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African Cats – Movie Review - Sat 23 Apr 2011 - 04:01
"The sight of magnificent beasts roaming the savannahs of Kenya stirs the blood, and speaking of blood, plenty is shed in this eye popping documentary. It is the latest in a string of recent animals-in-nature films, each of which is unique and gripping in its own way."
Categories: News

Bucktown Gets Attacked - Sat 23 Apr 2011 - 03:59
"So, a few weeks ago, I was attacked in a hotel lobby... and I've been trying to figure out who my attackers are ever since. Well, today I finally got my paws on the security footage from the hotel... but I can't figure out who I need to press charges against... so if you all could help me figure out who my attackers are, that would be much appreciated."
Categories: News

Pokemon vs. Digimon - Sat 23 Apr 2011 - 03:56
"I've seen so many people compare the two that I thought I'd just make a comic about it.
Also, this is a joke.
Sort of.
But while both are clearly fantastical creatures that coudn't exist in real life, from what I know of the two, it seems like pokemon at least has some sort of pseudo-science or logic regarding the designs, anatomy, and functions of various aspects of the creatures of the pokemon universe while digimon seems to enjoy packing on as much armor and spiked metal as humanly fucking possible. Not saying one is inferior or superior, but that's what it looks like lol. Then again, I haven't followed digimon in like a decade or something."
Categories: News

Spring Cleaning = Donations - Sat 23 Apr 2011 - 03:55
"Hey furs! We are right in that time of year when a lot of people start looking at cleaning out their homes and maybe getting rid of some things. If you are thinking of cleaning out some of your belongings, before you give everything to a resale shop look through your stuff and see if anything might be great for the Tiger Haven charity auction.

Maybe you have an awesome collection of wolf plushes that you just don't appreciate as much anymore. Or something geeky, like a cool old computer game, that you no longer use.

Maybe you love all your belongings but happen to enjoy frequenting yard sales. Keep an eye out for something great to get just for the auction.

If none of these appeal to you then you still can help, we need buyers at the auction. Are you getting your tax return soon? Don't blow it all right away, save some to spend at MFM in the Tiger Haven charity auction.

The kitties will thank you!

Also, if you are unable to get an item for donation to the auction at MFM you are welcome to send it to me to get it there for you.

I am unfortunately having to move in just over a week so if you shipped something to me previously, that old address is no longer valid. Please contact me for the new address, by emailing; princess.ambi at gmail . com I will need to know how you will be sending the donation because my address will now be a bit odd and mail has to go to one location while packages have to go to another.

Every bit of help that you can give goes to keeping these wonderful kitties in a safe and loving home at Tiger Haven Sanctuary!"
Categories: News

Battle of the Superhero Sidekicks

In-Fur-Nation - Sat 23 Apr 2011 - 01:32

Four would-be super-pets battle for supremacy in Sidekicks, a new full-color graphic novel written and illustrated by Southern California artist Dan Santat. From “Captain Amazing, superhero and savior of Metro City, is getting old. He’s out all hours battling arch-villains, catching thieves, and helping little old ladies cross the street. He doesn’t even have time for his house full of pets. He needs – a sidekick! Captain Amazing’s four pets agree. But each one of them thinks he should get the sidekick spot – and a chance for one-on-one time with the Captain. Get ready for sibling rivalry royale as pets with superpowers duke it out for the one thing they all want: A super family.” Sidekicks is coming your way in early July, from Graphix and Arthur A. Levine Books.


image c. 2011 Dan Santat

Categories: News

DeathSpank Dev’s New Game Mashes Up Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies

Furry News Network - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:47

Author: AshMCairo

“Indie developer Hothead Games surprised people with the simultaneous announcement and release of its newest game today, Bunny the Zombie Slayer for iOS.
Appropriately enough for Easter, you play as a bunny who shoots eggs at attacking zombies. The debut trailer makes it look like a combination of Plants vs. Zombies (in that there are zombies shambling across someone’s yard from right to left) and Angry Birds (you fling eggs, slingshot-style, to take out your enemies).

The developer offered up the following description: “You control a heroic bunny, who must protect children searching for his eggs from waves of Zombie Hordes. These once-deceased characters (nurses, businessmen, cheerleaders and more) will stop at nothing to take what is most precious from these young ovo-searchers. Using the Bunny?s weapon of choice, brightly colored eggs, you can unleash a yolky fury to dismember and decapitate the undead. Aim for the head!”"

