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FC-32 Fox Headquarters - Don't buy it man. Practically a scam. Took 3 weeks to ship, the rebate doesn't send in time even if you mail it immediately, and they don't accept PayPal. Fox Headquarters. What a rip off. Oh, and don't even get me started on retu

FurCast - Sat 5 Mar 2011 - 23:59

Don’t buy it man. Practically a scam. Took 3 weeks to ship, the rebate doesn’t send in time even if you mail it immediately, and they don’t accept PayPal. Fox Headquarters. What a rip off. Oh, and don’t even get me started on returns…

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FC-32 Fox Headquarters - Don't buy it man. Practically a scam. Took 3 weeks to ship, the rebate doesn't send in time even if you mail it immediately, and they don't accept PayPal. Fox Headquarters. What a rip off. Oh, and don't even get me started on returns...
Categories: Podcasts

Fuzz & Fur, Japans Costumed Characters

Furry News Network - Sat 5 Mar 2011 - 17:14

The adoration of mythical creatures and popular anime characters is nothing new in Japan, but kigurumi, roughly translated as “fur suit mascots,” is a growing pastime that is also a marketing tool. An oversized daikon radish, a skiing egg, a bear with an apple for a head, a volcano sticking out its tongue – these furry mascots wander the streets of Japan, and the pages of Edward and John Harrison’s Fuzz & Fur.

Created to promote a prefecture or institution by honoring landmarks, local points of interest, regional produce, historical figures, civic institutions, and traditional folklore, municipalities have taken advantage of their citizens’ willingness to design costumes and dress up as these characters in a strange amalgam of hometown pride and cost-saving measures.

Being chosen to fill the role of a kigurumi is a chance at local stardom, as the authors explain in their introduction: “The characters have background and personalities. Blogs and websites are made, merchandise produced, and they regularly make appearances at events and on television. Some even release books and have Twitter accounts.”

Profiling over 100 kigurumi with photographs and text that explains these mascots’ origins, as well as their likes and dislikes, Fuzz & Fur is the definitive compendium of this fascinating subculture, and the perfect companion to Edward and John Harrison’s Idle Idol, which documents three-dimensional Japanese mascots.


About the Authors:
Fuzz and Fur was written and photographed by What What ( which is made up of twins Edward and John Harrison. When not taking photos of mascots they design, illustrate, animate and make badges. John lives in London while Edward lives in mascot heaven; Tokyo.

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FursuitTV marks 5th anniversity with 3-hour show

Furry News Network - Sat 5 Mar 2011 - 14:53

Author: GreenReaper

Costuming-heavy clip show FursuitTV is holding a three-hour special today at 5PM EST (10PM GMT, 2PM PST, 11PM CET) to celebrate their fifth anniversary.

The show is to contain this year’s best clips plus new material, and can be seen via direct stream or JustinTV. Watchers can discuss the show in real time on #FursuitTV (Anthrochat).

Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

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Get the furry FAQs on PeterCat's Furry InfoPage! - Sat 5 Mar 2011 - 12:45
Archive-name: furry/infopage
Posting-Frequency: Posted every other Monday.
Last-Modified: May 29, 2001
For the most up-to-date collection of FAQs and facts about furries and
furry fandom, point your Web browser to:
Many thanks to Tigerwolf for hosting the pages at (And if
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I find it impossible to see furry as more than just a rather odd fetish that I love. Help me to understand?

Furry Reddit - Sat 5 Mar 2011 - 03:15

First off, don't assume I'm just senselessly bashing. I actually smile a little on the inside every time furries are mentioned or I see anthropomorphic characters just because of the little secret of mine. But say what you will, or just call me a furvert, I seriously can't see much farther beyond that. I think beyond this, I'm the most typical (if somewhat nerdy) college student you can think of:

  • Casual FPS and old-school gamer.
  • Play an instrument or two.
  • Have a fair amount of equally typical friends.
  • Go out every other week or so.
  • Dress reasonably well with flannel shirts and jeans from Kohl's and occasionally something from an expensive mall store.
  • Get C's but can probably average B's and A's (also an undeclared freshman in an average state school with 4 gen ed. classes).
  • Joined a few clubs (NORML, SGA, Guitar Club).
  • Don't exactly have a body of the gods.
  • Smoke weed, drink socially, occasionally experiment with acid (probably my most interesting feature).

