Red Furros interviews Blotch
7 Vote(s)
Was the fox prehistoric man’s best friend?
A recently published paper, covered in an article on PhysOrg, discusses the discovery of foxes buried along with humans in ancient graves, and moots the possibility that foxes – not dogs – may have been the animal first domesticated as pets by humankind.
Find the full article here: flayrah
Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Get ShareaholicOpinion Poll: Murrsuits
It’s a fact of the fandom. There is a small number of people in the fandom who own “murrsuits” and participate in sexual activity while wearing these.
The question that has come up – Should these fursuiters keep these suits for private use only, never wearing them out or is it okay for them to wear them at public events like conventions and meets? As seen in an earlier article, there are those who are taking both sides of the issue.
View PollFor other opinions, you are free to leave comments below.
Update: Flayrah has their own poll on Fursuit Sex – Register your vote here:
Get Shareaholic"Most people wish they were something else"
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Egyptian Jackal is actually a wolf
Author: GreenReaper
Researchers have found that Egyptian Jackal is actually a member of the Grey Wolf species complex. [thesaprophelite/a.f.f]
Phylogenetic testing confirmed that the species – previously classified as a sub-species of the Golden Jackal – is most closely related to the Indian and Himalayan Wolf, confirming long-held suspicions over its heriatige.
The paper also notes discovery of individuals in the Ethiopian highlands, and suggests the taxon be renamed the African Wolf.
Find the full article here: flayrah
Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.
Get ShareaholicArtist Profile: Silent Ravyn
That would be me, a female furry artist and fursuit/plushie maker from Canada! I’ve been drawing since I can remember and have never been able to tear myself away from my favourite subject matter, which is of course animals and anthropomorphics. I have a soft spot for drawing ferals, females, canids and exotic species.
I’ve been in the fandom since about 2003 and have been loving it ever since. My fuzzy self is represented as an arctic fox/wolf hybrid named Silent Ravyn. This year I’ll be graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Mount Allison University, and hopefully pursuing my dream career in art.
My work has been published in Anthropomorphine (http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Anthropomorphine), Rage CCG (http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Rage_%28game%29) and several conbooks.
Where to find me:
You can find my art at any of these galleries or my personal website (http://www.foxwolf.ca). I occasionally open for commissions of art, fursuits and plushies, so keep an eye out for updates. Prints are always available, just ask (ravyn@foxwolf.ca).
FurAffinity (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/silentravyn)
DeviantArt (http://silentravyn.deviantart.com)
ArtSpots (http://silentravyn.artspots.com)
InkBunny (http://inkbunny.net/SilentRavyn)
I attend Anthrocon (http://www.anthrocon.org) every year with art in the Art Show as well as a Dealer’s table. If you are looking for a quick commission or a print from me this is where to look! I also mail art to Further Confusion (http://www.furtherconfusion.org) for their Art Show, and plan to expand my con attendance in the years to come.
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