Vote for the article here: / Published News

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Categories: News

DeathSpank Dev's New Game Mashes Up Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:33
"Indie developer Hothead Games surprised people with the simultaneous announcement and release of its newest game today, Bunny the Zombie Slayer for iOS. Appropriately enough for Easter, you play as a bunny who shoots eggs at attacking zombies. The debut trailer makes it look like a combination of Plants vs. Zombies (in that there are zombies shambling across someone's yard from right to left) and Angry Birds (you fling eggs, slingshot-style, to take out your enemies). The developer offered up the following description: "You control a heroic bunny, who must protect children searching f

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Categories: News

NON-STOP NYAN CAT! - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:13

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Categories: News

Elementary Mascot FAIL - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:07
DeNzM__mQrc "Student teacher gets asked to be mascot at school spirit assembly. Student teacher willingly accepts. Student teacher runs through banner and wipes out on first three rows of kindergartners sitting directly in front of banner. The Leary Lion just got a whole lot scarier."

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Categories: News

i am good dog... OHH SHI! - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:07
This is a disturbing comic leading into a disturbing scene from the Watchmen comics.

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Categories: News

Furry Collection Agency Califur Trailer - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:06
8QERStE5k2U "I love that at the end, they beat the crap out of a fur and stuff him into a trunk...and then a police cruiser? drives by. Epic."

1 Vote(s)
Categories: News

African Cats a4 Movie Review - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:06
"The sight of magnificent beasts roaming the savannahs of Kenya stirs the blood, and speaking of blood, plenty is shed in this eye popping documentary. It is the latest in a string of recent animals-in-nature films, each of which is unique and gripping in its own way."

1 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Bucktown Gets Attacked - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:06
mL2E3dbB6TA "So, a few weeks ago, I was attacked in a hotel lobby... and I've been trying to figure out who my attackers are ever since. Well, today I finally got my paws on the security footage from the hotel... but I can't figure out who I need to press charges against... so if you all could help me figure out who my attackers are, that would be much appreciated."

1 Vote(s)
Categories: News

Pokemon vs. Digimon - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:05
"I've seen so many people compare the two that I thought I'd just make a comic about it. Also, this is a joke. Sort of. But while both are clearly fantastical creatures that coudn't exist in real life, from what I know of the two, it seems like pokemon at least has some sort of pseudo-science or logic regarding the designs, anatomy, and functions of various aspects of the creatures of the pokemon universe while digimon seems to enjoy packing on as much armor and spiked metal as humanly fucking possible. Not saying one is inferior or superior, but that's what it looks like lol. Then a

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Categories: News

Spring Cleaning = Donations - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:05
"Hey furs! We are right in that time of year when a lot of people start looking at cleaning out their homes and maybe getting rid of some things. If you are thinking of cleaning out some of your belongings, before you give everything to a resale shop look through your stuff and see if anything might be great for the Tiger Haven charity auction. Maybe you have an awesome collection of wolf plushes that you just don't appreciate as much anymore. Or something geeky, like a cool old computer game, that you no longer use. Maybe you love all your belongings but happen to enjoy frequenting y

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Categories: News

Inglourious Ponies - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 23:05
"Twilight = Lt. Aldo Raine Spike = Sgt. Donny Dinowitz Rarity = Bridget von Hammersmark Rainbow Dash = Pfc. Omar Ulmer Photo Finish = Fashion Hitler Diamond Dogs = Nazis Apple Bloom = General Ed Fenech" 1bxAyP6uJ4k

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Categories: News

WhoFurs: Episode 10

Furry News Network - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 19:42

Here is our first ever live show from Further Confusion 2011. We had quite a crowd show up and some special guests crashed the show, sssh spoilers…

Teal, Fuzz and Rikoshi discuss the Christmas Special, touch on 11′s appearance in the Sarah Jane Adventures and do a little deconstructing of the season 6 trailer.

Please send any feedback to

Produced by

Editors Note: Doctor Who Series Six staring Matt Smith as the Doctor will premiere in both the UK and the US, Saturday, April 23, 2011! In the US, tune in to BBC America at 9:00pm Eastern for the US premier.

For UK Fans, CBBC will run a 15 minute tribute to Elisibeth Sladen, who passed away on April 19, directly after the UK premiere of Doctor Who.

The episode title is “The Impossible Astronaut” and is part 1 of a 2 part story.

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Categories: News

Furry Collection Agency Califur Trailer

Furry News Network - Fri 22 Apr 2011 - 15:46

We knew something was fishy when Bucktown Tiger posted a video claiming he was assaulted by a couple of “unknown” furs while at Furry Fiesta. Seems the details of the assault never made it to twitter that weekend, which, even at a convention, would be extremely unusual for Bucktown.

The footage was obviously staged… Vote for it at FAILBLOG!!

And today, we find this… Enjoy!

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Categories: News

Unsheathed Episode #77

Furry News Network - Thu 21 Apr 2011 - 20:25

Author: Kyell Gold

Find the full article here: Unsheathed: K.M. Hirosaki and Kyell Gold

The contents of this Podcast may have adult language and adult themes. The content is not produced by Furry News Network, but is posted for your convenience.

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Categories: News