That's me. I consider myself a fairly average college student besides being in to this sort of thing, and I can't help but agree with some of the particularly harsh criticisms of the 'fandom' and it's demographics. Conventions? Fursonas? It just seems like a circlejerk over cartoons to me (When I put it that way, I guess I'd be guilty as charged for participating lol), and once you reach the point where the fandom seems to be just a tame appreciation of anthropomorphism, it almost feels like the interest isn't even worth acting upon. I imagine a group of furries exactly like me, and all I can see is occasional winking and nudging, self-deprecating jokes like we're meta-hipsters, or a subtle appreciation that we all would get and don't really feel like mentioning a whole lot. Basically, by the time it doesn't feel weird to me, it doesn't make one sound like much of a furry fan.

Again, try to see this from the prospective of a relative outsider, who has still seen a fair amount, and help me understand. I find fursuits aesthetically attractive in theory, but just awkward and silly in practice. I have pretty much no interest in conventions. I seriously don't care if the character in a movie or show is anthropomorphic. I feel like having a fursona is just downright odd. By the time you cut out most of the things that seem silly to me, I'm left with nothing but some hot fapping. So what does furry hold for an "average" person like me?

tl;dr I'm not trying to hate here, and I may be quite hypocritical; I find furry porn extremely hot and see non-sexual furry as really, really weird. Been wanting to get this off of my chest for a while and maybe find myself enlightened by some members of the community. I also don't bash furries at all, just because I try to keep an open mind and I'd be somewhat insulting myself.

If it helps, imagine being a guy attracted to receiving anal and giving blowjobs, but nothing else on or about men. Why would you consider yourself gay and out yourself among haters if you couldn't even stand the thought of romantic involvement with a guy and find gay culture quite silly? Especially if everyone, including gays, know you're just in it for the pounding?

Edit: I found /r/yiff. It makes me happy.

submitted by sickmfthrowaway
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Categories: News

Furries to feature on ‘OMG! With Peaches Geldof’

Furry News Network - Fri 4 Mar 2011 - 20:54

Author: Higgs Raccoon

Last Wednesday (March 2) saw the premier of OMG! With Peaches Geldof, a tabloid-style television program hosted by British model Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof.

The program, airing on Wednesdays at 9pm on the UK’s ITV2, is about “people who live unique and often shocking lifestyles – Who are they? What makes them tick? Why do they live the way they do and is it causing them problems or a rewarding way to be?”.

Episode 1 featured vampires and internet dating. Episode 2, to air next Wednesday (March 9), is to feature Furries, described in the OMG! episode guide as “people who have a strong appreciation for anthropomorphic animal characters and dress accordingly”. The episode also features guest panelist Dom Joly, who Peaches described as “quite an embittered man”.

OMG! With Peaches Geldof had previously contacted furries as part of their research phase. The interview is the subject of several threads on the UKFur forums.

Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

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Alex Vance reads “Thou Shalt Not Kill” by FuzzWolf

Furry News Network - Fri 4 Mar 2011 - 16:30

Author: toonces

Perfection is the unattainable ideal people aspire to- that is, if they have any ambition at all. When it comes to keeping up with the Joneses, you have to have the fastest car, the largest TV, and the most obedient slave. Perfection, Inc. can help you with the last one, at the very least. In this erotic, 18+ tale by the inimitable FuzzWolf, “Thou Shalt Not Kill” (borrowed with the permission of Sofawolf Press, which first published the story in their anthology X).

When Richard’s new toy arrives on his door stop it passes all his wildest expectations. The jaguar is built to every specification, he answers immediately to every command, and approaches every task with a relish. But perfection can’t last long, as Richard soon finds out.

(Though he doesn’t discover that until he’s had quite a few opportunities to break the new boy in)

Now, for those of those you are textually challenged – or commuters, you lucky job-having bastards – we have the audiobook available. Be sure to tune in next week when Skip and I discuss the story!

