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Video: Toronto Furmeet & Walk – April 2, 2011

Furry News Network - Thu 7 Apr 2011 - 13:26

Furry meet-up and walk from Union Station in Toronto through the Skydome(Rogers Ctr.) area and up Spadina to Kensington Market. A fun time was had by all!

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Two Dogs Dining

Furry Reddit - Thu 7 Apr 2011 - 02:45
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Thundercats Return with a Roar

In-Fur-Nation - Thu 7 Apr 2011 - 01:47

Looks like they’re getting serious about the return of Thundercats this time around… This footage was recently shown at Wondercon — to, reportedly, thunderous applause. It’s interesting to note that this new show from Cartoon Network looks much more anime in style than the old original series. It also spends a lot more time setting things up on the Thundercats’ home world. We’ll find out more when Thundercats comes to Cartoon Network this July.


image c. 2011 Cartoon Network

Categories: News

Live Animals Being Sold as Keyrings in China - Wed 6 Apr 2011 - 22:50
"Keyring ornaments are perhaps the most useless item you'll ever carry in your pocket or stuff in your purse -- but now, thanks to an increasingly popular item being sold in China, it can easily be the cruelest, too. For the price you might expect to pay for some kitschy trinket, Chinese street vendors are selling live animals, permanently sealed in a small plastic pouch where they can survive for a short while as someone's conversation piece. Apparently, these unimaginably inhumane keyrings are actually quite popular -- and worst of all, it's totally legal."

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Blank reference sheet

Furry Reddit - Wed 6 Apr 2011 - 22:05
Categories: News

Thousands audition to voice the Aflac Duck

Furry News Network - Wed 6 Apr 2011 - 18:00

By: Higgs Raccoon

Aflac Incorporated is a U.S. insurance provider. Since December 1999, the company’s commercials have featured the Aflac Duck, who “frustratedly quacks the company’s name to unsuspecting prospective policyholders”.

For eleven years the Duck was voiced by comedian Gilbert Gottfried, until Aflac fired him last month after he made jokes about the T?hoku earthquake and tsunami on his Twitter account. Since then, Aflac has sought a new voice for the Duck, and on Monday and Tuesday 650 people auditioned in Atlanta, Austin, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and New York. 11,200 additional video and audio auditions were accepted on, a website set up for the search.

Aflac executives hope to have chosen a winner in about a month’s time. The new voice will be paid in the low six figures.


Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

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Furcast 36 Parallel To Gravity

Furry News Network - Wed 6 Apr 2011 - 15:59

Author: (..::XANA::.. Creations)

Hello, and again, welcome to the ..::XANA::.. Creations computer aided enrichment center. We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault has been a pleasant one. Your specimen has processed, and we are now ready to begin the test proper. For your own safety and the safety of others, please refrain from…


  • G4 Video Footage of Furry Weekend in Atlanta

  • PETA claims Bible “discriminatory towards animals”

  • Eurofurence, ConFuzzled announce merger

  • Iowa Furry Association in planning for new Iowa Furry Convention

WikiFur article of the week:

  • “Fursuit”

Topics Discussed (copied directly from Google Moderator):

  • “Fursona names versus Human names… What is your opinion on them? which do u prefer? Do u get angry when someone calls you be your human name even though you dont like it?” (Brian)
  • “Do you think that life would be different if anthropomorphic animals lived with humans? Would they be accepted into human society?” (Wolfang Cerberus)
  • “If you could change your human name into your furry name legally/permanently, would you do it? Why or why not?” (Wolfang Cerberus)
  • “Do you think there could ever be a t.v. show just for furries and all about furries.” (Toxic Paw)
  • “Scaleys and avians ? we classify them as furry yet they have no fur? is it just because it deals with anthropomorphism or just because we tand to live the same lifestyles? if neither then… Y?” (seth-rah)
  • “We produce a prolific amount of illustration, as well as sculpture, textile art, fiction, music, and photography. But do the producers receive deserved fame? Does being a furry limit your potential in the field of professional art or literature?” (Bishop)

Emails (Sender – Subject):

  • Jio – “Species”
  • Yui – “Oh, so much to say.”
  • Greg_Cole – “PG furries”
  • CriptexMoon – “not really sure”
  • Anonymous- “Furry game :3″
  • +LeiFox+ – “Advice…”
  • Hyane – “Subjects Suck”
  • The dog…cat…thing! – “Relationship/Family Advice”
  • Bishop – “Deliverance”
  • Landon O. – “Alternate reality discussion”
  • Shadow – “A new fur’s question”
  • Draston – (no subject)
  • Jaggy – “Awesome Show”

