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European Cartoon Pilots

In-Fur-Nation - Sun 1 May 2011 - 01:59

On April 27th, Cartoon Network Development Studio Europe (in London, UK) released six animated pilots for possible new cartoon series. The pilots were actually started back in 2009, under the creative direction 0f Timothy Bjorklund (who had previously directed American shows like Teacher’s Pet and Brandy & Mr. Whiskers). The first original cartoon to come out of the studio since is called The Amazing World of Gumball. Cartoon Brew has a preview of all six pilots up on line, though the reviewer had decidedly mixed feelings about them. Still, furry fans might want to check out things like Elliot’s Zoo by David Needham, The Furry Pals by Rikke Asbjorn, and Verne on Vacation by Sylvain Marc. Make your own decisions.

Categories: News

Counterpoint: The Death of ED, Why This is Good

Furry News Network - Sun 1 May 2011 - 00:48

By: The Iron Weasel

ED_logo_370x278This is my counter argument to Curt Pherson’s article on the destruction of ED. I will attempt to counter each point he makes and make several of my own.

As you know the infamous website Encyclopedia Dramatica closed. Now, whether or not it was created in good faith or not is another matter that I will not address here. I am simply here to talk about what it became. And quite frankly by the end, furry article or not, it was a bastion for hate. Many of the various pages on the site contained hateful images and vocabulary. Just because it was an open site in which users could post information on Internet culture didn’t mean they did it correctly. They simply let whatever the first person who made a page say whatever they wanted no matter how hateful.

Now as for the “accountability” it provided. Simply put all it did was single out several furries, and delved WAY too deep into there personal information. And then simply said we were all the same creepy pervert living in our basement watching yiff all day. Just because something doesn’t pick a side doesn’t mean it is right, ED was notorious for being factually inaccurate, and never using any evidence to back it up. As much as I support open communication and repositories of culture, it needs to be done in a way that presents factual evidence instead of spreading biases and inciting people. know your meme is a great example in which it doesn’t take sides or attack anyone and provides factual evidence and information.

In terms of teaching people lessons, like I said above, what ED did was attack specific people, most of the time making things up, and then saying whatever they wanted to say about that one person, they simply applied it to all of us.

Finally, saying ED wasn’t fake is a huge stretch. By definition it was a loosely monitored wiki in which anyone could say what they wanted. All it was doing was encouraging people to spread their hate, should we really be doing that?

Now for my points. Yesterday I changed the OhInternet, the replacement ED, article on furries to this:

A furry is a fan of anthropomorphic animals. Anthropomorphic means exhibiting human characteristics. The furry fandom extends to many areas, including art, prose, and the Internet. Some furries also wear fursuits, and studies show about 2% have sex in their fursuits. One main reasons this is not practiced very much is because of the heat of a fursuit. Furdom is sometimes used as a collective noun, e.g.: “All of furdom loves Uncle Kage.”

No matter how one looks at them, to say that they aren’t bizarre is quite a stretch. It is not uncommon for non-furry viewers to accidentally stumble upon pornographic furry art, and be disturbed.

Now as some of you readers may see, this article has been “corrected.” How did I do this? I have replaced the blatant biases with facts. I am a furry. But I will not deny that there are negative aspects to the fandom. There are bestialists in the fandom, but that does not make all of us the same. Nor are we bound together by some perverted urge. We are a group of people who connect because of our common interests. Calling us all perverts is no different then using any other stereotypes used on races, genders, religions, sexual orientation or anything else. It is a part of our identity. A part of who we are. Now I would bet good money that this post will only stay up for a few seconds, why? Because the people who run this site are afraid of facts, they spread bias, without giving too many substantial facts. Did you know that Anthrocon alone brings in about 1 million dollars every year to the Pittsburgh economy? Or that our fandom is a high contributor to many animal charities? So I dare you, take me down. Ban my account here, I want you to. Because every time you brush us off we only become stronger the next time. As a great man once said, “First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win.” So, ignore me, and ridicule me, a at that point I’m already halfway there.

Five minutes later I was banned and the article was changed back. I messaged the admin who banned me, Killhamster, thanking him for doing what I asked, his reply?
Lol you are a furry.

Yes, I am and very, very proud of it.

[Editors note: In verifying this, we checked the edit history of the article. Hipcrime (article creator) and Sherrod (Site owner) have kept the article very neutral in its views.  It appears that not all of OhInternet's editors are in agreement on the neutral tone that the articles need to maintain OhInternet as a real resource vs what Encyclopedia Dramatica became.]