Find the full article here: The Bad Dog Book Club » Podcast

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Tor Project: Anonymity Online - Fri 4 Mar 2011 - 15:52
"Tor is a network of virtual tunnels that allows people and groups to improve their privacy and security on the Internet. It also enables software developers to create new communication tools with built-in privacy features. Tor provides the foundation for a range of applications that allow organizations and individuals to share information over public networks without compromising their privacy. Individuals use Tor to keep websites from tracking them and their family members, or to connect to news sites, instant messaging services, or the like when these are blocked by their local Interne

5 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Casting Call for Furries (Fursuiters) in LA for Music Video

Furry News Network - Fri 4 Mar 2011 - 10:43

Found on Craigslist:

Casting Furries to appear in music video

We are looking for furries to appear in a music video shooting this week for a well-known artist signed with a major music label. The shoot will be non exploitative and fun! Meal will be provided, and a copy of the final video will be made available to you when completed.

If interested, please respond with photos of yourself in costume, and we will reply with further details.

The ad is still running.  If you are in the LA area, and are interested contact them, and then let us know more details!

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Big Simians Save the World

In-Fur-Nation - Fri 4 Mar 2011 - 02:57

Missing Linx is a brand new softcover full-color graphic novel coming from Viper Comics this April. It’s written by Dale Martin and illustrated by Courtney Huddleston. Here’s their description: “Dr. Erasmus Q Bedfellow is bent on releasing the creatures of the Fantasy Realm into our dimension, using the creatures of nightmares to rule the world.  Only one thing stands in his way:  An unlikely group of heroes – the result of Bedfellow’s last attempt to breach the border between realities. They are Big Foot, Sasquatch, Skunk Ape, and the Yeti.”  Viper Comic’s web site has a preview of the graphic novel, as well as a link to a comic book “trailer” for the project on YouTube.

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“Double Blind” by Teiran

Furry News Network - Thu 3 Mar 2011 - 21:00

Author: toonces

The reading this podcast references can be found HERE

It’s a pleasure to see you! We’re so glad to see we didn’t scare you away after the first episode. No- no, the stain definitely came out. Really, it- it only took a little club soda. But a little collateral damage is to be expected, I suppose, when you host these sorts of things. Have you read this week’s story, Double Blind, by Teiran? It’s a pretty keen thriller, those high-tech gizmos always fascinate me.

You might have heard the story as read by the wonderful Alex Vance, as well!

And don’t forget to read our next story by the inimitable Fuzzwolf: Thous Shalt Not Kill, already available on our blog.

Find the full article here: The Bad Dog Book Club » Podcast

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Alex Vance reads “Double Blind” by Teiran

Furry News Network - Thu 3 Mar 2011 - 16:31

Author: toonces

Everybody has a weakness for a good thriller. The characters can be so dynamic and lively because they need to be, to be able to kick down doors and go in guns blazing to get results- or whatever. Point is, heroes certainly aren’t slouches. And this week’s story, Double Blind by Teiran, which was originally published in Roar 2, has a squad of misfits who maneuver their ways through a technotopic world of corporate espionage and body modification. Each member of the group must adapt to the technological environment in their own way – even a ferret who, born with mystical abilities, must keep all the wires on the outside.

“The body was your connection to the magic,” the narrator explains of the ferret, whose natural abilities fill in the gaps where technology doesn’t solve the problem. It’s hard not to keep this message in mind when considering the team’s muscle, a horse who has gone through the assembly line more often than a Hollywood starlet under the knife, and works only to afford to continually upgrade his body. In a world where people are already showing off the Verizon logo in the lefthand corner of their shitty trendy phone, it’s easy to see a direct path between ourselves and a future not-so-alternate universe.

You may have already read the story when we posted it on the blog, alongside an ebook you can take with you. If you have, great! We’d love to get your comments on the story – you can post them here, or you can e-mail me at You can even tweet at us. And if you bring up some good points, we probably won’t be able to resist reading them at the next meeting.

But if you were waiting for the audiobook – to listen to it in the car, maybe, like your favorite driving cat – we have the wonderful Alex Vance reading for you below. This is the second time Alex Vance has contributed his talents to the book club – though generally he acts as a fixer, wooing every i with a dot, and intimidating the ts into crossing themselves.

Find the full article here: The Bad Dog Book Club » Podcast

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Unsheathed #74 - Kyell, K.M., and special guest Flain discuss predictions and make some revelations!