Find the full article here: FurCast

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50 artists join forces for Japanese benefit auctions

Furry News Network - Tue 5 Apr 2011 - 23:54

Author: GreenReaper

Fifty artists have banded together, offering gifts in kind to organizations aiding victims of the T?hoku earthquake and tsunami. [tip: Banrai]

Their work is to benefit Direct Relief International, Doctors Without Borders and the Japanese Red Cross, and is being sold via group auctions organized by Quaylak and JakeJynx.

The first auction was launched last night and ends Monday. The second began a few hours ago. Three more are to be posted in subsequent days.

Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

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The Fandom’s “Kill Switch”

Furry News Network - Tue 5 Apr 2011 - 19:19

Editorial By: Rainstar

Internet Kill SwitchFor the furry fandom, the internet is our primary source of life. Without the internet, we would not be able to talk to each other (save phone calls and text messages), publish and look at artwork, or organize a convention. Many furs openly state that when their internet goes out, they are at a loss of what to do. However, the rise of internet has brought along a plethora of problems and difficulties; some of which include: viruses, identity theft, and loss of personal ambiguity. All of these cybercrimes have caught the attention of many different organizations who hope to try and protect innocent people from enduring the troubles that come with them. One particular agency has taken special notice of this area, the U.S. government.
With the internet becoming increasingly difficult to maintain and the U.S. power grid dangerously unprotected, drastic measures have been put in place to ensure the national security of the United States. Events such as the WikiLeaks scandal and rumors of terrorist sleeper programs on America’s infrastructure have sparked U.S. Congress to pass the “Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act” (PCNAA). The act gives the President authority to shut down any section of the nation’s internet and power that is believed to be under attack. Quite simply, the President has been given an internet “Kill Switch.” Should the United States come under a cyber attack from a particular country, the President may give orders to internet companies to shut down all incoming information from that country. Also, the bill gives the President that power to shut the internet down completely and not allow any incoming or outgoing information whatsoever.
The bill also established the NCCC (National Center for Cyber Security) which has been assigned the task of monitoring the internet. The NCCC also can force major corporations to share their internet dealings with the agency. The goals of this organization are to monitor the internet for any harmful occurrences and to help prevent illegal funds from being electronically transferred over-seas.
What does this mean for the fandom? It means that all American furs may drop off the face of the Earth for no apparent reason. If the President and the NCCC determine that the internet is unsafe and endangering the national security of the nation, the U.S. will no longer be able to access the internet. Should this occur, we American furs will be cut off from our primary source of life in the fandom.
As a precaution, to ensure that this does not happen, furries beware of what you are posting to the internet. Should your pictures of files have corrupted material on them, you could be endangering the fandom in the U.S. Hackers beware also. Your attempt at a quick “lulz” could potentially freeze this nation in its tracks if you aren’t careful.

A Huffington Post article on the subject can be found here:

Further Reading:

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Old but good X3

Furry Reddit - Tue 5 Apr 2011 - 13:32
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Season 5 - Show 46

TigerTails Radio - Tue 5 Apr 2011 - 05:41
The cast were missing an Eeve3, so the ghost hunting adverture will have to be told next show. TK and Xavier fill the show with plenty of awesome. Sherlock Holmes, the new ThunderCats trailer, Chime, Sonic F (Episode 5.5), The Dark Survivors, and Folklore all get the Done and Dusted thing. As for the Role Play, a Savage Coast and Savage Worlds hybrid gets a character creation session.
Categories: Podcasts

“On the Bright Beach” by Kandrel

Furry News Network - Tue 5 Apr 2011 - 04:50

Author: toonces

As we continue further through the various meta-layers of fantasy involved with idealized stories about fake things, usually acted out in mediums that alter reality in their own ways, we get to the Bright Beach. It’s easy to say that the Bright Beach represents something as basely sci-fi as Second Life. But the way the narrator separates the actions of the fantasy characters from the disembodied entities that control them gives the story that same strange sense of distance.

We hope you enjoy the discussion!

