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Um. I think I may have a problem. I don't think I am terribly attracted to humans.

Furry Reddit - Thu 10 Feb 2011 - 07:13

I'm married, quite happily in fact. The sex is so so, though. It's not my husband's fault. But I recently realized that I have never really enjoyed sex, even with guys I am really attracted to. I just numb it out, and usually want to get it over with as quick as possible. I don't deeply enjoy the contact, I guess, except on very few occasions I can name. I generally prefer sex from behind for this purpose.

I have always felt very strong sexual attraction for cartoon characters. I attribute this to have been sexually abused and humiliated as a child, and cartoon were the only consistent thing in my life, so I latched onto them.

I have been fantasizing about cartoon characters since I was six or seven. I write lots of erotic fanfic around this purpose. I sometimes have to fantasize about whatever character I am obsessed with at the time to get aroused. I also get way more aroused watching animals have sex than watching people have sex.

Maybe I am wrong for labeling this a problem - I know there are a lot of zoos on here, and truth me told I am not terribly against zoophilia as long as the animals show consent (which I do believe they are capable of doing.) However this is a problem for me, as 1) as nice a watching animals mate is, i don't want to actually mate with one, and 2) I'm married, and I REALLY don't think my husband will get it. He knows I have furry leanings but not the degree of it.

What do?

submitted by habika_meihui
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Furry Needs Our Help For Donations For Heart Surgery

Furry News Network - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 17:02

By: Lucky Wolf

Sorty and his son KodaOne of our own greatly really needs our help. SportyPup, who is a local Georgia fur needs to have surgery due to a bad valve in his heart. This particular condition is called Valvular Heart Disease, and if not treated will cause heart failure. The surgery will take $40,000 total, but needs $16,500 up front, just to be able to have the surgery. The remaining $24,000 will be billed later, so he needs to get this money soon. The longer Sporty has to wait for the surgery, the greater the risk is of heart failure. The hope is to have enough to be able to have the surgery later this month in Asheville, NC., but only if the doctor see’s that the amount needed will come in quickly after.

Sporty, is currently 30 years old, but will be 31 in March. Besides being a furry and occasional fursuiter, he is also a father of a 3 1/2 year old boy, named Koda. Sporty currently lives in Macon, Georgia.

Sporty and friends are now asking for donations towards the surgery through paypal. Even if you’re only able to donate a couple dollars anything helps, so they ask everyone who reads this to please donate something. Friend’s are even putting items up on to help raise money. Sporty is a really awesome guy, and really needs our help to make this happen. You can make a donation too, through the paypal link below.

Even with all the drama that goes on in this fandom, I have also seen this fandom do a lot of good, and really come together when one of our own needs help, and I would hope this no exception.

FNN Editor’s note: I do not know SportyPup personally. The details of his current situation have been verified through several well respected community members.

Charity Auction Commissions from 11 Furry Artists
Charity Auction for German Shepherd Full Fursuit by
Charity Auction at The Dealers Den
Charity Auction for Dragon Fursuit head and Fur
SportyPup’s FA Page
Sinabu’s LJ Posts about Sporty’s condition

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Furry Study 2011; Participants Needed

Furry News Network - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 17:00

Furries are a greatly misunderstood subculture.  To better help understand the “Furry Fandom” – the mindsets of the participants, and how we compare to and differ from other fandoms (i.e. sci-fi and fantasy based fandoms),  the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada and Niagara County Community College in Sanborn, New York, are conducting an international online survey of the Furry Fandom.

Conducting the study is Courtney “Nuka” Plante, a furry social psychology graduate student at the University of Waterloo and Dr. Kathy Gerbasi, a social psychologist at the Niagara County Community College in Sanborn, New York.

Dr. Gerbasi and Courtney (Nuka)  have been studying furries through the use of rigorous scientific methodology in the hopes of understanding furries and their fandom. There is a lot of bad media and misinformation about furries, and they hope that by scientifically studying the furry fandom they can do away with misconceptions regarding the furry fandom.

Dr. Gerbasi has conducted a survey at Anthrocon for the last 5 years now, and while the results have certainly been informative, it is felt that a great many furries are left out of the research. As such, this will be a large-scale online international furry survey d in the hopes of getting as many furries to complete the survey as possible.

There will be draws for prizes as an incentive for people to participate, and they are hoping that furries will be interested to participate in actual scientifically valid research that’s being conducted by furries and fur-friendly researchers.

This is the study website’s url:

Dr. Samuel “Uncle Kage” Conway was contacted as a reference.  He had very positive things to say about the survey and those conducting it.