Unsheathed - Thu 3 Mar 2011 - 03:00
Kyell, K.M., and special guest Flain talk about furry worlds and making them real, and also sports. Flain makes a surprise announcement! And we reveal the authors of the Unsheathed Challenge, finally. Unsheathed #74 - Kyell, K.M., and special guest Flain discuss predictions and make some revelations!
Categories: Podcasts

The passing (chapter one)

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Mar 2011 - 23:27
Categories: News

Am I a furry?

Furry Reddit - Wed 2 Mar 2011 - 22:45

Honestly, all I do is browse the porn, then I'm done. Thats it. Conventions don't interest me, fursuits creep me out, and the fandom and their language makes me gag. Does this count or am I just a pervert?

And yes I know there isn't really just one way to describe furry, I just want to know what you guys think.

Edit: okay, say I decide to become a part of the fandom. Whats the best way to go about this?

submitted by maybefurry
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Categories: News

“Sanguine & Clockwork” by K. M. Hirosaki

Furry News Network - Wed 2 Mar 2011 - 21:00

Author: alexfvance

The reading that this podcast is a discussion of is located HERE

Thank you so much for stopping by! Not everyone’s arrived, yet- but I’ve still yet to get all the cheeses onto all the crackers, and- you brought a bottle of wine with you, right? Good- good. This is going to be fun, I think. I’ve always wanted to start a book club. I’m glad I finally found Skip and had someone organized enough to actually pull the thing off!

We wanted to start the show off on the right foot, so Skip and I dug into the Bad Dog Books archive and pulled out this entry from FANG 3 by K.M. Hirosaki, “Sanguine and Clockwork.” Written to fit the anthology’s theme of erotic fantasy, the story commits to a fantastic process of developing the relationship of two characters – Florian, a wizard, and Rentell, a Lord – to tell the story of a third character – Vico, an artificial fox crafted through sorcery and responding only and immediately to direct commands.

You can read the story right here on the Book Club website, where you’ll also find links to the story on FurAffinity and SoFurry so you can share your thoughts with the author directly.

For all the people who can’t read while driving like I can (though that might explain why I’m always driving over all those cliffs) we also have an audio book read by our very own Alex Vance.

Next episode, we’ll be discussing Double Blind by Teiran from ROAR Volume 2. You can read it here and leave comments – we might just discuss your thoughts or questions on air in our next meeting.

Thanks again for coming to this week’s book club!

Find the full article here: The Bad Dog Book Club » Podcast

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Fur Affinity currently under DDoS Attack

Furry News Network - Wed 2 Mar 2011 - 19:28

Fur Affinity has been under a Distributed Denial of Service Attack since about 8am Eastern time.  They have sent several notices out over twitter.  No group has announced a reason.

The site is currently up and accessible but may be slow because of the continued traffic generated by the attack.


You can check the timeline here!/furaffinity


What is a DDoS?

DEFINITION – A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is one in which a multitude of compromised systems attack a single target, thereby causing denial of service for users of the targeted system. The flood of incoming messages to the target system essentially forces it to shut down, thereby denying service to the system to legitimate users.

In a typical DDoS attack, a hacker (or, if you prefer, cracker) begins by exploiting a vulnerability in one computer system and making it the DDoS master. It is from the master system that the intruder identifies and communicates with other systems that can be compromised. The intruder loads cracking tools available on the Internet on multiple — sometimes thousands of — compromised systems. With a single command, the intruder instructs the controlled machines to launch one of many flood attacks against a specified target. The inundation of packets to the target causes a denial of service.

What can I do?

First, be understanding with the administrators.  It takes time, effort and skill to defend a site against a DDoS.  It makes the job that much harder when a site admin has to constantly respond to complaints from users about the speed of the site or the fact that some features may be down.

Second, make sure your PC, laptop or Android based smart phone has up to date Anti-virus and Anti-Malware software on it, and that your viris deffinitions are up to date, and your system scans are up to date.  If your system is infected, you may be part of the BotNet that is contributing to the DDoS.  And yes.  We did say Android Smart Phone – as recent as March 1, a new virus is spreading through Android phones through the “Steamy Windows” app.

Image credit: Cisco Systems




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