Find the full article here: The Bad Dog Book Club » Podcast

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Flashpoint Furries

In-Fur-Nation - Tue 5 Apr 2011 - 01:54

Yet another mega-series from another big-name comic book publisher. This time it’s DC Comics’ Flashpoint. Several of your favorite superheroes find themselves zapped (in a flash, of course!) to another universe where things have not worked out the same at all as in the “normal” DC universe. Leading the battle to get these stranded heroes home is that super speedster The Flash. Several continuing titles are taking on the Flashpoint story-line, and there are also several one-shot titles involved — some of them of note to furry fans. First off in Grodd of War, Gorilla Grodd seems to have made good on his ambition to take over the world… or at least a good portion of it, as he now rules Africa! Then, there’s the mysterious, very British, very insectoid adventures of The Canterbury Cricket (“His Power is his Curse!”). All of this starts going down this June — and all in full color, of course.


image c. 2011 DC Comics

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Furry, not an obscure little fandom any more

Furry News Network - Mon 4 Apr 2011 - 16:54

Furry convention attendance has risen exponentially for two decades. The average charitable donation is ~US$5/person. (Source: WikiFur)

Author: Lamar

Furries have long thought of our fandom as a little niche thing, the fandom that only a tiny number of people are into. The weird fandom, the one that gets picked on and sidelined. We’re small, weak, and need to hide…

Well, I’ve got news for you. We’re not. We’re amongst the biggest fandoms in the world.

Worldcon, the World Science Fiction convention, considered the focus point of science fiction conventions peaked at 8,365 attendees in 1984. But it started off as a convention that only attracted people in the hundreds. It wasn’t till its 34th con in 1976 that it passed 4000 attendees. Currently attendance is between 4000 and 6000, depending on location and the state of the economy.

Anthrocon passed 4000 attendees last year, its 14th convention. A growth rate almost twice that of Worldcon! With Further Confusion and Midwest FurFest following that growth, constantly increasing their membership despite a slow economy.


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Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free licence.

Chart provided by Flayrah

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Live Animals being sold as Keyrings

Furry News Network - Mon 4 Apr 2011 - 16:37

Tutle keychain

by Stephen Messenger, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Via TreeHugger
Keyring ornaments are perhaps the most useless item you’ll ever carry in your pocket or stuff in your purse — but now, thanks to an increasingly popular item being sold in China, it can easily be the cruelest, too. For the price you might expect to pay for some kitschy trinket, Chinese street vendors are selling live animals, permanently sealed in a small plastic pouch where they can survive for a short while as someone’s conversation piece. Apparently, these unimaginably inhumane keyrings are actually quite popular — and worst of all, it’s totally legal.

According to The Global Times, these keyring accessories containing live animals are widely available and sold publicly in subway stations and on sidewalks. Potential buyers (read as animal-abusers) have the choice between a living Brazil turtle or two small kingfish, sealed in an airtight package along with some colored water. One vendor claimed that the trapped creatures “can live for months inside there” because the water contains “nutrients,” though veterinarians have already disputed this claim.

Read more at TreeHugger

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ThunderCats 2011 Trailer [HD]

Furry News Network - Mon 4 Apr 2011 - 13:47

Author: AshMCairo
“ThunderCats Trailer from Wondercon 2011 Panel”

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Sacred Hoan Kiem turtle captured for medical treatment

Furry News Network - Mon 4 Apr 2011 - 12:53

Author: Rakuen Growlithe

Kim Qui and the Restored Sword, by Renaud d'Avout d'AuerstaedtMany concerned Vietnamese are focussed on the lake in the capital city, Hanoi, where veterinarians are deciding how to treat the sacred Hoan Kiem turtle.

Concern arose after the sacred Hoan Kiem turtle was seen with open wounds in its flesh. Efforts to treat the turtle began, organised by 10 government agencies and requiring the expansion of the lake’s island.

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Find the full article here: flayrah – furry food for thought

Creative Commons: Full post may be available under a free license.

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UK to Ban Animal Circuses After Cruelty Exposed

Furry News Network - Mon 4 Apr 2011 - 12:47

Author: AshMCairo

“The truth, it seems, has the power to set the most inhumanely treated animals free from their abusers. Last week, troubling undercover footage of a circus elephant named Anne being bound and brutally beaten by her keepers sent shock waves through the UK, where such animals are paraded before an audience as ‘entertainment’. In response to the public outcry, the UK Environment Secretary, Caroline Spelman, has announced plans to ban the use of wild animals in circuses — returning some semblance of dignity to a host of exotic animals that currently share a billing with acrobats and clowns.”

Via TreeHugger

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