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Go Daddy CEO elephant hunting video sparks controversy

Furry News Network - Thu 31 Mar 2011 - 16:54

Author: Sonious

Time blogger Bryan Walsh gives his account and opinions on a recent video released by Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons. The video was taken from Zimbabwe, where Parsons had shot and killed an elephant while handing out GoDaddy swag to local residents.

While Bob Parsons defended his actions, stating that the elephant was a menace to the locals and ruined crops, animal rights groups have called the actions deplorable. PETA responded to the action by handing out their first ever “Scummiest CEO of the year” award, claiming that there are “many humane ways to keep elephants away from crops.”

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Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

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A Dude In A Fursuit. Dancing. For Charity.

Furry News Network - Thu 31 Mar 2011 - 14:00

Via Kotaku
By Brian Ashcraft

WolfPupTK, the dude in the suit, is on a mission to raise awareness for the American Red Cross.

And to do that he’s making videos, like this: Here he’s playing In the Groove on expert. In his fursuit.

“The American Red Cross is a wonderful organization that is constantly helping others and saving lives,” writes WolfPupTK. “They are currently making extensive efforts in Japan to aid victims of the tsunami disaster as well as helping victims of other disasters across the globe.”

More on WolfPupTK’s YouTube page, including links to his Red Cross fundraiser and a…puppy whine.

The desire to help others comes in all shapes and sizes. This time, it’s a dude in a fursuit.


source link!5787529/a-dude-in-a-fursuit-dancing-for-charity

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Skittles New “Touch The Rainbow” Commercial

Furry News Network - Thu 31 Mar 2011 - 13:42

From the Seattlest

Let’s break this down to its component parts: As a commercial, Skittles’ latest gambit is a success, in that people are talking about it (and by inference, their product) afterward. As a social experiment, it’s bold. Granted, commercials as social statements is something of a hobbyhorse of mine, but in this instance, what’s being said is remarkable.

The ad starts out cute and silly, as if it had simply been co-opted from Cute Overload, or LOLCats or similar pop culture ephemera, and then…Well, you’ll see…

Read the rest of the article at the Seattlest

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MLP Creator Stands Up for Adult MLP Fans

Furries In The Media - Thu 31 Mar 2011 - 09:18
From the DeviantArt account of the creator of the new (and excellent) show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

I think a new bar has been set in "made of win".
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MLP Creator Stands Up for Furries and Adult MLP Fans

Furries In The Media - Thu 31 Mar 2011 - 09:18
From the DeviantArt account of the creator of the new (and excellent) show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic:

I think a new bar has been set in "made of win".
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Furry iphone app?

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Mar 2011 - 07:22

Does anyone know how to make apps for iDevices? If so, there desperately needs to be a furry app made for us. Can us reddit furs get together somehow and create an awesome app?

submitted by Ragingsquism
[link] [28 comments]
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Guy in a fursuit dances for charity.

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Mar 2011 - 05:34
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ADORABLE Mormonism :3

Furry Reddit - Thu 31 Mar 2011 - 05:22
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Denver filmmakers seek funding for movie with furry subplot

Furry News Network - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 23:53

Author: Higgs Raccoon

Gaylord Street Films, a small film-production company in Denver, Colorado, is seeking funding for a new film-noir project.

And the script features furries.

The campaign has some enticing incentives for donors, from getting a “Special Thanks” in the credits (only a buck!) to appearing in a scene doing strange things in a giant animal suit (furries, this is your big shot, for only $300!)

See more about The Honey Cooler at Kickstarter

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Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

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PETA claims Bible “discriminatory towards animals”

Furry News Network - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 20:48

While the Bible may be one of the bestselling books of all time, it has its fair share of critics, from followers of other religions, to atheists stunned by the sheer brutality of the Old Testament, to those with little interest in endless lists of who begat who.

Now a fresh group is getting in on the Bible bashing, with the animal rights organisation People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals suggesting that Christianity’s holy text is “speciesist”.

Continue reading at New Humanist

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G4 Furry Weekend Atlanta

Furries In The Media - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 20:35
LAME Sound Effects, but, eh, I suppose an OK video

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G4 Furry Weekend Atlanta

Furries In The Media - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 20:35
LAME Sound Effects, but, eh, I suppose an OK video

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Video: Furry Weekend Atlanta with Sara Underwood

Furry News Network - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 20:03

Sara Underwood checks out Furry Weekend Atlanta, one of the single largest gatherings of furries in the country. She checks out the convention with over 1,800 visitors who enjoy their fur-filled fun with activities like a dance off competition and the furry Olympics!