Dr. Gerbasi has been the very essense of professionalism in her study. She sought my input on drafting the proposal and delivered a copy of the university’s IRB approval. Anthrocon has fully supported her research and has never had a complaint as to her methods. Mr. Plante has worked closely with her and has shown a similar level of professionalism and to the scientific integrity of the study.

FNN has further verified the validity of the survey through the University of Waterloo’s Research Ethics office, as well as reviewed the survey in it’s entirety.  All details check out and the survey its self does not have a negative or positive bias.

If you are interested in participating in the survey, we strongly encourage it.  A study of this nature may make a difference in how we are seen and treated as a subculture in the future.

Positive or negative, Furry News Network will follow the outcome of this and report back any findings once the research project is concluded and the results published.

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Three Panel Soul on werewolves

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 16:46
Categories: News

Egyptian golden jackal is actually a grey wolf, scientists discover in DNA test - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 11:48
"A 'golden jackal' living in north Africa is really a grey wolf, scientists have discovered. The animal's true identity was revealed when researchers compared its DNA with samples in GenBank, a genetic database. Until now, the Egyptian jackal - Canis aureus lupaster - had been considered a rare sub-species of the golden jackal. The new evidence shows it is not a jackal at all, but a type of grey wolf."

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Podcast with Kyell Gold - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 11:48
"The following podcast was recorded on Further Confusion, in this podcast we ask Kyell Gold about the release of his new book Isolation Play and about some of his other works like Waterways and Volle."

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Mission Impossible Squirrel - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 11:48
"This takes place in England - the owners of the yard added each piece of the Rube Goldberg contraption slowly so that when the squirrel learned one section and got the nuts, they then added the next section. Finally it ended with what you see on the clip! It took over 2 weeks to get to this point." DsuVLsDyln4

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Furry Needs Our Help For Donations For Heart Surgery - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 11:48
02/02/2011 By: Lucky Wolf One of our own greatly really needs our help. Sporty pup, who is a local Georgia fur needs to have surgery due to a bad valve in his heart. This particular condition is called Valvular Heart Disease, and if not treated will cause heart failure. The surgery will take $40,000 total, but needs $

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100 Sled Dogs Slaughtered by Canadian Outdoor Adventure Company - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 11:48
"The 100 dogs were shot dead over two days after an expected post-Olympics boon in dogsledding business at an adventure company didn't pan out. Most died instantly, but others suffered -- like the one that ran away with its "face blown off and an eye hanging out.""

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Finn is a furry

Furry Reddit - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 03:42
Categories: News

A Farewell to Redwall

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 9 Feb 2011 - 02:58

News has come out that Brian Jacques, creator and writer of the wildly-popular Redwall series of anthropomorphic fantasy novels, died on February 5th. He was 71. First published in 1986 (initially by Beaver Books), the Redwall series tells the tale of Redwall Abbey, a medieval monastery run by mice, which also includes a host of other species common to England and much of Europe (such as rabbits, otters, squirrels, and badgers). The main story arc follows the adventures of a young mouse named Matthias, who discovers that he is in fact the descendant of a great mouse hero known as Martin the Warrior. This knowledge comes in handy when Matthias learns he must help defend Redwall against all manner of “evil” creatures, such as rats, ferrets, foxes, and so on. (Species tend to be either “good” or “bad” in the Redwall universe, with little or no individual exceptions).  From that first book, the series has gone on to achieve international acclaim and awards, with a new book coming out almost every year. Brian Jacques was famous for his background as a member of the working class in Liverpool, England. Among his many jobs was driving a milk delivery truck, and one of his stops included a boarding school for blind students. It was during his visits there that Mr. Jacques began to tell the stories that would become the Redwall series — making the details especially vivid to entertain his young, blind listeners. The Rogue Crew, which will be the last Redwall book written and published by Brian Jacques, will be on the shelves this May.

Categories: News

Tyra Banks "Furry" Episode: Rainstar's Thoughts

FursonaPod - Tue 8 Feb 2011 - 16:39
Rainstar's Thoughts on the infamous "Tyra Banks Furry Episode"! Tyra Banks "Furry" Episode: Rainstar's Thoughts
Categories: Podcasts

(NSFW) Hello furry. I'm a budding smut artist and I'm having trouble with commissions.

Furry Reddit - Tue 8 Feb 2011 - 12:45

Hey there furries, So I've been drawing dirty things for furries for quite some time now, but up until recently I hadn't really been taking that sort of thing seriously.