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Categories: News

Save the Seabirds, Kill the Rabbits

Furry News Network - Sun 1 May 2011 - 00:39

Via Discovery News

A team of specialists has arrived at subantarctic Macquarie Island, roughly halfway between Australia and Antarctica, to begin a vital operation: killing every mouse, rat, and rabbit on the island.

Islands and non-native rodents are not a good mix. One Alaska isle is even called Rat Island because of the prevalence of Rattus norvegicus on its rocky slopes – and, as a consequence, the near-absence of seabirds, whose eggs and chicks the rats eat. At the other end of the Earth, on Gough Island in the South Atlantic, albatross chicks are literally being eaten alive by house mice.

The concerns are similar on Macquarie, a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is home to albatrosses, penguins and petrels; but here an additional problem is caused by rabbits, which penguin-hunters in the 1870s introduced to the island as an alternate food source, and which have exploded in numbers over the last 15 years, eating native grasses, destroying vegetation, damaging nesting areas, and causing soil erosion.

BLOG: Angkor: How can a UNESCO site keep tourist temple raiders in check?

Last year’s attempt at eradication was aborted due to bad weather; however, the limited effort still succeeded to keep rabbits away from some areas, and allow native vegetation to grow back.

Find the full article here: | Published News

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Categories: News

FC-39 Don’t Stop - Don't stop. Even if you laugh...

FurCast - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 22:59

Don’t stop. Even if you laugh…

Download MP3

News: WikiFur article of the week:
  • “Furgonomics”
Topics Discussed (copied directly from Google Moderator):
  • “How do you think that Furry and being furry affects one’s creativity in writing, music, art, etc.? How has it affected you all individually?” (Inkfox)
  • “Finding furry. What’s the most common way? What about the fandom is the first attractive thing that makes people look into it more and do research so they can discover it?”(Paradox)
  • “Why are people still trying to obfuscate the truth of furry porn? Everyone knows you click the red banner pics on FA, role playing for us is nearly all sexual, and our culture will always be associated with free love/ open relationships and sex. (Rayes)
  • “If you’d never discovered the culture that is the furry fandom, do you believe that you would still act in a furry/animalistic way even though there was no-one to compare with? What other culture/belief would you turn to to express yourself instead?” (Jak Shim)
Emails (Sender – Subject):
  • Spaddez – “Lucid Dreams”
  • Cobalt Sieg – “Greetings!”
  • Annu/Erin – “Heeeelp”
  • Rain Huskers – “Changes AND Questions I NEED answered”
  • Toxic Paw – “Fursuit”
  • Anonymous – “Help for a confused leopard”
  • Landon Ookami – Fayl-roe and Slow Shifts
  • Isaiah – “Phantom Shift Help”
  • Reign – “Rawr”
  • H.Ramea – “It’s not a follow up… Yet.”
FC-39 Don’t Stop - Don't stop. Even if you laugh...
Categories: Podcasts

FC-39 Don’t Stop - Don't stop. Even if you laugh...

FurCast - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 22:59

Don’t stop. Even if you laugh…

Download MP3

News: WikiFur article of the week:
  • “Furgonomics”
Topics Discussed (copied directly from Google Moderator):
  • “How do you think that Furry and being furry affects one’s creativity in writing, music, art, etc.? How has it affected you all individually?” (Inkfox)
  • “Finding furry. What’s the most common way? What about the fandom is the first attractive thing that makes people look into it more and do research so they can discover it?”(Paradox)
  • “Why are people still trying to obfuscate the truth of furry porn? Everyone knows you click the red banner pics on FA, role playing for us is nearly all sexual, and our culture will always be associated with free love/ open relationships and sex. (Rayes)
  • “If you’d never discovered the culture that is the furry fandom, do you believe that you would still act in a furry/animalistic way even though there was no-one to compare with? What other culture/belief would you turn to to express yourself instead?” (Jak Shim)
Emails (Sender – Subject):
  • Spaddez – “Lucid Dreams”
  • Cobalt Sieg – “Greetings!”
  • Annu/Erin – “Heeeelp”
  • Rain Huskers – “Changes AND Questions I NEED answered”
  • Toxic Paw – “Fursuit”
  • Anonymous – “Help for a confused leopard”
  • Landon Ookami – Fayl-roe and Slow Shifts
  • Isaiah – “Phantom Shift Help”
  • Reign – “Rawr”
  • H.Ramea – “It’s not a follow up… Yet.”
FC-39 Don’t Stop - Don't stop. Even if you laugh...
Categories: Podcasts

FC-39 Don’t Stop - Don't stop. Even if you laugh...