Video GamesE3 2011AOTS Exclusive

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G4 Atack of the Show segment

Furries In The Media - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 18:28
It was quite god, actually. Yes there was some mention of fury fetesh/porn, but it was very fair and low key about it. Mostly they showed the fun of the fandom, and for that I am quite hapy with it.
Categories: News

G4 Atack of the Show segment

Furries In The Media - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 18:28
It was quite god, actually. Yes there was some mention of fury fetesh/porn, but it was very fair and low key about it. Mostly they showed the fun of the fandom, and for that I am quite hapy with it.
Categories: News

Super Apocalyptic Montage MFF Part 5 of 5

Furry News Network - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 16:31

By: CraftyAndy

RottenEggCreations-77579106Song: Your Brother by: RenardLapFoxTrax.comThe final MFF video of 2010. Enjoy…Right now I’m hoping to get the Movie Dungeon on track again with the Last Airbender review. I have my last painting and a few commissions to finish as well. Until then can’t wait until Furry Connection North.

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G4?s ‘Attack of the Show’ to show FWA footage at 7 PM ET

Furry News Network - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 14:46

Fursuiters are to feature on G4′s Attack of the Show at 7PM Eastern today, in a segment involving footage filmed a fortnight ago at Furry Weekend Atlanta 2011. [time tip: FNN]

FWA’s decision to allow filming was controversial, with several dealers complaining that they were not informed of their involvement or given the option to opt-out. Operations director Kiran Lightpaw defended the convention’s choice, saying that G4 was covering ‘the activities of fursuiters’, not making ‘a general “furry convention” piece’:

They shot hours of footage featuring nothing but fursuiters, primarily in a private shoot that took place on Saturday afternoon, and a total of about 30 minutes of footage elsewhere in the convention meant to be “B” roll footage, used in gaps or to set the mood.

Presenter Sara Underwood led the footage, and commissioned a piece from Artists’ Alley.

Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

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Strangeness from the World of Advertising

In-Fur-Nation - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 01:59

Recently DirecTV has been running a series of ads featuring a very, very rich gentleman from Russia, showing off his indulgences — including, of course, DirecTV. But the thing that has seemed to get the most attention in the ads is sort of in the background: A little, miniaturized giraffe the fellow has for a pet. Everyone seems to have noticed the little guy, and they’re talking about him on line. So much so that someone (presumably DirecTV) has given the “petite lap giraffe” his own web site!  “Welcome to world wide famous Sokoblovsky Farms. The best and only breeders of Petite Lap Giraffes” says the introduction. There are lots of funny pseudo-Russian-isms used, of course (“To be clicking here!”). In addition to historical backgrounds and information about purchasing your own lap giraffe, there is also a 24-hour “Giraffe-Cam” where you can watch the petite bull Vladamir in his enclosure. Yes really.


image c. 2011

Categories: News

Kegasus – full-on “Party Manimal”

Furry News Network - Wed 30 Mar 2011 - 01:52

A year after the Maryland Jockey Club encouraged Baltimore to get its “Preak” on with a feather-ruffling advertising campaign for last year’s Preakness party, event organizers are turning to a spokes-centaur named “Kegasus” to generate interest in the 2011 Preakness InfieldFest, which is May 21 at Pimlico Race Course.

The Maryland Jockey Club announced today in a press release the launch of this year’s InfieldFest campaign, “The Legend of Kegasus,” which centers on a mythical creature that is half-horse and half-man — and a full-on “party manimal,” according to the release. Kegasus will be the voice of the campaign in all advertisements for television, radio and on the Internet, including YouTube and Twitter (

Read the full article at the Baltimore Sun

Thanks to @Primarylupine for the tip!

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Season 5 - Show 45

TigerTails Radio - Tue 29 Mar 2011 - 07:22
Tangled, Tarzan and Jane, The Little Mermaid, Death Race, The Shining (book and TV miniseries), Being Human Season 3, Mass Effect 2, Big Bad Wolf, and Stubbs the Zombie all get the Done and Dusted treatment. The show over-runs with the Role Play talk, as much has happened in the land of Orthadoxy which brings the game to its conclusion for the final session for the time being.
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