Lately people have been giving me "nice style" and "you've improved so much" kinds of comments, which leads me to wonder if I should open up for commissions or something. And no, I'm really not trying to advertise here, I'm just curious as to how high or low I should be pricing things.


So yesterday someone PM'd me asking about a commission, and I excitedly agreed to his little two-person picture. I gave him a ballpark estimate of $25 for full color and shading, and he instead wanted to give me $80 so long as I gave him a background. And of course I was like "hahahaaa well okay." $80?! Jesus, that's a trip to the grocery store, dude.

tl;dr - How much is my smut worth in terms of commissions? Here's the link to my FA Page

submitted by fevrier
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Categories: News

Rusfurrence 2011 ended, Wefurries took a 15 hours of video - Tue 8 Feb 2011 - 06:40
One of the greatest russian furcons "Rusfurrence" were ended in 6th of January. Russian project WeFurries recorded a lot of video from it. So, there's a small clip from Rusfurrence:

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Brian Jacques, 1939-2011 - Tue 8 Feb 2011 - 06:40
"?Fantasy author Brian Jacques died this weekend of a heart attack at the age of 71. He's best known for his lengthy Redwall series, which had 21 books in it which have sold over 20 million copies world-wide. I never read them, but I know they're much loved, and Jacques will be intensely missed by his readers. BBC News says that Jacques was once caned in school after turning in a short fiction story because his teacher couldn't believe that a 10-year-old could write possibly write so well, and must somehow be cheating. That's horrible, but it does help showcase his immense talents, even

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Where are the best places to get good critique on fur art?

Furry Reddit - Tue 8 Feb 2011 - 05:16

I'm going to try my hand at some of this, and I'd like to know where the best place is to have stuff seen and critiqued... I wont plan on doing pornographic stuff, but it needs to be a bit more accepting/open than a straight up furry site. (babyfur). I know of furaffinity and deviantart... Any other ideas or suggestions?

submitted by sns_abdl
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Categories: News

Haters gon' hate

Furry Reddit - Tue 8 Feb 2011 - 03:46

this is a bit of a rant, but to be honest I need to get it out of my system. Look r/furry, we're a community right? good, so let's have a little talk. The furry fandom is something I love, and love being a part of. That being said, there are bound to be people who misunderstand or disagree with the way we choose to live! All I want to know is how do YOU deal with these people? personally, I just ignore them and go on living my happy ottery lifestyle ^.^ but again, let's be honest, some of you out there are perturbed by the fact that people are different from us. I want to hear your opinion too, don't get me wrong, but I believe we should all turn the other cheek and just ignore the trolls, haters, and general douchebags who make life for us pretty shitty. Let's all band together as a community and support one another! spread the furry love! also, post your fursona! I want to get to know you all better!

TL;DR Be nice to one another, stop the drama, post your fursona, and be part of our wonderful community! ^_^

submitted by Leroytirebiter
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SEXY BOOBS ..., - Tue 8 Feb 2011 - 02:45
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Categories: News

Movie Review: Legend of the Guardians

Furry News Network - Mon 7 Feb 2011 - 23:33

This film follows the adventures of a young owl before he can fly as he and his brother are kidnapped.   The young owl escapes the kidnappers along with another young owl.  These two owls set out to find the Guardians of Ga’hoole in order to rescue the other young owls who have been kidnapped by the group.  The young owl eventually finds the Guardians after many trials and much sacrifice.  The film culminates in a climactic battle in which the kidnappers are vanquished thanks in no small part to the young owl whom the film centers upon.

I held great hopes for this movie, and they were somewhat dashed by some of the slowness early in the film.  It takes a while for all of the puzzle pieces to come together and put you on the edge of your seat.  All in all a good film but not great, the score is fantastic, and when the story really starts to come together you don’t want to stop watching.  The most difficult part of this film is getting through the slow and seemingly dis-jointed parts early in the film.  Had I written this review before or while it were in theaters I would have suggested to wait for it on DVD to rent and watch.  The story once it comes together is very enthralling and Hollywood needs more original material such as this to keep audiences coming back for more.

See larger image Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'hoole [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray) Director: Zack Snyder
Rating: PG (Parental Guidance Suggested)
List Price: $35.99 USD New From: $10.95 In Stock Used from: $11.72 In Stock Release date December 17, 2010.

See Marnol’s Movie Review Blog – HERE

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Season 5 - Show 38

TigerTails Radio - Mon 7 Feb 2011 - 19:00
The cast creep out Eeve3, and get around to reivewing Shift Entended, Halo Wars, Sonic Unleashed, and Kingdom Come for Done and Dusted.
Categories: Podcasts