FurCast - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 22:59

Don’t stop. Even if you laugh…

.postlink:link { color: #ff9900; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; } .postlink:visited { color: #BB5500; } .postlink:hover { color: #ffBB00; } .postlink:active { color: #ffffff; }

Download MP3 (Right-click, Save)


  • Furries An Inside Story on Youtube

  • 23,000 Bunnies Dead in Easter Sunday Massacre

  • Alexis Dunbar, Florida Woman, Finds 7-Foot Alligator In Her Bathroom

  • Encyclopedia Dramatica Is Gone — Why This Isn’t Good

WikiFur article of the week:

  • “Furgonomics”


Topics Discussed (copied directly from Google Moderator):

  • “How do you think that Furry and being furry affects one’s creativity in writing, music, art, etc.? How has it affected you all individually?” (Inkfox)
  • “Finding furry. What’s the most common way? What about the fandom is the first attractive thing that makes people look into it more and do research so they can discover it?”(Paradox)
  • “Why are people still trying to obfuscate the truth of furry porn? Everyone knows you click the red banner pics on FA, role playing for us is nearly all sexual, and our culture will always be associated with free love/ open relationships and sex. (Rayes)
  • “If you’d never discovered the culture that is the furry fandom, do you believe that you would still act in a furry/animalistic way even though there was no-one to compare with? What other culture/belief would you turn to to express yourself instead?” (Jak Shim)


Emails (Sender – Subject):

  • Spaddez – “Lucid Dreams”
  • Cobalt Sieg – “Greetings!”
  • Annu/Erin – “Heeeelp”
  • Rain Huskers – “Changes AND Questions I NEED answered”
  • Toxic Paw – “Fursuit”
  • Anonymous – “Help for a confused leopard”
  • Landon Ookami – Fayl-roe and Slow Shifts
  • Isaiah – “Phantom Shift Help”
  • Reign – “Rawr”
  • H.Ramea – “It’s not a follow up… Yet.”

FC-39 Don’t Stop - Don't stop. Even if you laugh...
Categories: Podcasts

I am a dragon

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 22:07
Categories: News

New “Furry Pals” Short

Furry News Network - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 17:53

A reckless gang of animal friends find themselves in a lot of trouble, riding across the desert chased by a gang of giant chickens.

This animated short film came out of the Cartoon Network Development Studio Europe, based in London and they would love to get your feedback on this never-before-seen short. Do you think it has the potential to become a series on Cartoon Network? Be sure to comment on their YouTube page.

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Categories: News

Ask /r/Furry: Is feral becoming increasingly more popular?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 16:45
  • Do you think or percieve that feral art is becoming more popular?

  • What do you think about feral art and what are your opinions on it?

  • do you have any problems or complaints or fears against or about Feral furries/art?

submitted by DanielTaylor
[link] [14 comments]
Categories: News

Cow Caper Nets 26 Gallons of Milk - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 15:26
Perhaps he was thirsty, or it was because he never got enough calcium as a child, or maybe he had a thing for dressing like a farm animal.

Whatever the reason Stafford sheriff’s authorities say a man donned a cow costume and not walked, but crawled into a Walmart store on Garrisonville Road (Va. 610) in North Stafford at 10:35 p.m. Tuesday.

Authorities say he found a shopping cart and then pushed it to the milk isle.

Now on two feet, security guards inside the store say the upright cow was caught on video tape placing 26 gallons of milk –– about $92 worth of the moo-cow juice –– into a the shopping cart, and then rolled it out of the store.

A manager called 911 to report the larceny that was caught on video tape.

At one point someone reported a man in a cow suit was trying to give away the milk to customers, said Stafford sheriff’s spokesman Bill Kennedy.
Categories: News

Yoda + Ewok = ? - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 15:25
This totally makes sense.
Categories: News

Pollock by pulsar - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 15:24
Imagine, if you will, a world—a world where the term "hyper artist" refers not to the subject matter of their oeuvre, but to the morphology of the artist themselves.

I suspect the art world would have been a very different place.

My advanced apologies to those who are familiar with the original Namuth photograph, and subsequently find they are unable to fap to this. I suppose that makes this image some bizarre variant on Rule 34.

In other news, I do believe I am now officially on the highway to Hell.
Categories: News

FuzzyLogic: Episode 4 – Cheap Robot Gypsy Werewolves from Wal-Mart

Furry News Network - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 11:38

Author: Istanbul

This episode is all about cheap robots, and gypsy werewolves, and Wal-Mart! Except that it’s not about any of those things. Instead, this one is composed of follow-up e-mails!

We’re back from our two-week hiatus (due to a botched recording, then the moving of Fuzzy Logic HQ), and we’ll discuss creepy furs, awkwardness stemming from different social groups, manipulative creeps, and a mother who has officially Gone Too Far!

Don’t forget, e-mails go to – we’re here to help you with any issues you may be having, offer advice, or generally discuss things between purple, squeaks, and fluffy!

Episode 4 – Cheap Robot Gypsy Werewolves from Wal-Mart

Find the full article here: Fuzzy Logic Pod Cast

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Categories: News

Calling animals 'pets' is insulting, academics claim - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 04:05
Domestic dogs, cats, hamsters or budgerigars should be rebranded as “companion animals” while owners should be known as “human carers”, they insist.
Even terms such as wildlife are dismissed as insulting to the animals concerned – who should instead be known as “free-living”, the academics including an Oxford professor suggest.
The call comes from the editors of then Journal of Animal Ethics, a new academic publication devoted to the issue.
It is edited by the Revd Professor Andrew Linzey, a theologian and director of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, who once received an honorary degree from the Archbishop of Canterbury for his work promoting the rights of “God’s sentient creatures”.
In its first editorial, the journal – jointly published by Prof Linzey’s centre and the University of Illinois in the US – condemns the use of terms such as ”critters” and “beasts”.
Categories: News

Episode 4 – Cheap Robot Gypsy Werewolves from Wal-Mart - This episode is all about cheap robots, and gypsy werewolves, and Wal-Mart! Except that it’s not about any of those things. Instead, this one is composed of follow-up e-mails! We’re back from our tw

Fuzzy Logic - Sat 30 Apr 2011 - 00:19

This episode is all about cheap robots, and gypsy werewolves, and Wal-Mart! Except that it’s not about any of those things. Instead, this one is composed of follow-up e-mails!

We’re back from our two-week hiatus (due to a botched recording, then the moving of Fuzzy Logic HQ), and we’ll discuss creepy furs, awkwardness stemming from different social groups, manipulative creeps, and a mother who has officially Gone Too Far!

Don’t forget, e-mails go to – we’re here to help you with any issues you may be having, offer advice, or generally discuss things between purple, squeaks, and fluffy!

Episode 4 – Cheap Robot Gypsy Werewolves from Wal-Mart

Episode 4 – Cheap Robot Gypsy Werewolves from Wal-Mart - This episode is all about cheap robots, and gypsy werewolves, and Wal-Mart! Except that it’s not about any of those things. Instead, this one is composed of follow-up e-mails! We’re back from our two-week hiatus ([...]
Categories: Podcasts

Antheria Announces 2011 Registration Open

Furry News Network - Fri 29 Apr 2011 - 22:28

With a move to a new hotel and a fresh web design, Antheria announces they are open for registration.  The convention will be September 30 – October 2, 2011 in Redondo Beach, California.  The convention is moving to the Crowne Plazza Redondo Beach.


Antheria is chaired by 2 Gryphon and Jibba Foxcoon.  Their announced Guest of Honor is comic artist Mike Kazaleh.

2 Gryphon Jibba Foxcoon Guest of Honor Mike Kazaleh

The event will feature events and panels and dances at the hotel, as well as events on the boardwalk.  They are offering one non-attending membership and 3 levels of attending membership.  ”Citizen” registration is $35 till June 1 and $40 there after.  ”Scribe” membership offers a special dinner included in the package and is $60 till June 1 and $65 there after.  Their top membership package is their “Pharaoh” package includes all the perks in the “Scribe” package as well as a special yacht trip and onboard meal for the Pharaoh members.  Pharaoh membership is $100.

Membership for minors and single day memberships are available.

For complete information, be sure to check out their web site and follow them on twitter!

Antheria on the Web

@Antheria on Twitter


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